The bad emperor of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 287: 3 Supports

"Where are you going?" Ruru asked Kang Wan curiously.Now everyone is in danger.There are already two wounded.Where else can I go.The girls were puzzled.

"Go to Shule, 270 miles away, to find reinforcements." Kang Wan replied affirmatively.All the women's eyes lit up in an instant.Excited eyes.

northwest direction.It is about half a day away from Zhishan City.Drive quickly along a hill with slightly sparser vegetation.What Kang Wan hopes most now is to go to Shule to settle the wounded.In order to rectify the troops and then turn back to rescue Guo Nuan from Zhishan City.

It is said that Kang Wan was in Dongnv Country half a year ago.She once led the [-] brave women's iron army of the Eastern Women's Kingdom to assist the country in its most critical moment.

She was a little unsure whether Shule could offend the mighty Lord of Zhishan City because of her, the great general of Dongnvguo.

Three yellow pumas galloped towards Shule non-stop.Raise dust all the way.

He happened to be wearing the gold belt bestowed by King Shule in his arms.half year ago.Because the remnants of the Western Turkic tribes and the Gongyue tribe covet the richness of the Shule people.Two powerful tribes formed an alliance and assembled more than 7 troops in one dark night to press down on Shule.

It was caught off guard.The Western Turks drove straight all the way to attack the west.The Da Yuezhi people attracted the attention of Shule's heavy troops in the north.

Unexpectedly, the insidious Union army inserted a sharp knife from the abdomen. More than 1 elite cavalry rushed straight into the capital of Shule.Shule's army had no power to fight back.They forcibly shredded the people to join the Allies.And it requires a huge and incomparable tribute every year.Of course, the people of Shule Kingdom desperately resisted.Never surrender.

On the verge of extinction.The king thought of reinforcements.The Shule people sent a small group of breakout cavalry to gallop northwest.After arriving in Dongnv Country, he explained his plea for sending troops to help.

But at that time, Dongnu Country was experiencing a big war with the southern tribes.Although the victory.Morale is high.But the soldiers are also tired.The most important thing is.Although the Western Turks were suppressed by the Tang Dynasty, they declined.But a lean camel is bigger than a horse.It is still the descendant tribe that once established a powerful grassland empire.Plus the brutal Da Yuezhi people.The queen hesitated a little.

However.General Kang Wan thought carefully.Use the principle of dead lips and cold teeth.She decisively persuaded the queen to send troops to help the people of Shule immediately.

Escorted more than 2000 dendrobium of grain and.Herbs for hundreds of carts.And more than 5 elite Iron Maiden troops followed the Shule messenger cavalry to the capital of Shule.

In cooperation with the 1000 soldiers in the capital of Shule.Kang Wan came to the front line in person.Scheduling is precise.Perfect tactical fit.soon.Within three days, [-] Allied Chinese troops were wiped out.It really shocked the enemy.

See Shule and invite reinforcements.In addition, Dongnvguo echoed the [-] troops of Tian, ​​a friendly neighboring country in the east.Then the situation reversed immediately.The Western Turkic Allied Forces saw this.Resisting stubbornly will consume unnecessary troops in vain.Even if you win, you will lose both sides.And it's not cheap.

fourth day.The Allied Forces and Kang Wan, the representative of Dongnu Country.King Shule.These three small countries held negotiations.Finally, after the Allied Forces signed a friendly contract with the three countries.Stop fighting.

Speaking of a happy ending to it all.A large factor is due to Kang Wan's efforts to promote participation.Only then did the Shule Kingdom be prevented from being conquered and enslaved by other powerful enemies.So in Shule Kingdom.Kang Wan, the general of the women's country, has a high reputation.Domestically after half a year.In the streets and alleys of the capital.There are many tombstones everywhere.temple.torii.These are all praises.Dedicated to Kang Wan, the legendary female general who witnessed the glorious deeds.

Kang Wan took a light breath.After a long and dusty journey.It is gradually slanting westward.The oasis of the distant hills gradually became clear.Finally arrived in Shule.

Hold up that golden waist card.Kang Wan led the four girls all the way.He rushed directly to Shule's capital, Shancheng.The surrounding soldiers saw Kang Wan riding a horse.Don't kneel down on one knee to salute.

soon.The extremely respected incoming soldiers led Kang Wan and the others directly into the Shule Palace without hindrance.The two wounded also received the best treatment from doctors in Shule City.

There are 8000 households in Shule.The land has a circumference of one thousand one hundred li.Although the territory is small.But it is also a small, wealthy and healthy country.There are two captains on the left and right.Active-duty troops remain at 4.In an emergency situation, it can be expanded to [-] people immediately.

I have seen Kang Wan come here.King Shule in the palace was overjoyed.The old man over [-] years old took the left and right captains.Minister.And a bunch of princes.The queens lined up to welcome them.Decorate with lights.Prepare to host a banquet for distinguished guests.

Kang Wan then cut the long story short.She respected King Shule in the hall of the palace: "Your Majesty Shule. I hope to borrow three thousand troops. Fly to the best to rescue my friend."

Unexpectedly, Kang Wan made this request the first time she opened her mouth.For a moment, King Shule and his officials were slightly taken aback.Then they discussed quietly for a while with solemn faces.

It is said that Zhishan City is among the small countries in the central part of the Western Regions.It is also a powerful small country.population.troops.The level of wealth is slightly better than that of Shangshule.He rashly sent Shule soldiers to attack Zhishan City.Undoubtedly provoked a war between the two countries.But Dongnvguo is at least five days away from Zhishan.Go back and forth to rectify the army to go out.It will take at least half a month.Wait until you arrive at Zhishan City.To rescue Guo Nuan whose life and death are uncertain.It is estimated that the day lily is cold.

Dang Kang Wan briefly talked about the previous and subsequent events.King Shule with a big white beard was holding a scepter.He pondered for a moment.Then he replied firmly: "General Kang. You are the benefactor of our Shule Kingdom. Now you need help. We will do our best to help."

The king readily agreed.Kang Wan was overjoyed.Immediately the Shule people did what they said.The left and right captains were temporarily subordinated to Kang Wan's command.Assist in the rescue of Guo Nuan.

Shule dispatched 52 heavily armed elite troops.Almost exhausted the country's elite.Bring a lot of rations.Equipment and supplies.and cook.medical officer.wait.Seven brigades. 2000 squads.200 infantry.500 cavalry.There were [-] siege soldiers.The rest are strongbow shooters.

On the first night when Kang Wan and the others arrived in Shule, they were all ready to go.Shule Kingdom wanted to help Kang Wan.In an instant, the entire state machine was turned.Provide the most sophisticated resource allocation.I didn't expect to say a word.With the promise belt bestowed by King Shule in the past.Received such great support.Kang Wan sighed again and again.This is called throwing a peach in return for a plum.

soon.Kang Wan settled the injured Rouran and Dongfu behind Shule Kingdom.She is wet.Contempt women.And the army of Shule Kingdom marched in a hurry the next morning.Head towards the direction of Zhishan City.

Since the day before.Kang Wan and the others are few in number.And riding a fast horse.Whip all the way.It took only half a day in high-speed driving.But it is necessary to lead the army with luggage on its back.It will take two days at full speed.

Kang Wan was also helpless.She prayed silently in her heart.I hope Guo Nuan is not dead yet.If Zhishan City wants him to be imprisoned.Then there is still time to rescue.

But even if the Shule Kingdom gave the greatest support.But to rescue Guo Nuan in Zhishan City guarded by more than 5000 soldiers.With only seven thousand Shule soldiers.Obviously at a disadvantage.Kang Wan is even the god of war.Possess the best military command strategy.There is no certainty of victory.Is it necessary to bury the lives of a large number of friendly Shule allies?Kang Wan was full of contradictions in her heart.But she has not stopped these rescue work.Explain subconsciously.She mobilized all the strength she could to save a man.Even in danger.Lose your own life.All fearless.She just understood now.How important is his position in his heart.

"That philandering man... hold on. You mustn't die"

When Kang Wan's army hurriedly marched towards Zhishan City.On the other side, by coincidence, an army of [-] came out of the snow-capped valley on the northern slope of the plateau.This is from the Tubo people.

About why a Tubo army popped up in the northern snow-capped mountains.At this moment, the hurried soldiers were heading straight towards the central part of the Western Regions.Shocked a series of small tribes along the way.Fortunately, the Tubo army seemed to have no doubts about conquering these weak forces.Look at their trends.It's like marching in a hurry to reach a destination.

There is still a long way to say about the appearance of the Tubo army.Talk about Qisang.That is, the simple and honest man with a scarred face from Tubo that Guo Nuan met in the prison of Zhishan City.In the gladiator training camp, he played a trick with Guo Nuan.After being stabbed with a sword in the chest, he pretended to be a dead body and escaped from the cruel gladiatorial camp.

at the place of burial.Qi Sang woke up faintly.At that time, the wound on the chest and heart had already been stopped by Guo Nuan with wound medicine.Qi Sang left a message according to Guo Nuan's leather text.He found Guo Nuan's family heirloom jade pendant and golden dagger buried in a desert.

Qi Sang, the scout captain of the Tubo army.He did not forget his mission of looking for Princess Doma in the Western Regions as a civilian spy.So after walking for more than ten miles in the desert towards the Tubo Plateau in the south.He was rescued by a caravan.It happened that this caravan was composed of Tibetans.After Qi Sang revealed his identity.The caravan then escorted Qi Sang and turned back to the southern border of Tubo.

Guo Nuan didn't expect it.In fact, this Qisang man is still the elder brother of Princess Doma who escorted Ah Sang.So when Guo Nuan and Qi Sang parted for more than a month.When fighting alone in the arena to save Doma.Then Qi Sang was depressed, and there was no news at all.Don't you know that Qi Sang is rushing to Tubo to carry reinforcements.

When Qi Sang, who had gone through untold hardships and went back, reported the news to the Tubo Dynasty.Tubo Zanbu attached great importance to the news of his daughter's survival.The supreme ruler immediately ordered Qi Sang and his younger brother Asang to take [-] cavalry to the small city of Zhishan in the middle of the Western Regions.

The princess of the majestic Tubo Plateau Empire was actually imprisoned in the palace by the king of a small country in the Western Regions and forced to become a princess.Zambo was furious.He gave a deadly order that the Tubo cavalry must level down the small city of Zhishan.Rescue Princess Doma safely.

certainly.suddenly.Qi Sang told his younger brother Asang the story of meeting a Datang man named Guo Nuan.Unexpectedly, Ah Sang was dumbfounded.In the dark.Specially arranged to play tricks on the world.When the gold dagger and the jade pendant engraved with the words "Fenyang Palace" were handed over to Ah Sang's brother.He was sure that the life-and-death friend Guo Nuan that his brother said was the kidnapper who took the torma away.At the same time, he is also the son of Guo Ziyi, the Jiedu envoy of the Tang Dynasty.

Qi Sang sighed.But good luck tricks people.Guo Nuan is no longer an enemy.Now Datang and Tubo have just concluded a peace treaty.There will be no war between the two countries for at least the next 20 years.The most important thing now is to arrive at Zhishan as soon as possible to rescue the princess.

When Kang Wan led the Shule army, it was still two days away from Zhishan City.And the Tubo army, which had already set out for the inland of the Western Regions for more than half a month, was less than three days away from Zhishan City.An army is to rescue Guo Nuan.And another army is to rescue Torma.Of course, both armies have the same purpose. .Find the good city lord.That is the trouble with the leader of the secret cult.

But such a hilarious rescue plan.How can we forget Guo Nuan's army of relatives and friends? .The cavalry of his second brother and Fatty.

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