Jinyi Night Walk

Chapter 007 You Are Going White

When Guanshi Wang heard Zhang Shisan's words, he couldn't help calling Qu: "Shisanlang, look at what you said, how dare I dare. Go to the top of the mountain early in the morning and have a look. Those who work here are all tall. They're all great farm guys."

"Where did that hand come from?"

"To tell you the truth, the population in our village is indeed limited, but not long ago, the imperial court just moved dozens of families from Huaixi to settle here, so the manpower is naturally sufficient."

When they heard that they were new immigrants, Xia Xun and Zhang Shisan suddenly realized.From the founding of the Ming Dynasty to the present, in the past 30 years, the imperial court has successively immigrated to Shandong from Shanxi, Hebei, Anhui, Jiangsu, Sichuan and other places more than ten times.No way, at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, natural disasters continued, and Shandong was the hardest hit area. When Zhu Yuanzhang expelled the Northern Yuan Dynasty, Shandong was the main battlefield again. Natural disasters and man-made disasters caused the local population to drop sharply, and a lot of land was barren.

After Zhu Yuanzhang founded the country, he wanted to use the immigration policy to quickly change the population depression in Shandong. However, the Han people are most obsessed with their homeland. The old people pay attention to returning to their roots, while the young people pay attention to their parents not traveling far. It is difficult for them to relocate. God, they would rather beg for food in their hometown than leave their hometown. Emperor Zhu had no choice but to force emigration. At least he insisted on this immigration policy.

Qingzhou is not a key resettlement area for immigrants, but there are also a lot of immigrants. It is summer now, and the immigrants who moved at this time have missed the solar terms. Although the fields are divided, at least there is nothing good to plant this year. Xia Xun's family The quarry provided them with an opportunity to work and earn money to supplement their families. Invisibly, it helped the government a lot and was conducive to the stability of immigrants.

Of course, when spring starts tomorrow, there will still be many people quitting their jobs and going home to farm. No matter how much they earn from part-time jobs, they are not as secure as the three acres of land at home.But by that time, this quarry may not need so many people. There are not many people like Qi Wangfu who need a large amount of stone at once.

Xia Xun chatted with these foremen and supervisors for a while, Zhang Shisan gave Xia Xun a wink, stood up and said: "Okay, my son was very tired along the way, you all go back, my son is coming this time, will you be happy?" If you stay here for ten and a half months, you can rest your body and mind to avoid the heat, and you, put in more effort and work hard, and the young master will naturally not deprive you of the benefits."

After they backed out, Xia Xun jumped up from his seat and said excitedly: "Thirteen Lang, I have hidden it from them, but no one has seen my weakness!"

Zhang Shisan poured a pot of cold water on his head: "Don't be too happy, these people only met Yang Xu once, if they can see the flaws, what use are you for? Take a rest early, and get up at five o'clock tomorrow , start training."

With a sound of "squeak", the door opened and closed again, Zhang Shisan went out, Xia Xun smiled slightly, like Kasyapa holding a flower.


At five o'clock, when the sky was still dark, Zhang Shisan appeared beside Xia Xun's bed like a ghost.

So he brushed his teeth, washed his face, combed his hair and changed his clothes, and then left the quarry with Zhang Shisan to practice equestrianism on the wild grassland under Xieshi Mountain in the morning light.At two o'clock in the morning, they came back, because Xia Xun, who was a beginner in equestrianism and had not yet mastered the technical essentials, was so tired that his back ached and his body was sweating.

In the yard, several stewards who lived in the quarry had sent their wives to cook breakfast for the owner, and the smell of the food wafted through his nostrils.The country woman can't cook delicate dishes, but at least the portions are enough. The boiled golden millet porridge, the steaming white flour buns, and the fragrant scrambled eggs are all served in pots... There are six people living in the yard. As for the big men, all of them are of an age with a huge appetite.

However, Xia Xun was not busy eating, but went to the backyard to take a bath. It was uncomfortable to be sweating profusely.Everyone in the yard knew the rules, and no one dared to break in without permission from the summons.There are two large water tanks in the backyard, just under the porch. At that time, almost every household had such water tanks. One is convenient for fetching water, and the other is that once a fire breaks out, it can be extinguished with water nearby.

Xia Xun was standing by the water tank, wearing only a pair of short-nosed trousers, and pouring water on her body with a large wooden basin.A basin of water was poured, and the water droplets splashed lively. His wheat-colored skin glistened in the sun. He had a fit body, a slender waist, smooth curves, muscular arms, strong chest muscles and a six-pack. Abdominal muscles all show the masculine beauty of a man.

Zhang Shisan stood with his arms folded under the dripping eaves, his eyes lingering on Xia Xun's body, his usually picky eyes showed a rare taste of appreciation: "I can't see that your body is so strong. Well, very nice……"

Xia Xun's body was actually not that strong before. After coming to this era, he knew that he had nothing to rely on. Instead, he paid more attention to physical exercise than before. Modern fitness methods, plus learning martial arts and practicing water skills with Hu Liujiu , the amount of exercise is ten times stronger than when he was in the police academy. Although the life in Xiaoyeer Village is very hard, but Xiaoyeer Village is located in the south of the Yangtze River, and he makes a living by fishing and catching frogs. There are enough things like yellow weasel and frogs to eat, and the nutrition can keep up with it. Now the figure is extremely good.

Xia Xun said proudly: "Life in the country is hard, and I can do all kinds of work, so I am as strong as a bull. I'm not bragging to Shi Sanlang. I wear less clothes when I fish, and I have that big girl and little wife." If you pass by me, you can't help but secretly look at it, your eyes are shining."

Zhang Shisan laughed and scolded: "It's really panting to say that you are fat. Hurry up and take a bath, and then have a meal. After the meal, I will start to explain to you about Yang Wenxuan."

"That's right, that's right," Xia Xun also laughed, pouring another basin of water over his head.

In the morning, Zhang Shisan explained everything about Yang Wenxuan to Xia Xun under the shaded tree in the backyard. He also had to spread out the paper and draw a portrait with a brush, so that Xia Xun could carefully remember the appearance of the person he drew.

Those who can be identified by portraits are naturally people who are closely related to Yang Wenxuan, including the close stewards, servants, friends, business partners, and dignitaries in the Qi Palace.Tired of studying, the two stood up and imitated Yang Wenxuan's speech, manners, facial expressions, and common expressions in dealing with people under Zhang Shisan's guidance.

As an excellent secret agent in brocade clothes, Zhang Shisan is a competent teacher, and Xia Xun is also very capable of accepting imitations. Whether things can be successful is a matter of life and death for Zhang Shisan, but it is even more meaningful for Xia Xun It's important, so the two of them are very serious about teaching and learning, but in order not to arouse Zhang Shisan's suspicion, Xia Xun didn't show too much understanding at the beginning, and it wasn't until two days later that he gradually entered the role.

"Something went wrong, something went wrong, someone was crushed by a rolling stone!"

When there was a burst of exclamation in the distance, Guanshi Wang ran into the yard yelling, and said to Xia Xun who had been driven out of the backyard after hearing the news.

"How many people were injured? How are the injuries?" Xia Xun and Zhang Shisan asked as they walked out with Steward Wang.

Steward Wang said as he walked, that the workers were quarrying rocks on the hillside, and the sledgehammer in the hands of one worker missed the steel drill, but hit the hands of the workers holding the drill. Both of them were new immigrants. One, I haven't worked for a few days, and my skills are unfamiliar, so I have this catastrophe.The worker's palm was severely injured, and he couldn't do the work for a while, so he might have to spend some money to recuperate his injury. Steward Wang hurled bad luck all the way.

When Xia Xun rushed to see him, the man's fellow countryman had already helped the wounded man named Ma Zhiyuan down the hillside and made a simple bandage. Xia Xun comforted him with kind words and asked Steward Wang to pay him an extra month's wages. He also asked his fellow countrymen to send him home to recover from his injuries, and at the same time ordered that the newly recruited workers were not familiar with quarrying, and told them to start with the transportation and post-processing of stone materials.Seeing that the boss was so kind, the workers were very grateful. After thanking him a thousand times, the worker who injured his partner received Ma Zhiyuan's wages, and accompanied the man back to the village with another fellow villager.

"Brother Ma, I'm really sorry, brother was careless..." The man who caused trouble said apologetically.

"Hey, we are all brothers. What are you talking about? You didn't mean it." The injured man endured the pain, patted him on the shoulder and smiled comfortingly. Where, did you hear it?"

The other man shook his head and said, "Not yet. After we were moved to Shandong, we were divided into various prefectures and counties. We have not been able to find out where Zhangjiao Tang's family is now."

Brother Ma sighed, and said: "If you can't find the head teacher, our brothers in this altar may be separated. Just in time, I will go out and ask about the head teacher while my palm is injured and resting at home. whereabouts. At home..."

The two men said in unison: "Don't worry, fourth brother, we will take care of the house."

Xia Xun and Zhang Shisan didn't know this little story that happened in their quarry, and they were all focused on how to get into the role of Yang Xu as soon as possible.


In the afternoon of this day, there was a sudden heavy rain, and the sky and the earth were vast.

Standing in the hall and looking out, the rain under the dripping eaves is as dense as a bead curtain. You can't even see ten steps away from the hall. The workers have gone to the cliff cave to hide from the rain. Xia Xun and Zhang Shisan Moved into the hall in the backyard and continued to imitate Yang Xu.

Xia Xun's attire and hair style at this time were exactly the same as the real Yang Xu's. Even his mannerisms and accent were imitated perfectly.

Originally, accent and language are the most difficult parts of impersonating a person other than appearance, because it is easy to cover up the past because of some inappropriate behavior. You can say that you are not in good health or in a bad mood recently... You can find a bunch of Reason Find out the reason for your different performance from the past, but you obviously have a rough voice, so it is impossible for you to become a thin voice just because of a fall?Or maybe you clearly speak Hokkien dialect, but after two days of fever and cold, you open your mouth and change to Shandong dialect, who would believe it?

Fortunately, Xia Xun's voice is similar to Yang Xu's except for his looks. Although Zhang Shisan doesn't know ventriloquist, he can't imitate Yang Xu's speech perfectly, but he can teach him. After many adjustments and imitations, he is very similar in voice. If you only listen to his voice, the person you are very familiar with may be a little strange, but if you see his appearance first, it will be difficult to find the flaws under the preconception.

As for the language, luckily, Mr. Yang Wenxuan did not speak the Shandong dialect, but the most popular Fengyang Mandarin in the world today.Mandarin is the official Mandarin. Ordinary people are of course indifferent to Mandarin. Their ancestors spoke dialects, and their children and grandchildren still speak dialects. I will never leave my house ten miles away in my life.

But those who want to become an official must be able to speak Mandarin, otherwise, even if you pass the Jinshi exam, due to the language barrier, there is absolutely no possibility of being an official outside, and you will be a poor official in Beijing. The chances of being promoted in the future are also very small, so the students who study and the sons of rich families have to learn Fengyang official dialect from an early age. Yang Wenxuan speaks standard Fengyang official dialect.

Xia Xun was originally from the Jianghuai area, and he had a foundation of Fengyang dialect. He yelled on the street, "I have a baby, the lamp is off, and the black nose shines on the eyes, hurry up!" If it is round, people from Fengyang must come forward to recognize the fellow immediately.Although the Fengyang dialect at this time is slightly different from that hundreds of years later, he has lived in the Jiangnan area where Fengyang Mandarin is most popular for a year, so there is no problem.

Zhang Shisan is very pleased. Xia Xun's accent is fine, his language is fine, his clothes are fine, and his manner is fine. As long as he can formally enter Yang Xu's life circle, he can still be as calm as he is now, then... …anymore question?

A satisfied smile slowly appeared on Zhang Shisan's face, but as soon as the smile unfolded, he discovered an important problem that he had neglected all along, and his face immediately turned ugly. ...

He noticed this problem when he first met Xia Xun. At that time, he almost thought that Yang Wenxuan had really come back from the dead. It was because of this obvious difference that he began to notice more differences between the two.The obvious difference is Xia Xun's skin. Xia Xun often works in the sun with his chest bare and his shoulders exposed. His skin is much darker than that of Young Master Yang who has always been pampered. This problem was originally the most obvious, but because it was too obvious , I can see it every day, but it becomes dark under the lights, and he ignores it.

Xia Xun suddenly noticed that Zhang Shisan's expression was different, so he stopped immediately and humbly asked for advice: "Is there something wrong?"

Zhang Shisan frowned and said, "Skin, your complexion is darker than Yang Xu's."

Xia Xun thought for a while and said, "What if it is said that I have been running around outside for more than ten days and was exposed to the scorching sun?"

Zhang Shisan shook his head and said: "That's a reason, but it's impossible for your skin to reach this level after only a dozen days of exposure. It's a little too obvious. If your skin can be whiter and more delicate, this reason can be done." Prevaricate..."

Xia Xun's face was also ugly: "Then what should I do?"

Zhang Shisan pondered for a long time, then suddenly patted his forehead, ran to the back of the table and spread out a piece of white paper, picked up a pen and ink and began to write in a hurry. Xia Xun looked over curiously, but saw that Zhang Shisan was not drawing, Instead, he was writing. Xia Xun was pretending to be illiterate and blind. Although he wanted to know what Zhang Shisan was writing, he couldn't continue reading, so he had to go aside and wait.

After Zhang Shisan finished writing the letter, he went to the corridor and shouted loudly. After a while, a guard who lived in the wing room hurried over along the corridor. Zhang Shisan handed the letter to him and said: "This is the son Send a letter to An Yuanwai of An's Silk and Satin Zhuang, you should rush back to Qingzhou immediately, hand it over to Yuanwai An, and come back after getting a reply from Yuanwai An, there should be no delay along the way."

The guard glanced at Xia Xun, and Xia Xun nodded. The guard immediately put the letter in his arms, turned around and left. The pouring rain hurried on the road.

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