Jinyi Night Walk

Chapter 1039 Rebuilding the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1039 Heaven Rebuilt <After the rain, a rainbow hangs in the sky. "Please familiarize yourself with the domain name"

A group of indigenous residents appeared in the field and began to tidy up the ridges, pile up the ridges, weed with simple wooden hoes, sow seeds, and fertilize.

If the aborigines of other tribes pass by here, they will be surprised to find that the behavior of the people here is quite different from before.

Because the people here used to grow crops, they used to poke a small hole in the wet grass with a wooden stick, and then threw the seeds of various plants such as rice grains, peas, zucchini, etc., without weeding or tidying up. Out of the neat fields.

At the same time, they have never seen these hoes and other working tools, and they are really novel things.If they stop for a while, they will find more new and strange things.

People here have oxen and horses but don't know how to use them to carry things. Now they will find that people here use oxen and horses to carry things.They don't know how to make carts to haul heavy loads, and use wheels to save energy. Now they will find that there are many wooden carts with one wheel, two wheels, and even four wheels.

This was taught to these local natives by the envoys of the kingdom of heaven, and the envoys of the kingdom of heaven also gave them a unified name, calling them Han people.

The drivers of the kingdom of heaven are naturally Xia Xun and his party.

Xia Xun's fleet landed in Alaska, which is not called Alaska now, but Wangming Island.The name was not chosen by Xie Jin, but Xiao Di.Xia Xun felt that ting was meaningful, so he asked the stonemason to erect a stone tablet there, and formally named Wang Wangming.

At the same time, he also officially changed his name back to Xia Xun. Although other family members except Xiaodi and Ziqi didn't understand why he changed his name, he did it anyway.

The climate of "Wangming" is very cold, and the temperature in summer is not high, let alone in winter. At the same time, it is too close to Daming. Such a huge and boundless land is no secret.

In order to prevent some people from leaving their homeland and looking for an opportunity to escape back, Xia Xun could only lead them to continue going deeper for safety. After nearly a month of trekking, they landed in the middle of this new continent.

He believed that under the circumstances of those who did not understand the geography of the world and had not left any charts along the way, unless the crew of the entire ship rebelled, relying on their experience and memory, or it was possible to escape, they would not be able to leave again. This is identified as a settlement.

During the process of berthing, landing, and resting all the way, the crew found that they were not alone in this new continent. There were already residents here, and these residents were the local aborigines who were called Indians by later generations.

What they are most worried about is being abandoned outside the whole world, and there have been residents here long ago, and they are also black-haired and yellow-skinned. This discovery gradually calmed down their anxiety.

After several months of getting along, Xie Jin discovered excitedly: the people here are likely to be descendants of Yan and Huang just like himself, and they should be survivors of the Yin and Shang Dynasties.

It was some words and knowledge of the local natives that initially aroused Xie Jin's suspicion. Along the way, he found that some local natives called children "baby", and in some places the natives pronounced "you, me, him" as "baby". "Ning, Nei, and Yi" refer to rivers as rivers and boats as sampans, and the boys with their buns are also dressed in the same way as the children in the Central Plains.

When they settled down and got in touch with this new world in more detail, he discovered many ancient stone inscriptions. The characters on them were very similar to the oracle bone inscriptions he had studied a little, and some characters were even identical.

Not long after that, Xia Xun and the others built houses and castles in the local area, and unearthed sixteen emerald statues from the ground. The faces of these statues were no different from those of the Han people, and the heads were deliberately carved high and long.

Xie Jin knew that this style of sculpture was a custom advocated by people in the Yin and Shang Dynasties, and where they found the emerald statues, they also found six pieces of yugui, which were engraved with handwriting similar to Shang Yin oracle bone inscriptions.

After the castle was built here, Xie Jin was ordered to lead people to explore the surrounding area, and had a close relationship with a tribe called "Maya". He discovered that the priests of the Mayan tribe would use acupuncture to heal diseases. It is widely grown in the area of ​​Fujian, Guangdong, China, and it has not been heard of this kind of plant in other parts of the world.

They gradually got acquainted with and understood the local aborigines. About a year later, Xie Jin understood their language a little bit. The tribal chief here told him that Tizhu was a traumatic medicine inherited from their ancestors. It was the leader of their ancestors a long time ago. It was handed down by King Hou Xi.

He also said that according to their old legends, their ancestors came from the kingdom of heaven, and their ancestors took a bamboo boat from the kingdom of heaven to come to this place along the pontoon bridge of the sky, and stayed here ever since.

Xie Jin immediately asked the Maya to take him to meet the old priest in the tribe. The old priest received him friendly and told him the story of King Houxi in the ancient legend.

The old priest told him that in their clan, it has been passed down from generation to generation. 600 years ago, their ancestors, a total of 25 clans, came here on a bamboo boat along a section of sea with continuous islands, and established several kingdoms.Among them, the most powerful is their king: King Houxi.

King Hou Xi is brave and powerful, but also cruel. He castrated the men who recruited him into the palace and burned the subjects who offended him.One year, a small kingdom called Risheng Kingdom was destroyed by a severe earthquake. The people of Risheng Kingdom defected to King Houxi, but King Houxi did not help them, but turned them into his slaves.

The refugees were very sad. After hearing about it, a doctor of the Houxi tribe who lived on the mountain rushed to the palace and sang to King Houxi: "The 25 tribes are brothers. Follow Houxi to cross the floating bridge island in the sky. The hardships and dangers on the way must not be forgotten." , Distribute the wheat and millet to all the folks, brothers, don’t insult brothers, the kingdom of heaven will be rebuilt and winter will be restored..."

The people of Hou Xiguo burst into tears when they heard this song. After hearing this song, King Houxi was distraught. He pleaded guilty to his subjects with tears, freed the slaves, and helped them rebuild their kingdom with his belongings. , Since then, there are very few tribes that rely on the strong to bully the weak. They come from the same place, and they are all brothers and sisters.

The old priest also sang the ancient song at the invitation of Xie Jin. Few of them even remembered the pronunciation of the ancient language. Naturally, Xie Jin didn't understand it even more, but he noticed that the desolate and ancient ballad In , each line of the lyrics has one word and one sound, but the languages ​​of other ethnic groups that Xie Jin knows rarely have this feature.

"King Hou Xi, King Hou Xi, the 25 clans are brothers, follow Hou Xi across the floating bridge island..."

Xie Jin, who is well-known and knowledgeable, suddenly remembered an ancient secret:

In the past, when King Wu defeated Zhou, King Zhou sent an upright general You Houxi to attack Dongyi. The country was empty, King Wu of Zhou took the opportunity to raise an army, and defeated Zhou in one battle.Afterwards, the general Youhouxi of the Shang Dynasty and more than [-] troops of the Linfang, Renfang, Hufang and other tribes loyal to the Shang Dynasty suddenly disappeared, which became an eternal mystery.

Could it be...

Chinese-style titles, hairstyles, oracle-bone inscription-style stone carvings, yugui, sculptures from the Yin and Shang Dynasties, acupuncture and TCM folk remedies for healing wounds, and the King Hou Xi they kept talking about, what else is there? The pontoon bridge... When they came all the way, when they crossed the strait, wasn't there a small island not far away?

Could it be... this King Houxi is Youhouxi?Are these natives the descendants of the missing Yin Shang soldiers?

Xie Jin immediately told Xia Xun this guess, Xia Xun didn't care whether the textual research was accurate or not, for him, this textual research would help them integrate better with the locals, and that was enough, so Xia Xun Tell these local aborigines that they came from the kingdom of heaven via the pontoon bridge of heaven.

Not only did he tell the Maya and other Indian tribes, but he also told the tens of thousands of people he brought with him that they were of the same ancestors, which was conducive to their friendly relationship.

After learning that these powerful and more civilized and advanced visitors from afar came from their ancestral country, the local indigenous tribes were very happy. They were kind and immediately accepted these relatives from their distant ancestors’ hometown. There is even a kind of awe in their kindness to them.

They respect their ancestors very much, and these visitors came from the country of their ancestors. Psychologically, they feel that these visitors are higher than themselves in seniority, and they are like a family in blood. They affectionately call These people from the "Kingdom of Heaven" are the ancestors.

Since then, Xia Xun and his people have settled here. By teaching the local people more advanced production methods, they have won the respect and conviction of many Indian tribes in the surrounding area.

Under the amazed eyes of the local aborigines, they burned mud and turned it into hard "stones", and built houses and tall castles, they were already recognized as the king's tribe by all the surrounding tribes.

The new castle is called Hawaii.This Hawaii is not the island in the eastern part of the Americas. The name of the castle was chosen by Xia Xun. Others thought that this castle meant that he wanted to rule the islands, but they didn't know that it was just Xia Xun's bad taste. After arriving here , He is indeed a lot more frank, free and unrestrained.

Xia Xun found that in this land, there are many plants that have never been seen anywhere else. There are more edible plants here than all other places in the world combined.

Abundant resources, respected status, plus many unwed soldiers were able to marry a healthy, sexy, lively and lovely Indian girl here, and their hearts finally stayed here.

Xia Xun's ship intentionally brought talents from various fields, including scribes, doctors, stonemasons, blacksmiths, tailors, sailors, and farmers. They quarried stone, smelted iron, and made gunpowder here...

More and more local aborigines knew of their existence, and they sent people to marry the Nazu people to learn their advanced civilization. The prestige of these ancestors is getting higher and higher, and they seem to be the masters of this new world. < days.

Xia Xun stood on the beach holding his second son, Yang Huaizhi.

Yang Huaizhi asked angrily, "Daddy, why is the earth round?"

Xia Xun smiled and said: "Probably, it is God's intention to let those who got lost or lost their way find them again."

"Then if we swim from here, can we go back to our hometown?"

Xia Xun was amused by his son's childish words: "Yes, swimming from here is our hometown. When the baby grows up, we will build a big boat, and when we are tired from swimming, we will sit on the boat and keep going. , where the sunset is, is our hometown.”


Yang Huaizhi thought for a while with his fingers in his mouth, turned around and pointed in another direction, and said, "Sister Yuerong said that when she was in her hometown, she thought the sun rose from the sea here, but when we got here, the sun rose. It's still far away in the sea. If we go there, will we find the sun?"

Yue Rong is the youngest daughter of Ximenqing and Nan Feifei, and usually plays with the children of the Yang family.

Xia Xun said: "No, if we want to find the sun, we have to build a ship that can fly. However, if we go that way, we will go to a place called Europe. Dad has been there before. Go there. It’s much closer than going here, when you grow up, you can go there to play.”

"Is it fun there?"

"Of course it's fun. Not only can you see many blond-haired and blue-eyed Westerners there, but you can also see Easterners like us. Son, that's the route opened by your father. When you see them, don't bother Learn their language, for what we speak must be their lingua franca.”

"Haha, as soon as I talk about it, Dad is happy, son, do you know what Dad is happy about?"

Xia Xun asked happily. Many of his statements were often laughed at by his wives as "nonsense", and only his sons and daughters believed what his father said.Although he is now recognized as the tribal leader by all the tribes near and far, it is hard to find a bosom friend.These words can only be chatted with this ignorant son.

"I don't know, what is Dad happy about?"

Xia Xun patted his smooth buttocks, and said with a smile: "Father is happy that the descendants of our Han people no longer need to learn that stupid English. It's just a general translation, isn't it just a translation? There is not enough for a Siyi hall, Ten schools are enough! Do you need everyone to be an interpreter? Let the matter go! He fucks..."

Yang Huaizhi didn't know why, so he smiled and imitated his father: "Fuck him!"

Xia Xun laughed loudly: "Yes! Fuck him. Eh? That's not right! Dad can say, you can't say that, learn swear words again, and see if your mother doesn't beat you when she hears it. Um..., in the future, We asked all the foreign devils to learn Chinese from us, and if he can’t pass the fourth level, he wants to get a graduation certificate, but there are none of them!”

Yang Huaizhi waved his small fist and said, "There are no men~~~!"

Xia Xun said enthusiastically: "Even if he studies the history of his own country, he won't be given a job title if he doesn't know Chinese! Let their children spend most of their academic energy on learning Chinese, hahaha, it's hard to think about it." Cool!"

Yang Huaizhi danced in Xia Xun's arms, imitating his father's cry: "It's so cool!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Xu Hu took a few people and found Xia Xun who was flirting by the sea.Seeing him chatting happily with his son, he couldn't help laughing and asked, "Wenxuan, what are you talking about so happily?"

Xia Xun turned her head and saw it was him, so she put down her son, patted his little butt and said, "Go, go play with brother."

Yang Huaizhi spread his legs and ran towards his elder brother. On the shallow beach not far away, several half-grown children of the Yang family were playing with some Indian children to catch fish, and a lot of sand was piled up on the bank. castle.

In a small bay, the Indians abandoned their canoes. With the help of their ancestors in heaven, they learned to build sailboats. Several small sailboats made by themselves are making their first attempt to go to sea.

"Brother Xu is back."

"Well, He Tianyang is taking care of the iron mine, so I came back. I have only been away for a month. I see that not only a medical clinic has been built in the city, but even a college is going to be built."

"Yeah, children can't learn some basic life skills. Here, literacy and reading is something only priests do, and we can't do this. Although the civilization of the Shang Dynasty is not as good as it is now, if it's not because of them There were not many learned people in the army when they came to the East. After arriving here, they only cared about food and clothing. They still didn’t pay attention to it, and they would not be behind the predecessors. Lessons from the past, our descendants must More civilized and advanced, you can't degenerate into savages."

"Well, you're still looking ahead!"

Xu Hu and Xia Xun walked side by side, narrating the changes over the past year, and said with emotion: "We have been here for a year, and wherever our reputation goes, all the tribes will follow the wind, you wouldn't think ...have always regarded our castle as a tribe?"

Xia Xun glanced at him and said with a smile, "Oh, what do you think?"

Xu Hu said slowly: "Don't you think...we can build a country of our own here?"

Xia Xun walked slowly along the beach with her hands behind her back, thinking about it without saying a word.

Xu Hu chased after him, and said: "In your words, the people here, because the land here is so vast and rich, they can dig a hole in the grass and plant seeds without worrying about eating. Therefore, they have not developed much. They are too backward, and we don't need to shoot a single shot to make them subdue.

What's more, they both worship and believe in our ancestors. As long as we decide to establish a country, they will definitely follow suit.Bringing them under rule is also a good thing for them. You don't want them to live like savages all the time? "

Xia Xun smiled, leaned over and grabbed a handful of golden sand, squeezed it, and twisted it slowly, letting the yellow sand flow down like an hourglass, and said slowly: "Actually, I have thought about this question too. , I have even thought of the name of our new country."


Xu Hu happily said: "So you also have this plan, what name do you plan to give our country?"

Xia Xun patted the sand on his hands, stood facing the sea with his hands behind his back, and said, "Xia Chao! Our country is called Daxia! How about it?"

A blazing light welled up in Xu Hu's eyes: "Good name! Xia, Shang and Zhou..., we are going to open up a new China here! At the same time, you also changed your surname to Xia, hehe, this is not only the name of the country, but also the name of the country. The name of the country, when this Great Xia is established, you will be the first emperor of this Great Xia! The First Emperor of this overseas world!"

Xia Xun smiled without saying a word.

He doesn't want to be an emperor, he wants to establish a federal state with separation of powers here, and the head of state is elected every few years.It is far more suitable for all peoples than monarchy.

For his descendants, if the ancestors created them so high, they still have nothing to achieve, then they can eat as much rice as they can make.

No matter how good the education is, it can't guarantee that the future generations will be wise, and the absolute power, once it meets a weak monarch, will bring irreparable consequences to the country, and what will be brought to his children and grandchildren will be death. The disaster of the dead.

His regime is envisaged across the sea, at least in this era, it is impossible without that kind of foundation.This is not the case here. There were originally tribes here, and the tribal chiefs were not hereditary.Of the tens of thousands of them, the largest number are the soldiers and family members of the original Shuangyu Guard, regardless of whether it is the chief of Shuangyu Island or the commander of Shuangyu Guard, it is also not hereditary.

Starting from scratch does not need to break the old framework, but it is the easiest to build.However, he didn't know much about this aspect before, and his superficial understanding could not provide much help when he created some specific systems, and he still had many ideas to be perfected.

At the same time, the initiative to build a nation had already started in the castle. Many people, especially his father-in-law, Mr. Peng, were very keen to praise him as emperor. He also needed to communicate with these people.

Of course, Xia Xun didn't know at this time that in the southernmost part of the continent, Ren Juying, who had no hope of returning to his country, had already proclaimed himself emperor, and his country was named Lantau. another political path.And the meeting between them was already a long time later.

Seeing Xia Xun smiling without saying a word, Xu Hu sighed slightly, stepped back slowly, and put his hand on the handle of the knife.

Xia Xun looked at the sea and was still smiling, but the smile gradually became bitter: "Isn't it good that we are like this? We must kill each other? Power can really make people crazy!"

Xu Hu was about to draw his sword, but he was startled when he heard the words, and he lost his voice: "You...you know that I want to..."

Xia Xun didn't answer his words, but asked sadly: "Why can we only share adversity, but not prosperity?"

"you are wrong!"

Xu Hu calmed down, and said in a deep voice: "I, Xu Hu, am not a narrow-minded person. I can share adversity, and I can also share wealth! But when I can have greater wealth, you can't block my way! "

Xia Xun's voice seemed a little ethereal under Hai Lang's slap, he seemed to be asking himself, and also Xu Hu: "I, blocked your way?"

Xu Hu sneered and said, "You know what you're asking! Do you think you're still the Duke of Ming Dynasty? What a joke! Who has the most power in this castle? It's you! Who has the most power? It's me! Among tens of thousands of people, I'm from Shuangyu Accounted for the vast majority, why can you take it for granted to be the emperor, and not me? Why can your descendants be tyrannical for generations, not me?"

Xia Xun said softly: "If I say... I never thought of being an emperor, would you believe me?"

Xu Hu was stunned for a moment, and then laughed loudly: "Hahaha, of course I don't believe it. If you don't become emperor, who will do it? Are you willing to surrender to me? Hahaha..."

Xia Xun shook her head and said, "It's not me, and it's not you. I think... this country doesn't want an emperor!"

Xu Hu was stunned for a while, and then he exclaimed strangely: "Are you crazy? How can a country have no emperor? Without an emperor, is it still a country? I want to be an emperor, but you don't want an emperor! Whether you want to be an emperor yourself or not Anyone who becomes the emperor will have trouble with me!

Why do all the nations bow their knees to Ming Dynasty?Because whoever has the biggest fist is the boss!Here, I am the boss, not you!Xia Xun, you should wake up! "

Xia Xun said lightly: "I think it's time for you to wake up! Xu Hu, don't insist on not realizing it!"

Xu Hu took a step back vigilantly, and quickly looked around. The children were still playing on the beach, and in the bay on the other side, a few natives were laughing at how well their boat was navigating in the water. A mangrove forest is a stone's throw away, and there are only a few of his confidants around him.

Xu Hu's courage grew stronger again, and he sneered, "Are you scaring me? Hahaha, Xia Xun, I know you have a great eloquence. I don't know how many people died because of your mouth, but I, Xu Hu, are not them! All the soldiers in Yu are mine, what do you have? Except for that dead old man of the Peng family and his nephews, except for that Ximenqing who likes to drill into women’s tents, and your 800 Qianlong soldiers, what else do you have? have what?"

Xia Xun said slowly: "I still have... Lilong!"

Xu Hu didn't hear clearly, so he took a step forward and asked, "What did you say?"

Almost the moment he stepped forward, two "bang bang" gunshots rang out, and a big hole exploded in Xu Hu's back and waist, and blood quickly stained his robe.

Xu Hu staggered forward, and turned his head back in disbelief. There were five guards in total, all brought by him.Two of the guns were smoking, while the other three, one of them had retreated behind the other two, with a knife in one hand and a pistol in their hands, pressed tightly against their waists and eyes.

Xia Xun's voice reached his ears: "Lilong! I still have Lilong! In the past, I had a flying dragon in my left hand and a Qianlong in my right hand. After the flying dragon was handed out, I grabbed another one with my empty hand. Lilong!"

"Five confidantes, three of them are yours..., I deserve to die! I really deserve to die! My death is not wronged!"

Xu Hu staggered and smiled bitterly: "I didn't expect, I didn't expect that I used this method to kill Lei Xiaoxi back then. Today, I also followed in his footsteps! Xia Xun! You have already planned to deal with me, haven't you?"

Xia Xun said quietly: "Believe it or not, I'm just prepared. If you don't want to kill me, I promise, they are still your confidant guards and will never become Lilong!"

Xu Hu hissed: "I...I don't believe it! I don't believe it! You...want to be emperor too! I...hate it!"

With a sound of "噗嗵", Xu Hu fell heavily on the beach, the sea languish hit his cheek, his eyes were fixed, and he could not rest in peace.

Xia Xun never looked back, he fell up and down, and the never-ending tide slapped his boots.Xia Xun said faintly: "Everyone who is not familiar with the world wants to be Huang Rong and escape from the peach blossoms! Xu Hu, you will never understand what I want!"

Many years later, when the historians of the Great Xia Kingdom were studying the history of their founding father and first president, Xia Xun, one of the subjects that made them worry was: "Who is Huang Rong? Who is Dongxie?"

-------------------------season finale----------------------- -

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