The bad emperor of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 37: Chang'an Famous Actress

Under the starry night, the lights of Chang'an are bright, and the streets of the market are still a lively scene. Outside, there are crowds of passers-by, coming and going, while inside, restaurants and gambling houses are constantly noisy.

The reason why the night market is the most lively is also closely related to the huge number of brothels in Chang'an.Women who are nostalgic for the city life of Chang'an's feasting and debauchery, but have no professional skills, most of them entrust themselves to brothels when they are young and still have some beauty.

Some of the more advanced prostitutes, they can be a little law, poetry, or to put it nicely, they are called singers. These women are lucky, and they can sing without selling themselves.

As for the inferior prostitutes, not to mention knowing poetry, poetry, calligraphy and painting, if they can't even hum a few pieces of music from the church workshop, they have to sell their appearance and offer their bodies for those whores to satisfy their lusts, and then exchange for some flesh. capital for a living.

Half a month ago, Xinyilou, the second largest brothel in Chang'an, introduced a young woman from Yingzhou from the north. This woman is very mysterious, except for one or two close maidservants who have seen her face Therefore, only the madam of Xinyi Building has seen her true face of Mount Lu.

According to legend, a woman from Yingzhou joined Xinyi Building with a veil at that time, and went directly to the old bustard, requesting to temporarily send her to the brothel to earn some money. But it is comparable to the highest net worth of Chang'an's top celebrities and prostitutes.

The old bustard who has seen countless people, has worked with no less than ten famous actresses in the capital in the past 30 years. She has a unique vision. Although she only saw the woman covered with a veil, the old bustard felt the extraordinaryness of this young woman at first sight. , did not refuse the door at all because of the sky-high price the woman shouted.

After leading the Yingzhou woman to chat in the closet for half an hour, the bustard then announced to all the tortoises, prostitutes, and singers in Xinyi Building with a smile that the Yingzhou woman would be the signature oiran of Xinyi Building. The stage name is Wan'er.

Sure enough, after the procuress spent a lot of money on packaging and a lot of advertising, this woman named Wan'er, a stunning and famous actress who never lifted her veil to show off to others, completely defeated the crowd with a light and elegant Hu Xuan dance. The top ten brothels in the capital include the top [-] actresses and geisha in Xinyilou, which is unmatched.

From the short six days after entering Xinyi Building, it has become famous in Chang'an City, and its popularity is extremely hot.As for the owner Xinyilou, it also took this opportunity to become the No. [-] brothel in Chang'an, defeating Tongdan Pavilion, which had occupied the No. [-] brothel for more than ten years. It is said that the defeated house

The owner of Tongdan Pavilion is Yu Chaoen.

About the eunuch Yu Chaoen's investment in Shandandan ten years ago, it has become a joke in private conversations among the aristocratic class in Chang'an.A great eunuch with no dick in his crotch, a cock and two balls, can't satisfy his own physical needs, and even opened a brothel for men to enjoy, and it's doing well. Tong Dan Pavilion has always occupied the No. [-] place in Chang'an The reputation of the brothel has not been matched by any of its peers in the past ten years. Everyone thinks it is funny.

In the streets and alleys, the aristocratic families, the high-ranking official families, and even the palaces and palaces, wherever there are men, when communicating with people, they will say a few words about Geisha Wan'er in their mouths, which can be said to be in the limelight.

It is said that most of the nobles in the royal palace and the children of aristocratic families are trying to spend a lot of money just to see this Waner's appearance, but the price has been increased to 7000 taels of gold, but they still cannot see her beauty.There are also countless literati and poets in the scholastic circle who write poems and essays for this woman.

"Hey, I have been to Xinyi Building six times. Not to mention being lucky enough to see Wan'er's peerless Hu Xuan dance, I can't even squeeze through the threshold of the brothel. His grandma's, these noble children, one or two of them Don't let go of the VIP tickets for the brothel, all for Wan'er's performance." A curse came from the street.

After a while, it was the same person again, and continued to complain: "Do you think it's great for your father to be rich and have an official position? Damn, wait until next month when I pass the imperial examination, I will be the number one scholar in high school, and I will marry a concubine of ten or so. , give birth to [-] or [-] sons, and also become the second official father!"

A shabby literati in rough clothes came out of the gate of Xinyi Building cursing, full of complaints, he was very upset that he didn't grab the VIP ticket to watch Wan'er.

"Hehe, it's been a long time since I've been wandering around the city. It's nice to go out and visit the night market, Quack." Just as the poor scholar who was going to be the second-generation father of an official rubbed shoulders with an angry and handsome son Passing by, Brother Gongzi sighed greatly in the noisy market, shaking his ink painting fan.

"Hey, buddy, why is the brothel next to it so lively, even the threshold is almost smashed, but it seems that it is not easy for ordinary people to enter."

The son who just waved the fan is indeed Guo Nuan.At this moment, he grabbed the scholar passing by and asked curiously.

Xiucai was a little depressed just now, and was suddenly grabbed by Guo Nuan. He stopped with a sullen expression, and looked up and down at the gorgeously dressed Guo Nuan in front of him.

"Are you a local?" Xiucai asked with an unhappy face.

"Yes, is there a problem?" Guo Nuan looked at Xiucai very puzzled, not knowing why he would ask such a question.

"Have you seen Hu Xuanwu?"

"No, what is that?"

"What kind of pretense are you pretending? Even the No.1 Ling Wan'er, who is famous in the capital, doesn't know. I'm really ignorant, so I don't bother to talk to you." Xiucai started swearing again, turned and left.

Guo Nuan was a little amused, it turned out that it was a singing girl who made the trouble.But looking at the dejected bird of the scholar, Guo Nuan didn't need to think much, he could guess that it must be because the scholar didn't have an admission ticket. People have the mentality of not being able to eat grapes and feeling that the grapes are sour.

Guo Nuan's curiosity aroused for a moment, so she walked towards Xinyi Building with square steps.If Ah Fu who was with him saw his young master entering the brothel restaurant, he would definitely yell.

In the eyes of a child like Ah Fu, the brothel is definitely a restricted area. Anyone who is associated with prostitutes is a bad thing. If he really knows that his master has gone to the brothel, maybe he will report his mother Wang to know , Didn't this stir up Guo Nuan's interest?

Guo Nuan couldn't explain the reason why prostitutes sell their performances but not their bodies to the childish boy Ah Fu, let alone the more complicated common sense issues that adult men must know about high-level prostitutes and low-level prostitutes, so it is best to just run away choose.

Having said that, Guo Nuan really didn't dare to go whoring, let alone his emperor's father-in-law and his wife Shengping, if they found out, they would directly castrate him, even if his old man found out, it would be enough for him to drink a pot.

He rushed thousands of miles from the northern part of the Great Wall, and sent his own soldiers to serve under the family law. First, he could be whipped a hundred times, and then beat him eighty times. Guo Nuan clearly understood the punishment regulations for Guo's children who went to prostitutes in the Guo family training.

Guo Nuan was a little thankful that she secretly left Ah Fu at night, and ran out of the princess mansion to get some fresh air. The time to stay in the mansion to recuperate these days is too difficult.

Regarding the fact that Yu Chaoen sent assassins to assassinate Guo Nuan, Guo Nuan didn't worry about it at all. Maybe it was because the birthday man suspected that he had a long life. Anyway, he felt uncomfortable when he went out one day later.

Besides, Guo Nuan felt that assassinations were usually easy to do in secluded places. Guo Nuan felt that as long as he was in a place with a lot of people, the killer would not dare to carry out the assassination activities openly.

"Oh, you can't spend your whole life in the princess mansion just to avoid the revenge of the dead eunuch Yu Chaoen and his son."

Guo Nuan sighed, and then handed the entrance fee of 50 taels to Gui Gong, the gatekeeper of Xinyi Building, and stepped into the brothel.

Hearing that Wan'er's Hu Xuan dance performance will be held in Xinyi Building in an hour, Guo Nuan was very curious, but he arrived early, and once he entered the door, the venue inside was already full of people, so it was so lively that he couldn't leave. Five hundred spectators were eagerly looking forward to Wan'er's appearance, but there was still no one on the stage covered with red carpet.

"It's really a big name, even better than the Queen of Heaven in the previous life."

Guo Nuan then sat down in an elegant seat that looked fairly clean.

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