The bad emperor of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 196: Assassination of the Princess

Ever since I met my enemy Torma on the street.The interest of the two to go shopping is gone.Hastily ended and returned to the hotel.Of course, Guo Nuan didn't tell Lao Gong about meeting Doma.Liu Sheng et al.After all, this matter of avenging Brother Luo is a private matter between Guo Nuan and Da Biao.Can't pull on the players to increase their burden.

The night filled the air.A crescent moon hung on the ridges of the snow-capped mountains in the distance.Guo Nuan took advantage of Da Biao's sound asleep.He quietly got up and opened the package and put on a tight black night suit.Clip a dagger to your waist belt.A bow and arrow and quiver are carried on the back.By the way, he took a horizontal knife and lightly jumped out of the window and disappeared at the end of the cold and quiet street late at night.

It is said that after Guo Nuan and Da Biao met Doma and the accompanying Asang guard.The two of them followed quietly for a distance.It took a while to find Doma's residence.The place Guo Nuan had seen the day before yesterday.The square is surrounded by felt tents and the golden tent in the middle.

Guo Nuan told Da Biao not to rush to do it.In the middle of the night, he decided to prevent Da Biao from taking risks.He wants to kill the enemy alone.

rustle.A black shadow swiftly flew across the grass and trees in the flower beds of the square.A kite turned over.He narrowly avoided the Tubo soldiers patrolling outside the tent.Not far away, torches on crossed wooden shelves illuminate most of the surrounding area.

Lurking in haystacks.Hear the commotion of horses in the stables next door.Occasionally, there were a few shouts from the Tubo people in the tent.It is estimated that it is a gamble.

Guo Nuan rolled sideways.Moving in the shadows of the torchlight.A patrol circled around him again.

"Drink..." Guo Nuan was standing at the curtain door of a tent.Unexpectedly, the curtain behind the buttocks was suddenly lifted.A sleepy-eyed Tibetan soldier walked out of it.Guo Nuan, who was in the shadow, turned his head and rushed over to cover his mouth.

Before the unlucky Tubo soldier could make a sound.Guo Nuan gave a soft drink.Wrapping his arms around his neck, he swung to one side.

"Crack." The cervical vertebrae of the neck were broken.The guy died without knowing what was going on.

Guo Nuan took a deep breath.There is no time to delay.He dragged the body and moved quietly into the pitch-black tent.

It was dark inside.With sensitive ears, I heard two slight snorting sounds on the bed in the right corner of the tent.

Guo Nuan took out the dagger at his waist and groped to the edge of the bed.He reached out and touched a head on the outside of the bed.

"Pfft." Guo Nuan quickly covered the person on the bed in the darkness.Cut off the carotid artery with a knife.Warm blood immediately flowed to the palm of his hand holding the dagger.

No more hesitation.Guo Nuan stretched out her hand and felt the heavy breathing of a man on the other side of the bed.

"Pfft." There was a stab in the chest.The two Tibetans passed away painlessly in their dreams.

"Woo~" Guo Nuan's night clothes were mostly wet on the back.It's heart-pounding work.

Guo Nuan listened carefully.Except myself.There was no sound of strangers breathing in the tent.The vigilant heart just let go a little.

Take out the torch and light it.Immediately there was a faint candle light in the tent.He glanced sideways at the bed that was assassinated just now.There was blood all over the shop.The two Tibetans turned into corpses.

"Crime." Although Datang and Tubo are in a state of hostile war.But Guo Nuan immediately killed the Tubo soldiers who had never threatened him.This made his heart a little heavy.

Not to think about it.Time is tight.He had to sneak into the golden tent where the princess of Tubo lived before dawn to complete the assassination.

Quickly change into the Tubo soldier costumes hanging on the tent racks.Guo Nuan seemed to be a Tubo soldier who could fish in troubled waters.

At that time, in order to avoid unexpected situations in the mountain city of Tubo.As Guo Nuan who had to complete special missions, they all temporarily took Tubo language classes.There are some simple Tibetan daily phrases like "Hello" and "Master."

"Quack. These are easy to get in." Guo Nuan looked at the thick Tubo armor on his body.Especially after wearing an iron helmet.Covers most of the face.Unless you look closely.Now in the dark at night with insufficient light.For a while, it was unclear whether Guo Nuan was from Tubo or Datang.

Guo Nuan brought a copper basin in hand.Pour some water out of the mud.A white towel was draped over his shoulders.It looks quite like a low-level soldier doing miscellaneous work.

Guo Nuan adjusted his breath.His expression became much calmer.Now he begins the tension that dives to the core.Be sure to solve it within 3 minutes.Otherwise, it will be easy to change if it is delayed for too long.

Guo Nuan bowed her head and carried a basin of water around many tents.

"Stop. (Tubo language)" A school captain who looked like a head of a hundred households was leading a patrol team of spears to meet Guo Nuan.

"What are you doing?" the head of the hundred household asked coldly.

"Cough cough. Report to Baichang. The princess washes her face. Asang wants me to bring water." Guo Nuan's forehead was sweating.Fortunately, Knock Knock finished speaking with the simplest vocabulary of Tubo language.He also coughed deliberately.He lowered his voice and spoke in a vague way to cover up Datang's accent.

The head of a hundred households felt strange listening to Guo Nuan's yin and yang Tubo language.But I didn't think about it.The head of a hundred households thought that the Tubo soldier had caught a cold in the middle of the night.Throat discomfort.I can't speak clearly.

"En. You go." The centurion motioned for the patrol behind him to follow him.After a while, they turned to other patrol locations.

"I'm so scared to death." Guo Nuan patted her chest lightly.This little heart is still pounding.He muttered something under his breath.

nothing.This got mixed up again.Guo Nuan lamented that her fooling skills had reached a new level.Look at the big golden tent surrounded by hundreds of small felt tents.Guo Nuan was suddenly excited.

Go to the gate of the golden tent.A school of brightly lit.The surrounding torches illuminated brightly.Even now it's late at night.But the two guards with swords holding spears outside the tent did not move at all.Staring intently ahead the night shift.

"Stop. What are you doing?" Guo Nuan, who was holding a water basin, approached.The two Tubo sentries responded quickly.Immediately, the spears staggered across the door of the tent to block them.A slightly taller Tubo sentinel asked.

"Ahem. Bring water to the princess." Guo Nuan repeated what he had just said.

"Why are you so unfamiliar?" A short Tubo soldier muttered in confusion.

Of course, I just scratched my head and made up more than 100 Tubo words.Guo Nuan, who is not very good at hearing the Tubo language, did not understand the meaning of the second half of his sentence.

"Quack. princess...swearing... hurry up." Guo Nuan hurriedly replied in broken Tubo language.Almost gestured with hands and feet.The water basin he was carrying swayed for a while.The water almost splashed all over the Tubo soldiers.

It is estimated that the handyman is afraid of delay.I was in a hurry for a while.Can't even speak smoothly.The two sentinels, who knew very well that Princess Doma was extremely cruel and cruel, did not dare to interrogate Guo Nuan.Otherwise, the princess's washing will be delayed.The princess got angry.It is estimated that the two of them will throw their corpses into the wilderness to feed the eagles after dawn.

"Huhu~" Guo Nuan rejoiced for a while.Finally cheated the last level.

It's a torma inside.Guo Nuan's mental concentration immediately improved extremely.The whole body tenses up.In a state of explosive assassination.Of course, the most perfect assassination is to kill Princess Doma quietly.If there is a noise change.Guo Nuan had no choice but to run wildly.As for whether you can escape the arrest of a large number of Tubo troops after killing the Tubo princess.Then it depends on personalization.

Raise the tent.Shiny.Candles flickered in the spacious tent.It turned out that the woman did not sleep.A light gauze tent bed in the tent.Torma is reading a book on the desk in the middle of the tent.

"What a girl who loves to study. It's a pity that you are my brother's enemy. You must not be soft." Guo Nuan murmured to herself for a while.Familiar faces are in front of you.A flawless face.An ice-cold temperament.I saw Toma, who was sitting cross-legged in front of the desk, frowning her beautiful brows from time to time as she read the books.

"Quack. Princess. Asang's guard asked the villain to wash your face." Guo Nuan spoke this extremely bad language again and again.

Inadvertently, a soft and bright smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.Guo Nuan's heart trembled.When this girl is not domineering, her appearance is quite impressive.

"Oh. Ah Sang ordered the water to be fetched. Put it down." It seemed that Guo Nuan said it was the order of Ah Sang's guard.Feeling the concern from her confidant, Doma couldn't help feeling happy.

Guo Nuan carefully moved to Dorma with the copper basin.Stand and look down.Torma is wearing a light gauze pajamas and shawl.That snow-white breast was unexpectedly seen by Guo Nuan from a height.Almost made his nose spurt blood.

"This barbaric woman has a good figure. And she's so flirtatious at night. Look at the style of light gauze and thin silk pajamas and skirts. The eight layers were imported from the Tang Dynasty. People from the Tubo Dynasty would quite enjoy it."

Guo Nuan's heart was full of thoughts.Suddenly distracted.

"It's really shameless to kill a woman who is now defenseless. I can't do it. Think about it. It's not a man's behavior...or if you make an appointment with two people on the battlefield to fight alone. If you die, you can't blame me for bullying women It's gone." Guo Nuan was stunned.He was fighting fiercely in his heart.

"But. Brother Luo died tragically. Although she didn't kill it directly, it was also killed by her hateful heavy cavalry. And it also included those former colleagues in Jingzhao Yamen who died tragically. It's really abominable. All of this is her He ordered his subordinates to be the chief envoys." Guo Nuan's face changed for a moment.

"Put the basin down. Then step back."

Princess Toma quickly suppressed her smile.She saw this Tubo soldier standing aside stupidly.It seemed to be frozen and motionless.Immediately, she was dissatisfied and regained the majesty of a high princess before.

"No." Guo Nuan slowly bent down and approached Doma.He pretended to put the basin on the desk.While leaning over.He caught a glimpse of the book Torma was reading on the desk. . "Book of Tang".

"Grandma's. This book is "Book of Tang" in Chinese." Guo Nuan muttered.He slowly approached Doma Rumo's hairline.The tip of the nose infiltrates a faint fragrance of virgin.

Guo Nuan put down the sink.Suddenly transformed into a big bad wolf, he quickly pulled out the dagger from his waist and put it on Doma's neck.

"Don't move." He lowered his voice and shouted sharply.

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