The bad emperor of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 329: End of Examination

Just as the cold night was silent, when he just woke up from a doze, he heard some strange noises with his human ears.

Fortunately, Guo Nuan is a specially trained special archer with amazing eyesight, otherwise he would not be able to spot the black shadows that flash across the night sky from time to time.

"What is this?" The subordinates stared at each other dumbfounded. They had no idea that such a phenomenon existed in the examination room.

"Pigeons," Guo Nuan watched as the four or five pigeons spread out and flew into several lofts in arcs. Apart from the slight flapping of their wings, there was no noise at all.

About ten minutes later, these pigeons flew out of the house again, and they all flew towards the city in the southeast direction.

"Could it be that this is a letter from a flying pigeon?" Guo Nuan's face was a little dignified. He rubbed his chin and thought about it. At this moment, the panicked subordinates hurriedly sent a dozen archers, who were about to shoot with bows and arrows.

"Stop shooting, let's wait for the rabbit," the calm Guo Nuan waved his hand. His order gave all his subordinates a backbone, and he immediately put down his bow and arrow.

Guo Nuan reckoned that these pigeons were trained by a special cheating organization. Usually, the pigeons must have passed the location of the examination room, so they could recognize the way back. The cheating pigeons fly into the number house, and let the candidates in the number house quickly write down the questions on the answer sheet. After the pigeons fly back to the location of the cheating organization, there will be special test gunners to make excellent answers in the shortest time, which greatly increases the number of cheaters. Candidates' chances of passing the exam.

Therefore, Guo Nuan, who was not in a hurry, was very sure that these pigeons would definitely fly back in the near future, so he ordered all the archers to stand still, and Guo Nuan wanted to come and get all the stolen goods.

After the pigeons flew out of the loft, one watch later, it was already the middle of the night, at the darkest hour of dawn, Guo Nuan and a group of officials waited silently around the examination room.

"Puff," as expected, there was the sound of flapping wings again, and the pigeons all came back, and Guo Nuan showed a smile like that on his face.

The four night elves entered the number house, and Guo Nuan gave an order to let more than [-] officials divide into four teams and quietly surround the four number house with pigeons.

Everything was going on in silence. Guo Nuan led people to unlock the door, kicked the door, and arrested people. With a series of swift movements, the officials rushed in one after another, and grabbed the candidates who were holding the pigeons in the dormitory.

The letter box of the pigeon anklet is the answer to the test question, and now everyone has stolen the money, and the four downcast candidates have nothing to say.

However, the actions to arrest the cheating candidates were carried out in an orderly manner, except for a slight collision, there was not much movement, so the candidates in other dormitories sleeping in the middle of the night were not disturbed.

Guo Nuan transferred the four candidates to the side hall next to the examination institute for interrogation overnight. After interrogation, the candidates all confessed the ins and outs of their cheating. Guo Nuan leaned on the recliner tired all over these things, squinted her eyes, and didn't sleep well for two consecutive nights. Guo Nuan felt that the invigilator had worked hard, and remembered the time when she took the imperial examination. It's just hard, at least do the questions when you're full, and go to bed when you're tired. This cycle doesn't feel too tiring.

Guo Nuan ran up the towering turret again, and he took a bowl of porridge from his subordinates. This period of sleep and irregular eating made his stomach feel a little uncomfortable. It was probably because of the birthday party a few days ago. messed up.

As for Ah Fu who has been serving and taking care of Guo Nuan, Guo Nuan sent him to the Imperial College to study. After one year of taking part in the college examination, if you pass the examination, you will be a Gongsheng student.

I lamented that after I became an invigilator, I realized the importance of obtaining fame. For fame, you can risk being imprisoned and beheaded. In every scientific examination, there are countless candidates cheating opportunistically, and they are repeatedly banned. important position.

So Guo Nuan realized that Ah Fu followed his unlucky master, and the master repeatedly demoted officials and Shutong followed him, but he wasted Ah Fu's youth.

Qiao Yun was not among the four candidates who cheated by flying pigeons at night. Guo Nuan stood on the turret and looked around. Judging by his lazy appearance, he probably gave up completely.

However, Qiao Yun was still very honest the next day, so Guo Nuan let go of his guard a little bit, as long as he didn't cheat, Guo Nuan would definitely not make things difficult for him.

Li Duan, on the other hand, has been working hard for the past two days and two nights, almost doing the papers. Judging by his calm face, it is estimated that the exam went well.

As for the crown prince, Guo Nuan was a little surprised. This guy turned out to be a chronic person. On the first day, he had a leisurely time. Apart from cooking hot pot and eating vegetables, he slept and occasionally read the test papers, but he didn't write any questions.

But on the second day, he suddenly exerted his strength. While picking up the pen and ink, his expression was confident and confident, and he wrote on the answer sheet like a flowing cloud, very quickly.

Guo Nuan lamented that this brother-in-law was not actually a soy saucer, but was extremely confident, and he was not in a hurry at all, so he started writing with his legs crossed.

Thinking of my own scientific examination, the scene of scratching my head and scratching my head at the beginning, if I hadn't copied an imperial examination article by a famous celebrity in later generations on the policy question volume, I would have passed the duck egg test.

On the third day, Guo Nuan and the officials were extremely sleepy, but the third day was the last day, and there were three shifts during the day and night. Some monthly salary subsidy rewards will be allocated, and officials who are patrolling examinations can get a lot of benefits, such as a few pots of wine per person, a dozen catties of pork, or silk cloth, and the most important thing is silver. You can get a subsidy of 12 taels a day, which is equivalent to half a month's salary for a yamen servant.

Hearing what Guo Nuan said, the officials were encouraged by generous bonuses, and on the third day they worked hard to continue the inspection tour.

The dusk of the third day is coming. When the fifth cannon was fired, the candidates who had been locked up for three days and three nights were finally released. One after another, the candidates came out of the dormitory. Yes, but some of the examinees had light smiles on their faces, while some looked depressed, or they just gathered together in twos and threes, whispering, shaking their heads and sighing.

As for being even more exaggerated, he was still crying and crying on the ground, and this exaggerated performance made Guo Nuan smack his tongue.

"Hey, buddy, you don't have to be so sad if you failed the exam," Guo Nuan asked the candidate who was crying on the ground, and saw that the candidate's face was pale, thin and yellow, and he seemed to be a candidate from a poor family.

Looking at this young adult invigilator, the examinee wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and replied respectfully: "My lord, this is already the fifth reference exam for Xiaosheng. My family is poor and there are only four walls, and my 80-year-old mother has been rushing for the exam for Xiaosheng. Sell ​​the only hen that lays eggs in the family to collect money for money, in order to hope that the child will get a good grade in the exam, "

The examinee cried miserably, which moved Guo Nuan and the officials and examinees who were watching.

"Here, this is the tuition fee that the official subsidized you. You didn't do well in the exam this time, and you will take the exam next time. Don't let your old mother suffer by selling iron and steel for tuition and exam fees in the future,"

Guo Nuan took out an ingot of gold ingots from his bosom and stuffed it to the examinee, and then the examinee's lacrimal glands spewed out again, prostrated himself on the ground and knelt down to Guo Nuan: "Thank you sir, Xiaosheng is very grateful,"

Guo Nuan couldn't help but smile bitterly. She didn't expect that it would be so difficult for poor candidates to pay the exam fee in order to take a scientific exam.

After seeing off the examinee, Guo Nuan saw Qiao Yun in the crowd of candidates leaving the examination room. This guy was walking towards the exit of the examination room with a bookcase on his back.

"Ahem, Mr. Qiao, why did you only do one Moyi paper for this exam, and the other three papers were handed in blank?" Guo Nuan blocked Qiao Yun's way with a smile on his face.

Qiao Yun, who was walking with his head bowed, suddenly raised his head and saw that this was not Guo Nanma. He happened to run out to block his eyes when he was frustrated and depressed. …

Qiao squinted at Guo Nuan, and was about to utter the next sentence, when he changed his tone in doubt and asked, "Um, you kid, wearing this outfit, it looks like a thing for a while."

"This is Mrs. Guo Nuan. It is really rude to see our invigilator dare to call 'boy',"

The two officials on the left and right immediately turned their faces, saying that Qiao Yun had just been tortured by the confinement exams for the past few days and was dizzy, and he has not yet come to his senses. These two officials who look like people are quite fierce.

"Could it be that you are..." Qiao Yun was stunned for a moment, and then he figured out why Guo Nuan knew that he only made one set of papers.

"Yes, my name is not Guo Nan, but Guo Nuan, this year's scientific examiner," Guo Nuan said with a chuckle.

When Qiao Yun left, he muttered in his mouth: "Damn it, how did this kid become an invigilator?"

It took Qiao Yun by surprise. Looking at his rich expression, Guo Nuan thought it was quite interesting. As for Li Duan, Guo Nuan didn't see him. There were crowds of people pushing and shoving. It was not so easy to find Li Duan. easy.

As for the prince Li Shi, as soon as he was released from the dormitory, he immediately slipped away, patted his butt and didn't even say hello, probably because he thought that talking to Guo Nuan would reveal his identity.

In fact, at the entrance of the examination room, there were big fragrant cars and BMWs parked early the next day, which almost filled up half of the examination street. It was really hard for these parents who hoped for their children to become a success, and it was also very hard to accompany the exam. .

The next step is the matter of the examiner. Guo Nuan's work is over, his eyes are bloodshot, and he yawns again and again. After Guo Nuan explained to his subordinates to clean up the examination room, he stepped into the carriage of the princess mansion. Back home, probably in the princess mansion, Shengping's wife has already prepared hot bath water and a soft bed for him.

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