The bad emperor of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 252: The Story of the Slums

After reading the envelope left by Mr. Della, Guo Nuan lamented their parting. They are in a foreign land, and they don't know when they will meet again.

After sighing a lot, Guo Nuan lingered in the inn for a while. He ordered a table full of food to reward himself. This time has been spent in the dark days of life and death. He couldn’t eat well and sleep well. Now he just happened to be extremely harsh. For the first time, the flat nose graciously rewarded Guo Nuan with some gold coins. Guo Nuan laughed at himself for a while, now clutching the gold coins, the next countless fights are full of dangers, and it is estimated that he can spend the saved money with his life. is an unknown.

While the shopkeeper and the surrounding diners were stunned for a while, the young man in front of him sat on the scaffolding and gorged himself at the dining table like a reincarnated evil spirit. He ate eight pieces of naan bread and drank five cups of buttered milk tea. With a chubby belly, Guo Nuan boldly threw a gold coin on the table, the innkeeper smiled happily, nodded and bowed for a while to watch the big customer leave, the innkeeper sighed in his heart, saying that this Tang man is really rich A heavy pure gold coin weighing [-] grams can buy [-] large pancakes and [-] cups of buttered milk tea in Zhishan City, which is equivalent to half a day's turnover of the inn.

"Um, by the way, boss, have you seen a down-and-out swordsman from Tang Dynasty recently, his name is Li Si," Guo Nuan asked the shop owner while clutching his swollen stomach as he was about to leave.

The boss with a mustache and a round white cap tilted his head and thought carefully, his expression suddenly stretched, and he clapped his hands together: "There is an oriental swordsman like you, he once fought in the small shop for a while. Day laborer, I know where he lives,'

The shop owner thanked Guo Nuan for his generous meal. After greeting the shop assistants for a while, the shop owner took care of the shop affairs. The enthusiastic shop owner took Guo Nuan to the next street. .

It is said that the southern area is a slum. Compared with the clean and tidy rammed-earth wooden buildings in the western area, it is in dilapidated condition. It is a piece of scaffolding and dilapidated houses. The narrow streets have no good drainage channels, piles of garbage, mosquitoes and flies. Luanwu, especially at the entrance of the street, there is a plainly dressed mother who is slapping the child's buttocks with a branch. Seeing the dusty and muddy child crying and screaming, it is estimated that he has just gone to play in the water. The water channel on the left is gushing. A rotting dead dog corpse, with countless white maggots wriggling and crawling on it, and blowflies buzzing around, the stench in his nose almost made Guo Nuan spit out all the biscuits he just ate.

Guo Nuan frowned and looked at the slums here, and lamented the huge gap between the rich and the poor. A few streets away, one side is full of feasting and feasting, and the other side is such a dirty scene. The living environment of the lower class is really backward. Extremely.

However, the law and order here is very bad, and Guo Nuan also felt it. People from all walks of life generally like to mix in this slum. Except for coolies, cheap servants, and serious workers like craftsmen who live here, the shops on the streets are closed. Residential houses also hide prostitution brothels, usury organizations, killers, down-and-out mercenaries, gangsters and so on.

The owner of the store is a descendant of Uyghurs, with Middle Eastern Caucasian mixed blood. As an honest and small businessman, he is a humble man with no backing and no power and wealth. Generally, he will not come here if there is nothing to do. Those who break into the chaotic slums rashly, except that their money is easy to rob, if a stick or a brick hits the back of their head at any time, they will die. Violent crimes occur in the chaotic slums. is normal

Look, walking in the dark and narrow alleys of the slums is like entering a dark underground mouse hole. The cobwebs are strewn with forks. On both sides are shirtless muscular men with totem tattoos all over their bodies. Weapons and equipment hang down lazily, and murder and robbery may occur from time to time.

Guo Nuan felt the stiffness of the store owner's smile, but he smiled comfortingly and patted the warm-hearted store owner's shoulder. After passing by several hundred steps, there were no less than thirty sleazy punks standing slantedly at the doorways on both sides. , or the thugs of the mafia gang, each looked at the two strangers who broke in from the civilian area outside with malicious eyes.

The store owner breathed a sigh of relief, his expression became a little more normal, saying that the store owner can also feel the strength of the tall and explosive young Datang man beside him, and the faint sense of security exuding from him is also why he is willing to bring Guo Nuan to the slums The reason for finding someone.

Maybe this Datang man is a retired officer in the army. He must have seen big scenes and killed many enemies in bloody battles. Judging by his calm look, the gangsters here don't pay attention at all. I guess this is the case Yes, the shop owner silently guessed in his mind as he bowed his head and walked.

The terrain gradually opened up and came to an abandoned pasture, which was piled up with many discarded rotten tiles and a large amount of decayed wood. The rest was an empty playground full of weeds. It is cloudy and black, and has long been polluted.

"Sir, the swordsman named Li Si you want to find is probably here. He used to be very poor for a while, so he did rough work in my inn to earn some food. He once said that he lived in this area," said the inn. The boss took Guo Nuan around for a long time in the slums, and now they came to a desolate grassland. Guo Nuan frowned and looked around. Unfortunately, except for a few dilapidated wooden scaffolding houses on the nearby grassland, one or two lying beside them He didn't notice the beggars sleeping late on the grass and the ashes left by the cooks.

Guo Nuan raised his eyebrows: "Li Si lives here," he was a little surprised. He said that Li Si lived here in the wilderness grassland, and the conditions are too poor. Compared with himself, although he is a gladiator who is always desperate, but at least Well-clothed and decent, and a luxurious manor... In a small solitary dwelling, people are better than others. Guo Nuan, who was a little bit self-pitying, realized that in the real example now, there is another fellow from the Tang Dynasty who is doing even worse. .

"Don't run away, Li Si, when will you pay back the money?"

When the owner of Guo Nuanhe shop was doing nothing on the grass, a guy with a very familiar figure came in from a small gap on the side of the courtyard wall in the distance. Coming in pursuit.

"Li Si,,," Guo Nuan took a closer look, this Korean-style long-haired trendy man dressed like a sharp guy, ragged but still elegant, rough and bearded but still sexy, isn't Li Si.

"Hey, hello, Li Si, Li Si," Guo Nuan laughed. When this guy climbed over the wall with agility, he made a leap, and when he was being chased, he still carried a rusty iron sword in his waistband. , panting heavily, rushed in.

Li Si was busy avoiding a large group of debt collectors behind him, and out of the corner of his eyes, he caught sight of two figures in the distance. He didn't care and thought they were passers-by who had nothing to do with him. He raised his eyes and met Guo Nuan's eyes.

"Guo Nuan,"

Guo Nuan was about to go forward, but unfortunately Li Si had met an acquaintance, but now he had no time to reminisce about the past. After paying his respects to Guo Nuan, he put his fingers to his lips and made a silent movement, then he turned around and jumped forward There was a pile of waste tiles behind the haystack.

"Uh," Guo Nuan and the store owner looked at each other for a while, the vine leaves were swaying in the grass, and Li Si's whole body was well hidden, not a single hem of his clothes was revealed.

Eight shirtless, tall and thick men rushed in aggressively with machetes and sticks. Looking around, Li Si's people disappeared, and they happened to see two people standing nearby.

"Wow, did you two see a wandering swordsman just entered the grass?" A burly man with a tattoo on his head arrogantly held a machete against his shoulder, approached Guo Nuan and the others with a very impolite manner Then he drank casually.

"" The owner of the store, who had never seen the domineering gangster leader, took a step back tremblingly, and he hurriedly hid behind the calm Guo Nuan and whispered back.

"Drink, no, you're blind. A group of people ran in just now, but you didn't see what you said. Did you really not see it?" The big man stared, and the shop owner immediately looked at Guo After warming up, I shrank back and didn't dare to speak anymore.

"No, no, didn't you hear?" Guo Nuan said coldly, he raised his chin slightly, stared at the big man and said bluntly.

Regarding this young man who spoke bluntly and with a strong oriental accent, the little boss sized him up, then turned his head and gestured to the gangsters who were with him.

In the blink of an eye, the seven gangsters slowly surrounded Guo Nuan and the two of them. The iron guy in his hand dangled in front of Guo Nuan's eyes, which made him very annoyed.

"You are from the Tang Dynasty," the nimble little boss questioned as if he had found some connection.

"What's the matter, so what if I'm from the Tang Dynasty?" Guo Nuan secretly clenched his palms into fists. Fighting trained gladiators, even third-rate gladiators can beat four or five punks with bare hands. Guo Nuan estimated that he should be able to resolve the battle in less than a quarter of an hour.

"Oh, people from Tang Dynasty, Jie Jie," the big man gave a strange smile with a ferocious face: "Hmph, you are from Tang Dynasty, and Li Si is also from Tang Dynasty. There are not many people from Tang Dynasty in this city. It just so happens that you two people from Tang Dynasty appeared at the same place again. , that was too coincidental,"

"That's right, it's a coincidence, you want to fight, stop talking nonsense..." The strong man who was staring blankly at why the corner of the Tang man's mouth was showing a cold smile under his threat did not respond, a phantom shot straight It rushed to the face, extremely fast, and a vigorous fist lifted the man's sideburns by his ears.


"Wow,,," with a scream, the big man fell back on all fours, fell to the ground in an instant, and shouted to the strong man who was clutching his nosebleed.

"Big brother, big brother," the seven gangsters didn't expect their boss to be magnified by the big Tang man's punch, and everyone helped up the little boss on the ground.

This is the case when Guo Nuan has a little spare energy, otherwise the bridge of the nose will be broken, and the little boss becomes angry, covering his nose with blood dripping and yelling.

"Dare to hit me, come on, beat them both,"

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