That night, Guo Nuan and the others were enthusiastically discussing the feasibility of how to use traps to lure and kill pirates.

After a sleepless night of exciting discussions, everyone discussed the details of the plan more and more perfect, and everyone was as excited as if they had been beaten with chicken blood. The "trap plan" officially started.

First of all, Guo Nuan asked to quietly set up a large number of traps in a jungle not far from the coast where the ship stopped, and then sent two agile companions to the beach to attract the attention of the pirates on the ship.

"In short, the people sent out should be bold and run fast, and try to provoke and anger them as close as possible to the enemy ships, try to attract as many enemies as possible to chase them down, and then lead them to the jungle trap."

Guo Nuan's eyes shone brightly. He looked around for a while, and then he firmly clenched his fists towards the crowd: "This link is very important and must be completed." The crowd around the campfire nodded their heads quietly. .

"The second step is to take advantage of most of the enemies leaving the ship, and then send people with martial arts skills on board to find Ah Fu and rescue him."

The plan was simple, but it was worth doing. The steady Abbas and Guo Nuan looked at each other with a smile, clapped hands and agreed, the dawn was approaching, the sky was dark, and the three-day trap setting operation began.

Although there was a lack of tools in the jungle, everyone worked hard, divided labor and cooperated with each other, and overcame many difficulties.

At this time, only by making a large trap can the enemy be effectively killed. The ten people only have four daggers and a small file.Fortunately, Guo Nuan has an indestructible golden short-bladed dagger in his hand. Even a tree trunk hugged by one person can be cut off, but it will take time.

Well, the trap requires a lot of materials.Guo Nuan, Abbas and Fatty were the engineers of the trap plan. They discussed for a while and drew various trap patterns on the mud from time to time.

Fatty is indeed an old hunter in the deep forest of Guanzhong, and he knows a lot about trap making. He serves as a trap design consultant, and Abbas, a field botanist, is a plant material knowledge consultant. Guo Nuan is a tactical layout engineer.As the saying goes, three cobblers are as good as Zhuge Liang, and the "trap plan" is proceeding in an orderly manner.

In the past three days, the three guys were on the muddy ground under the shade of the trees. Everyone saw the three of them giggling, probably working on insidious trap designs, and the remaining seven were collecting all kinds of traps according to their requirements. materials and excavation of trenches, etc.

Everyone used the collected flexible rattan to weave slipknot nooses, and there were about [-] of them. Then, according to the terrain of the jungle, the elastic branches with thick wrists could be designed as hangers. There are all kinds of spider web-like trigger wires, as long as someone touches the thin wire, they will be caught around the ankles, and the whole person will be suspended in the air and hang upside down.

Fatty also has a more unique trick. He uses a noose slipknot that falls from the sky. After entering the trap area, people will be tied to the throat by the noose on the tree and hanged alive. This is what he used to deal with wild boars.

Another thing is to install a huge collision stump between two lush trees. The height difference between the two trees can generate pendulum inertia, and the stump whizzes past in a falling arc. You will be faced with a tree stump that suddenly jumps from the shade of leaves, and then hits hard.

"Quack, there probably aren't any dwarves shorter than 1.5 meters in this gang of pirates. If you accidentally step into the trap of colliding with tree trunks, hey, you'll be lucky..." Guo Nuan smiled cheaply, and the design proposed by the fat man Very satisfied.

There is a green moso bamboo forest in the west, which is a good natural material.Dozens of triangular spikes were cut out with a dagger, each of them looked like a terrifying fang, extremely sharp, if Abbas shuddered if it pierced into a person, it would definitely pierce the intestines.

In the narrow bush forest at the valley pass, a plot with a radius of 300 meters was drawn out. With earthen shovels made of shaved bamboo tubes, a dozen pits with a depth of more than one meter were dug, and the sharp diamond-shaped bamboos were inserted vertically Then cover the hole with banana leaves, and cover it with soil to restore the appearance similar to the surrounding terrain vegetation.

There are a lot of granite rocks weighing more than 100 kilograms near the river beach, and everyone used prying to move the five big guys into the jungle.Guo Nuan prepared another large-scale rockfall formation. After the five stones were hidden in the dense leaves on the tree, Guo Nuan sharpened the forked stick and found a slender vine as a trigger trip wire to lie on it. in the grass.

The fat man took off his yellow vest, tied thatch and tree trunks into a scarecrow like a scarecrow, put the yellow vest on the straw man, and asked a sailor for a white turban to wrap the straw man's head.

"Enn, leave a back for the enemy, look at it from a distance, this straw man really looks like a human being."

Guo Nuan praised for a while.The fat man put the dressed up straw man in the bushes directly under the falling rocks, and the dressed straw man was hidden by the bushes. Guo Nuan looked at it from a distance of tens of meters, hey, this man is still alive. Pretty decent,

Imagine that a group of clattering pirates were so excited that they rushed towards the straw man chattering, and they would be greeted by five huge stones weighing more than 100 kilograms. If they fell, they would definitely be crushed meat pie.

Guo Nuan then ordered a sailor to catch a timid wild deer in the wild.

"Why do you want a fawn?" a sailor asked in bewilderment.

"I tied a cane to her leg, and tied her feet to dozens of saplings in the bushes with dozens of slipknots." Guo Nuan continued to answer mysteriously:

"Think about it, this little deer is afraid of people. He will definitely be frightened when he hears the pirates yelling and shouting from a distance. The animals that were originally tied by slipknots can still be safely trapped in the bushes. Immediately, he would gallop in the grass, and the slipknot vines on his feet would sway a row of bushes. These stupid pirates must have thought that we were there, and rushed up to the trap area, of course they died. Lots of it."

Come on, Guo Nuan came up with this insidious idea, and the sailors soon caught a doe with a gentle personality.

Guo Nuan also set up a net release trap, using trigger sticks and elastic bamboo poles. Although the rattan nets dropped from the sky are not lethal to the pirates, at least they can delay the time for the two companions who are responsible for luring the enemy to escape from the scene.

Guo Nuan did purely physical damage. As for Abbas's perennial field expedition, the zoologist and botanist, he used chemical poisons.He collected two hornet's nests on eucalyptus.

It is said that there are many rubber trees on the island, cut the bark of the gum trees to collect the sticky gum, put the hornet's nest covered with gum and honey on the ground, and place the stumbled tree trunk nearby, as long as the fast running person stumbles, it will definitely be the whole person He fell down on the street.

Holding a sticky hornet's nest in his arms, with honey on his clothes, countless angry bees found that their nest was destroyed by someone, especially the person who still had fragrant honey... The result of waiting, hehe...

The countless branch spikes of the pit-bait lasso trap are coated with the psychedelic and dizzy juice of Molu cardamom. As long as the skin is lightly stabbed, even the huge bison will fall down and fall asleep.In addition, the stinky giant flower konjac smells like a corpse, which can definitely make people unappetizing. It can be said that they eat three months without eating meat, which greatly reduces the enemy's combat effectiveness. Abbas is very proud of his masterpiece.

"Snake's fangs are nailed on the board", Abbas used a knife to break the wood into planks, which were covered with small and hard burrs, and then inserted iron ebony spikes with bark. A few triangular-winged red-skinned water frogs were caught in the small cave of aquatic plants. The mucus secreted by this guy's skin is extremely poisonous.

"Guess, if a dozen thorny boards coated with frog poison are placed in the grass, once the pirates step on them, those barefoot pirates who like to run barefoot all over the mountain..."

Abbas imitated Guo Nuan's rambunctious tone, and saw him muttering meaningfully and longly: "Quack, if you touch it, you will die!" The people around were busy with their work, and at this moment, they all had goosebumps all over their bodies and their hairs stood on end.

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