The bad emperor of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 46: Jinshi Ranking

On the ninth day of the fourth month of the lunar calendar, the Jinluan Hall of Daming Palace.

Yesterday on the eighth day of the eighth day of the lunar new year, after a whole day of tossing about the imperial examination, the examiners stayed up all night after the top three jinshi filled out the rankings. All the examiners were tired and sleepy. Dark circles under the eyes, just like a national treasure giant panda.It was just dawn and the rooster was crowing. These ministers and examiners had to hurry to participate in the emperor's passing ceremony in the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

In the Golden Luan Hall, on this day, the courtiers and the emperor discussed and determined the ranking order of the 58 top three Jinshi.

Sitting on the throne on the dragon chair at the top of the Golden Luan Hall is Emperor Daizong. Daizong, who has passed his forty years, is wearing a yellow silk and satin dragon robe and a crown inlaid with beads and jade. At this moment, he is smiling, and it can be seen that he is looking good today. good mood.At this moment, the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs, who was sitting on a high seat overlooking the palace, looked full of vitality, with a benevolent and solemn face.

"Dear friends, today is the first imperial examination held since the An Lushan rebellion was put down. Now that the war is over and the country is waiting for prosperity, there is an urgent need for a large number of talented and good people to serve the imperial court. Now this imperial examination A total of more than [-] top three Jinshi were selected, which is the most in previous years, and the examination was successfully completed. I am very fortunate in the Tang Dynasty, and I am very gratified. All this is due to the dedicated efforts of the ministers."

Daizong stroked his dark beard again and again, and after speaking a lot of passionate words, he immediately burst into laughter on the throne. His demeanor was casual and calm, and the hall was filled with a relaxed and leisurely atmosphere, without any sense of austerity in the center of the national government.

An old man in purple robes standing at the forefront of the civil servants listened to Daizong's opening speech, and immediately echoed: "With such achievements, it is because His Majesty has a good schedule and control of the overall situation, so that the ministers can devote themselves to the success of this imperial examination. It is a blessing for His Majesty to recruit so many talents."

When Daizong heard the old minister's words, he turned his head up and laughed, waved his hands and said, "I dare not accept the high-sounding words of Prime Minister Yuan."

And Pei Mian, Yuan Zai's follower, Zhongshu servant, immediately yelled: "What Prime Minister Yuan said is that this is the work of His Majesty. Colleagues present, are you right?"

Pei Mian was even worse, not only helping his backer Yuanzai to say compliments, but also pulling in a group of civil and military ministers.

"My emperor's holiness, the merits of the future, long live, long live!" There is no way, the stage has already reached this point, and the ministers can't wipe the face of the boss Daizong, and quickly knelt down and shouted long live.At this moment Daizong was even more cheerful from ear to ear.

Although Daizong said such modest words, people have some vanity mentality, especially Emperor Daizong who is in a high position. The ministers can all see that Pei Mian's flattery is perfect, and they secretly admire him. The elders of the three dynasties who served Xuanzong, Suzong, and Daizong emperors have a set of skills.

"Hmph, two cowards."

Yan Zhenqing, who was standing behind Yuan Zai, snorted heavily in a nasal voice, glanced sideways at Yuan Zai and Pei Mian, who were complacent at the moment, and then squeezed out a few words from between his teeth, Yan Zhenqing is ashamed to flatter the prime minister However, Yuan Zai and Pei Mian didn't notice this little trick.

Standing next to Yan Zhenqing's left hand is Prince Li Shi. On this day, he was wearing a crimson official robe. The festive red robe matched with his handsome white face made him look radiant.

The present His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was conferred by his father Daizong as the official title of the fourth-rank doctor of the Ministry of Rituals, which belongs to the post-job experience.Li Shi noticed that the upright Yan Zhenqing was dissatisfied, so he couldn't help but secretly touched the old man Yan with his left elbow, kindly hinting that he should not mess with Yuan Zai, and the old fox is not a vegetarian if he is annoyed by the raccoon.

Sitting in a high position, Daizong had a sharp eye, but he could clearly see the subtle actions of his Highness, but he also pretended to be confused, and it was common for ministers to disagree.

After everyone chatted a lot of nonsense in the main hall, they finally started the formal procedure of grading papers.First of all, it is said that the eunuch called the little eunuch outside the hall with a squeaky and ugly voice, and then the little eunuch presented yesterday's Jinshi policy questionnaire to the emperor.

"Well, the beginning of breaking the question is: 'Yunqi Yuansheng, Tianlinzhaomin', okay, okay, this paper is really well written."

Dai Zong opened the top one of a pile of Jinshi papers in the imperial case. It is beneficial to open the papers, and Dai Zong can look at the first paper in a high spirits.

"Your Majesty, the words 'Yunqi Yuansheng, Tianlinzhaomin' can be said to be apt and ingenious. I want Anshi Jiedu to rebel, recover the two capitals, restore the Li and Tang mountains, and enable the people of Li to rebuild their homes. Your Majesty has done a great job."

The quiet bearded military officer Wang Fu stood out of the queue, bowed his hands to the emperor with a charming smile, and then spoke again: "Your Majesty is holy, this is made by Yu Linghui, the adopted son of Yu Chaoen. It’s a brilliant literary talent, and the articles are classics of the country, I think this policy question is the first among all the imperial examinations, and it deserves to be the number one.”

"Fart! Wang Fu, you are a rude martial artist who only knows how to juggle with guns. You are born in martial arts, and you don't know a lot of characters. Whether your articles are classics or not, you are allowed to speak nonsense. It is simply nonsense!"

Yan Zhenqing had always presented himself as a gentle and elegant literary figure, but now she couldn't bear it any longer. After hearing Wang Fu's nonsense, she immediately stood up and pointed at his nose and scolded his mother.

"Yeah, Lord Yan, this general respects you for being old, you have a big beard, and your mind is confused. My lord has a lot, but you, an old guy, don't care about it. Don't be disrespectful!"

Wang Fu was suddenly furious, his cheeks flushed to the color of a pig's liver, his eyes stared at Yan Zhenqing viciously, and shouted loudly.

Wang Fu was originally a general of the imperial guards in the palace, and now the military power of the imperial guards is controlled by Yu Chaoen, the eunuch of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Naturally, Wang Fu is very dedicated to the imperial examination ranking of his immediate superior, Quan Zi, and he wants to take this opportunity to speak before the emperor. A few kind words.

Now that he was looking at the Jinshi examination papers, he had finally caught an opportunity, how could he have expected that Yan Zhenqing would gain his face, but Yan Zhenqing was not easy to bully, so he raised his gray beard and confronted Wang Fu, not giving in to anyone.

Yuan Zai and Pei Mianzheng, who were watching the scene coldly, were whispering, gloating at the quarrel between Yan Zhenqing and Wang Fu.Anyway, these few people look down on each other and are used to fighting in the nest.

A group of courtiers immediately divided into three or four factions, gathered in twos and threes on Yan Zhenqing, Yuan Zai, and Wang Fu's side, denouncing each other's faction one after another, which seemed to be a sign of a quarrel and war that was about to break out.

"Okay, okay, everyone is my dear friend and the pillar of the country. It's unbecoming to be noisy in the hall all day long. It hurts the harmony." At this time, Shi Zong came out cheerfully to smooth things over.

As the ruler of the highest power, Daizong, he is most happy to see the intrigue of his subordinates.As long as the courtiers do not rebel, do not revolutionize, corruption is not too excessive, and there is enough money left in the treasury for the emperor to spend, everything is easy to discuss.

The way of the emperor's courtiers is very mysterious. If the courtiers are all harmonious, have no internal disagreements, and have the same opinion, then the problem of power checks and balances will not exist. What do you want the emperor to do? children go.

"Well, this kid Yu Linghui is Father Yu's adoptive son. I have heard about it for a long time. Since the ministers have different opinions, we might as well take a step back and designate him as a top three Jinshi."

Immediately, Daizong decided the ranking of Yu Linghui in an understatement.This guy was really unlucky. He didn't expect to bribe the little eunuch to put his paper on the first one. Instead, he was self-defeating and caused controversy among the ministers. The intestines are all green with regret.

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