The bad emperor of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 317: Hot Selling Items

After Guo Nuan had this seemingly crazy idea, he immediately went to the chemical factory to discuss with Abu. The two guys locked themselves in the room and discussed secretly for a whole afternoon. When Guo Nuan walked out of the wing, his eyes sparkled.

Although Guo Nuan is not short of money, he didn’t invent products to market for money. The gold mountains and silver mountains in the princess mansion are enough for him and his family to use for dozens of generations, but the fun brought by business is really something money can’t exchange for. of.

Guo Nuan realized that he hadn't returned to Fenyang Palace to visit his mother Wang for a long time. When he passed by the Palace, he brought five or six catties of Lily essential oil that he had just developed to visit his old mother.

Seeing the little son Guo Nuan coming, Mrs. Wang was extremely happy, especially when the jar of lily essential oil was placed on the table, her mother Wang's eyes could not help but smile into a line.

"Mother, this is my latest invention. Lily essential oil can whiten your face, especially when you are feeling a little stuffy, dip some essential oil and rub it on your forehead, and you will immediately feel refreshed."

Guo Nuan hastily dipped a few drops of essential oil on Wang's forehead, massaged it evenly with her hands, and a faint fragrance wafted from the room.

"Hehe, it's better to be Nuan'er. After using this thing, my mother will change from an old woman to a big girl," Wang said cheerfully. It's rare that this son has always been filial. In fact, does Guo Nuan say anything about this essential oil? Wang didn't really care about such an exaggerated effect.

"When you use it up, there are still a lot of baby, you can't use it up," Guo Nuan thought in her heart that dozens of varieties of essential oil products will be developed by then, and the effects will be different.

Since Guo Nuan had something to do, he hurried back to the mansion after having dinner with Mrs. Wang in a hurry.

The next day, Guo Nuan energetically sent servants to the market to buy many materials, such as green tea, sandalwood, licorice and other Chinese herbal medicines.

Of course, some high-end materials such as animal bones, ginseng, and deer antler, which can nourish the kidneys, also bought hundreds of catties.

Guo Nuan asked people to grind these materials into fine powder, set up a dozen large boilers in the large yard, boil water in them, boil these materials for a day and a night, concentrate them into essence, and then use gauze layer by layer Filter to obtain the colloidal translucent orange-yellow liquid of the drug at last.

"Quack, this is the essence of medicine," Guo Nuan scooped up half a scoop of hay liquid in the boiler. He said that the hay liquid was boiled for a whole day and night with a slow fire. Two hundred catties of spring water and fifty catties of hay were mixed. Is it steamed, now it is concentrated into ten catties of hay water, and the tangy hay has a unique medicinal sweetness.

Guo Nuan planned to dilute the essential oil with dry grass water at a ratio of ten to one, so that it could be used as a potion.

"My son-in-law, what kind of essential oil should I use for this hay water?" a servant boy who was adding firewood next to the boiler asked curiously.

"Ahem, I choked on it, it's really sweet," said Ah Fu, who was holding a ladle to scoop the hay water next to him, couldn't help but secretly tasted it greedily when the boy asked, and he coughed violently after choking.

"Use peppermint oil, or camellia,"

Guo Nuan couldn't help laughing at Ah Fu's distressed appearance. Speaking of which, during this time, because Guo Nuan was busy making inventions with craftsmen, Ah Fu, as a clerk, was very good at copying and writing, but for these physical principles, chemical reactions The experiment found that he was at a loss, and Ah Fu, who couldn't get his hands on it, had to be a nanny to take care of the princess's children. However, Guo Xiang, a naughty little doll, was not easy to take care of. Be patient, otherwise the average nanny will not be able to take care of this little ancestor.

During the talk, Abu also just stepped into the princess mansion, and saw a large boiling water boiler in full swing in the big courtyard, he went to Guo Nuan to start refining, he really did what he said.

"Cough cough" Abu coughed dryly for a while. It is said that Abu has recently been busy explaining the science courses of chemical principles to supervising students in Taixue, and he was busy returning to the factory to work overtime, which made him have no leisure all day long. Now he has a cold and cough up.

"Abu, it seems that you need to pay more attention to your body, you can't work so hard," Guo Nuan scooped up a ladle of basil water for him.

"Gulu, gulu," Abu raised his head and drank it, adding some sugar water to it, which tasted pretty good.

"Basil can cure colds and coughs. You should drink more. Once you are not in good condition, your hair will become even worse. You look like a chicken coop,"

Guo Nuan joked to A Bu, A Fu laughed heartily at Guo Nuan's humor, indeed Uncle A Bu's hairstyle is one of the highlights of Chang'an, not to mention messy, it's as hard as steel needles, standing upright one by one Spread out in a circular motion.

"This hair quality is bad, that's all. I combed it several times with a wooden comb every day, but it became messy after a while," Abu didn't care, and pointed to his dull yellow hair with a smile. Hair, he also felt helpless.

"Maybe I can invent an essential oil shampoo," Guo Nuan's eyes lit up, and what Abu accidentally mentioned gave him some inspiration.

"Shampoo, what is this? Is it something like saponin?" A Fu felt that saponin is not very useful.

"Yeah, like camellia oil shampoo, seaweed shampoo can do it," Guo Nuan thought about developing a hair that can make the hair black and shiny, and also have the feeling of being soft in the wind.

Thinking of opening up the situation, Guo Nuan thought more and more, such as shower gel, perfume, shampoo, hand sanitizer, made up his mind, and then he dragged Abu to the laboratory to study it.

Three days later, many new stores suddenly opened in Chang'an's market, and the high-end and luxurious decoration undoubtedly attracted many people.

In an essential oil daily necessities store, facing the street, a table is set up outside the door, on which are placed a large pile of goods packed in carved wooden boxes, stacked in the shape of a small high pyramid, next to there are lively beautiful women performing dance clothes, flute Music, zither, flower drum, erhu, playing and singing, was extremely lively, attracting countless people who went to the market to stop, and the products in the store were also sold out, and the endless stream of customers almost made the store out of stock.

These are the commercial chain stores that Guo Nuan recently opened. Following the previous sales channels in Chang'an, Guo Nuan signed contracts with the owner of more than 20 art auction houses in Chang'an, Gexuan. He cooperated with the auction house to sell essential oil series products and share the profits.

I saw that several major auction houses quickly launched several major products, especially in the streets and alleys, there were newsboys distributing leaflets with patterns of essential oil products and their functional uses printed on them.

For these new types of products, after the merchants distributed thousands of vials for free trial to the passing people, they received excellent word-of-mouth promotion, which suddenly opened up the situation.

Overnight, very trendy essential oil products emerged in the Chang'an market, and the streets and alleys were all talking about this popular spiritual oil.

Especially in the circle of aristocratic women, if a woman has a few small bottles of limited edition high-end lavender out-of-print luxury essential oil perfume, she will definitely make other women jealous to death.

Guo Nuan heard from gossip that the first batch of lavender essential oil that Guo Nuan refined in a large distilling tank had already been sold on the black market to a sky-high price of [-] silver for a [-]ml vial.

"Hey, this first batch of goods is really valuable," Guo Nuan guessed that the limited edition lavender essential oil probably flowed out of the palace, which is extremely rare.

Of course, now Guo Nuan uses good fiber tissue paper to add some transparent essential oil perfume, and packs it in a beautiful hard cardboard box with exquisite ink painting. It is definitely a high-end product. For those who have some spare money and are elegant For the rich family, if you want to pretend to be elegant, you will wear this perfume facial tissue on your body, and when you have dinner in public, you will take out a pack of tissue paper to wipe your oily mouth after the meal, which is quite a face.

In just four days, the perfume facial tissue alone, whether it is jasmine fragrance, or magnolia, honeysuckle, lilac, and thyme, has been sold out by all the literati in Chang'an. More than 1 packs of this facial tissue have been shipped. , the average price of a piece of paper inside is one tael of silver.

Guo Nuan clicked his tongue. He didn’t expect the tissue paper launched by Undoubtedly to be so enthusiastic among rich families with so much money. I heard that some people use it to wipe their buttocks when they go to the latrine. Ah, last time the large size cost four to five taels of silver, right? This is four to five hundred catties of rice. It’s really extravagant. It almost wipes out a delicious butt. By the way, these facial tissues are used to wipe the butt, and the texture is soft. It's really good.

As for mothball essential oil, the advertisement said that it can prevent insects, drive away mice, cockroaches, and add a wonderful fragrance to the clothes in the closet. It is simply the favorite of housewives. One year, one ball only costs 99 Wen, and one tael of silver can buy a whole box of anti-insect balls at a promotional price, [-] pills per box.

Of course, in addition to this little ball, there is also a bathtub bath oil that can relieve fatigue in a bath. Guo Nuan gave it a nice name, called the taste of the Garden of Eden.

The Garden of Eden, this is only found in the legendary paradise. I imagined that after a tiring day at work in the Yamen, I would put a few drops of Eden bath oil in the big wooden barrel for bathing at home. Every pore is open for breathing, refreshing and disinfecting. This type of product, Guo Nuan is targeting high-end business and civil servants. Most of these people are people above the level of store managers, or civil servants in government offices. , this kind of middle-class people use commodities to meet the style and taste, and their consumption power has huge potential.

"Does your woman have any unspeakable secrets? Your wife has a ten-year gynecological itch. The moon is irregular, and she is troubled every day... When you are dissatisfied with your desires, she complains and gets angry at the innocent you for no reason. ,” Guo Nuan launched a low-priced anti-inflammatory potion for women, which was sold out by a large number of married middle-aged men.

"Gynecological antibacterial, if you use it as soon as you know it, give your wife a bottle." This sentence is undoubtedly an excellent advertisement for Jieerkang Xiaoyan Water. It has spread all over the streets and alleys, and even five-year-old children can read it One sentence: "Uncle, did you buy it for your family today?"

"Quack, it's too hot to launch so many products at once," Guo Nuan, the boss behind the scenes, was grinning from ear to ear.

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