The bad emperor of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 215: Small Town in the Western Regions

These horse bandits saw that the deputy leader was already angry. Seeing that they couldn't take down this nimble Datang man, they immediately changed their tactics, untied the noose on their bodies, and waved their wrists in circles in the air. Dozens of loopers were scattered. Guo Nuan quickly dodged.

He swung his blade and cut off more than a dozen noose knots coming towards him. Unexpectedly, there were more than a dozen noose knots flying behind him. Living with cattle and sheep, as for a living person, of course it is not a problem.

With precise control, Guo Nuan was quickly caught. First, his right wrist was caught by a live rope, and the big knife in his hand lost control and fell. Then he was dragged by the horse and slid on the ground, feeling that he was being tied by the live rope. There was a sharp pain in the wrist that was bound, as if being dragged to the point of dislocation by a galloping horse, and his chest was rubbed quickly by the rough Gobi surface, and he was so painful that he was about to faint.

In the vast wilderness, I saw a group of bandits with dozens of cavalry riding their horses, holding up their swords, bows and arrows and shouting revelantly. One of the men was being dragged rapidly by a horse with a rope.

"Ah," Guo Nuan let out a muffled snort. He freed his left hand to hold his right wrist that was bound by the rope, which relieved the pain a little. A big rock on the ground hit the shoulder hard.

Looking at Guo Nuan, who was rapidly rolling and dragging behind the horse's buttocks, he was struggling in embarrassment. His clothes were rubbed with gravel and soil, and his hair and face were covered with gray sand. The small stone was scratched with blood, and the gang of horse bandits seemed extremely excited, laughing and shouting strangely again.

Guo Nuan was dragged down from a gravel slope, and before he had time to catch his breath, his whole painful body was dragged to streams, ravines, and grasslands by these ferocious horse bandits.

"Are we going to die like this in the wilderness of the Western Regions?" Guo Nuan felt a burst of desolation and sadness in his heart. He didn't expect that he would die in such a tragic way. , the dagger in his waist accidentally fell, otherwise he could have freed his left hand to pull out the dagger at his waist and cut the rope at this moment, at least he could stand up and fight again, even if he died of exhaustion in the end, it would be better than dying like this Much better.

In order to protect his head, he stretched out his hand to cover it. He didn't know how many bloody scars were cut on his arm. Guo Nuan also felt that his right rib and sternum had been broken by a stone on the road. He was probably about to die. It was whistling like an old broken bellows, his nostrils were full of dust raised close to the soil, his face was also smeared with mud, his body was covered in sand and mud, and his clothes were torn and torn.

"Oh hoo,,,"

The tragic scene of the horse-drawn people race is being staged on the Gobi wasteland. A caravan of camels from the Western Regions with three or four hundred members just jumped out of the top of the desert dunes to the east of the Gobi junction.

The camel bells are ringing, and a line of camels is winding and walking slowly. A pair of grandparents and grandchildren are sitting on the leader camels, one is a West O'Flynn businessman with a gray beard and a white square cap, and the other is playing on the hump The little girl with the rattle drum has sparkling blue eyes set on her immature and lovely face, especially her golden curly hair is particularly dazzling.

"Grandpa, there's an uncle being dragged (Old Germanic) by a hideous horse bandit,"

The sharp-eyed girl Aina was surprised to see the miserable scene of Guo Nuan on the plain not far away. She immediately stopped shaking the rattle and pulled the lapel of Grandpa Della Dana repeatedly.

"These hateful horse bandits, God will punish them." Della also found the man who was dragged by the horse bandits in the wilderness not far away. This kind-hearted old Flynn was so angry that his gray beard was raised.

It is said that the camel team led by Della set off from the Yumen Pass of Datang in June. They did a quarterly trade with the people of Datang in the Central Plains. After selling the spices and exquisite blankets from their hometown, they began to detour along the Hexi Corridor. Qaidam crossed the desert and was about to arrive at Turpan in the Western Regions. Unexpectedly, he saw the atrocities of the horse robbers that the Western Regions caravans hated most.

"Hurry up, go save that man." It is estimated that the person bullied by the horse bandit must be an innocent passer-by. It is impossible for Della to refuse to save him. Now his private bodyguards equipped with the caravan have no less than 100 people. They are brave fighters hired by the Persian Gulf, and they are superior in strength. It is not a problem to repel these horse bandits.

Soon, after receiving the request of the employer, the big merchant of Deira, more than 100 camel riders wearing armor, holding spears, and large shields rushed down the golden sand dunes.

"Valery, la la," a strange cry came, and the deputy leader of the horse bandits saw a line of heroic camel reinforcements appearing on the sand dunes to the east. Guo Nuan casually dropped a few hemp rope loopers that were pulling Guo Nuan, and in a flash, dozens of horse bandits rode their horses and disappeared into the depths of the Tianshan Desert.

Guo Nuan only felt that her body that was being dragged suddenly stopped moving. After a commotion in her ears, the sound of horseshoes gradually faded away. The extremely weak Guo Nuan only felt uncomfortable. Guo Nuan tilted his head and saw the blurred shadow of a caravan of camels coming from the east, and his heavy eyelids closed slowly.


Yani, this is an oasis basin named Tukkanda located in the vast sandy sea in the Western Regions. The oasis is located in the lower reaches of the Toshi River. A tribe in a small Niya country with many households and a population of less than 600.

Since encountering the horse bandits, and rescued a young man from the Tang Dynasty from the thugs, Della led the caravan to continue on their way. Besides feeding and feeding the unconscious Guo Nuan, they finally managed to catch up on the third day. To this oasis country.

Della invited the most respected monk and mage in the temple in the small city of the Western Regions. This is the monk invited by King Niya from Tianzhu, a Buddhist holy land thousands of miles away. This kind and benevolent eminent monk, Prajnajiu, is also proficient in ancient Indian medical skills.

Della has been on the road to the Western Regions many times in the past few decades, and he met this eminent monk Prajna Dove when he passed by Niya, so Guo Nuan was very lucky to be carried into the temple by this eminent monk to recuperate.

"Cough cough, cough cough..." In one of the rooms of the Golden Gourd Temple, Guo Nuan was lying on the stone platform and coughing violently. early in the morning.

"Little uncle, you are awake (Datang Chinese)" Little Aina, a doll with blond hair, was walking into the threshold with a bowl of rice porridge on a plate. She found that the little uncle, who had been in a coma for four days, suddenly reacted. A small dimple of surprise appeared on the cute cheek, and he giggled.

"Where is this place?" Guo Nuan licked her shriveled lips, as if she had been seriously ill, and her whole body was so weak and limp that she didn't even have the strength to raise her arms a little.

Squinting her eyes, Guo Nuan saw a very cute foreign doll, Aina, beside the bed.

"Um, you are..." Guo Nuan was a little confused, but when he opened his eyes, he suddenly appeared in a clean and tidy room, with many exquisite Buddhist murals on the walls, and Ran Ran sitting next to the bed. Incense, all of which imply a strong religious atmosphere.

"Hehe, this is the small country of Niya, hello, uncle, my name is Aina, from Folin," an arm as white as a jade lotus root stretched out, and the soft and fleshy little hand gently held the rest of the place. Big thumbs on the edge of the bed.

"Why, am I not in the wilderness, being dragged by a group of horse bandits..." Guo Nuan opened his mouth weakly and murmured, staring blankly at the wooden beams on the roof.

"Also, Doma was snatched away by... a nasty horse bandit..." Before Guo Nuan could finish speaking, he fell into a coma from extreme exhaustion, leaving only the sound of a little girl running out of the door in panic. shout.

Under the treatment of the eminent monk Laojiu's superb medical skills, Guo Nuan was soaked in a large water tank filled with herbal juice and boiled on low heat for a whole day and night. After the wound was well bandaged, he was carried to the sick bed to recuperate.

Della asked his little granddaughter Aina to take good care of the seriously injured and comatose Datang native. In his spare time, he made several deals with merchants in the city. Dela exchanged hundreds of bolts of high-quality silk and a dozen or so pieces of secret-color ceramics brought from the Tang Dynasty in exchange for a gold silk treasure belt, a crystal cup, and several hundred catties of fine wine.

He is in a relaxed mood, but now he has a good harvest. If these gold, silver and jade ornaments are shipped to the Persian Gulf for sale, the nobles of the Guishuang Dynasty, who have always enjoyed luxury, will definitely bid to buy them, which will cost several times the high price.

After Dela finished his business, he bought a set of men's gowns with narrow sleeves and a waist in the city. It was white and gold-edged, which was quite a style of folk clothing culture. He estimated that he would change this handsome Tang man into a certain Comparable to Prince Niya.

Changing sleeping Guo Nuan's tattered clothes, Della put on new robes for him. Sure enough, a man depends on his clothes, and a horse depends on his saddle. It seems that this is an extraordinary Tang man.

During the change of clothes, Dela saw the old and new scars on Guo Nuan's solid body, and the shocking and magnificent imprint of the glorious medal. The old man Della felt deep admiration in his heart. Sigh; this is a man with a story, at least a brave man.

At least Della has many scars on his body. These are the scars left by countless robbers and tribal barbarian troops when he was young when he was doing business in the desert of the Western Regions. Good feelings arose in my heart,

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