Xia Xun had no choice but to go north with Xiaojunzhu.

A young man with a handsome and cute little girl is a bit too eye-catching, and.Along the way, I have faintly heard that the Zhongshan Palace has asked the officials along the way to Bashu and Beiping to pay attention to the whereabouts of Princess Xiao.Xia Xun had no choice but to dress up Xu Ming'er as a little bookboy.originally.He was also worried that this spoiled eldest lady was used to being waited on by others, so she didn't want to pretend to be a little book boy, and he didn't want Xu Ming'er to be very interested in this new identity and pretend to be enthusiastic.

Because she was pretending to be a book boy, the food couldn't be that good. Xia Xun also found out that this delicate and rich daughter of the palace is actually not that picky about food.Of course she doesn't eat bad ones if there are delicious ones, but if conditions don't allow her, she won't pick and choose.As long as things are clean, Xia Xun can't help but look at her with admiration.

On this day, when I arrived in Jinan Mansion, because Xia Xun was a famous person when he came here last time, he was worried about being seen by acquaintances, so he didn't go to the city, but stayed at a small inn in Chengxiao.

He pretended to be a scholar who studied abroad.Those who bring a book boy have a good family background.Therefore, when eating, I asked for the only private room.

The so-called private room here is just a single table separated by a screen, and the inside and outside are closely related.So the two of them didn't speak, they just ate quietly.

But the people outside are talking loudly." The voice spread into the [room] from time to time.

"What else to say, even a blind man can see the emperor's intentions. This is the eradication of the feudal clan."

"It's nothing to cut off the feudal clan. Brother Ji, don't you know that the Seven Kings are in trouble? Sooner or later, all the feudal clans will become a disaster for the court. The emperor is doing this for the sake of the country forever...

"Xianning" You are too naive.From the Three Emperors and Five Emperors to the present, how many kings have been entrusted to guard the world?Zhou divided the world, and the country was 800 years: Qin did not divide it, established prefectures and counties, and died. Han. Divided the princes, but the kings also gave birth to luan. But the power of the kings was cut, is the world stable? There are feudal lords outside, and ten constant servants inside are disasters. The Great Han Dynasty lasted for thousands of years? Tang and Song Dynasties did not enfeoff, and the longest period of the country was only 300 years. In the final analysis, whether the country will last forever" cannot depend on the enfeoffment of the kings... …

Xia Xun's heart skipped a beat.Ji Gang, Gao Xianning?Unexpectedly, after a farewell to Daming Lake in the past, we would meet here.It's just that there is a little princess by her side, so it's not convenient to go out and meet each other.

Gao Xianning said: "There are no feudal vassals. The country may not last forever, but dividing the feudal vassals will eventually create an additional source of disaster. From this point of view, there is nothing wrong with the emperor cutting the vassals. If the vassals are aware of current affairs, they should Take the initiative to ask the court to cut down the vassal" If not.One day.The army is under pressure, it is too late to regret...

Ji Gang sneered.Said: "The emperor wants to seize the military power. The kings have handed over the military power. Once the military power is handed over, the kings are no longer considered a vassal." He is just a prince. In Qin, Han, Jin, Tang, Song and Yuan Dynasties, the prince named the king. This is an ancient practice, but the emperor has been so far Is that the end? King Zhou, King Qi, and King Dai have all been demoted to common people."

Gao Xianning said displeasedly: "Brother Ji's words are wrong. It's because they are rampant and lawless, and they are free to take it upon themselves."

Ji Gang said with a smile: "The king of Qi is guilty of acting on behalf of the king", but the crime is not so great as to cut the prince. What is the crime of sending the king of Zhou to Yunnan.He wants to rebel?Believe it or not, King Zhou is famous, if I remember correctly, "Xian Ning also admires King Zhou..."

Gao Xianning said: "Whether King Zhou is guilty or not?" I don't know.But I know that if Yanfan is to be cut, then King Zhou should be cut. Who told them that they are brothers of the same mother.The most taboo of the court is King Yan, who led the frontier army for a long time.Now he is the leader of the various vassals, and he has already harbored evil intentions. The imperial court is taking precautions to avoid greater disasters. "

Xu Ming'er stopped her chopsticks and listened attentively." Her face turned pale.

Ji Gang laughed out loud, paused slightly, and said: "This is the outskirts of the city, and there are not many idlers waiting. Brother, I will talk to you a few words of affection. Even if King Yan wants to be a Prince of Taiping, is it possible? The emperor wants The military power, the king of Yan handed over: The emperor transferred the three guards of Yanshan to guard the border, and the king of Yan gave it to him. This means that the king of Yan had rebelled and deliberately rebelled? If it were you, would you be willing to do so? The military power is handed over, the three guards of the palace I also told you that all the seal officers in the Beiping Military, Political and Judicial Department have changed. Who wants to rebel and will not rebel until this point?  …

Gao Xianning said: "According to you, King Yan is loyal to the imperial court? If that's the case, he understands the emperor's worries. As a subject, why doesn't he share the worries of the emperor's father, and actively asks to cut down the vassal, as an example for the kings? ?,.

Ji Gang said: "Xianning, you don't feel pain in your back while sitting and talking. Let King Yan take the initiative to ask for the reduction of the feudal clan. Are you stupid for studying? Why didn't the King of Yan put up the petition to cut down the feudal clan? You have to ask At the banquet."

Gao Xianning said: "What's the matter with the emperor?...

Ji Gang said bluntly: "If the emperor just wants to cut down the vassals and prevent the vassals from becoming vassals, then he has already taken over the military power, why doesn't he stop? If the emperor just wants to prevent the vassals from becoming vassals, then accept the three guards of Henan. Wouldn’t it be enough for the king of Zhou to return to Beijing to live idle? The kings of the Song Dynasty were all such idle princes. In the end of the Song Dynasty, did a prince rebel? Why did the emperor deprive his uncle of his rank and make him a citizen, send him to Yunnan, and force him into a desperate situation?

Besides, King Yan, the king of Yan has lost his military power.The three guards of Yanshan have also been handed in, and there are no more than a thousand guards in the entire family. If the emperor is worried about this, then what will the king of Yan do for the emperor?King Yan is the head of all feudal vassals, with illustrious military exploits and unrivaled prestige, can he really trust him if he asks the decree to return to Beijing to be an idle prince?If the emperor had this kind of courage, then Zhou Wang, Qi Wang, and Dai Wang should be idle kings in the capital now, instead of allocating Yunnan, imprisoning Fengyang, and detaining Bashu.Three commoners, two prisoners...

Gao Xianning was furious: "Ji Gang, your words are getting more and more presumptuous, how dare you criticize your father!  …

Ji Gangdao: "It's all right, you put a big hat on me again, justified it, and brought out Junfu's big hat, is it justified if you don't reason?"

Gao Xianning patted the table and said: "Ji Gang, you..." Ji Gang said: "Okay, okay, I was wrong, I came to Jinan to look for Yu Jue but I couldn't find it. It's enough to be frustrated, we two brothers have been friends for many years. These things hurt peace, shopkeeper, settle accounts!"

Immediately afterwards, I heard the sound of tables and chairs." It seemed that the two stood up, and then I heard Ji Gang yin and yang say strangely: "I just suddenly remembered the words that Prime Minister Qin had better beat Li Si to his son before he died. , "If I want to and if, I will lead the yellow dog again" all go out to Shangcai Dongmen to chase the cunning rabbit, how can I get it! ", Gao Xianning said coldly: "What do you mean? ,.

Ji Gang said leisurely: "What I mean is that if the King Bi really took the initiative to ask for the removal of the vassal as you said, I am afraid that the end will be worse than that of Li Si. Li Si still left behind a son. The three sons of King Yan are all dragons and tigers. If King Yan really bows his head and sticks to his ears, hehe. Haha...,.


The tables and chairs rang suddenly, but Gao Xian Ning Shuji left his seat. He heard Ji Gang yelling: "Xian Ning.Take it easy if I don’t say it, can’t I? Sigh, why am I so stingy, I ran away in a rage, and I can’t afford to pay for this meal? I know that my family is far worse than him, really”, muttering, Ji Gang stumbled I paid for the meal" also chased them out.

Shu'er pouts and puts down the chopsticks.Then put the bowls in a pile.Said: "I'm full, go back to the room to rest, you eat slowly... said and got up and walked.

Xia Xun watched her leave inexplicably.Hiccup.Seeing that the bowl of thick white and fragrant mutton soup in front of Ming'er barely took a few sips, she quickly pushed away the bowl of soup that she had drank, brought her bowl of soup, and took a sip. Then she drank it deliciously .liquor……


Xia Xun was full of wine and food.Slowly strolling back to the backyard and walking in the patio. Suddenly, I saw the light in Ming'er's [room] was still on, and the silhouette of a young girl was reflected on the window. The silhouette is clear and agile. Very quiet. Enlarged by the light. Her neat and long eyelashes blink slightly from time to time. She is extraordinarily human.

Xia Xun was a little surprised, because the little Princess Xiao had a good family education and always went to bed early and got up early.

He walked over... and knocked on the door.With a low cough, he said, "Xiao Di. Are you still asleep?".

In order to avoid revealing her identity, she came all the way from Yangzhou." Xia Xun gave her a fake name. That's how she greeted her.

[Room] Zhong Ming'er replied: "No." The voice was a bit muffled, Xia Xun pushed open the door, and said with concern: "What, but is it cold?" It's already entered the early winter season.The further north you go, the colder it gets.At that time, if a cold and fever developed into a serious illness, it would be fatal. This girl nainai is now by her side, so Xia Xun dare not be careless.


Another short answer, Ming'er, who rested her cheeks in her hand, turned her eyes slightly to him, and suddenly asked, "Do you think my second brother-in-law really wants to rebel?"

Xia Xun was silent and did not answer.

Ming'er asked again: "You said, is it right or wrong for the emperor to cut down the feudal clan?" Xia Xun still didn't answer, he suddenly felt that he was a little short, he should go back to his room to sleep, how is it now.Asking people such a difficult question...

Ming'er sighed softly: "I knew it, you won't answer...

Xia Xun hesitated for a moment, then said slowly in a very deep tone: "Sometimes, you can't say who is right and who is wrong about something: sometimes, a person. It's hard for you to tell, he must be a good person. Or bad guys. People are complicated. Things are complicated sometimes, not like paper and ink, where black is black and white is white."

These words are so fucking philosophical, they will definitely be able to bluff this little girl!

Xia Xungang was a little smug.Ming'er gave him two health balls: "Tch, you are not a big official, but you are very cunning...

Xia Xun was sweating profusely, but he had forgotten that although Ming'er was young, she was from the Zhongshan Prince's Mansion. She might not have seen many other things, but she definitely saw a lot of officials. She probably heard this kind of official accent since she was a child.They all heard that the cocoon was coming.

Ming'er sighed like an adult, and said, "You're right, I shouldn't be too self-willed. I'll go to Peiping with you, but I won't go to Eldest Sister for now. If I go now, Eldest Sister will be very upset." Difficult. It will also make it more difficult for brother-in-law to get along with the court. Besides, if eldest brother-in-law really..." I was there.Maybe it will implicate our Xu family...

Xia Xun said happily: "The princess Xiao is sensible."

Ming'er smiled wryly, "I would rather never understand these things...

Xia Xun said: "People always have to grow up." Ming'er raised her eyes.Ask softly: "Am I an adult?...

Xia Xun said: "Yes, the princess has grown up."

Ming'er smiled, and then sighed faintly, that appearance really looks like a girl's home

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