The bad emperor of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 83: Brother Guo Survival in the Wild

The memory of Guo Nuan’s good buddy Chimney was accidentally touched, which made him a little sad. Guo Nuan didn’t seem to want to tell Cui Ying why Chimney died after picking flowers. The grief and deep guilt in my heart are of no benefit other than that.

"Why did your friend die when he picked the flowers?"

Cui Ying was very curious.He and Guo Nuansui only knew each other for six short days, but what happened in these six days was something that many people would never experience in a lifetime. An assassination closely linked their fates together.

Sometimes, when walking silently through the deep and dense mountains with head bowed, looking at the stalwart figure a few steps ahead of his heels, he struggled to open the way among the bushes and thorns in front of him, leading her behind him, protecting her with his life. During the six days and nights spent in the forest, every time he thinks of what he has done for himself, there will always be an inexplicable throbbing and sweetness in the softest part of his heart.

Guo Nuan, this man seems to have an unruly and casual temperament, accompanied by some characteristics of a playboy, but his bones are full of arrogance and unyielding spirit of fighting against fate.For such a man, Cui Ying's eyes overflowed with tenderness, like spring water sprouting. . .

It would be nice if the two of them walked in the deep forest forever, maybe then he could always protect him, even if there were killers chasing him, he wouldn't be afraid.

Thinking of some willful and naive thoughts, two blushes will quietly appear on both sides of Tianmei's cheeks, like pink peach petals, delicate and charming.

The woman sighed in self-pity in the dark, raised her eyes and glanced at the man who was on the way ahead, her eyes were quite sad, after rationally reminding her, she sighed helplessly in her heart: "There is a Princess Shengping in his family, it's a pity I, Cui Ying, are redundant..."

"Uh" murmured from behind, Cui Ying's thoughts were a little wandering, she didn't notice that Guo Nuan who was a few steps ahead suddenly stopped, at this moment he was observing the terrain of the valley pass, Cui Ying's forehead hit her strong back , It hurt her a little.

"Hehe, what are you thinking, silly girl? You walk so carelessly without looking ahead."

According to the memory of his brother Chimney, after half a day, his mentality has stabilized a lot, put away his grief, and now he regained his optimism. Seeing Cui Ying's embarrassment for no reason, Can't help but smile.

"It's okay, I'm just a little homesick. I've been missing for so many days. The old people in my family must be worried to death now." Cui Ying smiled slightly, and then changed the subject.

Guo Nuan was slightly taken aback. These days, she has been busy surviving, thinking about taking a weak woman to escape and counter-chasing by the killers, or busy looking for food and drinking water, her nerves have been tense, and there is no time Think of your relatives and friends.

Guo Nuan was woken up by Cui Ying, and couldn't help but think of many close people, mother Wang, Shengping's wife, Ah Fu, Yan Ruoshui, Luo Yuan, Park Shangxuan, etc. They must be very anxious when they know that they are missing.Maybe he is looking for himself with a large number of people.

"Let's go, get out of the deep forest, and I'll take you back soon."

Guo Nuan stared at her resolutely. Although his bloodshot eyes and face showed deep fatigue, he still pulled the corners of his mouth coolly, revealing a charming and confident smile, and then stretched out a generous smile. Holding Cui Ying by hand, they walked forward with support.

"Giggle, the idiot is so cute."

Cui Ying was infected by Guo Nuan's indifferent attitude, and an extremely strong sense of security shrouded her heart. The worry was swept away immediately, and Cui Ying gradually recovered her former optimist character.

The two continued to walk forward along the lofty and steep ridges. Chang'an was in the south direction. After a few days of driving, the mountains and jungles were intricate.

Looking at it in a straight line, a mountain obviously feels not far away from me, but it is only when I walk to the foot of the mountain that I realize that there are too many thorny ravines blocking the way, and it is so tortuous.

At that time, according to Miss Cui's instructions, Guard Qian tied Guo Nuan into the carriage and drove quickly for five or six hours, a distance of several hundred miles. In addition, the post road was ambushed by killers, and the two of them fled northward desperately. It is estimated that if we want to rush back to Chang'an now, we still have to travel several hundred miles.

The environment in the deep forest is dangerous and there is no human habitation. Guo Nuan walked along the river and stream, thinking that he could find a village by the water. In the past six days, let alone a village, he did not meet a single mountain dweller.

Think about it too, the Tang Dynasty is now more than 1000 years old.The population in ancient times was far less dense than in modern times.Coupled with years of wars, plagues, and hunger, the survival rate of the ancients was very low.

Datang has a land area of ​​more than 1000 million square kilometers, with a total population of only 2000 million. It can be imagined that the average population density per square kilometer is very low across the country.

Even if it is like the prosperous area of ​​Chang'an and Gyeonggi, the population is slightly higher than other areas, that is, 60 million households. The vast plains on the outskirts of Guanzhong are just scattered human settlements. Many places are like the undeveloped Nanban area, maybe around It is normal that there is not even a single star or half of people inhabited for hundreds of miles.

When walking on the mountain road, be careful of hornet's nests in the bushes and grass, as well as some poisonous insects and snakes.Of course, bees should also be extremely careful. Cui Ying was stung by a hornet yesterday, and her arm was partially red and swollen, with a bump. Cui Yingxiu frowned in pain for a long time. It was Guo Nuan who took alkaline herbal juice and applied it on it. It took two days for her wound to subside.

Bees like the smell of perfume made of natural plant spices, so women who wear perfume are more likely to be stung than men in the wild.

The curtain of Guo Nuan’s lower body trousers was torn, leaving behind dark-colored tights. Dark-colored objects are easy to be bitten by mosquitoes. The mosquitoes in the mountains are so big that it is really scary. The wings fluttered and flew past the ear, buzzing, and Guo Nuan often had a slight illusion, mistakenly thinking that it was a modern bomber, which brought a huge roar of engines and kept making noise.

Fortunately, Guo Nuan picked a lot of geranium leaves in the wild, crushed them with stones and squeezed out the juice to apply on the clothes of the two of them. This can be used to repel mosquitoes, otherwise if it is night, they will not be able to sleep, and giant mosquitoes will penetrate every minute. May drain blood from a person's body.

At night, lighting a smoking bonfire is undoubtedly a good way to drive away mosquitoes.When Guo Nuan and Cui Ying fled in a hurry, they did not bring tools such as flint to make fire, and Guo Nuan did not find the killer's body.

Guo Nuan had no choice but to adopt the way of primitive people to make fire. At the beginning, he picked up a few lard stones from the river beach of the mountain stream, a kind of quartz stone, milky white, smooth to the touch, and sparks after rubbing. The smell of lard is exuded.

However, the way Guo Nuan hit the lard stone to burst out sparks to make fire was not ideal. It was already the fourth day that the two hadn't seen a fire.

Guo Nuan knelt on the ground, facing a pile of dry thatch, he kept hitting it with two lard stones, trying to ignite the pyre with the sparks that burst out.

However, from sunset to nightfall, Cui Ying tossed two stones depressedly for more than an hour, and Cui Ying, who was waiting next to her, was bored. With the rubbing of sparks, the disappointment after hope was repeated, and she rubbed her growling stomach. Holding the raw fish that was finally caught in the river in his hand, his pink face was extremely resentful. The two of them starved all night, but they still didn't light the fire. All this can only be blamed on God. There is no flint to start a fire. not easy.

On the fifth day, Guo Nuan gave up using lard stones to make fire, and used the blade of a dagger to plan off the oily sawdust on the trunk of the pine tree, and then planed out a small piece of pine wood board, dug a round hole in the center, and then carved it on the dry stone wall. Scrape off some dry moss.

Put some dry moss on the round hole of the plank, and a sharpened hardwood twig keeps rubbing and rotating in the round space with both hands, and at the same time blows air into the hole with the mouth.

Hey, Guo Nuanyile, this method is quite good, much more effective than lard stone.After a while, the dry moss in the round hole burned into a faint spark.

Guo Nuan had quick eyes and quick hands, and quickly poured the moss sparks on the wooden board onto a small pile of pine sawdust prepared nearby, and then the pine sawdust ignited into a small flame, and carefully set up the dead branches. After a quarter of an hour, a bonfire flickered in Cui Ying His eyes were burning with admiration towards Guo Nuan.

"It's going to be hot tonight, heck, that's are so stupid, you idiot...why didn't you adopt this method earlier." Then there was a coquettish voice.

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