Jinyi Night Walk

Chapter 207 Bet

Xia Xun didn't expect that he would run into an "acquaintance" just one day after he arrived in Haining. That He Tianyang was exactly the big man reporting the news he saw when he was in the small hotel during the day, with six or seven sharp steel knives touching his body. Wuchangwu" couldn't resist at all, so he had to put on a look of panic and said: "Ah, so the hero is the person I met during the day, I am wronged, I was indeed in the hotel at the time, but I am not from the government ah! "

Leader Jia asked suspiciously, "Are you really not the court's eagle dog?"

Xia Xun called Qu and said, "How is that possible? I'm just a merchant, and Uncle Li can testify for me.

I happened to be there at the time, and I was just drinking in the store. If I were a secret agent of the imperial court, "could I stand there motionless at that time?"

Leader Jia looked him up and down, but couldn't let go after all." He shouted: "Search him! "

Xia Xun's heart widened, and he opened his hands calmly. He Tianyang stepped forward and searched him carefully, "There is nothing but the money he is carrying." Li Tang looked at it, and said with a smile: "Look, look "I said, Chief Jia, this person is really my relative, there is nothing wrong with it, the chief can rest assured. "

Leader Jia squinted his eyes and looked at Xia Xun." Suddenly asked: "Where is your Luyin? "

Xia Xun was startled, and then said: "I didn't put those important things on me, and I kept them in the inn, including the luggage."

Leader Jia suddenly asked again: "Are you speaking with a Fengyang accent?"

Xia Xun said: "I live in Yingtian, so I speak Fengyang accent naturally. I don't know how many people speak Fengyang nose in this world. Wouldn't Chief Jia regard me as a spy of the imperial court just because of this?"

Leader Jia chuckled twice, and said, "We received news on the day of the trace." The imperial court will severely crack down on pirates, so the government in Haining has tightened control, forcing us to trade by the river.Now that you, a person with a Fengyang accent, appeared in the tavern where our guild leader appeared "without proof of directions, isn't it a serious suspicion?"

Xia Xun thought to himself: "I'm careless. The last time I set up a fake guide was to deal with the government. This time, with the official certificate in hand, I forgot to prepare a fake guide to deal with the pirates. His grandma's, how do I know, pirates?" Also check for directions.”

Li Tang hastily stepped forward to say something good: "Tower Jia, leader Jia" I can assure you that there is absolutely nothing suspicious about this man, he is indeed a relative of my family. Ask him to bring a guide next time, "Come and trade with the leader and leave."

As Li Tang said, pushing Xia Xun, he pretended to be angry and said: "You child, you don't know the rules, and you don't have the proper way to do things." Get out of here quickly. Don't make Chief Jia angry." How much richer than you. "

Xia Xun also knew something was wrong, so he was about to leave immediately. Leader Jia sneered, "Slow! Is this a place where you can come and go whenever you want?"

He circled Xia Xun twice, stroked his beard and thought for a while, and ordered, "Take him to the boat. "

Xia Xun said in shock: "My good man, what are you going to do?"

Li Tang also panicked, fearing that he would not be able to explain to his cousin, so he hurriedly begged. Leader Jia became impatient, glared at him, and shouted, "What are you shouting about? Take him aboard! Old man Li, I have checked you." If the person is not suspicious, we will let him go, and we will come back after ten days!"

After finishing speaking, he gave Xia Xun a strange smile and said: "If you really have no problem, I, Jia Budian, will turn around and ask you to accompany me. For the next ten days, please drive you to our Shuangyu Island to enjoy the scenery. When you are relieved, take him away!"

Two sharp steel knives were placed on Xia Xun's neck like scissors, and he was escorted into the boat. Xia Xun secretly groaned: "This is a disaster. Once they take it away, it will be as difficult as going ashore again." .That thing is in the inn"They can't find it?It's hard to say "they have such a close relationship with the local merchants... No, they let the shopkeeper Li Tang pick it up. When the shopkeeper Li saw my identity, would he report it to the government or the pirates? No, he himself is also an idiot. Those who buy dirty pirates "I'm afraid they won't hide their identity for me..."

Xia Xun was thinking wildly, and was escorted into the boat, sailing towards the dark ship...


Xia Xun's hands were tied behind his back and he was thrown on the bottom of the bilge.The cargo in the bilge has been moved to a large extent, and it is basically empty. Xia Xun sat on the bilge, "It was so dark that he couldn't see anything, and the air was dull. After waiting for a long time, no one paid any attention to him. A pillar fell into a drowsy sleep.

The big ship went down the river and out of the sea, but Xia Xun was locked at the bottom of the bilge, but he didn't know where he was.

These pirates are very familiar with the waterways, and they didn't have any scruples when sailing at night. At some point, the bottom hatch door woke up with a bang, and was pulled open with a clatter, and a fresh sea breeze with a fishy smell swept in. , A glaring sunlight also shot in, and Xia Xun, who was awakened, immediately narrowed his eyes.

Someone above looked down and shouted: "Come out!" Come out immediately. "

Xia Xun didn't know good or bad, so he had to stand up obediently, with his hands tied behind his back, unable to hold on to the wooden ladder, he had to walk up with difficulty with his feet.

There were more than a dozen pirates standing on the deck, all with their chests and belly exposed, their hair was disheveled, some were casually tied up in a bun and pinned up with straw sticks, some were simply disheveled, and all of them had unkind eyes.He Tianyang and Jia Touling were also standing there, speaking of which, they were the only two dressed neatly, but that Jia Touling was short and fat, with a wide mouth and a horizontal face, "it looked like a newly formed toad spirit when he put on clothes." He Tianyang, with a slender and strong figure, has alert features, so it's no wonder that he is in charge of breaking the news and inquiring about the news.

Xia Xun's eyes gradually adapted to the light, and only then did he realize that the big ship had reached the open sea. The sky was high and the clouds were clear, the waves were rolling, and a few seabirds were flying in the sea breeze. "It's already bright, and there are a few islands in the distance." their lair.

Xia Xun put on a timid look and said, "Everyone, what are you going to do?" "

Leader Jia turned his head and said, "Second Lord, it's him!"

A big man standing by the steering wheel turned around and walked over, stepping on the deck with a pair of big bare feet "steady. Xia Xun glanced at him" and thought to himself: "This is the man named Lei with great strength." It is Lei Xiaoxi, the second head of the Shuangyu Gang! "

Lei Xiaoxi looked Xia Xun up and down for a while, "asked: "Old Jia...you mean...is he?"

Chief Jia quickly nodded and bowed, "Yes, Second Master" is this kid. "

Lei Xiaoxi said disapprovingly: "Since this person is suspicious," what else do we need to investigate, should we take him home for dinner? "Just throw him into the sea!" Xia Xun didn't expect that the three chiefs would decide his life and future so easily. , couldn't help being surprised and angry." Seeing the two pirates came forward to arrest him, Xia Xun couldn't just sit still, and immediately moved his feet." The two pirates had thick lower limbs and stood barefoot on the deck." Originally, they were as stable as a rock, but Xia Xun It was their joints that were kicked, and they couldn't bear it at all. The two fell to their knees with an ouch, and were kicked away by Xia Xun one by one.

Lei Xiaoxi's eyes lit up, and she said, "Oh, I've misjudged my eyes." Is he actually a connoisseur? "

Xia Xun said loudly: "A foreign businessman should not only avoid the minions of the government" but also guard against those who would block the road with a sap. If he has no skills, how dare he go on the road?I'm just proficient in fists and kicks, and I can't compare with Lei Erye's prestige.Second Lord Lei "has been admiring your noble gang for a long time to fight for justice and do justice for the heavens." This time I came only to make a deal with you. Leader Jia became suspicious of me and took me aboard. That's all, the truth Before you find out, you should always treat me as a guest." Second Master Lei, isn't he afraid that the coastal merchants will be terrified when he finds out? ", Lei Xiaoxi laughed loudly, and said: "The goods are in Lao Tzu's hands. If they want to make money, they have to curry favor with Lao Tzu." What are you so cold about?" He turned around and suddenly came to Xia Xun's side. With bound hands and inconvenient stature, it is not easy to avoid him, Lei Xiaoxi grabbed his wrist, looked into his palm, and then his face darkened, saying: "Are you an expert in using knives? "

Xia Xun didn't expect that he would go to see his calloused hands, and he didn't expect that he could figure out the weapon he was good at from the calloused hands, so he had to bite the bullet and said, "I'm a small businessman, and I'm out alone..."

Lei Xiaoxi sneered and said, "Is it so easy to fool you when I'm an old man? If you say that you are self-defense", it is possible to practice some spear and stick kung fu.A peddler carries a sword with him?You are a secret agent of the government! ", Xia Xun hurriedly said: "I'm not, Mr. Lei, don't want to wrong a good man." If you don't believe me, you should prove my identity before making a decision."

Lei Xiaoxi's face darkened and said: "I do things, and you still need to teach me? Throw him into the sea!"

Tuo Xun struggled again and again, but outnumbered, he was tied up tightly by the pirates, lifted him up and walked to the side of the boat, Xia Xun shouted for help, only hoping to lure the big leader named Xu out , Judging by his demeanor, he still looks like a reasonable person, but he kept shouting for help, but Xu Hu never appeared.

At this moment," only one voice shouted: "Stop!what happened?Second Lei, are you lynching your brother? "

Xia Xun was held up in the air. He could only see the blue sky and white clouds above his head. He couldn't see the person's appearance at all. He only heard the voice. He was a woman. Xia Xun thought to himself: "Could this be Su Ying, the third head of the Shuangyu Gang?" Xia Xun immediately kept calling for help.

I heard Lei Xiaoxi say a little displeased: "Sister, are you taking too much care? This boat is my boat, and everyone on this boat is mine! What I want to do, I still need your promise." ?”

The woman said: "Your ship and your people are also under the banner of Shuangyu Island. You can't mess with the rules of my Shuangyu Island and ruin my reputation of Shuangyu Island!"

Lei Xiaoxi said resentfully: "Our family has many rules. No matter how many rules there are, is he still a pirate? This man is not our brother, but a spy of the imperial court." I want to sink him, is that okay? "

Xia Xun hurriedly called for help, "I'm not a spy from the imperial court." You guys didn't follow the rules. You only said to take me to live on the island for a few days, and then let me go after finding out my identity. Why did you suddenly want to kill me? "

The woman said: "Second Lei, have you found out his identity?" Lei Xiaoxi said: "Do you still need to check? This person appeared in the tavern where the boss was arrested, and he did not carry a guide. I just looked at his palm again, he is an expert in wielding a knife, do you think he looks like a merchant?"

The woman sternly said: "Our Shuangyu Island has always used military discipline to govern the gang, and we pay attention to rules and evidence in everything." Hearing what you said, are you going to kill someone just based on speculation? "

Lei Xiaoxi was drinking by her in front of her subordinates, she couldn't hold back, and said angrily: "Su Ying, this is not the time for your father to be the boss of Shuangyu Island, don't just point fingers at me." Now I am the second-ji family of Shuangyu Island, "Except for Xu Hu, no one else can order me." The woman's voice suddenly increased: "I, Su Xiaomei, are in charge of the Judgment Hall of Shuangyu Island, and I respond to internal and external prisons." Hand, otherwise it is an abuse of lynching!I said don't kill, then don't kill! ", Lei Xiaoxi sneered and said: "On this ship, I am the boss, and you Su Xiaomei's prestige will not be too late after returning to Shuangyu Island! Listen to my orders and throw him down."

I only heard the choking sound of drawing the knife out of its sheath." Su Xiaomei's voice sternly shouted: "Who dares? "

At this time, Leader Jia quickly smoothed things over: "Second master, third master, for an outsider, it's worth it, both of you, calm down, calm down, according to Lao Jia, this person named Xia is indeed suspicious." ..."

Su Xiaomei said angrily: "Bring him to the island, are you afraid that he will fly away? Why not kill him after getting the evidence? If people's lives are ignored like this, what is the difference between us and the Chumi Gang?"

Lei Xiaoxi was furious and said: "Evidence? Evidence is shit! Do you think we are the government and the court? We are pirates now, a group of pirates, why are we still adhering to those stinky rules!"

Leader Jia hurriedly said: "Second Master and Third Master, please stop arguing. Second Master wants to kill, there is a reason for killing. Third Master said not to kill, and there is a reason not to kill, or" Let's do this, according to the sea According to the rules, this person was brought back by the second master, so he should be free to let the second master dispose of him.

But regardless of people or goods, once it enters the sea "after a stick of incense, it will be ownerless. If you can rescue him, third master, he will be yours, and it will be up to you."

Su Xiaomei sneered and said, "A stick of incense? A person who does not understand water can neither hold his breath nor breathe." Yizhu Xiang would have drowned a long time ago. Besides, under this sea area, there are undercurrents and reefs, who knows Where can he be dragged, it is not easy to go to the bottom of the sea to find someone, Laojiao, "You are obviously helping the second child."

Lei Xiaoxi laughed out loud when she heard this, "That's a good idea, that's a good idea, sister, I don't want to get angry with you, let's do it like this!"This kid is not your lover. "Why are you so caring? If you can save him, it's his fate. You can't." That's his destiny to be the son-in-law of Lord Dragon!Come, stop the boat, drop the anchor, light the incense, and throw that boy into the sea! "!~!

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