The bad emperor of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 227: Cut off the water source

"Report." The Tuyuhun army had already caught up.Only we have more than 30 miles left. "

As soon as he explored the horse, he galloped to report.VIII frowned.He then stepped on his horse and led the Niya army to the front.

really.This is a unit of four thousand light cavalry.A small but well-equipped advance force.

Emperor VIII divided more than 3 soldiers into the former army.Central Army and Rear Army.The general on the right was killed when he broke out in the middle of the night.One of the four governors also died in battle.Seriously hurt one.Now there are still half of the tiger generals left in the eighth generation.But this loss also made Niya's army choked up.

"Your Majesty, I request that you lead four thousand infantry in the rear to delay the enemy's light cavalry." General Zuo, who was covered in scars all over his body, knelt down in front of the VIII.

Looking at this General Zuo who has worked with him for more than [-] years.Since he was the crown prince, he has been loyal.The time spent with General Zuo is longer than that of father, queen and queen.People who have always regarded him as a confidant.At the same time, some time ago, he sacrificed his life to save his own life.VIII, who has always shed blood but not tears, now has tears in his eyes.He slowly lifted the left general's shoulders and stood up.

"Are you really going?" Eighth suppressed a trembling voice.

"Your Majesty, I have made up my mind. Time is urgent. For the future of the Niya Kingdom, I beg Your Majesty to give you an order." General Zuo kowtowed again.

"Okay. Aiqing must return to Niya alive. Don't forget that we have to drink and have fun in the palace as usual." The Eighth King knew that General Zuo's departure was equivalent to suicide.Four thousand infantry is the opponent of three thousand well-equipped cavalry.The results speak for themselves.

Before leaving, General Zuo resolutely led his [-] brave and fearless infantry and turned around to meet the enemy.The rest of the army looked at the four thousand compatriots who were broken.There is no doubt that the heart is full of grief.think about it.This battle of ending the rear must be at the cost of life in exchange for precious time for the army to retreat.No one would be naive to think that these people would come back alive.

Under the leadership of General Zuo, the [-] troops in charge of breaking the rear met the Tuyuhun light cavalry at the steep mountain pass.The two armies strangled for two hours.General Zuo lived up to expectations.He did a great job.

When the main force of more than [-] Tuyuhun arrived at the mountain pass later.They were shocked to see the dead silence in the valley.A gust of wind blows.Mixed with strong blood.

There are dead bodies everywhere.stump.Weapon armor.The corpse of the army horse.Not a single one survived.General Niya Zuo led the four infantry to guard the pass road leading east to Niya.Not a single Tuyuhun light cavalry stepped out of the pass.

A one-and-a-half day march at extreme speed.Niya VIII finally ran back to the motherland with more than 2 elite soldiers.But when we are about to cross the river and cross the border.Tuyuhun's main force rushed to the back.A large number of archers shot overwhelmingly.Eighth not only lost five or six thousand Niya soldiers.When he was running away, he was accidentally shot in the right side of the back by a flow arrow.The lobe of the lung was seriously injured.

"Ahem. I guess I can't do it. I can't hold on for a few days." In Niya Palace.Eighth King was lying on the bed extremely weak.He has been coughing up blood since he came back.

Now the monarch in the palace is seriously injured and dying.There will be another army coming outside.irresistible.An atmosphere of melancholy permeated the palace.Distraught ministers whispered to discuss countermeasures.

After the class teacher finally returned to Niyadu City.Niya VIII, who was seriously injured, was immediately carried into the palace on a stretcher by his subordinates to recuperate.Even the best doctor in the palace tried his best to treat the king.They also had a sad look on their faces.

Eighth King was struggling on the bed.In the case that both the left and right generals were killed.The commander-in-chief of the army is lost.Resigned in danger.He promoted a governor to general.

According to the king's command.The newly promoted general stepped up his fortifications.Mobilize the people of Niya to strengthen the fortifications.Dig deep trenches.and raise barriers.

Fortunately, within three years of the VIII's accession to the throne.He was far-sighted and prepared for the worst.He estimated that one day the Tuyuhun army would arrive at the capital of Niya.So he sent [-] laborers to continuously strengthen the fortifications of the capital in three years.Now it can last for more than ten days for the time being.

"I don't know if the envoys have reached the grassland." The Eighth King insisted on not falling down with amazing perseverance.Four days have passed.It is estimated that the envoys I sent have reached the Western Turkic tribes.

General at the behest of the VIII.He dispatched the remaining more than 2 remnants and the more than 1 garrison troops of the capital who had not gone abroad to fight to every corner of the city to guard against death.Always be alert to the arrival of the Tuyuhun enemy.

Sure enough, it was very fast.Tuyuhun's 15 troops marched across the border of Niya.According to the report of the spy club.Da Yuezhi's army did not assist Tuyuhun to send troops to invade Niya.Undoubtedly, this is a bit of good news in an extremely bad situation.Otherwise, the 15 Tuyuhun soldiers plus the [-] troops of the Da Yuezhi.Even if the Niya envoy borrowed the army of the Western Turks.It is estimated that Niya will also be finished.

It is estimated that the Tuyuhun army alone hastened deep into the border of Niya.The Eighth King predicted that they must be short of food and grass.Soldiers and horses are also prone to fatigue after long-distance raids.The Eighth Emperor strictly ordered Niya soldiers not to go out of the city to fight.

"As long as we stick to the city. We must not break the city within ten days. I believe that the Tuyuhun army will not last long without supplies along the way. Even if the Western Turkic reinforcements do not arrive, the Tuyuhun army will retreat without a fight."

These words of the Eighth Emperor gave some comfort to the panicked courtiers.The order in the palace also became a little smoother.

The ministers saw that Niya VIII also drank two bowls of porridge for breakfast.The pale flesh on his face was also slightly rosy.These good omens boosted the confidence of Liushen Wuzhu's subordinates.

"But we are facing a menacing army of 10,000+. Can we last for ten days?" VIII appeared calm on the surface.But his heart also became uneasy.Western Turks rushed to help from afar.It will take ten days at the earliest.

Not to mention his injuries.Only the Eighth Emperor and the imperial physicians who strictly kept it secret knew.The ruddy complexion is probably a reflection of the light.

"Report. The Tuyuhun army outside the city was aggressive. It not only cut off the water source flowing into the city from outside the city, but also used more than 1000 trebuchets to destroy our city walls frantically." The third day of the siege.The messenger brought bad news to VIII.

"It's not good..." VIII's face suddenly changed.Speaking of the strength of the city wall, he is still very confident that the enemy army will not be able to destroy it within a few days.But it is bad news that the water source in the city is cut off.

It is an oasis desert capital.In such a hot and evaporative environment.The capital of Niya depends only on the water source of the river outside the city.There are only a few dozen deep wells in the city.However, these scarce wells are difficult to meet the life needs of 27 people and the army in the capital of Niya.The food reserves in the city are enough for them to consume for a long time.Even if the city is besieged for half a year, nothing will happen.But water is an important resource.

"Immediately order now. The whole city implements water control. The water supply of each household is reduced to one-third of the usual level." The VIII quickly ordered officials to start implementing the decree.

Given the scarcity of water.He gave priority to supplying most of the water resources to the army.These soldiers are the core of defending the city.He doesn't want anything to go wrong.

on the other hand.The envoys sent by Niya VIII rushed to the western Turkic Khan king's tent in the prairie.They presented mountains of treasure to the Khan's eyes.At the same time, the eloquent envoy explained to the Khan the interests of Niya to the Western Turks once the country was destroyed.In addition, more than a dozen beautiful and beautiful Tuyuhun concubines were captured by Niya VIII in the Tuyuhun Palace.This made the lustful Western Turkic Khan even more dazzled.

Talk to the elders of the tribe.The generals discussed intensely for a long time.Khan passed the plan to help Niya, a country in the Western Regions, against all odds.The tribes with ten surnames sent an average of [-] troops.A total of more than [-] Western Turkic troops set off in the direction of Niya.The commander-in-chief was the leader of a Turkic tribe, uncle and nephew of Niya VIII. .Ashru.

It is said that Niya and Western Turks are inextricably related by marriage.In the vast Western Regions where the powerful countries are like clouds.Tuyuhun, who is still so powerful, has to curry favor with Da Yuezhi as his backing.In the end, Niya, who was slightly weaker, was of course not to be outdone.The Niya royal family is also on the list of Turkic thighs.The two formed an in-law relationship.

Now in-law ties are also starting to play an important role.Niya, a small country, is in the midst of all kinds of competitions in the Western Regions.In the end, it struggled and survived in the cracks.

the seventh day.The well water reserves in the city are getting less and less.The VIII, who has always been rational and iron-blooded, decisively ordered to reduce the supply of civilians to one-fifth of each household.In fact, one-fifth of the water consumption of these more than [-] civilians is also an extremely huge consumption.Although the eighth world would like to simply not even distribute one-fifth of the water supply.All supply to the army.But considering that this will cause riots in the city.The enemy outside the city did not break in.The inner wall began to fight inwardly.This is certainly not a good strategy.

certainly.Facing the enemy who had just been massacred by his side half a month ago.The people in Niya also knew it clearly.Once the 10,000+ Tuyuhun army outside broke through the city.He will definitely slaughter the whole city without mercy.

So every adult civilian man worked very hard to help the Niya defenders change their guards.What they were more worried about was the fate of a family in the city being massacred.

The Eighth King knew that he led the army to Tuyuhun to massacre.In a blink of an eye, this account will be counted to his own country.He couldn't help but smile.I have always believed that man will conquer nature.My future is up to me.For the first time, he didn't believe in Minglun repaying grievances, and felt that this was God's punishment for his excessive killing and cruelty.

No. 11 days.In the city of Niya, which has been waiting for the West Turkic rescue in no time.due to lack of water.There was a pessimistic mood in the city.

After all, VIII was on the verge of collapsing due to serious lung injuries.But he still held on.The limit is coming to an end.He issued an edict to the ministers.

"Ligu's eldest son, the eldest son Neilih, will be the next monarch. If Gugu dies, you must serve Neilih loyally. Don't have two hearts. Are you clear?"

All the officials in the hall suddenly cried and shouted.

"The ministers obey the order."

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