The bad emperor of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 229: Royal Massacre

The Niya people in the city are anxiously waiting for the rescued Western Turks.The Tuyuhun army of 15 outside the city had already waited impatiently.

On the plain of the Gobi Desert with unobstructed views of Niyadu City.The densely packed small tents guard the large king's tent in the center.The person living in it is the second prince of Tuyuhun, Kerimu.

oh.Now Crimea has ascended the throne and became the new king of Tuyuhun XII.Half a month ago.This young prince has just experienced the extermination of the entire Tuyuhun royal family.As early as that night, he was captured by the Niya army and fled to the desert that night.Almost overnight.The second prince, who was immature in the past, has grown into a man.

"The widow swears. The bloody humiliation that Niya VIII brought to the widow Tuyuhun's entire royal family and the entire country will be repaid to him one by one."

Kerim turned pale like a lifeless patient.The pupils of the eyes are empty.Only when he made a fist fist and cursed Niya VIII.Only the ministers could see the terrifying smile on their new king's face.It was the grin of vengeance.

Wearing a hollow carved gold crown.It is inlaid with dense and shining gemstone particles.Now the young Kerim is sitting on the sterling silver throne in the center of the big tent.He held Tuyuhun's supreme royal scepter in his hand.This is a position of power that is unrivaled.Now he is sitting alone in the Tuyuhun Empire.

Kerim smiled wryly.Behold your own gorgeous king king's golden silk brocade costume.But he couldn't be happier at all: "Hehe. Originally, this seat was supposed to be passed down from father to elder brother. But they all died. They all died tragically."

The capital of Tuyuhun was burned to ashes by Niya VIII when he retreated.The capital built by Tuyuhun over hundreds of years suddenly disappeared along with the bodies of the eleventh family of Tuyuhun.What a grief the Crimea must have faced.

"Report. Observations show that another big riot broke out in the city of Niya. It is estimated that they will not last long."

A school lieutenant hurriedly broke into the king's tent and knelt down at the foot of the Crimean throne to report.

"Hmph. Even if we don't attack the city, they will probably die of thirst in two or three days without water." A gleam of pleasure appeared on Kerim's pale face.He enjoyed the torment faced by the enemy.

"Niya VIII. You should regret it. Western Turks. Maybe you can't wait until you die. Hahahaha."

A shrill laugh came from the king's tent.All the guards who were patrolling outside shivered involuntarily.

His new king has been since the death of the royal family.His temper became moody.From time to time, there will be horrifying horror laughter.

"Alas. It is understandable that our king has become like this. More than 1000 people in the royal family of Tuyuhun were massacred by the devil King Niya in one night. No one can stand it. Those who are not strong enough may become crazy. A guard with a heavy face outside the tent whispered to another partner.

"Wow. My poor family. If my mother-in-law hadn't hid the nursing baby in the stove during the massacre in Niya, she would have killed her." Another guard companion thought of the tragedy of the massacre.He, a big man, couldn't help but touch his tears.Talk about his family.Except for the little baby who was less than three months old and escaped unharmed.His wife who stayed in the capital.old father.Both mothers died in the fire set by the Niya army.Fortunately, he was fighting with the monks as a soldier on the western front.Otherwise, the whole family will be left with an orphan.It is estimated that the baby of this few months will not live long without a relative.

"Hey. Let's be sad." The guard who spoke first patted the companion's shoulder reassuringly.It is said that many people in his family died.For example, an aunt died.Two uncles.Three big aunts.The family's house at that time was hit by a catapult the size of a stone mill by Niya's trebuchet.It happened to hit the roof of his earthen house tragically.A big stone happened to kill the second daughter and fourth son who were hiding in the house.At that time, I returned to the capital and entered the house.He looks at his wife.A group of children and their parents were lying on top of the two dead bodies crying.He then looked at the four walls of his house for ventilation.Turned into ruins.He also almost passed out in grief.

"Come on. Let's keep patrolling. Damn the Niya people. In a few more days. They're going to die." The two patrolling soldiers cried to each other.The big man wiped away his tears for a while and then cheered up to go on duty again.

It is said that Crimean XII brought 10,000+ Tuyuhun soldiers.Since the Niya army slaughtered the capital.Almost every soldier lost a relative living in the capital to some extent.So this is an army of vengeance filled with righteous indignation and rage.

As for why Crimea laughed wildly.Just because he is absolutely confident that he can break through the city.How could he have not received news about Niya VIII bringing the huge treasure of the Tuyuhun royal family to the Western Turks and secretly asking for reinforcements.The spies had already discovered the movement of more than [-] Western Turkic troops intending to march in the direction of Niya on the northern border of Tuyuhun.

This is the Da Yuezhi [-] army to rescue the capital of Tuyuhun was led by Crimean's uncle Ashlu.After Crimean told his uncle about the Niya people's request for reinforcements.Ashilu led [-] soldiers to separate from the Tuyuhun army and went north to ambush, preparing to intercept the Western Turkic reinforcements.

On the eighth day of the siege, the Crimean received a report from Tyuhun's own spies stationed in the northern grassland.It is said that the commander-in-chief of the Dayue Clan, Ashil, had already delayed more than 20 troops of the Western Turks with 1000 soldiers.Ashru employs guerrilla harassment tactics.The entanglement along the way has attracted the energy of the Western Turks.Now it's fourteen days.The Western Turkic army still had a journey of more than [-] miles from Niya.

"It is estimated that the Western Turkic army to rescue Niya will arrive at the capital of Niya in four days at the earliest. But can the Niya people who have been surrounded in the capital be able to persist without water for so long. Haha" Crimea is ready to use the enemy's fatigue tactics again.Every day, several batches of siege troops harassed the Niya defenders.Let them be distracted from fighting the enemy in a state of lack of water and thirst.Crimean will keep the energy of the main force to recharge.Wait two days and deal the death blow to the Aeneas.The siege can begin.

"Kill. Kill all of you who opened the city gate and surrendered. Kill all of you."

No. 15 days passed.Eighth received a message from the general.There are two lieutenants and twelve princes and seven princes in an attempt to conspire against the mutiny.He is planning to kidnap the VIII.Open the city gate to welcome the Tuyuhun army.

VIII who was on the hospital bed almost fainted from anger.After coughing up half a bowl of blood.He roared with a piercing roar.It was as if the entire palace trembled.These timid princes.He didn't know what the princes were thinking.Mutiny and rebellion.Then he went into the palace and kidnapped himself and handed him over to Tuyuhun.Give the map of Niya and the scepter representing the imperial power to surrender.The Eighth World may not cherish his own life.If he was handed over to Tuyuhun, he would be executed Ling Chi to avenge the enemy.This can prevent Niya from being destroyed.He would walk out of the city gate without hesitation and wait for the punishment from the Tuyuhun people.When he was the one who almost destroyed the homeland of the Tuyuhun people.Hundreds of thousands of civilians were massacred.Can these people be magnanimous and not destroy the Niya Kingdom?Absolutely impossible.

The ancestors of Niya I passed down to the eighth generation of himself.The Niya Kingdom existed in the Western Regions for two to three hundred years.He is absolutely unwilling to bury the Niya territorial foundation created by his ancestors in his own hands.Otherwise, the eighth emperor would become a sinner of the Niya royal family through the ages.Even if you go to hell, you can't face your dead ancestors.

"Father, these are your prince brothers... and your sons. My uncle. Brothers. Do you really want to be so cruel?"

The First Prince's eyes were red.He gasped for air violently.Kneeling at the end of the entrance to the deep bedroom.Nilih looked at his father on the sickbed deep in the deep palace.The atmosphere was extremely cold.

"Hehe. These traitors. The heart of killing father and brother has already been born in the heart. What's the use of keeping it. Neilih. As a king, don't have the slightest kindness. Even your own relatives. As long as they rebel, they must be merciless. Kill them all." The weak voice was very low.But the majesty of the eighth voice from the bed cannot be doubted.

"Father..." The eldest prince, who knelt on the floor and wept bitterly, was choked up and could barely speak.

"If you can't do it, let the general do it." Eight generations were dying on the bed.Two lines of clear tears slowly and silently fell from the corners of his eyes, soaking the pillow.He sighed for a long time: "Execute it. You are the next king. Neilih."

Several captains and more than a dozen princes who rebelled.The prince was immediately tied up by the generals who were loyal to the noon.On the capital square.Thousands of people rushed to watch.One by one were hanged.Dozens of royal corpses hung on the gallows in the scorching sun without being removed.Until the city is broken.

Undoubtedly, VIII's decisiveness and ruthlessness are not only for his own enemies.At the same time, it can also deal with relatives who betrayed themselves.He can put a butcher's knife on anyone's neck without hesitation.As long as someone hurt the interests of the Niya Dynasty.Never allow it.Even his brother and his own son.

The hanging of the royal traitors in the square temporarily shocked the 20 or so Niya people who were already in a state of turmoil and instability.The number of riots they staged also plummeted.Because the people of Niya have seen the cruel methods of their King VIII.Even the seven sons can be killed without mercy.This should be a complete shock.The dreaded Demon King.

"My brothers...and my nephews..." Prince Niaz was in a daze in the remote courtyard of the palace with tears all over his face.He trembled and couldn't speak a word.Even Reheman, who has always been innocent and active, was frightened and cried when he saw his relatives hanged by the order of his uncle king in the square.

It is said that Brother Wang's suppression of the rebellion made Niya's royal family lose two-thirds of the princes.There are five or six princes who are alive.None of them participated in the mutiny.Like Niaz.There is also a little prince.The rest are somewhat involved.The remaining few are not crazy.It is suicide.Or in prison.

As for the prince.The seven who rebelled were relatively unlucky.But the VIII is relieved except for his eldest prince Neilih.The other ten princes who did not participate in the rebellion were all under house arrest in the deep palace and strictly guarded.Seven or eight guards hurriedly came to guard Prince Niaz's courtyard, which had always been deserted, last night.Surfaces are defended.In fact, it is also under house arrest.

"It seems that Brother Wang can't trust most of the royal family anymore." Niaz murmured.There was a feeling of urgency brewing in his heart.

"But if it goes on like this, our Niya royal family and the Niya country will be finished. I have to do something." Niaz's dull eyes suddenly burst into a sharp light.

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