The bad emperor of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 309: Mountain Village Musician

When Xiaoyao was giggling, she quickly sat down by a bonfire. It is said that Xiaoyao saw Guo Nuan besides Li Shi who handed over the silk scarf. Well, just now I was too busy talking with Guo Nuan, but I didn't look carefully.

By the way, on the grass tonight, most of them are the sons of scholars and merchants, and there are also some famous students. These young people come here because they admire Xiaoyao's superb guzheng skills. Of course, Xiaoyao actually knows a lot of musical instruments. Everyone is proficient.

In Xiaoyao's impression, apart from her own father and this black idiot in front of her who admired her piano skills, there is absolutely no one else who can match her.

Thinking of her father, Xiao Yao couldn't help but feel a pain in her heart.

Speaking of her life experience, it is difficult to explain clearly for a while. Hundreds of years ago during the Jin Dynasty, her father once said that their ancestors were court musicians in the Jin Dynasty palace. The family had no choice but to migrate to the mountains for refuge.

Later, with the restoration of the Taiping period, the ancestors of the great musicians used their savings and the music books collected and copied in the court to spread their branches and leaves in a valley bottom in the deep mountains. Gradually, a few hundred households of the same clan formed at the bottom of his valley, and the village was called Le Village.

It is said that the hundreds of villagers in Le Village can play and sing, which is the most basic skill. Some of the more intelligent villagers have been taught vocal music strictly by teachers in the private school opened in the village since they were young. For example, Xiaoyao, four He started to play the guqin when he was [-] years old, so it is not surprising that he can have such a superb ability to play the piano.

Inheriting the literary style of the ancestors for several generations, as well as countless classic and precious musical notation skills of the Jin Dynasty, Xiaoyao's father was carefully taught by the village head, the number one leader in the village. Xiaoyao's father soon became better than blue. In addition to writing poems and paintings, my father can also compose Sanqu and choreograph music and dance.

In the end, the old village head took the initiative to let Xiaoyao's father become the successor village head. He said that Le Village is located in a mountain in the middle of Sichuan. The place is peaceful and peaceful. The villagers are simple and kind, and they have nothing to do with the world. , who can become the village head is the best musician in the village.

Later, due to the music reputation of Le Village, which is isolated from the rest of the world, gradually spread to the outside of the mountain. It happened that the local county magistrate was an obsessed fan of piano art. When he visited Le Village in private, he overheard Sitting leisurely on the Bixi water stone bridge, with bare feet hanging in the air and touching the water, Xiaoyao's father, who was holding a pipa in his arms, played a smooth and emotional pipa to his heart's content. Yao's father, unknowingly, soaked most of his trouser legs with the stream water without realizing it.

After the county magistrate returned to the county office, the ethereal and ethereal music kept echoing in his mind. Could this be the ancient song "Mountains and Flowing Waters" that had been lost for a long time, and it was really wonderful.

During the few days when the county magistrate was in the county government office, he kept thinking about the scene of Xiaoyao's father playing the music that day.

Later, the county magistrate visited Le Village in person with more than a dozen servants. He said that Xiaoyao's father, the village head, could not escape, so he had to personally receive the county magistrate.

The county magistrate explained his intention to let Xiaoyao's father come out of the mountain, so Xiaoyao's father could be his personal musician, and he could enjoy endless wealth.

Of course, Xiaoyao's father, who is indifferent to fame and wealth, refused straight away, thanked the guests and closed the door, and then the villagers sent these uninvited guests out of the village indifferently.

The county magistrate was shut down, and he was a little annoyed. He didn't expect that he was polite to the corporal, and he had all the good words, but this musician dared to show his face to the majestic county magistrate.

The county magistrate's wicked teacher, Gu Lulu, rolled his eyes, and after having an idea, he whispered something into the county magistrate's ear.

With the idea of ​​Master Ghost and Elf, the county magistrate was very happy. Isn't he the parental official who manages the people of one side, so isn't it only natural to collect taxes?

The next day, the county magistrate came to Le Village again with a large number of officials. The county magistrate summoned all the villagers to announce that they would collect the taxes owed since the opening of the dynasty.

This is a big deal. It is said that it has been two or three hundred years since the Tang Dynasty was established, and Le Village is just a small village located in a remote mountain. That’s right, and the change of dynasties outside will not affect anything. As for the county magistrate’s collection of taxes, where even coins can be circulated, and the original way of bartering goods is only three days away from Le Village. To do business in the next-door village over seventeen mountains.

At that time, the villagers of the whole village were dumbfounded, and the county magistrate said: "Now you, as citizens of the Tang Dynasty, although you live in remote mountains and remote areas, are you on the shore of the land of the emperor? How can you not pay taxes? "

However, the county magistrate glanced at the village in the depression, dozens of thatched huts, some tattered hunting bows and arrows, silk fishing nets, a few wild boars in captivity, native dogs walking on the dirt road, hen belt With a group of chickens, it is estimated that the whole village will be worth ten taels of silver if the whole village is exhausted.

Just when everyone doesn't know what to do.

An old woman in her 80s came out of a thatched hut tremblingly. She was struggling to hold a dilapidated earthen pot. It was said that this pot was used by villagers with clay from the mountain behind, and a charcoal was dug. As for the musical instruments in the hands of the villagers in Le Village, they are all based on the illustration books of Jin Dynasty musical instruments left by the great musicians of their ancestors. They know some carpentry skills, and then use animals, plants and wood materials in the mountains to make their own. .

The old woman was Xiaoyao's father's aunt, and when she heard that a group of domineering county officials were going to collect taxes, she took out a jar, opened the seal, and dug into it a few times trembling.

"My lord, are these coins enough..."

The old woman took out dozens of bronze and rusty copper coins from the clay pot. The county magistrate took a look at it and was immediately happy. He then handed it to the master and other officials to watch it in turn.

"Hahaha,,,," suddenly all the officials and servants laughed up and down, and what's more, they laughed so much that they covered their stomachs and rolled on the ground, tears came out of their eyes.

It turned out that what the old woman dug out from under the ashes of the stove in her thatched house was the relics left by her wife's grandfather. It was the money left by the great music master of the Jin Dynasty hundreds of years ago. It was originally intended to prevent unexpected needs. It's a pity that even the Great Musician didn't expect that his family was hiding in the mountain for hundreds of years to avoid the war, and his descendants never thought of going out.

That's right, Master Da Yue chose a treasure land with beautiful mountains and rivers, which is as peaceful and beautiful as a paradise. The musicians left behind a few carriage music books, and the descendants of future generations will be accompanied by music in nature, enjoying themselves, comprehending the ethereal tunes in the pure landscape, learning without a teacher, and reaching the realm of returning to the basics of music art, Le Village The villagers here are all masters.

Of course, you can’t pay taxes if you use the coins of the Jin Dynasty 600 years ago. Let alone the coins of the Jin Dynasty, even the coins of the Sui Dynasty, which are more recent, have passed 400 years. In the Tang Dynasty No one wants them at all, and they are all dead. Generally, these ancient coins can only be found in the tombs of princes and ministers buried in Gaogang in Guanzhong.

The master knew that these villagers were extremely poor and had no money at all, so he jumped out and yelled in a pretentious manner: "Listen up, you fools, how dare you use the coins of previous dynasties to try to pay taxes to our Tang Dynasty officials? Isn’t this intended to oppose the Tang Dynasty and restore the former dynasty? Boldly, the people left over from the previous dynasty, if you don’t hand over the taxes owed to the Tang Dynasty in the past 290 years, we will demolish your thatched huts and burn your pigsty , catch your pigs, dogs, and hens, and confiscate them all,"

The words of this abominable master made the villagers present very angry. They really seemed to be fighting with these officials with bright knives with bamboo poles and wooden sticks. Especially the county magistrate added: Your musical instruments will be set on fire, and you will not be allowed to play music again, hahaha,,, "

It's a pity that I couldn't beat it. Xiaoyao was a little girl of seven or eight years old at the time. She was playing hide-and-seek with a few children in the bushes and grass. Several friends were terrified.

"What are you trying to do to embarrass us like this?" Xiaoyao's father, the village head, was furious. He vaguely guessed the purpose of this vile county magistrate.

It is said that when Xiaoyao's father was playing music on the stone bridge of the stream a few days ago, he accidentally saw a person standing on the other side of the stream and eavesdropping. Facing this strange person, he did not expect it to be the magistrate of the county, and the county magistrate The first time he came to visit, he stated that he wanted to invite himself out of the mountain. After being rejected once, he played this drama again, obviously to force him out of the mountain.

"Haha, I want you to come out of the mountain and become a private musician, so that Le Village doesn't have to pay taxes," the county magistrate laughed triumphantly.

It is said that although the villagers are very simple, but as the survivors of the Sui and Jin Dynasties, especially the descendants of the great court musicians at that time, they came from the scholarly family. As the people of the mountains, they all have the conduct of noble scholars hundreds of years ago .

Where there is oppression, there is resistance. Quack, everyone is very angry. They are used to playing wild cranes. They play beautiful and melodious tunes casually. How can they play for others for money? Defilement of music.

Soon a few young and strong boys, no matter what Tang Dynasty or Sui Dynasty people, took sticks and prepared to drive away these officials.

I don't know which party started first, an official yelled in pain, and then there was a crackling sound of a knife being drawn, and the scene suddenly became chaotic.

"Ah,,," in the blink of an eye, even the master and the county magistrate did not expect that a villager clashed with an official, and blood was seen in an instant. Soon the situation was chaotic, and the two sides beat each other.

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