The bad emperor of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 190: Military Trivia

Originally according to the previous.Guo Nuan is the young man of a rich family.Just take out a few hundred taels of silver and go to the weapon shop to equip yourself with full body armor.Mo Dao.Equipped with Dawan horses.It's like a heavy cavalry.

But don't say that now Guo Nuan has the money to configure these equipments.He is now an infantryman.Wearing iron armor can only be done by officers who have ranks in the army.An infantryman has no armor.At most, a simple brown military uniform with linen clothes.Breeze in your sleeves.It is very convenient to charge and run, whether it is to cross the trench and break through the Juma City Wall.Of course, having no armor defense does not necessarily mean that there is no advantage.

For example, Guo Nuan discovered why the soldiers did not issue armor.I have never traveled through ancient times before.He was always a little puzzled when he watched costume dramas.Why did the soldiers charge and were knocked down by rows of bows and arrows from the opponent's archers?Immediately, batch after batch of those who were not afraid of death rushed up again.Then fell down again.Why not issue a pair of armor to the soldiers.Even if the ancient military expenditure and industry could not afford to equip every soldier with a pair of iron armor.But at least a pair of rattan armor or bamboo board breastplate can be equipped.So many unarmored infantry bastards died.Even without bamboo.Simple wooden breastplate.Can't even fit a shield.

Now at the barracks.Guo Nuan became an infantry soldier.He has personally experienced the convenience of infantry not equipped with armor and shields.First of all, although the armor is installed on the body, the defense ability is improved.But when a tortoise shell is worn on the body, the movement is not flexible after a long battle.He is an infantryman.A ten-pound big knife.A spear.There are also bows and quiveres for mass projectiles.Plus the luggage behind.Originally, I was so tired that I was carrying fifty or sixty catties of goods on my body.When the sound of a drum-beating charge sounded, they were about to rush forward desperately.I'm afraid that if I don't run fast, I will be killed by the opponent's enemy's long-range attack.If you add a pair of tortoise shell armor that gets in the way.Restricting the flexibility of the body is also very inconvenient for soldiers to lift and slash with a broadsword.It is easy to be cut by the enemy when fighting with the blade.The chest can't be cut.And the neck.Armor protects the chest.Enemy image: You can't hide your head in the armor shell.

Got it.There is no entertainment in the barracks.It cannot be like Chang'an City.Go to the Buddhist temple to burn incense and make a wish.You can't go to the Qizhenyibaozhai to search for treasures.It is also not allowed to take a walk in the Royal Garden of Daming Palace.And go to the greyhound.Sake brewery and more.In short, besides training, it is training.Day after day of training.Raise soldiers for a while and use them for a day.At this moment, Guo Nuan deeply understood the truth of this sentence.


Now he draws the bow and draws the string to shoot the arrow. These processes have been improved by half a second.What a great progress.You can kill five or six more enemies in one minute.

A secluded archery training three into the courtyard with a rectangular corridor more than 100 meters wide and deep.I saw Guo Nuan inhaling and exhaling slowly.The lower abdomen swells and then deflates.Close your eyes and adjust your breath, preparing to adjust to the best state.

The heart is like water.No distractions.Guo Nuan held the handle of the bow with his left hand.He slowly squeezed the bowstring made of beef tendon with his thumb and forefinger wrapped in white cloth bandages.Aim at the straw pie bullseye placed at the base of the wall at the end of the yard 180 steps away.

Guo Nuan pulled the string and rested it on his chin.The triangular arrow cones are connected in a line through the bowstring front sight.As for the arrow tail, twist the bowstring and rotate it 180 degrees with your index finger.Then he slowly lowered the bow again.After a while of empty-handed action.Raise the bow to aim, then lower it and do this several times.He practiced this state of concentrated shooting.

"Drink." Guo Nuan opened her eyes instantly.An incomparably fierce aura erupted from his body in an instant.Let go of the stringing finger.A whirlwind burst.The arrows are twisted by the twisted beef tendon bowstring to form a cyclone arrow.The violently rotating bow and arrow shooting method in the air undoubtedly improved the stability of its trajectory during flight.

"Pfft." The point of the arrow pierced sharply in the middle of the red dot on the bull's-eye.Unbelievably smooth.

"En. It seems that for the preparations for the battlefield, archery is considered a pass." A happy smile flashed across Guo Nuan's face.His forehead was covered with sweat.

Guo Nuan has never had a headache more than the course of heavy knife slashing.Every day, he faced the puppet stake tied with coarse cloth and slashed for two hours.This is really exhausting.Sometimes after practicing machete hacking.Come to eat.Guo Nuan could barely lift his arms.He tremblingly held up the chopsticks to pick up the sliced ​​meat in the vegetable bowl, and he couldn't hold it stably.If it falls in mid-air, it has to be picked up from the table.But Liu Sheng is about the same.Sometimes my arm loses strength after machete practice.When he really didn't have the strength to lift his arms while eating, he plunged into the rice bowl and gnawed.When looking up from the bowl of the sea.Everyone laughed... It turned out that this kid had grains of rice on his face.

Guo Nuan as an archer.What worries him most is hand-to-hand bayonet combat.This is his short board.In addition to practicing chopping and killing against wooden stakes every day.He also called Da Biao as a training partner.

For example, with a wooden knife dipped in lime powder.The two put on thick wooden armor and began to practice in the small yard.A mark left after the hit is considered a hit.This drill is very popular in infantry battalions.It is much more flexible and interesting than hacking and killing against stakes.

The army also needs to garrison the fields.This is what they have to do.compared to training.Guo Nuan preferred to work in the fields.The fertile plains in this area are suitable for growing rice and wheat after being irrigated with water from the Yellow River.Usually, an infantry squad can get five or six acres of responsible land.I usually plant half of it for my own food.Half of it was handed over to the public for military treasury.Guo Nuan always felt that the border troops of the Tang Dynasty were relatively compared with foreign troops.In the already tight time of training, a large part of the time has to be devoted to farming.Corresponding to part-time farmers.This is the same as those full-time professional soldiers in Tubo.The training time is different.Which one is good and which is bad can be compared at a glance.

However, the territory of Datang is vast.The border is sparsely populated.There is less labor.It is very difficult to transfer the military rations from the Central Plains to the border.There is no way for soldiers to farm while training and fighting.

"En. Why. The soldier wants to hold something in his mouth. It means something iron or wooden. Who can stand up and answer."

In addition to training and working in the fields during the day.There are also activities at night.There is a theory class over there.Implement small class system.Taught by each experienced Veteran Captain.

Nature Watch as the captain of the [-]th Infantry Section.At night, he taught himself his experience in the old battlefield.This is for recruits.With the guidance of veterans, sometimes the survivability can be improved on the battlefield.

"Da Biaozi. You come." There was a square table in the tent.Qi Qi sat seven people.Haiwang looked at the fat man in the shadow of the oil lamp stand, sitting on a small pier, drooling and sleeping with his hands on his chin.

"Um." Da Biao was woken up by Luo Cheng's elbow.He immediately stood up in panic, wiping his saliva with the back of his hand.

"Oh. It's for silence. To sneak up on the enemy at night and grope forward in the grassy ditch. If you accidentally trip over and scream in pain, it will expose our own target. Of course, the horse's hoof must also be wrapped Cotton cloth. Otherwise, it will easily expose the target." Guo Nuan whispered to the fat man.Da Biao is very clever.Bump and bump to express your point of view.Everyone immediately laughed at Da Biao's supplement.

"En. The general meaning is the same. The supplement is sufficient. You sit down and listen to the class carefully. Do not take a nap." Captain Hai nodded.Then the next knowledge lecture.

"Captain Hai. Can I sit on the bed and listen to the class?" Liu Sheng raised his hand and asked.He was shivered by the wind blowing through the curtains in the cold night outside.

Captain Hai said lightly: "You can guarantee that you won't fall asleep while listening to lectures under the warm quilt." Liu Sheng was glanced at by the captain's sharp eyes.Hey hey smile.His little plan was seen through.The eight big men of Wang Zheng burst out laughing and gave Liu Sheng a chestnut on the back of his head.

"Ahem. Liu Sheng. You answer. The soldier was seriously injured. For example, he was cut by a knife. How can you treat your station in the wild?"

The sea team immediately attacked Liu Sheng.This made him look around anxiously.A pair of pitiful eyes aimed at Luo Cheng.

Luo Chenggang opened his mouth to give Liu Sheng a reminder.Captain Hai stared at him coldly.Luo Cheng smiled and spread his hands, there was nothing he could do for poor Luo Cheng.

"Oh. If the wound is bleeding a lot. We can burn the wound with a hot iron tip. That will stop the bleeding."

Fortunately, Liu Sheng's brain turned quickly.He had seen the method used by the Persians in the Western Regions to treat their wounded horses and camels.

"Hmph. Didn't I just talk about this knowledge point a few nights ago? I forgot again. I really don't have a long memory. Only those idiots who are famous in the Western Regions can come up with this rotten method of burning a wound with a soldering iron tip to stop bleeding. "

Team Hai was not very satisfied with this solution.Everyone laughed again.Liu Sheng laughed and cursed and started to fight with everyone.Team Hai, who had a zombie face, was also happy.It's not honest to teach these boys a lesson.

"Quack. If I were to scald the wound with the tip of a soldering iron, the wounded comrade would bleed to death. Instead, he would be burned to death by the hot soldering iron." Guo Nuan laughed loudly.For such a Western approach.It can indeed quickly and effectively use the means of scab to stop bleeding.It also reduces the chance of bacterial infection.But this ruthless treatment has a high failure rate.Treatment for burns without waiting for the wounded to hold on to the iron.It hurts to death.

"In the wild, you can usually pick herbs to stop bleeding. Like Panax notoginseng. Agrimony. Then wrap the crushed herbs with a rope and clean cloth and apply them to the wounds of the wounded. It can be cured."

Luo Cheng raised his hand and answered the Hai team's question quickly.Captain Hai nodded in satisfaction.

"Papa papa." There was a burst of applause.Everyone applauded for Luo Cheng.It's no wonder that this guy knows some quack medical skills.

"get out of class is over. Turn off the oil lamp. Go to bed..."

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