Jinyi Night Walk

Chapter 021 Who is the real Xibei?

When Xia Xun saw the burly and vigorous bodies of the four martial artists, he felt a little satisfied. The physical fitness of these four martial artists is undoubtedly top-notch, but the way of martial arts is not that if you are tall and strong, you must be a master. He used to be proficient in grappling and fighting , I already understood this truth, and since I learned the real traditional martial arts from Uncle Hu Jiuliu, I have a deeper understanding of it, so I want these four people to show their skills and see the depth of their kung fu.

The four martial artists had just taken their seats. After hearing the words, a big man sitting on the left stood up suddenly, clasped his fists and said, "My lord, I'm Yuan Che, who was nicknamed Yuan Dapao, and my best kung fu is Shaolin Pao!" Hammer, as the saying goes, "Shaoshi's authentic martial arts flower, the king of all fists, cannon boxing; every move and style collapses into the sky, hands, feet, body and steps are swept away by wind and sand; the fist is like a cannon, and the body is like a dragon, and it is afraid to avoid supernatural speed and monsters." The next set of cannon fists The fist is like a cannon, and its power is incomparable, I can practice it in class, please see clearly."

This Yuan Che has a leopard head with ring eyes, a beard like a halberd, and a tuft of heart hair on his chest. He looks the most fierce, like a fierce Zhang Fei, and has a straightforward temperament. Shout out, step out with a left step, clenched fists with both hands, and follow up with a roar, a "golden rooster independent", clean and tidy, vigorous and vigorous.

Once he stands still in the starting gesture, he will practice it one by one, lunging and smashing the elbow, turning around and punching, horse stance right split, left split hang, tiger hugging the head... Every time he makes a move, he will shout loudly. There was a sound, the sound was like a thunderbolt, and the fist was like thunder. His eyes were full of shadows of his fists, and his ears were full of shouts. It made people's hearts tremble and was dazzled. Xiao Di was a little scared and subconsciously avoided Xia Xun Beside him, quietly holding onto the corner of his clothes.

Paoquan belongs to fire, it is fierce, it will explode at the touch of a touch, every move and style will never be sloppy, the body will be fixed, and the body will be released, there is almost no gap between the moves.After a set of punches, people were dazzled to see. After this set of punches, Yuan Dapao, without blushing or panting, clasped his fists at Xia Xunxiong, and returned to his seat triumphantly.

The second man on the left, who is slightly more capable than Yuan Dapao, also stood up, smiled and clasped his fists and said: "My lord, I am in the cold for a long time, and my best kung fu is the Five Elements Boxing, as the so-called Dragon, Tiger, Leopard, Crane, Snake, Dragon Boxing Practicing spirit, tiger boxing to train bones, leopard boxing to train strength, crane boxing to train essence, snake boxing to train Qi, plum blossom disc step with seven stars, hardness and softness are in harmony. Please teach me!"

After Leng Wuqi finished speaking, a tiger roared, and his fingers were like claws. As a result, in the hall, dragons leaped and tigers leaped, leopards leaped and cranes soared, spirit snakes spit out letters, split collapses and drill horizontally. It was really pleasing to the eye, completely different from Yuan Dapao's palpitating Paoquan. Seeing Guanshi Xiao and Xiaodi beaming, Xia Xun sat there with a calm face, showing neither approval nor contempt.

After Master Leng finished his performance, Master Zhou Peng Zhou, who was sitting first on the right, stood up.This master Zhou practiced hard qigong, such as piercing the throat with a golden spear, bending an iron rod at the neck, hitting the back with a row of wood, and breaking green bricks with his palm. The practice of a set of hard qigong looks thrilling. He nodded lightly, but there was still no expression on his face.

The fourth master is called Yun Wanli. Master Yun practices Eagle Claw Kung Fu, with a vigorous posture, sharp hands and eyes, flexible body and steps, and explosive force.I saw him flexing his fingers like claws, grasping, punching, pinching, turning over, smashing and blocking, breaking and blocking, it was dizzying to see, and his legs were also kicking, kicking, flexible and changeable.That figure was flying in the air like a kite, and it seemed that such a spacious hall could not hide his figure. Among the four of them, this person should be the most impressive, but what is strange is that Xia Xun, at this time, made people The man shook his head imperceptibly, and his originally expectant eyes gradually dimmed.

Master Yun practiced the last move of this set of Eagle Claw Boxing. With an eagle bark, he jumped up, clasped the five fingers of his right hand on the beam of the house, and spread his left arm. Full house.Guanshi Xiao said excitedly: "Young master, look, these four masters are very good at martial arts?"

Xia Xun pursed his lips, and before he could think of what to say, a cold voice came from the entrance of the hall: "Gao Ming! Show off your fists and embroider your legs. Is this the living room of the Yang family, or is it a place for performing arts?"

The applause came to an abrupt end, and the four martial artists were furious. They looked towards the door together, and saw a servant in green clothes and a hat standing shyly at the door. Master Zhou shouted, "You are the one who spoke?"

"It's not me, it's not me..." The servant shook his hands repeatedly, before he had time to argue, he stretched out a big hand behind him, pushing him aside like a fly, and then he lifted his feet, raised a step, a burly man The big man showed his figure, it was Feng Jianxiao.

Feng Jianxiao was dressed in normal clothes, but Xia Xun naturally recognized him. Before Xia Xun was surprised, he saw another person standing beside Feng Jianxiao. Qi Meile with a black forehead wipe, wearing a white embroidered satin blouse, with a belt tightly tied around the waist, the blouse only reaches the knees, white silk hakama trousers under the blouse, the trouser legs are tied inside the shoes, bound narrow and tight The close fit made his round and slender thighs strong and powerful, and his legs were straight and healthy.

Looking at his appearance, his eyebrows are picturesque, his lips are red and his teeth are white, his eyes are as clear as water, he is really a handsome young man, his beauty is rare in the world.Such a handsome man is really rare in life.The handsome young man Jianshui quickly swept his eyes towards the hall, then lowered them quietly, his eyes were covered by the long eyelids, and he couldn't see the expression of joy and displeasure.

He is holding a broad knife in his arms, and there is a huge cat's eye on the handle. Whenever his body shakes slightly, the cat's eyes will be blurred with a charming brilliance, like a ghost's eye. .

When Xia Xun was sizing up the beautiful boy, four enraged martial artists had already surrounded Feng Jianxiao angrily. Yuan Dapao thought that Feng Jianxiao was a martial artist from some martial arts school who came to kick the restaurant to grab business. Taking a step forward, he yelled: "Brother, you are so arrogant, then I, Yuan, will come to learn from your Excellency's brilliant move, catch the punch!"

Yuan Dapao slammed, and with a "black tiger out of his heart" he went straight to Feng Jianxiao's central palace. Xia Xun sat in the main seat, barely blocked by Yuan Che's burly body, and he didn't see how Feng Jianxiao made a move, so he just listened to it. Yuan Dapao let out a yell, and a strong body fell out, hit the pillar of the hall with a "puff", and then slid to the ground, causing a lot of dust to fall from the roof.

Feng Xihui snorted coldly and said: "The fist looks mighty, but the air is so strong, the force is sent to the end, leaving no room for it, don't you even understand the reason for using three points of force?"

"I'm here to learn your kung fu!"

Zhou Peng and Yuan Dapao shared the same hatred, squatted on horseback, and pressed his palms to his dantian. As soon as he sank in one breath, Feng Jianxiao's fist arrived, punching elbows, kicking knees and kicks, like a violent storm, and the blows were even closer. It's the throat, the forehead, the back of the neck, the lower genitals, the lower abdomen, the pubic region... and it hits everything. Those big fists punched into the flesh with a force as heavy as a mountain.

Zhou Peng yelled "Ai ai", scratching and clapping with both hands. Under Feng Jianxiao's fierce attack, he lost his breath and fell to the ground like a rooster whose head had been chopped off. For a while, he was top-heavy and couldn't get up at all.

Feng Jianxiao patted his hands, and said: "Your hard qigong is still decent, but unfortunately you haven't practiced well, you haven't even practiced defense well, let alone hand-handling, what is the use of your kung fu? When the assassin comes, do you block the knife with your body? Go back and practice with your teacher for another three to five years."


Seeing this situation, Yun Wanli screamed, and a big roc spread its wings and rushed towards Feng Jianxiao in the air. He pointed his fingers straight at the door, but he was faster, and Feng Xihui was faster. With a stride, he bumped into his side before his body fell to the ground. With his palms apart, his claws were separated, and with a heavy shoulder on his right shoulder, Yun Wanli flew back in the clouds and fog.

Feng Xihui's expression was very disdainful: "To make any bird spread its wings, it's a false handle that looks useless, and it's deadly when you jump around when you start. Tossing and turning, unable to use it, your master hasn't even taught you such a simple truth?"

Leng Wuqi, who practiced Wuxingquan, saw that this person's boxing and kicking skills seemed mediocre, but he knocked down his three senior brothers with his gestures. The tasseled spear placed on the side of the table for practice piercing the throat shakes out a bowl-sized spear flower, and stabs Feng Xihui in the chest.


A white shadow swept past Feng Xihui's side like a wind, stirring up a strand of hair on Feng Xihui's sideburns. The cold and sharp whistling sound of the knife unsheathed had not yet stopped, and there was a short "cha", and the knife was sheathed again, coldly The tip of the gun in Wuqi's hand fell to the ground with a jingle, and Feng Xihui's sideburns were flying in the air at this moment, but had not yet fallen.

Leng Wuqi was holding half of the short stick, speechless, he didn't see clearly how the white-clothed warrior flashed to his side, the white-clothed warrior bypassed Feng Xihui, drew the saber, and retracted it in an instant , It's as fast as lightning, and it's so wonderful.The four martial artists were all frightened by his fierce and cloak-fast sword, and all of them looked at the cool young man standing with the sword in their arms in disbelief.

Feng Xihui also showed a slightly startled expression. He glanced at the white-clothed boy, and a smile slowly appeared on his face: "Mr. Peng, what a fast sword technique!"


Leng Wuqi listened to Feng Xihui's words, his expression of surprise and uncertainty, but now he suddenly understood something, he seemed to recognize the identity of the white-clothed boy, screamed, the short stick in his hand fell to the ground with a clatter, pointed at the white-clothed man, eating and drinking He cried out, "You you...you are...you are..."

"If you can't learn kung fu, don't come out and make a fool of yourself. Where did you come from? Go back there!"

The young man in white seemed to be a young man whose vocal cords hadn't completely changed his voice, and his speech was crisp and pretty. The four martial artists looked at him in astonishment for a long while, and suddenly they strode out without saying a word. Xia Xun suppressed the horror in his eyes. With a sense of demeanor, he sighed lightly, and slowly stood up.

In fact, he had already seen the problem just now, so he didn't follow the layman who could only watch the excitement ----- Guanshi Xiao's father and daughter applauded together.His grappling and fighting skills were also among the best in the whole school when he was in the police academy.During this year in Xiaoye'er Village, he learned the real kung fu of killing from Uncle Hu, and his realm has been raised to a higher level. He understands what real martial arts are.

Those tumbling, elegant and gorgeous martial arts performances that we have seen in later generations are not really traditional martial arts, but more like juggling.There is a boxing proverb: "As soon as an expert makes a move, he will know whether it is there or not." The essence of real kung fu is often in the simple punches and kicks, which caused a sensation in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan in the past five years, and directly gave birth to the rise of new martial arts novels. The fight between boxing disciples and Taijiquan disciples has been brewing for so long, but only a dozen or so moves are enough to tell the winner, because in actual combat attacks, one and a half moves are enough to tell the winner. It can be regarded as more difficult radio gymnastics.

So after seeing the performance of the four of them just now, Xia Xun was disappointed, but Feng Xihui's skill surprised him.He had seen Zhang Shisan practicing martial arts when he was unloading the Shipeng Village. At that time, Xia Xun was still a "martial arts layman", so he could only flatter Zhang Shisan. Although Zhang Shisan was a very proud person, He couldn't help but blush a little for his nasty flattery. At that time, he told him that although his martial arts were good, they were inferior to Feng Zongqi.

He also used his enthusiasm to talk about Feng Zongqi's martial arts, saying that Feng Zongqi is best at two-handed swordsmanship, and this fierce and sharp swordsmanship has almost been lost in the Central Plains since the Battle of Yashan in the Song Dynasty. However, it has flourished in Japan. Among those who practice martial arts in the Central Plains, there are only a handful of people who can master two-handed saber techniques, and Feng Zongqi is just one of the masters.

At that time, Xia Xun thought that his martial arts were actually superior to Zhang Shisan's. Hearing his tone, he thought that Feng Zongqi's martial arts and his own were only between Zhu Bo. If he killed him suddenly, it would be easy to succeed. When I saw Feng Zongqi's skill, I realized that Jin Yiwei was indeed a hidden dragon and crouching tiger. Feng Xihui's martial arts were much better than his own.

But... what does it matter?If there is a way but no skills, skills can still be sought.If there is skill but no way, stop at surgery.There is wisdom beyond the reach of power. In the contest between wisdom and power, wisdom usually prevails. As long as the goal is achieved, the means are not important.

Xia Xun smiled and walked forward: "Wenxuan has met Mr. Feng, this young master is..."

Feng Xihui said: "Young Master Yang, this is a personal bodyguard that Tui Guan specially invited for you. You have seen his skills just now. Come, come, let me introduce you, this is Peng Zi Mr. Peng. Mr. Peng, this is Mr. Yang who I want you to protect. Mr. Yang, you must have heard of the name of the Peng family. This time, for your safety, we specially invite the Peng family to send Come to their nephew. The Peng family's Five Tiger Broken Door Knife is very famous, and Ziqi has learned the true teaching of the Peng family's sword technique. With him around, your son's safety can be guaranteed."

"Five Tigers Door Severing Knife?"

Xia Xun frowned. He had heard of this saber technique, of course he had heard of it. The Five Tigers Broken Door Knife is so famous!Who hasn't heard of the Five Tigers Broken Door Knife?In the old school martial arts novels, this martial art is quite powerful, but in the new school martial arts novels and even in the martial arts movies and TV dramas that flooded the screen later, almost every hero grows up, and the successor of the five tigers is broken. Tortured to death, heir of the Five Tigers Broken Door Knife?That's a super big player with conscientiousness and no regrets...

Xia Xun quickly expressed his sincere respect to this super dragon who has made great contributions to Chinese martial arts novels and martial arts movies: "It turns out that he is a disciple of the Peng family of the Five Tigers Breaking the Door Knife. I have admired my name for a long time!"

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