The bad emperor of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 139: Shipbreaking

The four ships of the pirate group have been chasing after them within a distance of ten nautical miles.A few times, the pirates had to get behind their buttocks. The most dangerous time was that the distance between the two teams of sea ships was only more than 300 meters. Guo Nuan and the others could clearly see the arrogant laughter of the natives on the pirate ship, as well as the scars on their heads. The fluttering earth-colored turbans, and even a few iron spears thrown by a few extremely powerful pirates across the waters of more than 300 meters, even scratched the mast flag of the Apis.

Abbas dispatched calmly, desperate for the danger of the ship sinking, and he also tried his best to speed up, except for Abis, only the hull remained. He ordered everyone to remove all the partitions in the cabin, and then removed half of the deck. The planks, and finally even the captain's cabin on the deck were removed.

At this moment, Abbas was operating the steering wheel in the open air.And Apis has almost turned into an empty shell ship. In view of this unsustainable destructive load reduction, the empty shell of Abis relies on multi-faceted sails and impeller paddles, and the crisis of the knife rest on the neck, everyone instantly Exploding with great power, he rode the wind and waves all the way, temporarily pulling away the distance from the pirates.

Chasing with the pirates from dawn to noon, the pirates have been chasing after each other. Both sides know that after dusk, it will be the time to decide the winner. Abbas will persist no matter what, and he will win as soon as it gets dark. .

A boy and sailor who was in charge of logistics was crying at the moment. I saw him hopping on one leg and moving on the dismantled deck. Due to his panic, he accidentally kicked down on the empty deck without beam support. On the ground, he stepped on a board and broke it, and a thigh got stuck in the hole, and he managed to pull it out.The sailor finally ran to the open-air captain's cabin.

"Captain, we have almost finished dismantling everything now. After throwing away 170 catties of food, there are only more than 150 catties left. There is no more to throw away. There is only enough fresh water to leave one oak barrel. [-] gallons can sustain more than ten people for five days. Wow , even if we get rid of the pirates in the dark, we still have a long journey ahead and we will die of thirst and starvation!!!"

"It's better to die of starvation and thirst than to be slaughtered by pirates. There is too much food left, throw another [-] catties! There are also ropes, scull wood, and lifesaving boats."

Abbas waved at him distractedly, his red eyes fixed on the sea in front of him, he is an ant on the hot pot now, the pirate ship behind his butt was finally separated by three nautical miles, and now There is a tendency to approach a little bit.

"Ah! The lifeboat really needs to be thrown away! If the empty shell of Abis sinks in the future voyage...won't everyone sink to the bottom of the sea to feed the fish! Captain! You have to think twice!" The sailor was dumbfounded and hurriedly yelled Dissuaded: "Why don't we throw away all the money we earned in Zhongtu Tang?"

"Silver? I threw it away a long time ago. By the way, little Mahe, you put more than 100 catties of copper coins under the bed and your private money was just thrown away by Pu He. And... I don't know if we have a future to talk about... Don't Talking about something so far away in the future with uncle, the most important thing is to use all means to get rid of the damn pirate! Go and execute it!"

Abbas was annoyed by this silly green sailor mother-in-law, and shouted with a wave of his hand, "All the crew put up their horses!"

Abis turned left and right and sailed rapidly in the vast sea area. Abbas once envied his hometown, the Persian Gulf port, for having good ships with fast speed. He hoped that one day he would earn enough money to buy one. A fast sea ship, now his wish has come true, he never thought that his slow-moving Apis would have such a day, it galloped on the sea at a rustling speed... this feels really good... although it was damaged due to demolition Too many planks are falling apart.

"Sail turn right rudder! Quick! There is a shallow water reef on one side, let's rush over!"

Abbas' eyes were sharp, and he shouted ecstatically. Now that he was fighting, he saw a large piece of shallow water reef on the side ahead.

"Yes! Captain!" shouted the crowd, all blood boiling, it was a risky venture.

Under the stunned eyes of the pirates, the Abis turned sharply and skimmed the half-arc snow-white waves, then headed towards the shallow reef waters.

"They're crazy! They're crazy! Hahahaha, it's no wonder the boat doesn't sink!"

Wu Xiang was overjoyed. He didn't expect the people on the Apis to be so crazy. Although the large pirate ships had a shallow load waterline, the pirates didn't dare to drive the big boats. There was only shallow water of two meters or even more than one meter. Wandering in the reef area is easy to run aground, but the neutral ship Abis was in a hurry when it was being hunted down. Along the way, Abbas and the others threw countless pieces of wood at the stern of the ship, and they were chased by pirates behind their backs. They can see clearly that the Apis was a little unlucky, the fragile bottom of the ship scraped against the rocks and ran aground immediately, why not just catch it with nothing, the pirates all gloated and thought so.

However, Wu Xiang also knows that once the Apis passes through this oval shallow water area of ​​about ten square nautical miles, it means that the pirates who can only detour outside the shallow water reef area are chasing after them in the outer deep water area. It is about to be thrown away by dozens of miles.

Abbas felt that he wanted to take a risk. If he didn’t get the chance to stretch more than ten nautical miles, he would be overtaken by the pirates sooner or later. If he died sooner or later, he would be dead. If he had a fight, he might have a chance to come back. Everyone soon understood According to the captain's intention, the Abis was sailing in shallow water, and everyone nervously and carefully controlled the empty shell ship to shuttle through the reef waters.

Looking from a distance, the pirate ship chasing in the deep water area on the left is getting farther and farther away, and the pirates are depressingly chattering loudly, they can only look at the Abis in a hurry.Abbas smiled, relying on shortcuts really worked.


Every time the sound of scraping against the bottom of the ship and the underwater reef was loud and violent, everyone's hearts would be tense, "Bless the Jade Emperor, bless the Buddha, and bless Allah..."

There was no danger, after half an hour, the Abis sailed out of the shallow water reef area, and everyone cheered. Just now, there were a large number of pirate killing knives hanging above their heads that were about to be cut down, but now they have extended to every hour. For half an hour, the situation was still very bad anyway, and the risky gamble only earned time to breathe a sigh of relief.

The pirate ship was pulled away to a distance of fifteen nautical miles, and the Apis sailed into the deep water area again, and Abbas led the group to the north.

Now Wu Xiang was in a panic. He saw that the Abis was pulling away again, but he was not in a hurry. He could only continue to chase, relying on the advantage of the speed of the big ship to wait for the opportunity to catch up again.But whether he can catch up before dark, he was very sure at first, but now there is only [-]% chance, if the time is delayed, there is no room for another mistake.

To say that Wu Xiang's Pirate House ship is fast, it doesn't take half a day to catch up with the Abis, but all the treasures of the Sun En Temple found on the island were loaded on the ship, and now the four ships are all Loaded with treasure, the speed slowed down, and Wu Xiang was reluctant to dismantle the ship and throw away the treasure, so the speed of the pirate ship was only slightly faster than Abis, who was constantly reducing the load and accelerating.

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