The bad emperor of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 95: Arriving in Guangzhou

The captain of the ship told the story of his encounter with the pirates. A group of sailors bravely picked up the harpoon and kitchen knife to avert danger and fought against the pirates. A Japanese pirate forked into the sea, and a pirate's chrysanthemum exploded during the period.

Just when the few sailors couldn't hold back the Japanese pirates' crazy attack and thought they were about to be surrounded by the Japanese pirates, a large official ship just passing by retreated the enemy, and they were lucky to be rescued.

After listening to the story, the waterway had been traveling for three days, and by chance, there was a thunderstorm. One night, when night fell, there was a strong wind and heavy rain, and the sea immediately became rough.

Under the command of the boss calmly and calmly, the sailors tossed all night. Everyone adjusted the cables, carefully grasped the direction of the mast canvas, shouted to the boss to steer the helm, and tried to avoid touching the hidden reef. The sailors reported the wind speed and rain. One after another on the deck, Guo Nuan and the others inside did not sleep.

Guo Nuan and the others who lived in the cabin were quite miserable. Compared with the sailors who had worked on the ship for many years and were used to the harsh conditions of the ocean, these passengers were somewhat unable to stand it.

Except for Fatty Zhang who slept peacefully, no matter how hoarse and howling the wind and rain outside the window, his chubby body was wrapped in a thin quilt. Like being fired in a pot, rolling around on the ground wrapped in the quilt, still sleeping soundly, snoring cheerfully, Guo Nuan listened carefully and accompanied by rhythm.

Guo Nuan and the other three who were sleeping next to the bunk were shaken by the waves and stayed up all night. They woke up the next day with dull eyes and a look of lack of sleep.

The boss of the ship led the sailors to experience the bad weather on the sea again without any danger, until the next day when the sea was calm, everyone was safe and sound, which is the most fortunate thing.

Along the coast of Fujian, most of the local people make a living by fishing and transporting goods. They will encounter many dangers during the voyage. The fishermen and boatmen respect Mazu very much, and they all pray for the blessing of the gods as their spiritual sustenance, so that they can go to sea safe and sound. .

Early in the morning, the boat owner took out firecrackers and incense sticks and paper money, and brought out a woodcut statue of God and placed it on the bow of the boat. After burning incense, burning paper money, and setting off firecrackers, a group of sailors performed a set of god rituals and worshiped the statue of Mazu devoutly.

The boss of the boat was in a good mood. He caught more than a dozen big fish with net cages and net rafts. Among them was a mackerel weighing [-] jins, which was quite big. Big grouper, eel, Moji prawn, hairy prawn.

However, when Guo Nuan watched the long net cage being dragged up, he saw a gray long-billed fish with sharp eyes. A dense row of pointed white teeth appeared on both sides of the fish's mouth, which looked unusually permeable. An ugly big fish has just been salvaged, with several feet long fish body jumping around on the deck, it looks very ferocious.

The captain of the boat told Guo Nuan that this gray fish was a wolf fish. It lives in the caves of coral reefs on the seabed during the day and goes to the surface of the sea to find food and air at dusk. It is estimated that this unlucky fish was caught in the net cage the night before.

The skin of the wolffish is grey-green and wrinkled, especially with a flat nose and a row of sharp teeth. It also has a blunt head and a pointed mouth. This fish is ugly, but the meat is very delicious .

The boss of the boat cooks by himself, chopped a large wolf into circles, fried the fish for ten circles, sprinkled with cumin spices, salt, cooking wine and dried pickles, the taste was simply too delicious.

This time it was a small bumper harvest. The prawns in the net cage weighed four to five catties. First, they were fried with green onions, and the shrimp meat was burnt red, and then braised in oil.

The head of big head fish is the best for making soup.Although there is a shortage of fresh vegetables and ingredients during the voyage, it does not prevent the captain of the ship from cooking delicious dishes.

The fat fish head is full of meat and has no fishy smell. I took a seven or eight catty winter melon from the storage room of the cabin, and some medicinal materials such as Chuanbei and wolfberry, added some scallions and ginger slices, and brought a large pot and put it directly on the firewood stove. Put it on the deck in the open air, first boil it with a high fire, then cook it slowly on a low fire, and pour a few spoons of sesame oil into the pot at the end.

When Guo Nuanhe gathered around the stove and looked at the milky white fish soup boiling in the pot, which was mixed with pieces of medicinal herbs and fish heads separated from flesh and bones, the rising water vapor was mixed with the rich aroma of the fish soup. They were all greedy, swallowing hard one by one.

The fat man couldn't hold back at first, he had already picked up his chopsticks long ago, and seeing the captain cooking together, he couldn't wait to pick up a piece of fish fillet from the pot and put it in his mouth:

"Wow! The fish cooked by the boss of the boat is so delicious, so tender, hot, hot..."

The fat man chewed the hot fish fillets in his mouth a few times, screamed and jumped, and breathed out vigorously. This glutton's tongue was burned, and everyone laughed when they saw the fat man's funny appearance.

Look, braised shrimp in oil, dry fried fish, charcoal-grilled eel, stewed fish soup, stir-fried jellyfish skin, and a plate of conch, such a complete set of dishes on the table, what are you waiting for? When they came to the table, they shouted:

"Boss Chuan's culinary skills are unparalleled in the world, you're welcome, let's serve dinner!"

Another two days passed, and they were still sailing on the sea far away. When they saw the port in the Pearl River Delta, the sailboats were moored at the pier in the distance, the market vendors on the shore were crowded, and the goods were piled up in boxes and sacks. Guo Nuan and the others suddenly Cheers and jumped up.

Although sailing is very new to Guo Nuan and the others who live in the inland of the Central Plains, it is also thrilling and hard work. Just being exposed to the sun every day under the clear sea and sky is unbearable for them.

After disembarking, the four of them saluted with a large bag. They all sighed that after leaving the swaying ship deck, they were finally on the ground. However, when the four of them looked at each other, they all laughed. It's not dark, especially the fat man opened his shirt to cool off, only to see his white belly, and the interval between black and white skin is very interesting.

After Guo Nuan and the others inquired about it from the locals, they rushed to the east city where Zhao Tuo’s old capital was built. Guangzhou is the seat of the Central Governor’s Mansion of the Five Lingnan Prefectures. Envoy, in charge of dozens of states and counties in Lingnan Road.

This time Guo Nuan specially settled in Guangzhou to report on his duties. The Lingnan Jinglue Envoy, also known as the Lingnan Jiedu Envoy, governs the seven counties of Nanhai, Cangwu, Yulin, Hepu, Jiaozhi, Jiuzhen, and Rinan.In addition to being in charge of the civil affairs and finances of Lingnan, he also mastered the economic strategy. The Qinghai and Hai armies distributed their troops in 20 Lingnan prefectures, with no less than [-] soldiers.

It is said that the Jiedushi is a high-level official transferred from the pass. This is Guo Nuan's immediate boss, named Pei Dunfu. In Chang'an officialdom, Guo Nuan knows many Pei officials, such as Pei Mian and Pei Kuan.

I heard that Pei Dunfu, the Lingnan Jiedu envoy, and Pei Kuan, who was the official censor ten years ago, are old enemies. Although they have the same surname, they are not from the same clan. If you want to talk about climbing relatives, it's out of reach.

Pei Kuan has always been fair and upright. As the top prosecutor of the Supreme People's Court of the Tang Dynasty, he has always enforced the law strictly and punished those who break the law.And Pei Dunfu was bold and generous, and at the same time he loved his subordinates very much, and he indulged too much.

When Pei Dunfu was the minister of punishment in Chang'an, two of his subordinates often acted recklessly because of his importance. Pei Kuan couldn't stand it. Pei Kuan refused to intercede or give money.

Pei Dun, who was extremely protective of the calf, became angry again, and then bribed Concubine Yang's sister, Yang Sanniang, who asked her sister to give Tang Xuanzong a pillow breeze. Soon Pei Kuan was demoted from the highest judge of the central government to a local mayor.

Now Liang Zi can be relieved, Pei Kuan was so angry, and then Xianyu turned around and transferred back to the capital, Pei Kuan could not understand Pei Dunfu's arrogant and indulgent subordinates, Pei Dunfu despised Pei Kuan's rigidity and cruelty The two disliked each other, and they fought fiercely in the court.

Old man Pei Kuan was 20 years older than Pei Dunfu, and died earlier ten years ago. Pei Dunfu had ups and downs in his official career, and now he is mixed into the position of Lingnan Jiedushi. In comparison, his status was much higher, but as the saying goes, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, and Pei Dunfu became a military governor, and he was at ease in the situation of "I am the master of my territory".

Apart from going to the Governor's Mansion this time, Guo Nuan had to report on his duties face-to-face at Pei Dun's Fujiedu envoy and handle the paperwork for his appointment, as well as other personal matters.

Pei Mian, Minister of Zhongshu, is a relative of Pei Dunfu's family. Although they are distant relatives, when they were working together in the capital, the two of them had a very good temper, and they often called each other close friends in public.

Before departure from Chang'an, Pei Mian specially handed Guo Nuan a greeting letter, asking Guo Nuan to give it to his buddy Pei Dunfu when he arrived in Guangzhou.

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