Jinyi Night Walk

Chapter 064 Good day

Chapter 064 Good Day

As soon as Peng Ziqi walked out of the gate of the Yang Mansion, he saw Cao Yuguang and Jiang Zhiqing in a mess, dressed like couples, happily walking over, Young Master Cao's feet were fluttering, as if walking in the clouds.Seeing him coming out of the mansion, Jiang Zhiqing immediately shouted brazenly, "Are you from the Yang mansion? Tell Yang Xu to come out. My son is here to collect the bill."


He was slapped on the back of the head immediately, and Cao Yuguang laughed and scolded: "What kind of bills are you collecting? Cousin is not a loan shark, we are here to collect his shop."

Jiang Zhiqing immediately changed his words: "Yes, yes, the shopkeeper."

As he spoke, he took out a thick stack of bundled banknotes from his pocket, and shouted: "Here, we have brought the money. When will you deliver the money to the store?"

Peng Ziqi said angrily, "If you don't want to die, get out of here."

"Yo ho, pretty cool"

Jiang Zhiqing said with a sinister smile, "Once I get these shops, I will definitely be able to replace Yang Xu and become..."

After all, he didn't dare to say that public secret, but he just laughed and said, "Boy, why are you still following Yang Xu? What future do you have? Why don't you be smart and join me under my door and be Jiang Zhiqing's?" Companion is ready."

He took a look at Peng Ziqi, and said with a sly smile: "I see that you have thin skin and tender flesh, handsome eyebrows and big eyes. You are quite suitable to be a rabbit. I treat water and dry roads equally. If you are a female, you will fall under my crotch. Even more favored than my wife and concubine, when the time comes..."

Another woman might not understand the nasty things he said, but although Peng Ziqi had never experienced sex between men and women, what environment did she grow up in?How can I not understand what these words are saying, Miss Peng immediately burst into embarrassment, she lifted her foot slightly, and flashed in front of Jiang Zhiqing with a single stride, with a big mouth like a thunderbolt, "pop!" With a sound, Jiang Zhiqing was slapped into a rolling gourd by her palm, and almost rolled into the gutter by the wall.

"Aiyo, aiyo, you guys...you can't do anything if you want to renege on your debt. Ah, my son's front teeth, don't go away..."

Jiang Zhiqing's mouth was full of blood, and he shouted with bared teeth, but Peng Ziqi didn't even look at him, and walked away in a hurry.

Cao Yuguang was so frightened by the fiery temper and agile skills of this handsome young man in white robe that he had already dodged far away. In his busy schedule, he still did not forget to pick up the large bundle of money.Seeing Peng Ziqi leave, he came back bravely, and instead of helping his cousin, he just put his feet up and rushed to the door and shouted: "Mr. Yang, come out and don't pay back the debt. My son wants to sue you." .You know who this young master is, and this young master must put you in prison."

Just as he was shouting, another tall, square-faced strong man walked out of the door, holding a bucket in his right hand and a bundle of paper rolls in his right hand.Cao Yuguang hurriedly jumped out of the way and hid behind his cousin who had just stood up. The strong man ignored them, walked to the door, pasted a notice on the wall, and then walked to them with the bucket , said in a rough voice: "Stop shouting, my young master is not at home."

Cao Yuguang poked his head out from behind Jiang Zhiqing's shoulder and asked, "Where did Yang Xu go?"

Er Lengzi said in a naive voice: "My young master's personal girl, Xiaodi, has gone missing. The young master asked me to post a list to find someone. The young master also went out to find friends for help."

Holding two bloody front teeth in his hands, Jiang Zhiqing rolled his eyes and asked through the wind: "You called your young master back in a hurry last night, just for this?"


Jiang Zhiqing turned to look at each other with Cao Yuguang, with a look of disbelief, Cao Yuguang couldn't help asking: "You mean, your young master lost his personal girl, so he ran back to find someone? Even my son's bet Don't care anymore?"

Er Lengzi nodded his head as a matter of course and said: "Yes, my young master has always loved Xiaodi the most. He treats her like his own sister. Who in Qingzhou City doesn't know? Xiaodi is lost, so my young master is of course worried." After finishing speaking, he carried the bucket and walked away. up.

Cao Yuguang's eyes were straight, he held the bundle of money and sighed for a while, and then he was moved: "How is it possible? This is too...too..., this is so fucking touching."

Jiang Zhiqing said nervously: "Cousin"

Cao Yuguang waved his hand and said, "Hey, touching people is touching people, closing the store is closing the store, these are two different things. Let's go, let's go back first, and bring Lizheng and Bao Ren together, then it won't be too late to close the store."

Jiang Zhiqing said with a bitter face: "If you knew earlier, there is no rush. What kind of usury should I borrow? Cousin with high interest."

Cao Yuguang glared at him and said, "It's worthless. When the store is in hand, it won't be enough to earn interest in three or two days? Now that you come to the door, who do you ask? Didn't you see that everyone in Lao Yang's family is now like Mr. Huodexing?" It’s almost smoke coming out of the nostrils, and now breaking in to handle the delivery, isn’t that courting death?”

He stuffed the money into Jiang Zhiqing's arms, yawned, and said lazily: "I'm tired, I was tossing the whole night yesterday, hehe..., but the feeling of being in a celestial world... Really him Happy mother..."

Cao Yuguang licked his lips and said, "Go, go back and get a good night's sleep. Tonight I'll visit the 'Mirror Flower and Water Pavilion'. I'm a foodie now, haha..."

Jiang Zhiqing held his front teeth, had a mouth full of blood, and carried a bundle of money in his arms. He walked away with his hapless cousin with a sad face. Just as the two left, another man and a woman came rushing over. At the age of eighteen or nineteen, there is still a trace of childishness on her face. The woman's bright eyes and white teeth are as delicate as a flower.

The two ran to the gate, and didn't bother to look at what was pasted on the wall next to it, so they slammed the door knocker, and the door rushed to welcome the door. As soon as the door opened, the young man hurriedly asked: "Mr. Are you at home?"

The old man replied: "The young master has gone out, what's the matter, young master?"

"Going out?"

The young master paused and said: "I have something important to do, this... Is Guanshi Xiao here? It's okay to meet him, he knows me."

Menzi looked at the couple's attire, and hurried in to deliver the letter. After a while, Guanshi Xiao rushed over. He thought it was news of Xiaodi, but when he heard the intention of the two, he couldn't help being disappointed.

It turned out that this couple was Cui Yuanyeol and Zhu Shanbi.The two fell in love with each other at the beginning, and they had affection for each other, and soon became very hot, but Master Zhu heard some rumors, and called his daughter to ask, and learned that the other party was just the son of a country gentry, a small student, and immediately became unhappy.How can such a family be worthy of him, Mr. Zhu?

Cui Yuanlie did not tell Ms. Zhu about the relationship between the Cui family and the emperor's kindness. It is the emperor's business. If you have received alms from your family, it would be too unreasonable. This is the main reason why the Cui family has always kept a low profile.

Besides, this kind of kindness is limited to the emperor's gratitude to Cui Di, the old man of the Cui family. Once the old man dies, what the emperor bestows and the honor bestowed on the Cui family by the emperor is nothing more than a glorious history, and it cannot be relied on for a long time. The emperor's favor cannot bring anything to the nephews of the Cui family. Zhu Yuanzhang will not abuse his power to give him a chicken dog to ascend to heaven just because he is grateful for the kindness of old man Cui.So Cui Yuanyeol didn't want to show off these things in front of his beloved girl.

Mrs. Zhu came out to interfere with Cui Yuanlie. How can Miss Zhu, who is deeply affectionate, endure it? After telling Mr. Zhu, Zhu Shanbi's two older brothers immediately brought a large number of family guards to arrest them. Seeing that the situation was not good, the two fled immediately, but when they arrived at the gate of the city, they found that there were already people from the Zhu family guarding there. They were helpless. Under the circumstances, Cui Yuanlie remembered his good friend Yang Xu, so he came to ask him for help.

Guanshi Xiao was concerned about his daughter, and he didn't want to hear what he had to ask for help. Cui Yuanlie once visited the house, but the young master was not there at that time. Later, he heard that he told him that this Mr. Cui was a very good friend. If he visits the door again, he must treat him well. Now that he said that he only wants to stay in the mansion temporarily for two days to avoid the limelight, he agreed and ordered Cuiyun to take the two of them to the wing room. We will discuss other matters when the young master comes back. .

There was a little girl outside the gate of Yang's mansion, Cui Yuanlie and Zhu Shanbi were dotted far away. Seeing that they had entered Yang's mansion for a long time and never came out again, she tilted her head to think about it, then turned and ran away...


Xia Xun rushed to the Sun's residence in a hurry, and saw the Sun's residence was decorated with lights and festivities. The Sun's family was very busy coming in and out. See Geng, please pass it on for me."

"Oh, Mr. Yang is here."

When the old shopkeeper saw him, he hurriedly came out from behind the counter, and said with a smile, "I'm really sorry, I'm afraid it's inconvenient today. Our Sun family is getting married today, and the in-laws are here, and they are signing the marriage certificate."

Xia Xun looked blank: "Marry a wife? The Sun family only has one daughter. What kind of daughter-in-law did you marry?"

It turns out that today is Sun Xuelian's engagement date for her daughter Miaoyi.Because the Sun family is recruiting new relatives, so the ceremony is the same as marrying a daughter-in-law. Ordinary families will not waste money on such a big event. On the day of marriage, the groom will come to the door to get married.However, there are also wealthy families who don't want to lose etiquette, so they let their son-in-law live in the house like a son, but send their own daughter to live with relatives as their daughter-in-law.

Then Najib asked for the prize, and there were no shortage of six rituals. Everything was handled in the same way as for a son to marry a wife. When the wedding is auspicious, there will still be a bridal sedan chair to go to the relative's house to greet the relatives, and the dowry will still be accompanied by drums and music. According to the ancient practice, kick the sedan chair door, invite the sedan chair out, and lead the newcomer to the hall to pay respects. Also, the sound of drums and cannons is loud, and the relatives, friends and guests are feasted. Married, the daughter is still "married" as the bride in a sedan chair.

It's just that this is just a formality, and it can't change the man's status. After getting married, the man's name must be written into the woman's genealogy, and it will be changed to the woman's surname.When an ordinary son-in-law arrives at his mother's house, he is a guest and must be received solemnly. The son-in-law will have no status. If his wife spoils him, it's fine. If not, tell him to go to the concierge, and he has to bear it, lady. If there are brothers and sisters, it is probably like the father-in-law, mother-in-law, sister-in-law and sister-in-law bullying the daughter-in-law, and it is normal to be excluded and neglected.

The Sun family is a wealthy family, so naturally they don't want such a big event like their daughter's marriage to pass away in a normal way.At the same time, Sun Xuelian also wanted to avoid her daughter's reputation being ruined by any further contact with Yang Xu, so the last time Sun Miaoyi came back from the Jade Emperor Temple, Sun Xuelian sent her to her cousin's house to live with her son-in-law on the pretext of getting married. Recruited home, until today to bring her daughter back.

Today is a good day for Sun Miaoyi and Du Tianwei's visiting son-in-law to exchange wedding stickers.

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