The bad emperor of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 49: Jingzhao Fu Yin

When the eunuch, holding the imperial decree of yellow silk and satin in both hands, chanted in a high-pitched voice outside the gate of the Princess Mansion, the neighbors in the nearby fangshi gathered together and ran towards the gate of the Princess Mansion with their legs wide open, immediately surrounding the mansion. .

"Zhuangyuanlang and Tanhualang, the two adults will lead the order, wear official uniforms, and wear hats."

When the old eunuch smiled coquettishly, he signaled Guo Nuan and Pu Shangxuan to come forward to receive the order and take the household belongings.At that time, Guo Nuan's mouth was not closed, it was wide open, and his eyes were wide open.However, brother Pu's behavior is calm and restrained, and Shi Shiran has prepared all the etiquette.

In the end, the official Yisi, who was in charge of the mansion, was thoughtful, and hurriedly called the accountant in the mansion to take out fifty ingots of gold and several thousand copper coins from the storeroom. Hundreds of dollars were thrown out to the neighbors watching the fun outside the mansion. The scene was very lively, especially the little boys and girls with slugs hanging from their pockets. Hugging a dozen red envelopes, smiling like a flower.

Immediately, the mansion became lively. Hundreds of servants hung red cloths, red lanterns, set off firecrackers in the mansion, prepared to set up a banquet, spread out chicken, duck, fish, seafood and delicacies, and wrote invitations. Of course, the most important thing was the Yisi The official quickly sent his servants to go to Fenyang Palace to call Guo Nuan's mother, Wang Shihe, to Luoyang to inform the princess to return to the palace.

On the day of receiving the decree, the official uniform and official seal were received.What Pu Shangxuan got was an official position enshrined by a six-rank Hanlin Academy. This institution is very suitable for an old scholar like Pu Shangxuan. It is a place for pure research, compilation of history books, and classics. There is less intrigue in the officialdom and more colleges. academic atmosphere.

In other words, if Pu Shangxuan was thrown into the smoky administrative bureaucracy, Guo Nuan was really worried that his younger brother Pu would be squeezed by a group of officials around him in the power struggle.

To be an official, to be a professional rather than an amateur official, is to flourish and be at ease in the officialdom of the big dye vat. This is a kind of technical work. If you say it is elegant, it is art.

"Being an official requires art? Do you understand? If you don't understand, then don't be an official. Provincial officials are angry with the government."

Guo Nuan’s father, who has been the principal of a primary school for decades, once warned Guo Nuan, “Think about it, why have you been the principal of a primary school for decades, or the principal of primary school students for decades?”

"Father, you are not suitable to be an official." Guo Nuan chuckled, and his old man muttered immediately.

"Stinky boy, how dare you mock your father." Then Guo Nuan gave a chestnut to the back of his head.

"Your dad needs to be capable, knowledgeable, and knowledgeable, so why didn't you get promoted? Let a deadly enemy go to the Education Bureau to become the director of the education bureau. He became your dad's immediate boss. He always rides on my head to shit and piss It’s not that I can’t understand his virtues, my father is not thick-skinned and black-hearted like him, he flattered his boss and became a high-ranking official, but your father looks down on such a person from the bottom of his heart.”

Come on, with the case of my father's failed promotion in the officialdom, the emotional old man is a bit angry, and Guo Nuan has worked in the world's top [-] foreign companies in his previous life. As a middle-level manager, Guo Nuan has rich experience. A few key points.What the old man said was reasonable, he had to be dark-hearted, thick-skinned, cheap enough, majestic and tough enough to his subordinates, and nodding and bowing his buttocks to his boss.

Can bear, there is a blade on the head of the heart, as long as the self-cultivation is at home, and you can bear the boss's bitch, as long as you can bear it, it is like the blade of malicious words and poison, no matter how many times it is inserted into the heart, it will be treated Good medicine is bitter to the taste, but good advice is harsh to the ears.Not only hold back, but hold on.To be able to shoot is to flatter, and to shoot just right, this requires profound experience, knowing how to grasp the human weakness of the boss and superiors, and love them.

If you can turn a blind eye and close your eyes, you have to be safe. To be honest, the boss likes such subordinates very much.

There are also those who are good at collaborating with others and let themselves do shady and dark activities. The benefits are given to the boss, and they are blamed. Those who work hard on themselves, the credit and reputation are all hung on the boss.

In short, Guo Nuan has a deep understanding of the experience in the officialdom. When he was a rookie in the workplace, Guo Nuan suffered a lot and hit a lot of walls. But slowly, Guo Nuan understood the tricks of being an official. In fact, Guo Nuan is quite capable when working in a foreign company, but he has a bad temper and is easy to offend his boss. Although Guo Nuan is usually a fool, he is honest and straightforward. On matters of principle, he does not play tricks , I can't learn this way of being an official, but I have worked hard for five or six years, with outstanding performance, and I am still a mid-level cadre.

"When you understand this, you will become a Buddha, and you will not be far from the road to promotion."

Guo Nuan said a lot to Ah Fu with a helpless face, put on the crimson fourth-rank official uniform in the compartment, walked around the room slowly, straightened his arms, and hung his long sleeves to dry. Looking at the clothes on his body, he said indifferently: "Ah Fu, what's the matter, don't look at the superficial majesty of an official, in fact, that's what it is. A mountain is higher than a mountain, and people overwhelm people."

"When I took office immediately, I went to Jingzhao Mansion to be the governor. The young master thought about embezzling a million and eight million silver." Guo Nuan looked at the beams on the roof and said leisurely.

"What, young master, you can't do this! Being a parent official, it will be hard for the people." A Fu became anxious immediately, and repeatedly persuaded Guo Nuan's evil thoughts.

"Go, is your young master so evil? It's just a casual talk. If you want to get some money, you'll squeeze money from those corrupt officials, or those gangsters who are not on the table, ready to eat black What, find out the stolen money and do something good for the common people.” At the end, Guo Nuan winked at Ah Fu and said mysteriously.

"Young Master, let alone whether you can wipe out those black-hearted officials and armed forces in Chang'an City, have you ever done them?"

"If you can't do it, you have to do it, but first you have to recruit some yamen servants. Didn't you see that every time you pass by the gate of Jingzhao Mansion, the yamen is empty and not popular, and there are broken yamen gates and slum gates. It seems that when foreigners who don’t know come to Chang’an, they think that there is the famous beggar gang association in China.”

In fact, since the end of the Anshi Rebellion, Chang'an was breached twice by Jiedushi rebels and once by Turkic soldiers. It has been less than two years. Although Chang'an's economy has slowly recovered and its popularity has recovered a lot, the official government Almost all the institutions were smashed to pieces by the rebellious army. There was a lot of money in the imperial treasury, and the funds allocated to the various yamen were pitifully small.

Guo Nuan thought that when he took office, he would first earn his own living, rectified his official skills and recruited some yamen servants, so that it would be more convenient for him to do things later.

Governor of Jingzhao Prefecture, Guo Nuan really did not expect that he would become the parent official of the Gyeonggi area, this is the local official in charge of the capital, from the fourth rank.It's like the mayor of Beijing in later generations, but in the eyes of ordinary people, he's gone.

But if you want to talk about this fourth-rank official of Jingzhao Yin, Chang'an's high-ranking officials are spread over as many places as a cow's hair. Zhao Yin is not a good job, it is simply a thankless job.

The replacement frequency of Jingzhaoyin in each dynasty was very fast, and during Tang Suzong's period, a super record of three Jingzhaofu Yin was changed in five days.In short, this job has low wages, high risks, and easy to offend people.If you do a good job, you won’t get extra points, but if you don’t do a good job, it’s easy to lose your head.

Some time ago, Guo Nuan heard the officials of the city gossip about rumors in the palace. It is said that the prime minister wants a fifth-rank household servant to be transferred to Jingzhao Mansion as a fourth-rank governor. Damn, he refused to agree to it.

At that time, when he received the transfer order, the waiter was like a dead father, and he was in mourning. In the end, he gave up tens of thousands of taels of money to get the prime minister, and he did not leave the household department.

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that a mixed official in the household department is a sweet pastry, and he can make money quickly. Who wants to go to Jingzhao Mansion to be that high-ranking official who is exhausting and does not pay for his life and offends others.

No, after the ninth day of the first day of the ninth day, the first-class ranking was determined, and after the unanimous discussion and agreement of the ministers, the seat of governor of Jingzhao Mansion, which had been lacking for more than a month, was finally filled.Come on, let's be the champion.

Anyway, people who like him, such as Yan Zhenqing and the prince Li Shi, are thinking, Guo Nuan has a strong background, and being Jing Zhaoyin is a big basket, with his wife and princess protecting him, Lao Tzu Guo Ziyi, and the emperor Yuezhang.It's okay, if you don't do it well, you won't be disrespectful, and you will definitely keep your head. At most, you will be exiled for three thousand miles to a certain mountain corner for a lifetime.

People who don't like him, such as Yu Chaoen, etc., are thinking about being the governor of Jingzhao, hehe, boy, just be it, I'm not afraid that assassins can't kill you, even if you don't offend our family and offend the prince There are many opportunities for the nobles, and you will be tortured to death every minute. If you want to hang out in the officialdom, there is no way!

So Guo Nuan's pathetic road to Jingzhao Mansion began.

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