The bad emperor of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 255: Father Guo's Private Diary

Facing the jade pendant that Guo Nuan suddenly revealed.Li Si, who was originally lazy, suddenly jumped three feet high.

He reached out and took the white jade round carving jade pendant in Guo Nuan's hand.I checked it carefully to make sure it wasn't damaged before putting it in my pocket.

"You actually stole my jade pendant." Li Sibai glared at Guo Nuan.Guo Nuan crossed her arms and replied lazily: "You were lying on the ground just now. I didn't know that I dropped something. I just took a look and returned it to you. How could it be considered stealing from you?"

Li Si blushed.He angrily turned his head to the side and stopped talking.

"Hey, Li Si. Stop pretending. I'm not wrong. Logically speaking, you should be the grandson of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty. I, Guo Nuan, are lucky. Hehe. Unintentionally, I met a wandering royal family."

Guo Nuan said with a grin.Li Si's face became more and more ugly.She curled her lips: "You are talking nonsense. How can I get involved with Li Tang's royal family."

"Oh. Why is there a line of words engraved on the back of the jade pendant? It seems to say something like Ying King Li Ying gifting children sacrifices. Could it be that I am delusional. You can't pick this thing up halfway. Or... "Guo Nuan rolled his eyes.After guessing for a moment: "Or. You stole it."

"Hmph." Li Si didn't finish.He whimpered in his nasal cavity.He looked quite impatient.Turn around and stride away.

Looking at the back that is gradually leaving.Guo Nuan calmly laughed and said: "Do you still remember that Guo Ziyi in Chang'an killed Yang Hui for the crime of dereliction of duty more than ten years ago. Guo Ziyi escorted the deposed heir of the royal family, Li, who was only 15 years old, in the Hexi Corridor. Si. At the time when there was no one left or right on the back of the station pavilion, I whispered to Li Si: "Yang Hui died. The revenge of King Ying has been avenged.'"

Li Sidang, who was striding forward, listened to Guo Nuan's words.It was like five thunderbolts.His head was buzzing for a moment in a daze.The whole body also froze in place.

"How do you know about my conversation with Mr. Guo Ling. There was no third person present that day. And who are you from the Guo family?"

He turned around suddenly and asked sharply.His shoulders trembled slightly.After that, Li Si didn't make a sound for a long time.Thoughts raced through his mind.This detail made it clear to Guo Nuan, who had a good eye.

"Hehe. I can only say God's will. There are too many coincidences." Guo Nuan smiled.From Li Si's self-confident answer, he had already confirmed that this person was actually the owner of the jade pendant.His name is not Liz.His real name is Li Si.

Speaking of why Guo Nuan knew about this top-secret conversation.It's a long story.When I was in Fenyang Palace in Chang'an.For me, Guo Nan is a fake Guo Nuan who crossed over from the modern day with a dead body.He seemed very guilty in front of the Guo family.He just inherited Guo Nuan's body.But there is no memory of the owner of the body.

Guo's mother, Wang, who loves her son very much.Guo Nuan often showed her feet and made a lot of jokes.But the Queen Mother never had any suspicions.At most, he thought that his son broke his brain by jumping from the pagoda.

But Guo Nuan, who had just arrived in ancient times, was in a hurry.Fooled the old mother.There are still many brothers and sisters who will be together in the future.It's okay to be full of loopholes when chatting.Most importantly.I got a cheap father Guo Ziyi.This is a famous general in the history of the Tang Dynasty.Go through thousands of troops.The role of thousands of people slaughtering thousands of people.The fierce man stood aside.The domineering momentum leaked out.Guo Nuan knew that father and son would meet again one day.He was worried that one day he would be full of flaws.The answer was wrong.Although I didn't say the wrong thing, I was pulled out by my father and hacked.At least he won't be liked by the old man.Besides, before committing suicide.The weak and incompetent performance of the six sons of the Guo family is also notorious in Chang'an aristocratic circles.The old man Guo was ashamed.

At that time, Guo Nuan was thinking about having a new life again.When working hard to improve the bad reputation of the past.Knowing yourself and the enemy is the kingly way.As soon as you are free.Guo Nuan took advantage of the name of going to Guo Ziyi's study in Fenyang Prince's Mansion to read books, and plunged in to ponder the old man's personal belongings.Learn about his personality and hobbies.

Guo Ziyi has been in the Shuofang Military Region all year round.Naturally, the old man's private study in the Fenyang Palace also lost its owner.As the old man's son, Guo Nuan was naturally able to come in and out freely.Unimpeded.

Whenever he was free, he sat down on the table.Crossing Erlang's legs, he rummaged through boxes and cabinets tossing Guo Ziyi's treasured items.

Except for the art of war with a full cabinet.strategy books.And some official documents.Memorial.Or the weapons on the wooden shelf of weapons.armor.After playing around for a while, Guo Nuan seemed a little bored.

But one day.He dug out more than 20 old thread-bound booklets from the inconspicuous lower shelf of the cabinet.It turns out that these are the diaries that old man Guo has been recording daily events since he was in his 20s.

Guo Nuan sighed a little.Father Guo's habit is just right.Now he is the grandfather of a large group of children.These dozens of diaries have not been updated almost every month.Except sometimes a diary with a few sentences a day.Each of the other articles is written in hundreds of condensed ancient classical Chinese.

There are not many breaks.The longest vacancy was during the year of the Anshi Rebellion.Sometimes it takes three or four days to continue writing a diary of the day.It is estimated that there is no time to write a diary because of the heavy military affairs in the crisis of war.

Among them, the diary book is nothing more than writing the crisis of the war situation at that time.And the panic in Chang'an Palace.The blunt words revealed dissatisfaction with the court's intrigue in the officialdom atmosphere.However, the general meaning expressed between the lines of Guo's father exudes a strong and optimistic determination to fight the rebellion.

Of course, the diary remembers to be aboveboard.Guo Nuanchun flipped through it as if he was looking at a journal.At that time, he estimated with some evil taste.I went through Daddy Cheap's private diary for decades.Maybe find some love affairs.

Unfortunately, Guo Nuan was disappointed.This old man is not only keen on how to train soldiers.In the diary, he described his plans and ideas for military training at length.Or it was the political discussion that was discussed by the court that day.

When I read the day when Guo Nuan was born.Guo Ziyi's diary reads: "Twelve years of Tianbao year. Early spring. My wife Wang gave birth to a baby boy at dusk. Great joy. Outside the window is the scenery of Yangchun and March. The weather is warmer tomorrow. The night suddenly dims. It's me The child was born with a sense of God. It shows that this child is extraordinary. The sky is ambiguous for a day. Sometimes it is warm and bright. Sometimes it is dim (ai). . . So the six sons are named 暖 (ai). The nickname is Nuan (nuan) son... .”

Tut tut.Guo Nuan was deeply moved after watching it.This text deeply shows the tenderness and kindness of a fierce general who has always been dignified and prudent.However, the young Guo Yan doesn't like the pronunciation of the word "暖" in his name very much.Except for using Guo Yan's name in official documents.In daily terms, warm words are generally used instead of warm words.Over time, Guo Nuan's name made the family members get used to it.

Continue reading The Days of the Don.At that time, Guo Nuan shamelessly satisfied his curiosity of prying into other people's privacy.

Look at the diary book that old man Guo recorded in his middle age.He came across an interesting diary from 16 years ago.This is the story of Guo Ziyi's secret farewell to a mysterious young man.His name is Li Si.

Guo Nuan was at a loss after reading the diary.It is expected that there are some secret things during the period.Later, with the help of Zhang Hu, a buddy who has connections in Zongjuan Mansion.He finally figured out the ins and outs of this incident.

It is said that it was the period of Xuanzong.Li Longji's second son, Li Ying.Also called Li Siqian.Also called Li Hong.Anyway, many influential people in ancient times liked to take many names.Guo Nuan guessed that Li Ying might have been unlucky.Has the ancient concept under the influence of feudal fans.I always thought about changing my name to improve my luck.Just like Guo Nuan also has two names.It is not recorded in official history books.I only know Guo Yan.I don't know that Guo Nuan is the same person.

Li Ying's mother is Zhao Lifei.Competing with Concubine Wu Hui for favor among a man named Xuanzong.The two concubines were so cruel that each other was going to die.Li Ying, who is the prince, is the heir of Concubine Zhao Li.Naturally, Concubine Wu Hui also felt resentment.

Later, a villain named Yang Hui.This guy is uneducated.Relying on his status as a princess son-in-law of the royal family.All day wandering around in the palace, gossiping about right and wrong.

Yang Hui wanted to curry favor with Concubine Hui who was so popular in the harem.Every day when he has nothing to do, he quietly collects the shortcomings of the prince Li Ying.Take the opportunity to report to Concubine Hui to slander him.

After a lot of passion.A woman blows on a man's pillow.Talk bad things about the prince.How to form a party for personal gain.I can't wait to think that my father Xuanzong died early so that he can usurp the throne and ascend to the throne as soon as possible.Too much to say.Naturally, Xuanzong was dubious.

later.The villain Yang Hui once again reported to Concubine Hui that the prince and the two princes were trying to rebel.The two used this guise to count together.The design lied that there were thieves in the palace.To lure the three princes into the palace with a large number of armored guards to catch the thief.When the three princes were so simple-minded that they were a little stupid, they quickly led the guards into the palace to catch the thief.

This is great.Concubine Hui immediately pulled Xuanzong to have a look.It is said that the crown prince Li Ying led a large number of soldiers into the palace because he really wanted to rebel.Now Yang Hui's villainous plan has succeeded.Xuanzong saw the witnesses and the evidence.The prince and the two princes couldn't argue with each other.After becoming a commoner, Kacha dragged to the vegetable market and lost his head.People all over the world felt wronged for the three dead princes.Naturally, Guo Ziyi was also included.

Later, the villain Concubine Hui may have a guilty conscience.Conscience.Half a year later, he died of illness amidst the constant panic.

As for the rest of Yang Hui.He was free for a while.Guo Ziyi has been trying to find fault with him.Finally, after the villain got his wish and made a lot of mistakes in the officialdom.Old man Guo Ziyi was overjoyed.Now you can catch this hateful villain.Cut him first and then play Kacha.It can be regarded as revenge for the prince Li Ying who has a good personal relationship.

Although Suzong, the father-in-law of the cheap father-in-law, took over the throne of Xuanzong.Abolished the queen sacrificial coffin, which was chased by Xuanzong as Empress Wu Huifei.And to vindicate Li Ying.Restore the title of "Prince" and the innocence of the other two innocent princes.But Li Ying's only bloodline is the small county king Li Si.

"Hehe. Of course. I saw it in the diary I was flipping through in my old man's study. He said this to you himself. He also recorded it word by word. God knows. You know. I Dad knows. There is only the third person left in this world, Guo Nuan, who knows this sentence."

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