The bad emperor of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 303: Fragrant Bath Herbs

Since the Sutra Tower houses a large number of books, calligraphy, paintings and inscriptions, there will be regular cleaners in the palace to clean and manage the tower. Guo Nuan moves, and the floor does not raise the slightest dust, but it is clean.

On the fifth floor, Guo Nuan saw a small green bamboo potted plant on a wooden stool next to a bookcase. The leaves were crisp, the soil was moist, and there was moss growing on it. It could be seen that this potted plant had been tended not long ago.

At some point, Wang Yueyi took out a small shovel from the grocery cabinet to loosen the soil for the potted plants.

"Oh, this is the bamboo you planted, Yueyi," Guo Nuan couldn't help asking curiously seeing her skillful movements.

"Well, usually no one comes up here in the tower. I am in charge and have the key. I often come here alone. Sometimes I get tired of reading and I grow a potted plant here when I am bored."

During the conversation, Wang Yueyi smiled lightly and took a chicken feather blanket to gently pat the fine dust on the bamboo leaves.

Seeing Guo Nuan lingering on the fifth floor with interest, Wang Yueyi immediately handed Guo Nuan a large series of cabinet lock keys: "The books displayed on the unlocked counters are printed copies. If you want to read some Rare and peerless hand-copied solitary copy, you can find the corresponding cabinet according to the sequential number of the Twelve Branches of Heavenly Stems engraved on the key, I will look at the anthology of hundreds of schools on the third floor, if you have anything to call, I can hear it, "

After Wang Yueyi gave the key chain to Guo Nuan, Guo Nuan's eyes lit up with joy, and she went down to the third floor, leaving Guo Nuan alone in the world of profound knowledge of medicine.

Looking at the tens of thousands of volumes of Chinese medicine books, Guo Nuan was amazed. It is said that only the power of the country can concentrate resources to compile such a comprehensive book library of medicine.

In ancient times, the printing technology was underdeveloped, and the cost of books was high. As for the field of traditional Chinese medicine, doctors from aristocratic families, and medical secret recipes were regarded as private collections, and were not easily passed on to others. Therefore, the books in the tower here are so complete. If there are folk doctors, doctors can go to the palace. After meditating in the library for a period of time, I copied a few classics of pharmacy in an instant, and when I opened a medical center among the people, I could rely on the knowledge from these medical books to gain a place.

Guo Nuan glanced at the unlocked cabinets. Wang Yueyi just said that there is a very representative "Tang Xinxiu Materia Medica" here. She said that it was a comprehensive catalog of pharmacopoeia materia medica compiled nationwide more than 100 years ago. The emperor spent money on it. More than [-] million taels of silver, all of which were spent with vain silver.

It is said that thousands of doctors, physicians, and respected pharmacists from all over the country were assembled to sort it out. There are only seven manuscripts handed down from generation to generation, with more than 300 million words, including detailed illustrations depicting medicinal plants. Guo Nuan really doesn’t know what to do. Find such a book.

Fortunately, Wang Yueyi pointed out the location, otherwise Guo Nuan would not be able to find this treasure among the more than 3000 books in his collection, 560 books and so on.

I took the key and found the place on the sixth grid from the right of the T-sized bookcase on the left side of the tower. Unfortunately, Guo Nuan was 1.8 meters tall, and it was still a bit difficult to find. It is said that a cabinet is seven grids high, close to three and a half meters.

Guo Nuan dragged a ladder beside the potted plant and set it up. After panting for a while, he finally climbed up the ladder.

Open the drawer of the nanmu cabinet, and there are more than a dozen hand-copied books printed in blue ink and lined in neat rows.

Guo Nuan was excited for a while, and it almost became a lonely book. No doubt in the eyes of the pharmacist, this book is like getting the peerless sword that a warrior has dreamed of, such as Moxie, or the seven-star sword.

It is voluminous, and it is very laborious to copy by hand. In addition, the herbal pharmacopoeia, which was compiled at a huge cost, is taken for granted as a royal collection. Guo Nuan knew that due to the later loss, this book of pharmacy is worse than that compiled by Li Shizhen in the Ming Dynasty. Although "Compendium of Materia Medica" is not as famous as it is, the pharmaceutical content in it is extremely extensive and detailed. It is known as the world's first pharmacopoeia of herbal medicine.

Guo Nuan was able to see such a herbal book that was lost in later generations with his own eyes, his hands were shaking with excitement, it was a good thing.

Opening the title page, there are more than [-] kinds of herbs recorded in the book, such as chrysanthemum, angelica, orchid, Huaimu, rehmannia, etc., which are common herbs in the formulas of traditional Chinese medicine in later generations.

Guo Nuan flipped through a few pages, with detailed illustrations and texts, and he was a little tireless in reading. After climbing down the ladder, he immediately sat down on the floor, took down dozens of books, and started to read them one by one.

It is said that the purpose of Guo Nuan coming to the tower is to find some useful drug formulas. Now it is the Tang Dynasty. Of course, there is no modern technology such as laser scar cosmetic treatment or skin grafting. Therefore, Guo Nuan can only try to meet in the Royal Library. Try your luck and see if you can find a prescription for treating scars in the field of traditional Chinese medicine books in China. Even if you don't, I hope you can find inspiration. With the experience of later generations, Guo Nuan, who knows a little bit about medicine, may really be able to touch it. There is a way out.

As a bachelor of the Hanlin Academy, Guo Nuan knew that recently, there had been major changes in the upper echelons of the imperial court. There was a guy called Lu Qi who was transferred from other places. He was extremely ugly. His scars are ugly, so that when he walks on the street, a group of children often throw mud at him, or women whisper to each other and laugh at him.

Of course, although this Lu Qi is ugly, he is also capable. He was relegated to a high-ranking official who offended a deputy minister of Pingzhang a few years ago. Moreover, he was cruel and merciless, Yan Zhenqing had deliberately told Guo Nuan not to offend him.

And Guan Bo, who is cautious, mediocre but often troublesome, and Qiao Lin, who is wild and unruly, are all transferred to the Chang'an Central Court from other places. Everyone is not an old officialdom fritter to be messed with.

Guo Nuan knew that she was hidden in the Imperial Academy by her father-in-law, Dai Zongxue, not only for the sake of leisure and recovery, but also to avoid the scourge of the recent political turmoil.

Since he was transferred to be a Hanlin Bachelor, and Daizong did not clearly assign any tasks, Guo Nuan had nothing to do for a while, so when he saw the scar on Wang Yueyi's face, he found a way to pass the time and help others. happy thing.

Come on, continue to read the herbal books, but it is a pity that flipping through the books makes him dizzy, and this medical knowledge is not what he wants.

At most, it is typhoid cold, cough and pain relief pharmaceutical knowledge.

Guo Nuan immediately climbed up the ladder, and slowly opened the bookcases. After a while, he found a lot of medicine books.

For example, the most classic "Shen Nong's Materia Medica", and "Zheng Lei Materia Medica", "Kaibao Materia Medica", "Decoction Materia Medica" and so on.

Guo Nuan was facing the books that were buried deep in his body. His head grew big when he saw that there were at least [-] books spread out on the ground. It would take at least a year or two to read them all. Guo Nuan Although Nuan is very free, he doesn't have so much free time to toss about.

Guo Nuan picked up "Shen Nong's Materia Medica", this book is quite old, and the name of Shennong, the originator of pharmacy, is famous enough, but unfortunately Guo Nuan couldn't find any works of "Hua Tuo's Materia Medica" and "Bian Que's Materia Medica". , it seems too long, has long been lost.

Opening the "Shen Nong Jing", it is divided into three volumes, but the strange thing is that the first volume has a catalog of top-grade jade, mica, nirvana, kongqing, and Taiyi surplus grain. These jade terms jumped in front of Guo Nuan. He was in the fog, and had never heard of any of them. Guo Nuan smacked his mouth. Sure enough, "Shen Nong Jing" is profound and profound. In fact, he, an ordinary person, can understand it.

Doubting why there is a column of jade in Materia Medica, and reading on, Guo Nuan found the "beast product".

"Antelope horns, dog yin stems, mouse feces, all of these can be used as medicine." Guo Nuan glanced at a column of wood in the middle of the beast, and Guo Nuan sighed. What made him speechless was the fact that even mouse feces could be used as medicine. , This is too disgusting, Guo Nuan feels a little queasy when he thinks about it, if he has a terminal illness, even if the doctor prescribes a magical prescription, if it contains a dose of rat feces, Guo Nuan would rather die than treat the terminal illness.

As for the "fruits in the middle", they are nothing more than some fruits and vegetables. Guo Nuan can understand them, especially bananas. The above explained its pharmacological aspects. I didn't expect that an ordinary banana can be used as a medicine with more than 30 kinds of curative effects. , such as laxatives, treatment of cramps, digestion and so on, not to mention.

And "Kinoxiapin" describes some plants that have long been extinct in later generations, such as living fossil plants left over from the Jurassic period. If these living fossil plants are used as medicine in later generations, they must be shot. It is too wasteful. The country definitely disagrees. There are too many people, and lives are cheap. It is not worth the money. There is no need to use the country's special rare and protected plants as a medicine introduction.

However, when Guo Nuan flipped through the list of "Grass Zhongpin", his eyes lit up immediately.

"Dried ginger, ephedra, lily, and seaweed, snow grass, etc. Tsk tsk, these herbs are hard to find. They either grow in the corners of deep forests where there is no trace of people, or on snow-capped mountains thousands of meters away. Hundreds of meters below the deep sea, "

Guo Nuan sighed, but he read some things that seemed to be useful.

"Papaya can nourish the skin, and potatoes are good," Guo Nuan put these points on his shortlist.

Talking about some knowledge of beauty in later generations, he still understands. Lemon, cantaloupe, apple, egg white mask and the like can have a good beauty effect on the face. If you use pearl powder, sea urchin class works better.

Of course, it would be better to apply some essential oils, Guo Nuan’s eyes lit up: “Lavender, by the way, it seems that my wife once said that she fell on a bicycle in high school and left a scar on her forehead, but after using lavender, it’s like lavender Essential oils healed,"

Of course, the wife that popped up in Guo Nuan's mind was the wife of the later generation's red apricot who made him so angry that he had a myocardial infarction on the spot and went back to the Tang Dynasty, not the current Shengping wife.

Guo Nuan remembers that his wife lifted up the hair on her forehead and said that there was a scar there, which affected the appearance. Later, when her aunt in the United States asked someone to return to China, she sent a box of lavender essential oil scar plaster or something like that. Guo Nuan still remembers His wife, who can continuously max out his bank card in one go shopping and doesn't care about money at all, said at the time: "Husband, that small bottle of lavender ointment is really expensive. I heard from my aunt that it costs more than 2000 US dollars...but It does a really good job of removing scars.”

You must know that when that angry wife was in high school, in China, prices have not yet been inflationed, and two thousand dollars is a huge amount.

Sure enough, Guo Nuan saw that his wife's forehead was clean and white, and she really couldn't see the scar from before.

Now the medical scriptures in front of him mentioned lavender, but according to the annotation on the illustration, it said "fragrant bath grass" and he had an idea.

"It's time to discuss the formula with Abu," muttered to himself,

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