The bad emperor of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 338: Master Copying

"En. Master Yu is really good at copying calligraphy." Guo Nuan pondered for a while.Although he specially took Yan Zhenqing's calligraphy and gave it to Young Master Yu.But celebrities.Generally, there are a large number of fans imitating the artistic conception and charm of its calligraphy.If this young beggar happened to copy his calligraphy.Guo Nuan undoubtedly made a mistake in the test.

Look around.There was no suitable handwriting paper for a while.As for the shopkeeper, it is ordinary people.for business.Calligraphy naturally doesn't have that kind of profound charm.It is easy for copying craftsmen to imitate the mere tangible fonts.

Guo Nuan decided to verify it again.After all, he had a big plan in mind.It is necessary to find a reliable copy master with real level.Otherwise, it is very risky to plan a hole.The time before Gongsheng's ranking is published is very urgent.

Guo Nuan motioned to Young Master Yu to give him the brush.Standing on a broken table.Learned from Young Master Yu's Zamabu posture.He is not used to it.If only there was a stool.

"Green poplar smoke outside the dawn cold light. Red apricot branches in spring." Swipe.Under the eyes of the shopkeeper who was stunned and the originally lazy Young Master Yu, his eyes lit up immediately.A famous quatrain from Guo Banshou appeared on toilet paper.

It is said that Guo Nuan can be regarded as a new star in calligraphy in the literary world.If someone knows that he uses a piece of toilet paper to write calligraphy.Undoubtedly, it made the scholars who love calligraphy shake their heads greatly.It's so easy.

"" the shopkeeper stammered and pointed at Guo Nuan.Obviously this is written in thin gold calligraphy.And it's more powerful and reckless than the fake one from the shopkeeper.The meaning is full of air.Presumably not a fool would have guessed that this is the son is the famous Guo Banshou.

"Oh. I was thinking about the test for a while. I accidentally showed my feet." Guo Nuan smiled lightly.He waved his hand towards the shopkeeper.Said that he was the person in the legend.Signal to the shopkeeper that there is no need to say it again.

"Haha. So you are Princess Shengping's son-in-law, Guo Nuan." The young beggar soon understood.Just look at the font.

Guo Nuan slightly apologized.I wanted to visit quietly.At this moment, the shopkeeper's thought of just enthusiastically recommending fakes to Guo Nuan in the store.He couldn't help but feel quite funny.The funny scene only made him laugh.

"En. Guo Banshou's calligraphy is unique. It is different from the mainstream calligraphy of the Tang Dynasty. It is round and full. It is really difficult for ordinary people to imitate. It is just to imitate its shape. It is just a tiger like a cat. There is no underlying temperament."

Young Master Yu took Guo Nuan's writing brush.He continued to sip water on the brush.Stick it on the inkstone and grind it a few times.

Brush.On the next line of half of the poem on toilet paper written by Guo Nuan, there is an almost identical handwriting.

Guo Nuan leaned over and carefully studied Young Master Yu's handwriting.The shopkeeper next to him looked at it from the perspective of his many years of operation in the calligraphy and painting industry.I couldn't help but nodded and applauded secretly.Undoubtedly, this copy master is not in vain.

"Crack. Crack. Crack." A satisfied smile appeared on the corner of Guo Nuan's mouth.Can't help but applaud again and again.It is said that Guo Nuan can practice thin gold characters.Undoubtedly relying on the childhood education of a provincial calligrapher father in his previous life.According to my own talent in this area and it took more than ten years to practice calligraphy.And this is Young Master Yu.Guo Nuan was really willing to bow down in his heart.This person has been famous in the literary world for more than two years since Guo Nuan traveled through the Tang Dynasty.He focused on copying Guo Nuan's thin gold characters.But even in such a short period of time, it can be copied to eight minutes.Enough to confuse the real ones.

The scariest thing is.What if it was the first time Young Master Yu copied Guo Nuan's handwriting?Guo Nuan felt a chill in her heart.This is too demonic.It's a fight with the digital scanners of later generations.

When you have spent thousands of days and nights practicing a stunt with painstaking efforts.But it can be learned after being watched by one person for a while.In view of the little bit of self-esteem left.Guo Nuan was also embarrassed to ask this brother whether it was two years ago that he came into contact with thin gold characters.It still starts today.But neither the former nor the latter.Young master Yu is a monster genius in copying.

Guo Nuan took out a deposit of 1000 taels from her pocket and gave it to Young Master Yu.This surprised Young Master Yu.Not as expected by Guo Nuan.This impoverished beggar young master did not immediately accept Guo Nuan's deposit in ecstasy.

"This deposit is too much. Tell me what you want first." Although Young Master Yu is short of money.In fact, he just lacks the favorite wine and meat.Essentially, he doesn't like the money used to buy things.So when the sky dropped pie money for no reason.He didn't accept it just because his head was hot. 1 taels of silver and one thousand silver are for him.If you can use 1000 taels of silver to spend the rest of your life with a daily meal of roast duck.A jug of sake.If you can't finish it.As for 1 taels.Any more is just trash.Worse than a stone.

"En. I'll come back in the afternoon. This is a deposit. I want to ask you to help me with one thing. But because it involves a very important plan, I don't want you to know. So as not to cause unnecessary trouble." Guo Nuan was helpless Shrugged.The important thing about this is that he doesn't want to implicate innocent people.If the plan fails.It doesn't matter if Guo Nuan carries it alone.But if this person is dragged into the water.Guo Nuan couldn't bear it.This guy was pitiful enough.penniless.In fact, Guo Nuan just felt sorry for the beggar Yu.The family was in dire straits.None of my relatives.In fact, Young Master Yu doesn't know how free and happy he is.

"Okay. Guo Banshou has served as an official in Chang'an for the past one or two years. Especially when he was Jing Zhaoyin. Pray for the people. Eliminate evil and promote good. You have done a lot of good things for the people. I believe in your character I will accept the money." Young Master Yu looked into Guo Nuan's clear eyes.The indifferent and non-evasive eyes gave Young Master Yu confidence.

Yu beggar finished.Then he picked up a heavy money bag on the table and threw it to the straw pile on the bed board in the corner.Not to mention the number is not counted.Even the thought of opening and looking at the huge amount of property in the purse was spared.

Guo Nuan bid farewell to Young Master Yu and the shopkeeper.He made an appointment to come back in the afternoon.Guo Nuan is short of time now.One day left.The day after tomorrow is the time to make a list.As the proctor, Guo Nuan didn't condone Qiao Yun's No. 1 cheating.As long as he is the proctor.You can't turn a blind eye and let a cheater go.And this is a brazen and cheating guy who knows the gods.Cheating to Gongsheng No.1.It's even cheating.

Guo Nuan hurried to Yaran Pavilion.It is noon now.It is said that Miss Xiaoyao is singing a tune.Guo Nuan broke into the hall abruptly.Look around.Hundreds of tables were full of scholars, wealthy businessmen, audiences and fans.Guo Nuan is really in a hurry now.He had to interrupt.On the stage, Xiao Yao repeatedly waved to Xiao Yao, who was playing the piano on the stage.

"Hey. What are you doing? What are you doing." The bustard had noticed the young man long ago.I thought he was late to hear the music.Unexpectedly, he rushed to the door.Then he broke into the singing hall.Not even a single ticket was sold.As for the two tortoises outside the door, they couldn't stop them.However, Guo Nuan is strong and strong.With a flick of his arm, the blocking tortoises turned around in circles and became dizzy.Almost fell.

Now the dignitaries in the hall.All of them are high-class young talents.They are all cheering for Xiaoyao.And Guo Nuan actually waved at Miss Xiaoyao directly.The old bustard was afraid of ruining the good deeds of the nobles.It's not good to disrupt business.With a loud voice, she repeatedly called more than a dozen thugs to chase into the Yaran Pavilion.The intention is to get Guo Nuan out.

"Idiot. Why are you here?" Xiao Yao hurriedly let the singing girls dancing on the stage disperse and retreated behind the scenes.She stood up in surprise and looked at Guo Nuan.

"Xiaoyao. I have something urgent. Excuse me. Let me talk to you first." Guo Nuan cursed under the clamor of hundreds of people in the hall.Regardless.A volley leaps onto the stage.Panting heavily, he moved forward and said to Xiaoyao.

"Damn it. Where did the apprentice come from? Get him out for my old lady." The old bustard looked at the surging crowd.The audience was very excited.Guo Nuan was also very helpless at the moment.But offending everyone is offending.fuck him.There are still many opportunities to listen to the music.But his chance to get down to business is only a day or two away.It is a serious issue related to a country's scientific examination and selection system.It's all you young scholars who are fascinated by Xiaoyao. It's important to listen to the music.It's still important to get down to business.

"Young masters. Young master. Xiaoyao has an urgent matter to discuss with a good friend. Sorry for the inconvenience. Let's go away first. Changing tomorrow, Xiaoyao will sing ten songs for everyone for free. Have fun."

Xiaoyao's agile and clear voice rang around the Xiqu pavilion.In view of Xiaoyao's charming smile.And her gentle and sincere tone.The die-hard fans then exited obediently.However, before leaving, he gave Guo Nuan a hard look.But Guo Nuanquan pretended not to see it.Xiaohe apologized to the guests repeatedly.

"Xiao Yao. Why are you like this?" The old bustard was about to explode with anger.This ending will cost five or six hundred taels of silver in a whole day.The rent of this store in Chang'an is so expensive.The landlord Yueyue came to the door to ask the madam to pay the bill.Wouldn't it be a big loss not to do business on this day?And this guy actually blatantly seduced Xiaoyao, the number one brand name in Yaran Pavilion.The expressions of the two talking and laughing happily.The young couple even hooked up.

hum.Really hateful.The bustard was no doubt very angry.It is said that Xiaoyao's contract of selling herself is still in her hands.This girl didn't do a good job of soliciting business for her.And talk about love.

"You. If you don't leave, I'm going to sue the officials." The bustard interposed between Guo Nuan and Xiaoyao.Followed by a large group of dogs.

"You..." Guo Nuan was undoubtedly a little angry.Although I am a bit reckless.But there is no doubt that the old bustard spoke harshly.Just when Guo Nuan was about to refute.Xiao Yao apologized and smiled to calm the madam temporarily.

"Okay. For the sake of taking Xiaoyao in for many years. I don't fight with you. This is my compensation for your loss." Guo Nuan took out a bag of silver.It is said that Guo Nuan came out to do business today.Estimated to spend a lot of money.Feel free to deliberately prepare enough. 1000 taels of silver.Convert it into several golden ingots and carry it with you.Handed it over to the bustard.The bustard opened it.Eyes are straight.

"Hey, my son. You and Xiaoyao talk slowly. Let's step back first." The old bustard's face immediately brightened like a flower.Laughing, bending over, bowing and shouting, a group of dog legs retreated.

It is said that Guo Nuan paid a lot of money.He told the old bustard who saw the money eyes to be able to bend and stretch.

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