Jinyi Night Walk

Chapter 253 Real Dragon or Real Pig?

Seeing Zhu Di's tragic expression, Dao Yan thought that what he said was a rebellion, but unexpectedly...

Prince, do you want to be a real dragon or a real pig!

Dao Yan's feelings for Zhu Di are very complicated, like a son like a nephew, a teacher and a friend, and there is a feeling that scholars would die for their confidants.

In the 15th year of Hongwu, Ma Niangniang died of illness, and the kings went to Beijing for the funeral. The grief-stricken Emperor Hongwu assigned a monk to each of his sons to accompany them back to the vassal, and asked them to serve the kings and chant after the horse. After praying. More than 20 vassal kings, each accompanied by a monk.Now that 16 years have passed, did one of those monks become the abbot of a large monastery?But there is one who is respected by the prince as a guest, as a teacher and as a friend?

Zhu Di never regarded Dao Yan as an ordinary monk attending the lecture, and he just threw it in any corner and left him to fend for himself. He has always paid great respect to Dao Yan. Also friends, the feelings are very deep.In addition to personal friendship, Dao Yan also sincerely admires Zhu Di's talent and bravery.

After Jianwen ascended the throne, he pressed the kings every step of the way, especially King Yan, who became a thorn in his side. He wanted to put him to death before he could. Dao Yan was in Beiping, and he felt the same way. To Zhu Di, he felt a sense of common hatred and hatred. inside.

Since then, Fang Xiaoru has become the number one think tank of Emperor Jianwen.Fang Xiaoru's attitude towards Buddhism is completely different from that of his teacher Song Lian. Song Lian has a tolerant attitude towards various schools of thought. As the number one Confucianist in the early Ming Dynasty, he also has many Buddhist friends. He hates it deeply and believes that Buddhism has no distinction between monarchs, ministers, fathers and sons, couples, elders and children, no father, no king, no relatives, no friends, corrupting ethics, and it is a heresy.He also believes that Confucianism has included some of the principles in Buddhist scriptures that persuade people to be good, so it is better to respect Buddhism than to respect Confucianism.

Under the influence of Fang Xiaoru, Zhu Yun's grave ordered to suppress the Buddhist fields and limit the production of Buddha, and the control over Buddhism was stricter than that of Zhu Yuanzhang.In fact, honoring and exterminating Buddhas has been repeated in history, and it is not the first time that the attitude of the rulers has risen and fallen.Whether this policy is correct or not for the merits and demerits of the country and the people is irrelevant here, but there is one thing that cannot be questioned, that is: it pushed Buddhist disciples to the opposite side of the imperial court.

Although Buddhist disciples will not brazenly confront the ruler because of this, there is no doubt about who they lean towards and who they stand on when someone raises the banner of being an enemy of the imperial court.So when Zhu Di raised his army to "Jing Nan", Shaolin Temple in Songshan, Henan resolutely stood on the side of King Yan Zhu Di, and sent [-] monks and soldiers to assist King Yan.

Zhu Yunfen suppressed the Buddha, and Dao Yan, as a disciple of Buddhism, could not have any good impression of Zhu Yunfen.Selfish friendship and justice, no matter which side he counts from, he will only tie himself and King Yan together as tightly as King Yan, and share weal and woe with King Yan.The court has made frequent moves recently, Dao Yan watched coldly, and has already concluded that if King Yan does not rebel, there is no way out.

He also knew that if King Yan rebelled, judging from the current strength, it would be tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg, but if he did not rebel, he would die, and if he rebelled, there was still a chance of life, so why not rebel?How many emperors in the past and present when they raised their troops, compared with the current dynasty, the gap in strength is a big difference, and it may not be that there is no chance of success.

What's more, Dao Yan has carefully calculated that King Yan has led troops to fight at the border for a long time. Although many high-ranking generals in Beiping have been replaced by the court, most of the middle and low-level officers and generals are still under the command of King Yan. He also admired King Yan's bravery in sweeping Mobei.If the King of Yan ascended the heights and called out, someone among them must have responded.

Even better, after Zhu Yunfen became emperor, the first thing he did was to elevate the status of civil servants to a level never seen before in this dynasty. It has begun to be called the "Scholar's court" by the folks. A group of scholars are all active in front of the king and busy in the court every day. The military generals who fought bloody battles with Zhu Yuanzhang in the past are now gradually stepping aside. , how could they have no idea about it?Under such circumstances, if the King of Yan raises troops, how many people will fight for the court with all their strength?How many people will be perfunctory?How many people will turn against the water and seek refuge?

The second thing Zhu Yunpo did after he became emperor was to cut down the vassal.The king of Qi and the king of Dai committed petty crimes, and now they have become prisoners. One is sitting in the high wall of Fengyang and watching the sky, and the other is living under the fence of Bashu. Even the well-known king of Zhou was demoted to a commoner and thrown to Yunnan for hundreds of thousands of people. They are not idiots. Although they don't have the courage to resist the court, once the King of Yan raises troops, how many of them will wholeheartedly help the king who will sooner or later cut down the feudal clan? What about their nephew?

With all these considerations, Dao Yan felt that if King Yan wanted to escape from death, he might not have a chance to raise the flag to rebel, but he did not expect that King Yan was still obsessed with his obsession, and he pretended to be ill in the palace for half a month. Dao Yan was really in a hurry to come up with such a so-called clever plan of "sending sheep into tigers."

Dao Yan hurriedly said: "No way! No way, Your Majesty, the emperor is sharpening his sword, and his killing intent has been revealed. King Zhou, King Qi, and King Dai have already been captured one after another, and what the emperor fears most is you, Your Highness. Since you went to the court, you have just given up? If Your Highness goes here, I am afraid that instead of being able to persuade the emperor to change his mind, you will also fall into a trap!"

Zhu Di didn't know that this was going to be more dangerous than good, but after thinking about it for a long time, he had only one way to do it, to prevent the emperor from knowing that he had no objection, and the emperor's sword would come down sooner or later. , Can you survive this knife by hiding in Beiping?In terms of danger, what's the difference between being in Peking or Nanjing?

As for rebellion, he also thought about it occasionally, but as soon as this thought came to his mind, he was immediately thrown away.

There is no possibility of success at all. During the Han Dynasty, the seven kings were Qingjun, and the soldiers and horses of the seven countries united. It only took half a year for the court to put down the chaos. He is a poor prince, what rebellion can he use?Jian Xi was joking, if he could succeed in this way, it would be unreasonable.Instead of pulling the flag to rebel and being accused of treason and then being punished all over the family, it is better to impress the emperor with sincerity and family affection, or you can get a chance.

So Zhu Di said to Daoyan: "Master, you are too worried. Zhu Di has already considered it carefully. I am the elder of the clan. Among the emperor's uncles, I am the oldest. The emperor has always been kind and filial. I have already handed over the military power, if it weren't for the villain's instigation, the emperor would not have stepped forward; moreover, I have defended the land and guarded the border, and made military exploits many times. There is no merit but hard work. There is no crime in this trip. How can the emperor just Can you take me down? The imperial court always speaks decently?

Also, I, Zhu Di, have always been close to Emperor Xiaokang (the former emperor's prince Zhu Biao), and my princess and the emperor's wife Lu (Zhu Yunfen's biological mother, now honored as the empress dowager) used to walk very closely, and the emperor's wife is now the emperor's wife. The Queen Mother, if I think about it, she will not sit back and watch my little uncle and her three nephews suffer wrongfully, the emperor is benevolent and filial, if the Queen Mother says a word——

Before Zhu Di finished speaking, Dao Yan interrupted him unceremoniously, and shouted sharply: "Your Highness is wrong, very wrong! If the emperor is willing to stop, he would have given up. He wants to cut down the clan, the kings Now that the military power has been handed over, why does he still want to provoke the kings and punish the kings? Why does he have to lose his title and go to prison? Does Your Highness think that bringing his son to the capital, showing his sincerity and loyalty to the emperor, can make the emperor change his mind?

Even though the emperor was young, he felt His Highness's sincerity, so he wanted to let His Highness go on impulse.But don't forget, Your Highness, who are the people surrounding the emperor now?Huang Zicheng, Fang Xiaoru, Qi Tai and others flatter the emperor by cutting down the feudal clans, and they regard cutting the feudal clans as a step of promotion, are they willing to give up halfway?Even if the emperor changes his mind, they won't worry about your uncle and nephew reconciling, but they will end up as human beings inside and out?

The poor monk can imagine that when His Highness comes to Beijing, they will inevitably slander the Emperor frequently, inducing the Emperor to eradicate His Highness on the spot.As the saying goes, "Destroying bones and destroying bones, everyone talking about gold, Your Highness, the emperor has the intention to deal with you, even if the emperor has no intentions, they will talk about it day and night, and they will continue to speak ill of His Highness. Your Majesty!" I want to kill His Highness, not to mention that the Emperor always obeys them. How can you be so confused, Your Highness! "

"Fang Xiaoru, Huang Zicheng, Qi Tai! These young people are alienating the royal family and provoking them repeatedly. I can't wait to eat their flesh and sleep their skins, so as to relieve my hatred!"

As soon as Dao Yan mentioned these people, Zhu Di's heart rose with anger. There was a murderous look in his eyes, and he cursed fiercely, then turned to Dao Yan, and said solemnly: "What the master said It's not that Zhu Di has never thought about the truth, but going to Beijing to face the saints and show his will is the only way Zhu Di can go. Although the emperor favors them, the court is not completely covered by their hands. Heavens, justice rests in the hearts of the people, and other civil and military ministers will not allow them to act in such a perverse way."

Dao Yan said anxiously: "Your Highness!"

Zhu Di said decisively: "Zhu Di has made up his mind, so there is no need for Master to say anything."

Dao Yan immediately shut up. "He has known Zhu Di for more than ten years, and he knew Zhu Di's temperament and personality. Zhu Di likes to listen to both. Whenever he makes a major decision, he likes to listen to opinions and opinions from all sides, but his ears are definitely not soft." , this person has a persevering and resolute personality. Once he decides something, he will never return. Change your mind.

In Zhu Di's mind, he obviously didn't intend to rebel. If he didn't rebel, then going to Beijing to make a statement was indeed the only feasible way at the moment. This was better than continuing to guard the Yan Palace, waiting for the emperor to arrange it properly, and then attacking people.If you really want to rebel, the danger is no less dangerous than going to Beijing to Mingzhi?

Thinking of this, Dao Yan calmly said: "Okay, since Your Highness has made up his mind, the poor monk will not talk too much. The poor monk has only one request now, and His Highness must agree. The poor monk has another question, and I hope His Highness can explain it!" (Unfinished to be continued

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