The bad emperor of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 166: What is love

His eyes are as bright as stars.Clear and pure.At this moment, Lingxian put her small mouth close to Guo Nuan's neck.Youlan exhaled and scratched Guo Nuan.

"Uh. Linger..." Guo Nuan was a little embarrassed.When being embraced from the back by the girl's elastic and seductive body.Guo Nuan froze suddenly.

"Ling'er just wants to hug Brother Guo. Isn't it good?" Guo Nuan turned her head to touch the beautiful eyes bent like little crescent moons.

An oval face.Pink shame.The red lips raised slightly and slowly approached.To have the desire to attract a kiss.

"Huh." Guo Nuan took a heavy breath.The quiet wing was dark.Guo Nuan took a deep breath at this moment to cool down the restlessness in her heart.

"Yeah. Brother Guo..."

Eyes blurred.It seems that there is a kind of flattery rendering.Lingxian licked her warm red cherry lips.He hesitated for a while.She slowly leaned over and reached out to stroke and climb along the male's body-building upper body towards the neck.Resisting the girl's shyness, she kissed Guo Nuan's left cheek.

Guo Nuan's eyes flashed strangely.He quickly pushed the woman's delicate body away and then slowly stood up from the chair: "Ling'er, you are so naughty. Stop making trouble. Pass the coat to brother-in-law."

See everything at a glance.The veil fell off.Crispy breasts are like white jade suet.The tube top is half hidden.Alluring spring scenery.A trace of determination flashed across the beautiful face.

Lingxian's originally ruddy jade face lost a layer of blood.When I heard Guo Nuan's light tone.Especially the accented word "brother-in-law".

The stubborn girl's eyes were filled with tears.She finally pursed her lips and uttered a word with difficulty: "Brother Guo. No... you can refuse me like this."

Guo Nuan stopped and stood still.I didn't know how to speak for a while.Lingxian continued to muster up the courage to undo the belts of the group hoods in white.Under the exquisite body.A pair of well-proportioned, slender and round jade legs appeared again.

At this moment, Lingxian's cheeks had already turned pink from embarrassment.But her eyes were closed tightly because she was too nervous.A look of letting you pick.The long eyelashes fluttered.

"Oh, you... this girl." Lingxian's stubbornness made Guo Nuan helpless.He sighed.

"Let's go. Just pretend this never happened." Guo Nuan leaned over and picked up the clothes that were draped over the armrest of the chair and put them on.Just about to turn around and step out of the wing room.

Mo Yue was seventeen or eighteen years old, innocent and innocent.The most beautiful years of a woman's life.The hazy vision of love makes people unable to extricate themselves.

"Guo Nuan. Don't you like me?" Qing Wan's sad voice sounded from behind.Even if Guo Nuan doesn't have to turn around.He can also "see" that the innocent younger sister behind him has already cried into tears.

Hearing this sentence, I couldn't help but tremble in my heart.He was surprised.He pretended to be decisive.His face moved instantly and then turned into an indifferent calm.Lingxian always called him Brother Guo.But this time she was serious.He solemnly called out: "Guo Nuan"

"Hehe. I am very happy to have a sister like Linger. Brother Guo has always liked her." Guo Nuan replied helplessly.

"About love. Not at all." Lingxian questioned in a trembling voice.

"No. That's family affection. Don't confuse me, silly girl."

Guo Nuan pulled a bitter smile.Bow your head and fasten the embroidered buttons on your jacket.He dared not look back.Maybe Lingxian will be very hurt right now.But don't experience a quick showdown.She will only go further and further down the wrong path.

"I'm leaving. I guess the guards in the palace must be waiting outside impatiently. Ling'er, go back. Brother Yongkong Guo brings sister Shengping into the palace to see you."

"Crackling..." suddenly sounded.Guo Nuan coaxed.He then walked out of the compartment door with a heavy heart. . . .

lakeside.When Guo Nuan is in a bad mood.He always likes to rest quietly by the lake alone.Or climb to the heights of a green willow tree.One person looked at the rippling emerald green water in the distance.Listening to the chirping of birds in the mountains.Returning to nature can cool down his restless heart.

Ever since the unexpected incident happened with Lingxian in the wing room.Lingxian hurried back to the palace with his attendants that day.Before leaving, she did not meet her sister Shengping.He didn't leave a single word to Guo Nuan.The atmosphere has been so cold.

Guo Nuan didn't know if such a categorical refusal was appropriate.But he couldn't do it any better.

"Brother-in-law. Sister-in-law. It's not good to make a mistake. Heh. Ling'er is still young. She doesn't know what love is. To me, she is just a feeling of nostalgia for a brother. In the future, she will meet someone she really loves... Isn't that right, little Guo Xiang?" the father said to himself while hugging the child intimately.

Guo Nuan took advantage of the early morning this time.Overlooking the fresh beauty of misty mountains and lairs.He carried little Guo Xiang to the lakeside for a walk.

He used to like to walk by the lake alone.Now there is one more person.father and daughter.

"Hehe." Guo Xiang was still a baby in her arms.When a pair of bright pupils opened wide.Maybe she was so curious about the outside world when she was born.A look of ignorance.

"Well, my daughter will grow up quickly. When she grows up, she will be as beautiful, gentle and virtuous as your mother. Let's go, good boy. Dad will take you for a stroll in the small pavilion by the lake." Guo Nuan enjoyed the warmth of the family .Very long time.Standing by the lake in a daze.

"Are the parents in the previous life okay? I miss it. Is my father still reviewing documents all night with reading glasses in the old office of the Tongzi building as the head of the first school? And the old lady... misses the mapo tofu at home The taste of it. The taste that only my mother can cook... Now my unfilial son Guo Nuan has a new family in another time and space..."

"Guo Lang. It's cold and foggy early in the morning. Be careful of catching a cold."

I don't know when.A flawless beauty stood beside her.Show off your face and smile.Gently wake up Guo Nuan who was in a daze.A robe was quietly draped over Guo Nuan's shoulders.

"Hehe. It's okay. Look at the water here. Take little Guo Xiang to relax. Breathe the pure air."

Hold the woman's catkin.The two looked at each other and smiled slightly.quietly.A family of three stood side by side on the lake embankment.The man holds the child in his arms and stands with his wife staring into the distance.Maybe it's a lover's heart-to-heart connection.He was silent and didn't say a word.But each other's hearts can touch clearly. . . .

Near the end of the month.The third elder brother Guo Xi returned to Chang'an from Luoyang on a business trip as a royal doctor.The operation of the firearms workshop is generally smooth.Guo Nuan deliberately took the time to rush from the Princess Mansion to the Fenyang Palace in his spare time.Guo Nuan and his mother Wang.The third brother's family reunion.This made the empty and deserted atmosphere of the mansion a little more lively.

It is said that the third brother chatted with Guo Nuan when they got together.The third brother looked solemn.He told him to be careful of a person named Lu Qi in the near future.Guo Xi once offended him when he was inspecting official affairs in Jingnan area.Now I ran into Lu Qi in Luoyang a month ago.In the past, Lu Qi was expelled by the alien party in the capital and transferred to Guozhou.Now there are gossip that he is going to stand up and return to court.

"This person. He looks very ugly. He also has deep scheming. He is scheming. Although he often has a smile on his face, he is no different from a smiling tiger. Compared with Yuan Zai, who is full of emotions and anger. The latter is still a real villain. But Lu Qi is a more vicious and difficult traitor." The third brother Guo Xi seriously reminded Guo Nuan.

Guo Nuan saw that the third brother was worried about Lu Qi's return to court.I can't help but be cautious.As for the news from the Minister of Honglu Temple the day before yesterday.The Tibetan Mission has arrived in Chang'an recently.Guo Nuan, who participated in the polo match as a reception envoy, had to step up training for the match.

About Lu Qi will be transferred to Honglu Temple in the near future.Guo Nuan could not avoid dealing with it.This is bad news.

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