Jinyi Night Walk

Chapter 056 Family grievances

Chapter 056 Family Enmity

"Chenjun Yangxia Xie Family"

Xia Xun hurriedly acted astonished. In fact, he didn't know what this Chen Junyang Xia Xie family was. It's just that Xiao Jingtang's face was flushed with blood, as long as he wasn't blind, he could tell This family must have a lot of background, and he had to cooperate.

Xiao Jingtang said with a full face of reverence: "That's right, the first Xie family in Wuyi Lane of Xie family in Yangxia, Chenjun, Xie An, Xie Shi, Xie Xuan, Xie Yan, Xie Lingyun, Xie Daoyun..., the Xie family in Yangxia, Chenjun, who came out in large numbers, Although the Xie family has been in decline since the end of the Sui Dynasty, their status is that of a famous family that has been passed down for thousands of years, and they come from a noble family, which cannot be bought with money.

"It has been in decline since the end of the Sui Dynasty?"

Xia Xun really couldn't figure out that since this was the case, what was there for Guanshi Xiao to brag about, but he didn't know that people in the old days had little concept of time for the inheritance and continuation of history, and the inheritance of thousands of years seemed to be yesterday.

Just like in modern times, in the early 80s, a foreign professor wrote a book about his travels in China, in which he mentioned that when he arrived in a remote mountain village, the local people came to see him because of curiosity. Weird man, he smiled and asked the people in the village: "Is this the first time you have seen someone like me?"

Unexpectedly, the old man in the village replied: "No, there were people with blond hair and blue eyes who came to our village before." The professor asked curiously, and the old man replied naturally: "During the Yuan Dynasty, there was a People like you come to us." The professor was dumbfounded, and the old man answered so naturally, what happened more than a thousand years ago, to this ancient country with a long history, to this small village that has been passed down from generation to generation, seems to be just yesterday. .

In addition to this reason, a more important reason is that the people at that time had just recovered the Han people after more than a hundred years of rule by foreign races. Psychologically, they had an urgent desire to reconnect with their ancestors. A group of ministers made thorough research and came up with a conclusion for Zhu Yuanzhang who is a descendant of Zhu Xi. Apart from putting gold on the emperor's face, it may not be due to this psychological factor.

If it weren't for Zhu Yuanzhang's outright denial, the genealogy of the old Zhu family would have to start with Zhu Xi in the Song Dynasty.Those flattering ministers underestimated Zhu Yuanzhang's courage and mind. Zhu Yuanzhang didn't want to recognize such a great ancestor. He Zhu Yuanzhang was a poor cattle herder, and he was a commoner in Huaiyou. He had neither noble blood nor the ability to kill white snakes. Legendary, he never believed that earning the respect of others was based on his blood, but on his actions and achievements.

But how many people in the world have the confidence and courage of Zhu Yuanzhang?Although Xia Xun didn't take it seriously, but when it came to the Xia Xie family in Chen Junyang, most of the wealthy and powerful families at that time still admired them, especially in the Yingtianfu area, the Xie family had a greater influence.If people go to Jinling today, how many people don't go to see Bird Clothes Lane?As long as you go to Bird Clothes Lane, who doesn't chant the phrase "in the past, the swallows in front of Wang Xie's court are now flying to the homes of ordinary people" to pay tribute to the first family of officials in the past?

Manager Xiao said complacently: "Speaking of which, it was because the master saved the girl's father on his way to business, and in order to repay his life-saving grace, she agreed to marry us. Otherwise, with the appearance of our family at that time, Gao Pan I'm sorry. As long as people show the name of the Xie family, I don't know how many nobles and wealthy families are willing to marry the Xie family."

Xia Xun originally thought that his cheap lady was the daughter of a middle-class rich family, because the Yang family more than ten years ago was not considered such a distinguished family. In this era, everyone pays attention to being well-matched, so the other party's family background should naturally be similar. That's right, I couldn't help being a bit curious because I didn't expect to be from a famous family.

Since he wants to replace Yang Wenxuan and wants to use this as an excuse to return to Jiangnan, this Miss Xie must marry.Divorcing a wife is very troublesome, there is no legitimate reason, and it is impossible for others to divorce, unless she commits a seven-out-of-the-way case, or she is unwilling to marry herself, and the two negotiate to resolve it.In his mind, if this wife didn't have a hideous face and a surly temper, he could still marry into the family, but he didn't expect that his fiancée wife had a lot of background, so he was a little dazed for a while.

Xiao Jingtang only said that his young master was overjoyed, and happily told about the situation of the Xie family he had heard about, and then he talked about the grievances between his master and the Yang family. Feeling down immediately.

It turned out that Yang Xu's hometown was in Moling Town, Yingtianfu, together with Jiangning Town and Jinling Town, they were collectively known as the three towns of Jinling.The Yang family is the largest family in Moling Town, and the family is engaged in farming.Yang Xu's father, Yang Dingkun, is just a small person in the family, because his father and grandparents are descendants of the older generations of the Yang family, so their status in the family is not high. The local area can only be regarded as a middle-to-lower family.

However, Moling Town is located in a traffic hub, and tourists from south to north often pass by, so Yang Dingkun has been well-informed since he was a child. He has read books and has a flexible mind, and he gradually feels restless about the few acres of Susukida.He realized that although he could not die of hunger by guarding these few acres, it was hard to find wealth. Based on the local conditions, if he could open a hotel or do some transportation and sales business along the river, he would surely make a lot of money, so he wanted to abandon farming and start a business.

His actions immediately aroused strong dissatisfaction with Yang Rong, the patriarch of the Yang family. You must know that doing business is a cheap business, and the Yang family is the number one big family in Moling Town. Fame, if you can't study, you can become a decent country gentleman.The head of the clan, Yang Rong, holds the most land in the Yang family. He is not short of money. If Yang Dingkun goes into business, it will undoubtedly discredit him. control over the family.

Therefore, Yang Rong resolutely opposed it and used the power of his family to put a lot of pressure on him. However, Yang Dingkun was a very determined person, and he insisted on starting a business regardless of his family's obstruction.As a result, he was already relatively excluded in the family, and his situation was even more embarrassing.How could the tribe not bully someone the patriarch didn't want to see?

Those are things that can’t be listed in detail. Even Guanshi Xiao can’t explain all kinds of trivial things in life clearly, but the accumulated bullying and harm caused by it is an endless torture for a family. This kind of endless mental torture is very hurtful.

As the relationship between Yang Dingkun's house and the whole family became more and more tense, the children in the family began to imitate the adults and bully the young Yang Xu. Every time Yang Xu went out, he was always beaten and cried by his cousins. His mother went to reason with his sisters-in-law, and was often returned pale with anger.

Later, because Yang Dingkun was in the stage of starting a business, he needed to go out frequently, and the favorite and most vicious attack method used by rural people was released, and rumors about the Yang family's wife gradually spread in the town.To ruin one's reputation is the most intolerable thing, yet one cannot justify it.This weak woman faced the rape and bullying imposed on her by the whole family with her own strength, endured their cynicism and foul language, and finally one day, she couldn't take it anymore, she threw herself into the well.

Yang Dingkun was heartbroken. In the past few years in business, in order to repair the rift with the family, his brothers rejected him, and he swallowed his anger; the family wanted to build an ancestral hall, and he donated the most money; He had tried his best, but all his efforts could not get their kindness back, and his wife was forced to death by their spittle.

Yang Dingkun cried a lot, and after burying his wife, he left his hometown with his youngest son and his only loyal servant Xiao Jingtang's family.He sold his newly prosperous shop, leaving only the house passed down from his ancestors.He put incense on the tablets of his parents for the last time, and his wife for the first time, and locked the door with his own hands, vowing that one day, he would use his position of power over the entire family to make a good fortune. Returning to my hometown in vain...

Xiao Jingtang narrated the unbearable experience with tears in his eyes. Xia Xun was very angry when he heard it. Although he was not Yang Wenxuan, he felt the same way. He could imagine how despicable those people were, and what kind of The ugly face bullied the kind and weak family.

"I shoulder Yang Xu's responsibility for him."

Xia Xun's eyebrows were gradually raised, and he said to Xiao Jingtang solemnly: "Uncle Xiao, don't be sad, we will go back, we will return home in rich clothes, we will rebuild the old house, and we will call those narrow-minded and short-sighted From now on, you can only look up to us, and you don’t even have the right to say strange things.”

Xiao Jingtang nodded happily: "Old Xiao believes that the young master will definitely make the master and wife smile forever."

"And Yang Xu," Xia Xun added quietly in his heart.


Outside the window, Xiao Di and Peng Ziqi squatted quietly under the grape seedlings. The two came to eavesdrop because they were curious about the future young lady of the Yang family, but they never expected to hear such a story.Xiao Huo rested his chin on his hands, his eyes were shining brightly, blinking, and he didn't know what he was thinking.Peng Ziqi had a strange look on her face, and after a long time, she gestured to Xiao Di, and the two of them walked away on tiptoe.

It's late at night, and tonight is a full moon night.

The bright moon is in the sky, the ground is full of clear frost, and insects are chirping in the grass.

Xia Xun walked slowly past the grape arbor, stood leaning on the railing beside the gazebo, and looked down at the dark pool water. There was his reflection in the water, but he couldn't see his appearance clearly.

A figure slowly flashed out from the grape arbor, stood gently not far from him, stared at him quietly for a while, and suddenly said: "In the world, the most unpredictable thing is the human heart. Things are uneven, and people have virtues." Yu, some people can't impress him with emotion and morality, so your father used the wrong method; for such a villain, you can only make him envious if you use money and power, and more than envy is jealousy And slander, if you want them to bow their heads obediently, you have to put on a bully face, those villains are only in awe of fists"

Xia Xun didn't look back, just smiled, looked at his reflection swaying gently in the water, and said, "Is this okay? You also come from a huge family, you should know that no matter what a family does, the family's It is very difficult for a child to resist, because once he wants to resist, what he has to resist is no longer just the power of a family, but the whole world power that regards loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and fraternity as inviolable."

Xia Xun sighed quietly: "The father is the head, the king is the head, and the father is one, so the unity of loyalty and filial piety has become the standard for evaluating a person in the whole world. If the clan expands, it is the country, so offend the family , Those who disregard the superiority and inferiority of the elders and the younger are the same as the rebellious ministers of the country, accused by thousands of people, and die without illness..."

Peng Ziqi sneered and said: "As long as there is enough power, what can't be done? If the country is not easy to change, then it is still the Great Xia Dynasty. Where did the Ming Dynasty come from? The country is still easy to change. Is a family very great? I heard that The world is full of slander, no one can make everyone praise you, if someone praises you, there must be someone who slanders you, and those who have no slander and no reputation must be mediocre to the extreme, and others are too lazy to judge you."

"Oh?" Xia Xun said with a surprised smile: "Mr. Peng is a warrior, so I never thought he could say such a truth."

Peng Ziqi said angrily: "Do you think I'm a rough person? Who told you that people who practice martial arts don't learn Chinese? How can people who don't practice Chinese learn high-quality martial arts? I just didn't study those four books and five classics, poems and songs. It's just my spare time"

Xia Xun smiled: "That's right, it's just that as soon as I saw your knife that never leaves your body, I forgot that you are also a person who can read and write. Hehe, when something happens, your instinctive reaction is to draw the knife Ah. But... what you said seems to make sense. When you should draw your sword, you must draw your sword. When you should be strong, you should never show weakness."

"That's right." Peng Ziqi smiled: "Young children can be taught."

She ground her feet subconsciously, and suddenly lowered her voice: "I... um..., the three-month period is coming soon."

Xia Xun was reminded by her, and only now did she remember Feng Xihui's three-month agreement with her, and a feeling of reluctance suddenly arose in her heart. She answered "yes" lightly but didn't know what to say.

He refused to say it, so Peng Ziqi plucked up his courage and said, "The whereabouts of the murderer who murdered you are still unknown."

Xia Xun hurriedly said: "Yeah, this man is a bit cunning. If he doesn't make a move, it's really hard to dig out his roots."

Peng Ziqi hesitated for a moment, then suddenly smiled and said: "In this case, why don't you pay a lot of money to discuss with my family, how about hiring me to send you back to your hometown?"

Xia Xun was a little surprised and said, "Are you going home with me?"

Peng Ziqi felt a little uncomfortable. She didn't expect her husband to be a hero, but she definitely couldn't be someone with serious moral flaws like Yang Wenxuan. She knew that it was impossible for her to have anything to do with the man in front of her, but she was She couldn't help it, she was not convinced, she wanted to know what was so great about that girl from the Xie family.

Is her Xie family's pen really better than her Peng's knife?

She had an urge to see the woman who was destined to be Yang Wenxuan's wife from birth.

But when Xia Xun asked, she panicked again. Under the cover of the night, her face showed a trace of embarrassment, a trace of embarrassment. She struggled and pretended to be relaxed: "Yeah, I have protected you for three months anyway. I hope you will be killed in the end. Besides, I have never been to Jinling, the prosperous place of the Six Dynasties, and I really want to see it."

"She is a girl. In fact, she already knows that I know her identity. Why is she willing to..."

The moon was white and the wind was clear, Xia Xun stared at the jade-like figure under the moonlight, a hint of understanding and emotion gradually appeared in his eyes.Peng Ziqi was confused by his sight. With a knife in her hand, she was not afraid of anything, but now she felt overwhelmed by a frail scholar like Young Master Yang, so she suddenly let out a "ha", Pretending to be relaxed, he said: "I'm joking, do you take it seriously? It's getting late, so I went to sleep."

As Peng Ziqi said, he flashed left and right, and quickly disappeared from Xia Xun's sight.Xia Xun looked at the swaying flower branches where she disappeared, and murmured, "Woman, what a strange creature..."

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