The bad emperor of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 74: Successful Glycerin Refining

Things progressed very quickly. After Guo Nuan and the alchemist talked in detail all night in the wing room, the two hit it off immediately. With enthusiasm for scientific research, the excited two immediately started to work.

The next day, Guo Nuan sent someone to move all the belongings of the alchemist Abu and the little Abu to the courtyard of the Yamen of Jingzhao Mansion. Anticipating the danger of conducting high explosive research experiments, Guo Nuan then moved the research room to On the outskirts of Chang'an, beside a secluded and elegant mountain forest and lake.In this way, Abramovich can concentrate on researching experiments calmly, and will not accidentally injure others due to explosions caused by research accidents in a densely populated city.

Guo Nuan specially allocated scientific research funds from the Jingzhao Mansion, which can provide Abu with research funds and guarantee the daily life of his mentor and apprentice.

Everything went fairly efficiently.Flasks, measuring tubes, filters, vacuum flasks and other glass instruments were all custom-made by Guo Nuan from the West O'Flynn shop in Chang'an City.

There are a few glassware craftsmen working under the hands of these Western European businessmen, which is really not bad. According to the design drawings of more than a hundred sets of modern chemical experiment glassware described by Guo Nuan, Guo Nuan generously dropped 800 taels of silver After spending a lot of money, without further ado, the three Flynn foreign devils—the master glassmakers worked overtime for two days and two nights, and successfully handed over the finished utensils.

In Jiangzuojian's handmade ceramics workshop, a large number of pottery mortars and containers, such as mud triangles, evaporators, and crucibles, were customized. . .

Of course, there is also a giant furnace with a height of one person bought back from the blacksmith shop.Guo Nuan carefully recalled the scene of the chemical experiment in middle school, and estimated that all the experimental instruments that could be made in ancient times were almost ready.

As for sulfuric acid, one of the raw materials for making high explosives, Guo Nuan still found it from the imperial hospital in the palace. The ancients called sulfuric acid green vitriol. No wonder Guo Nuan asked the old director who will be in prison for sulfuric acid. He had no idea what it was. thing.

Green vitriol is one of the medicinal materials commonly used by ancient tomb thieves to corrode tombs. Of course, doctors and doctors often mix sulfuric acid with some Chinese herbal medicines and decoct them, and use them as cold medicine for patients. The effect is quite good.

As for the issue of glycerin, Guo Nuan still put in a lot of work, but the extremely smart Guo Nuan and the alchemist spent a few days working in the lakeside laboratory, and they managed to get the precious glycerin out.

"Hey, Xiao Guo, come and see, the fat has been dissolved!"

One day, just as Guo Nuan was rushing from Jingzhao Mansion more than a dozen miles away to the suburban laboratory for the nth time, Abu smirked with bright eyes and looked at the saponification bottle on the small stove, which was gurgling. With steaming heat, the animal fat in the transparent bottle was slowly dissolved in the boiling alkaline water, and he immediately woke up Guo Nuan who was dozing off on the recliner by the lake outside the house.

Guo Nuan recalled the saponification reaction formula for extracting glycerin based on some bits and pieces of knowledge he remembered from junior high school, which gave Abu a lot of theoretical support in developing the material. After the two kept exploring, it took five days for glycerin to be finally extracted.

"Ha, glycerin, this is a good thing. It is not only a raw material for making TNT explosives, but also has many uses!"

Guo Nuan heard the shouts of surprise in the room, and he hurriedly turned over and got off the chair while taking a nap, ran into the room in a hurry, stared at the boiling water in the saponification bottle, and continued excitedly; "Although it is almost done, there are still a few more Small steps, now add Nacl to the water, we want to salt out the substances in the water."

"Nacl? Salt precipitation? What is this?" Guo Nuan was excited for a while, and subconsciously used chemical terms, which made Abu baffled.

Although there were a few minor troubles during the refining process, Guo Nuan was quite satisfied, and had a great time partnering with Abu Alchemist.As for Abu, since his previous debts were all paid off by Guo Nuan, a rich man and patron, and Guo Nuan sent his apprentice Abu to the Imperial College in the city to study, Abu still has a monthly salary subsidy. With super talent and intelligence in the field of alchemy, after throwing away most of the tedious things in the mundane world, they concentrated more on experiments, and the two cooperated handily.

"Well, there is still one last raw material - nitric acid."

After all, Guo Nuan did not come from a science or engineering background. Apart from learning a little superficial basic chemistry knowledge for beginners, he focused on studying liberal arts in high school and college. It is impossible for him to fully understand the production of chemical raw materials.

After Guo Nuan and Abu refined glycerin and found sulfuric acid, the experiment of developing high explosives was temporarily suspended for half a week. During that time, Guo Nuan seemed to have lost his soul. When working in Jingzhao Mansion, his mind was often distracted.

If it weren't for leading the yamen guards to be absent-minded when patrolling the public security in the market, if it wasn't for the subordinates leading the way, they would go the wrong way from time to time.Or he forgot to use the seal ribbon to stamp the official document when he signed it.

"Uh, nitric acid, nitric acid, how on earth is this thing refined?"

Another day, in the signing room, Guo Nuan sat on the high chair and muttered to himself. Now he regrets that he didn't pay attention to the chemistry class in junior high school. He learned half-baked chemistry and returned the knowledge to the teacher after ten years. , I have forgotten all about it.

"Nitrate? And acid? Combined together, isn't that called nitric acid!"

Guo Nuan slapped his thigh suddenly, and shouted excitedly in the room. He got carried away for a moment, sitting on the high stool, he couldn't sit still, and suddenly fell on his back, which caused the guards outside the door to panic. I thought something had happened to my lord.

Immediately, Guo Nuan drove to the laboratory in the suburbs, and after finding Abu Alchemist, he dragged him to start the experiment out of breath: "Quickly set up the experimental platform, we have a clue!"

So the overjoyed Abu hurriedly set up the stove and utensils.

"Dry distillation of sulfuric acid and saltpeter, no, no, I mean dry distillation of vitriol and saltpeter, remember not to add water to the flask, keep it sealed and heated!" Guo Nuan immediately urged Abu to start the experiment.

Looking at the liquid gas rising from the flask after the mixture of solid and sulfuric acid in the vessel was heated and dissolved, Guo Nuan and Abu looked at each other with excitement and asked uncertainly, "Successful?"

"Uh, did it work?"

"Well, it worked!"

Immediately, the two big men hugged each other like children and jumped up and down.

"Hey, his grandma's, good luck."

The three kinds of raw materials for making high explosives were all ready, Guo Nuan and Abu temporarily slowed down the progress of developing explosives.What follows is an extremely dangerous experiment process, Guo Nuan must be more careful.

He didn't want to risk his and Abu's two lives when developing explosives. If this happened, it was really called "died before leaving the army", and the two became martyrs in a veritable name.

Guo Nuan has read his biography about the Nobel who developed TNT explosives. In order to develop this powerful explosive, after numerous explosions in the laboratory, he sadly sacrificed the life of his younger brother and several Assistant partner, finally succeeded.

To be honest, Guo Nuan is very nervous about liquid explosives such as nitroglycerin. This thing has a bad temper and is very sensitive. It may explode at any time during manufacturing, handling, and storage, and its lethality is not ordinary gunpowder or black powder. can be compared.

Half a test tube of nitroglycerin liquid explosives is enough to overturn the three earthen-walled tile-roofed laboratories built by the lake. If Guo Nuan and Abu were unlucky to be inside when the explosion happened, even if half of their lives were saved, they would probably be crippled .

"Well, don't be in a hurry to make high explosives. Starting tomorrow, we will go diving at the bottom of a deep lake to find diatomaceous earth!"

Guo Nuan stood by the emerald green lake like a huge jewel, staring blankly at the sparkling water, then picked up a stone and threw it into the lake, causing waves a few meters high, and it could be seen that the deep lake water No less than 20 meters deep.

The lake in front of me is like a mysterious black hole, and the raw materials that Guo Nuan is looking for are hidden under the dangerous waters. . .

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