The bad emperor of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 172: Breaking Through the Wall


Fifth Qi and Guo Nuan looked at each other.Two yamen servants who looked anxious as they rushed over.Right now he was panicking.

"My lords. The accomplice of the Tubo...a total of more than 60 cavalrymen have come. Yan Butou and more than 100 yamen servants can't resist now. It is extremely urgent."

"Go. Go and have a look." Guo Nuan shouted loudly.He signaled an imminent crisis.This is the moment when the night is dark and the wind is high.It was supposed to be the time when all things come to life.Guo Nuan listened attentively.However, he heard the sound of fierce fighting unexpectedly in the compound where the temporary prisoners were held in the West Wing.During the period, there was the neighing of war horses.

"Fire the arrows. They must not be allowed in."

With a soft drink.Yan Ruoshui commanded more than 100 archers under him calmly.A shower of arrows flew over the blue brick walls about ten feet high and shot outwards.But it seems to have no effect.It is estimated that the heavy cavalry outside is protected by full-body armor.

At this moment, the archers lined up in three batches in front of Zhumen, a high-corner eaves house in Jingzhao Mansion.Ten feet across is a high blue brick wall.But there was a gap.There was also a shout from outside.Yan Ruoshui listened carefully.This is a woman who is ordering those armored heavy cavalry in Tubo dialect.

"Oops. I didn't expect that the last thing I expected to happen happened."

Yan Ruoshui soon got in touch with Princess Doma whom she met when arresting the Tubo guards in the evening.

It is said that the Tubo envoys led thousands of cattle and sheep to the court to pay tribute to the Tang Dynasty.They also have dozens of fine cavalry escorts dedicated to escorting these tributes.For the first time in Yan Ruoshui's life, cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"The back team of the bow and arrow preparations rushed into the warehouse to change into armor and spears. The archers of the front team stood up for me." Yan Ruoshui understood.This group of heavy cavalry kept pounding the wooden back door of the yard.I guess it won't last long.

"Dong dong dong."

Outside the high wall, Torma calmly directed the cavalry.She used the most savage and brutal way to hit the back door of the Jingzhao Mansion's detention room in turn.This crazy move seemed to be a strong revenge and catharsis for the loss of face of the guards who detained her in the evening.

"Oops. A few pieces of blue bricks have been loosened from the beams and pillars on the door hinge." A yamen servant cried out.Another hard hit.This is not good for Yan Ruoshui and the others.

"Change the rocket."

The remaining half of the archers then put dozens of rockets on the bowstring that were stained with asphalt and wrapped in tung oil.The light of the fire shone on the faces of everyone who tried their best to restrain themselves but turned pale from shock.

Yan Ruoshui's palms were also sweating.The courtyard waited quietly for her attack order.The night was dark.The atmosphere was a little eerie.

"Boom." The gate followed the last violent impact of heavy cavalry.In the end, the two wooden doors could not withstand the ravages of the armored beast.When a cloud of gray smoke was raised, the gate fell down.

"Fire the rocket." Yan Ruoshui snapped at the moment and shouted coldly.


A rain of fire, sparkling like fireworks, slanted down.The heavy cavalry and war horse who were the first to step through the back door were instantly covered with a lot of burning oil on the arrow chestnut.

A cavalryman so tragically caught off guard by the fire.The horses and cavalry wrapped under the iron armor were scorched by the burning oil sticking to the surface at a high temperature.Then the panicked and burning horse lost control and jumped around.In the blink of an eye in full view.The cavalryman accidentally bumped into a wall with his horse and fell dead.

Under the iron mask, Dorma's eyes flickered with resentment and insidiousness.She watched helplessly as her companions and war horses broke into the compound and died.Moreover, he fell to the ground under the piles of burning objects all over his body and burned them into charcoal.It made her extremely angry.

No one has ever dared to challenge her authority.Now for the first time in my life, I have encountered Waterloo.I tasted the feeling of being arrogant and not allowing failure, and my self-esteem was trampled on.This extremely strong woman will never give in.No matter in her Tubo.Still Datang.Absolutely not.

"Kill them."

Torma had long since lost her patience willfully.She does not care about the consequences to achieve her goals.The Dafang District near the Jingzhao Government Office.Residents in many nearby tile-roofed and wooden buildings lit up oil lamps.They were all terrified and stole out the door.The common people watched the fierce fighting scene in Jingzhao Mansion.

"The archers stand back and set their arrows to the string. The crossbowmen step forward and stand and shoot."

Yan Ruo is not soft-hearted.She heard the unruly and fierce Tubo princess yelling in Tubo language.During the period, the tone was mixed with fury.It is estimated that there will be an uproar in the palace after this night.This is related to the important direction of future diplomacy between Datang and Tubo.The responsibility is great.No one can afford it.

"Since the matter is irreversible. It's so bad that it can't be done again. Let's fight...if we can save the lives of more than 100 underlings in the government office. After dawn, I, Yan Ruoshui, will bear all the responsibilities."

Yan Ruoshui's eyes flashed with a solemn and sad feeling.She muttered something to herself.A moment later she woke up suddenly again.Even infantry against cavalry.Nor can they give up.Looking at the more than 100 colleagues who were innocently involved in the incident but were still advancing and retreating.Yan Ruoshui had no regrets in an instant.

"We must not let the heavy cavalry break in. Otherwise, a charge will kill us all."

"Ranged crossbowmen. Ready. Piercing arrows."

Yan Ruoshui drank again.Another burst of strong bow throwing lasing.Suddenly there was a commotion outside.But it seems to have no effect.But Yan Ruoshui already knew this.Morale remains high.Never be afraid.

"Five steps back. Proceed to the next round of offensive."

"Obey." Everyone responded loudly.

"Puff." Doma outside commanded more than ten heavy cavalry.moment.The cavalry swung more than a dozen iron chain hook locks and precisely hooked the door frames of the missing two wooden doors.The war horses jumped up one after another.More than ten fierce horses neighed tacitly and ran backwards.Under a strong pull.The blue brick wall with the door frame was pulled down with a bang.The armored archers lined up in the courtyard were suddenly exposed to the cavalry. More than 100 yamen servants were shocked.

"My God. This woman is crazy."

Deputy head catcher Luo Yuan took off his helmet and was furious.He drew a big knife from his waist and shouted: "Master Yan Butou. What should we do? Shooting arrows can't kill them. We fought with blades. At worst, we will die together."

During Luo Yuan's speech. . . .Yan Ruoshui raised her eyebrows.She shouted at Luo Yuan: "Luo Yuan, you are dying. Step back. The heavy cavalry is not something government servants like us can compete with."

"The round shield is connected into fish scales. Break in."

Doma desperately went all out and shouted loudly.The heroic cavalry raised the rattan stand and desperately arrived in front of the head armor.In a horizontal line, a group of cavalry leaped over the ruined walls and entered.

This is an extremely tense confrontation time.The yamen servants who had just entered the warehouse to change their equipment happened to join the battle.A team of spearmen stood in front of the archers to protect them.Finally, it has a slight deterrent effect on heavy cavalry.

"Wait a minute. I'm Jing Zhaoyin Fifth Qi. Put down your weapon quickly."

Fifth Qi and Guo Nuan hurried to the compound.The fighting was fierce.In a short period of time, there were several confrontations.The situation is changing.

"I am your distinguished envoy of the Tang Dynasty. Princess Doma of Tubo. Let me protect you. Otherwise, they will all die."

A row of spears is absolutely unable to withstand the powerful offensive of the heavy cavalry.It is definitely a fortress made of more than 60 giant iron blocks.Doma shouted brazenly and loudly.

Fifth Qi's cheeks trembled with anger.I don't know when two lines of sweat flowed down.It's not because he's afraid.Instead, the yamen, the capital of the Tang Empire, was trampled and rushed into by foreign cavalry.She also clamored arrogantly to hand over the foreigner who broke the law.

"Where did you put the face of my Tang Dynasty?"

Fifth Qi's eyes were red.He was shaking.I was so angry that I coughed for a while.It seems to be a sudden outbreak of an old illness.

"Yan Ruoshui. Tell me to go down. Stick to the Jingzhaoyin Yamen Office." The resolute and unquestionable magnetic baritone said lightly.

"Hmm..." Yan Ruoshui looked up at Guo Nuan who stopped at Fifth Qi in surprise.She seemed to have found her backbone all of a sudden.It seems to have returned to the time when he obeyed Guo Nuan's orders half a year ago.She immediately subconsciously said, "No."

"Brother. I have already sent people to the palace. It is estimated that reinforcements will arrive soon. Don't worry." Guo Nuan lowered her voice and said to Fifth Qi.

"That's good..." Fifth Qi breathed a sigh of relief.

"I hit dozens of times. No one will be let go. I will order the cavalry to charge. Then they will all be killed without mercy."

Facing this Tubo princess who is familiar with Tang culture and language.For the first time, Guo Nuan felt a deep fear of women.The woman in front of him is definitely a female devil who makes people regret it if provoked.


Speaking period.Doma stepped on the tall and fully armored horse and stared coldly at Guo Nuan, who was more than fifty steps away, through the iron helmet mask.

The cold countdown hit the hearts of Guo Nuan and every Jingzhao government policeman.Everyone's breathing could not help but become thicker.

"Grandma's. This woman is really fucking crazy. Really crazy." Guo Nuan scolded.This battle really feels like a war.Guo Nuan has experienced countless life and death lessons.Whether it is Yu Chaoen sent by an assassin to assassinate.It was still the confrontation with the pirates in the South China Sea.Even if life is on the line.He seemed extremely calm.Guo Nuan knew that death was not scary.But the frightening thing was the inner tremor that almost collapsed.Indeed tonight he rocked.I couldn't restrain the shock from my heart.This is a line of heavy armored war machines.Now the people of flesh and blood look so small and weak. . .

The heavy cavalry holding rows of sharp javelins stood solemnly in front of them.As long as Torma gives an order.The bloodthirsty and sharp spear tip will have a strong impact under the speed of the horse.The shocking effect of the rumbling iron hooves trampling the ground alone would disintegrate the ordinary government servants of the informal army combat soldiers.Besides, the servants led by Yan Ruoshui were impeccable in the battle against the heavy cavalry.

"Three...two..." Doma saw the servants in front of her, taking deep breaths like rabbits.And the official standing in the middle.One of the men she hated so much.

Doma smiled smugly.Before counting to one.She spit out a sentence in an extremely proud victor's attitude:

"To pay or not to pay..."

Guo Nuan was jealous.He looked up to the sky and roared furiously at Dorma.A roar pierced the silent pitch-black sky: "No..."

The loud and angry voice seemed to spread throughout the entire Chang'an city; to the ears of all the people in Chang'an who were in their dreams; to the owner of the Daming Palace who represented the entire Tang Empire. .In Daizong's ears.

This roar represents a person from the Tang Dynasty defending the dignity of the imperial law.Defend the authority of the state government.The unyielding cry to defend the backbone of a nation.This is not a simple question of whether to hand over to the Tibetans.Because tonight.The presumptuous and arrogant Tubo princess led the army to make another country's capital government office trampled and ravaged without dignity.

Torma's complexion suddenly changed.She tightened the rein in her hand.The war horse raised its front hooves and neighed instantly.

"Kill..." Princess Tubo ordered.As the most loyal Tubo guards and heavy cavalry of the royal family, they executed it without hesitation.

The swords poured down in rows, with an overwhelming momentum.The heavy cavalry lined up in an extremely solemn and tight formation.Three rows of cavalry rushed forward holding long javelins.

shield.Helmets were put on.All the yamen servants are waiting in battle.Watching the cavalry's spear tip rapidly enlarge in front of the pupil.

"Everyone charge forward."

Yan Ruoshui had an extremely calm and pretty face without any emotion.She slowly drew out the seldom-used saber around her waist.The tip of the sword pointed directly at the tapered point of the cavalry who bore the brunt of the galloping horse.She led more than 100 yamen servants to swarm up.

The war horse neighed.The voices are boiling.In this big yard.The collision of flesh and blood and iron cavalry.shield.armor.Weapons were mercilessly damaged and thrown.scattered all over the place.There was a strong smell of blood in the sad night air.

"Boom." One sound.High above, the Tubo cavalrymen with iron masks on their faces brandished their Zhanglong javelins and pierced the chest of a brave yamen servant.In an instant, the plasma burst and scattered on the green leaves of the flower beds in the courtyard.

"Beep." A knife.The Tubo people bent down and waved their sabers.A confrontation.Another brave yamen servant had his belly disembowelled.The cut belly and intestines slid miserably to the ground.

"Chi..." Guo Nuan's left arm was stabbed by the spear tip of a heavy cavalryman.Half of the arm was instantly paralyzed.Blood stained his upper body clothes.He endured the pain and decisively swung the ring head knife to cut off the enemy's fine steel spearhead.Just as the cavalryman was about to rein in his horse, he raised his iron hoof and kicked Guo Nuan's chest with the hole in his defense.He jumped up and cut the gap between the cavalry's leather and iron masks with a knife.The cavalryman's neck crooked, his blood died, and he fell suddenly.Luo Yuan, who had no time to breathe, held a shield in his left hand and slammed into the neck of the other heavy cavalry horse in front of Guo Nuan.

Luo Yuan's violent shield impact shook the nearly half-ton cavalry horse.The galloping horse immediately lost its balance and brought the cavalry down to the ground.Seven or eight red-eyed yamen servants rushed up and beheaded him to death with knives.

"Hey. Thank you. Brother Luo." The safe and sound Guo Nuan picked up the weapon and grinned gratefully at Luo Yuan with a bitter smile.Luo Yuan reluctantly smiled and nodded in response.Then he roared again heroically and solemnly.Luo Yuan charged into the heavy cavalry again.Guo Nuan followed closely.

A single charge overwhelmed the spearmen at the front.Just a few dozen breaths.More than [-] yamen servants fell down.He completely lost his combat effectiveness and didn't know whether he was dead or alive.

Guo Nuan looked at the white horse fighting at the front of the cavalry.Very conspicuous.Except for the Tubo princess Toma who started causing trouble.Who else.In the past, so many servants of the Jingzhao government office servants died at once.Guo Nuan hated it to the bone.

Yan Ruoshui and four or five capable subordinates finally exhausted a heavy cavalry soldier when two were injured and one was killed.Now she and Guo Nuan joined together back to back to fight, with her hairpin falling off her long hair and her shawl scattered.

"That woman is the culprit. Capture her." The sound of fighting around.The sound of weapons clashing merged into one.Guo Nuan said loudly to Yan Ruoshui.

"Drink." Guo Nuan led.Yan Ruoshui cooperates.Leading more than ten people to approach the Tubo princess.Torma as a female.It is impossible for her to withstand more than 100 catties of heavy armor like the heavy cavalry guards under her command.At this moment, she is wearing a convenient light armor with low defense.

Of course, Guo Nuan also knew that the cavalry combat power of the Tubo woman Doma was not very strong.So when Guo Nuan and the others locked on the weakest and most core target of the enemy.In a moment of panic, Doma immediately turned around and galloped around the courtyard.Undoubtedly forced into a corner.

"Qiang." Guo Nuan held a red cloth tie on the handle of a ring-sword knife in his mouth.He quickly picked up a bow that was on the ground of the dead yamen servant.Nock in milliseconds.Zhang Gong.He relentlessly shot at the torma helmet mask.

"Beng." Doma's closest heavy cavalry galloped over.He directly blocked Guo Nuan's powerful arrow with his huge armored body.Arrow Ling splashed a string of scarlet sparks on the horse's fine steel scale armor and fell to the ground.Guo Nuan sighed secretly.Bad luck.

The seven or eight heavy cavalry who followed the princess's safety at all times responded quickly.They were aware of Guo Nuan's threat to Doma.The heavy cavalry raised their shields one after another to form a defensive wall that surrounded Doma tightly.

Hand to hand.Long weapons are not easy to play in a small space.And it is easy to accidentally injure the companions next to you.Spears were thrown away.The heavy cavalry drew out their daggers and prepared for a close combat.

"Drink." Luo Yuan quickly slashed down in the void of night with his deep and cold sword.During this period, it was mixed with the breath of death from the underworld.It makes people feel a little suffocated.With everyone stunned.He suddenly broke through the block of three war horses and fell into the center of the core guard of the heavy cavalry.The tip of the knife was straight in the direction of Torma.

"Wow." A cold light flashed.The war horse trying to stop Luo Yuan was slashed.The blade cuts precisely along the fine stitching of the neck vest.Blood spattered seven feet.The horse crashed down.

Next to him, five or six Tubo cavalry straddled their horses and immediately raised their shining blades and smashed them down on Luo Yuan's back.Yan Ruoshui and the others were shocked for a moment.

"Brother Luo..." Guo Nuan froze for a moment.He watched helplessly as the numerous knife points were cut off on Luo Yuan's back.It seems that the time passing by the world slows down and freezes in an instant.In Guo Nuan's extremely sad eyes, he couldn't stop the rescue.

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