Chapter 282

A large number of troops and logistics personnel quickly gathered in the outskirts of Nanjing. In two days, there were more than one hundred thousand people. The temporary camps in the outskirts of Nanjing stretched for more than ten miles, vast and dangdang.

Xia Xun and Su Ying were assigned to the craftsman camp. Because they were young and they were a husband and wife shop, they were arranged by Lin Qilin, the head of the craftsman of this camp, to cook for the big guys. Busy in front of the stove, Xia Xun dragged a few bundles of firewood over, saw that there was no one around, and squatted down beside Su Ying.

"How about it, is there a chance to leave?"

"It's difficult." Xia Xun looked around calmly: "The military camp is set up on the outskirts, so it's not easy for us to pass through. Moreover, the road guide has already stamped the seal of enlisting in the army. If we want to leave, we have to find a way to find two new roads. You can only do it."

Xia Xun suddenly smiled, and said again: "Don't worry, I think...following them to the north is not bad, that's where I'm going, it can be said that different routes lead to the same goal!"

One month in the middle of the mountain, there are not thousands of years in the world, but many major events have happened, the biggest one of which is: the rebellion of King Yan.

King Yan's son Zhu Gaochi and others escaped, and after the court searched for nearly ten days with no clues, Zhu Yunqi, Huang Zicheng, Fang Xiaoru and others secretly discussed, and finally decided to attack King Yan immediately, cut his title and arrest officials.The court envoys rushed to Peiping immediately to convey the secret decree to Zhang Bing, Xie Gui and other Peking officials. This day was July [-]st.

Zhang Bing, Xie Gui and others deployed immediately after receiving the decree, and dispatched troops secretly. At the same time, they tried to get in touch with Li Rui, the guest of honor of Yan Wangfu, and asked him to inform the governor of Yan Wangfu, Shi Gecheng, and the commander, Lu Zhen, to prepare for internal and external cooperation. , Captured Yan Wang Zhu Di in one fell swoop.

The timing of the event is not incomplete, but lucky people have their own celestial features.On July [-]th, the internal and external contacts were completed, and the plan was to attack the King of Yan the next day. This confidential task was revealed to some local officials in Beiping who needed to participate. This person is Li Youzhi, the chief envoy of Beiping.

Li Youzhi has always opposed the reduction of the vassal, especially for King Yan's achievements in governing Beiping and deterring the lords in Mobei. Emperor Jianwen broke his promise to his grandfather, overthrew Emperor Hongwu's policy, and wantonly slashed the vassal. Relegating all uncles to common people, exile to the frontiers, and even killing the King of Xiang, and giving him the posthumous title of "Liu" to make the dead uneasy, Li Youzhi didn't say anything, but he was very disgusted in his heart.

At this time, it was heard that the imperial court was going to attack King Yan again, so Li Youzhi immediately stole the official document and went to King Yan's mansion at night to report the matter.The king of Yan turned pale when he heard the news, and quickly gathered his cronies to discuss countermeasures. At that time, the whole of Beiping was full of Xie Gui's army, and the three guards of Yan Wang's mansion had been transferred away. Although Zhu Neng got in touch with them, he did not Too late to call them back.

In the end, Dao Yan offered a plan, saying that the generals in command of Beiping were Zhang Bing, Xie Gui and others, and the soldiers were still the old soldiers of Beiping, all of whom had been led by the King of Yan. Yes, you can take over the army yourself.Commander Lu Zhen immediately echoed that the news brought by Li Youzhi said that the imperial court wanted to cut the title of the King of Yan and arrest the officials of the Hefu. Since they didn't intend to kill the prince immediately, it is better to deliberately show weakness to the enemy and open the mansion tomorrow. After receiving the decree, Xie Gui and Zhang Bing went into the government to announce the decree, and they will be killed together at that time.

Yan Wang readily accepted the advice of the two, and immediately began to deploy. At this time, Yan Wang's mansion was on full alert, and even Yibin Li Rui could not leave the mansion. Lu Zhen wrote the news on a note and tied it to the arrow shaft. When he was patrolling the Yan Palace at night, he sent several letters with the same content out of the palace and informed Xie Gui when he was unprepared.

Unexpectedly, before Zhang Bing and Xie Gui arrived the next morning, Zhang Xin, the Commander of Peiping Metropolitan Government, also quietly arrived at Yan Wang's Mansion.Zhang Xin also came to report the letter. Zhang Xin had been Zhu Di's subordinate for a while, and he went out to fight with him. Xin returned to the mansion very unhappy.

Zhang Xin's old mother saw that her son was preoccupied, so she asked why, Zhang Xin was very filial to his mother, he was a well-known filial son, how could he hide it from his mother, so she told his mother the whole story.The old lady was shocked when she heard what her son said, and hurriedly dissuaded her, telling her son not to attack King Yan.

Could it be that Mrs. Zhang is more understanding of justice than his son?No, this old lady just believes in Buddhism. Dao Yan saw that the court spread a lot of rumors. Rumors are easy to spread, but they can only be limited to wise people. It is impossible for everyone to understand that they are just rumors, so he simply Doing the opposite, helping to fuel the flames, advocating among the people that King Yan is the true son of heaven, as provided by God's will, brainwashing day by day, over and over again, many people in Peiping are convinced of this.

The old lady Zhang also believed in this, so she spoke sternly, not allowing her son to be unfavorable to the King of Yan, and even persuaded him to show his sincerity to the King of Yan.This filial son was originally inclined to the side of King Yan in terms of emotion and morality, and after being taught such a lesson by his old lady, he ran to inform King Yan early the next morning.

The king of Yan didn't know his reason for coming, and he was still pretending to be crazy, until he heard Zhang Xin explain what happened, and confirmed it with Li Youzhi's secret report last night, then he believed that he was sincerely taking refuge in him. Serve as honored guest.

Xia Xun originally wanted to steal Zhang Xin's credit and make it easy for the Duke of the country to do it. Unexpectedly, God can't understand his stinky behavior of drifting with the crowd and muddling along. In the hands of Zhang Xin.

In fact, even if Xia Xun is in Beiping at the moment, he still can't take away this merit, because Xia Xun only knows what it is, but he doesn't know why. First, he doesn't know the exact time when the court took action; second, He is not an official of Beiping, if he rashly speaks to the King of Yan, saying that the court is about to attack the King of Yan, he can't produce any evidence, if he just finds a reason to say that the people of this mountain are counting..., then he will become a monster Sooner or later, Zhu Di will be suspicious; third, and the most crucial point: he didn't know about Lu Zhen and Li Rui's rebellion, and the history books didn't record it. In fact, it was Lu Zhen, the commander of the guard of Yanwangfu.

If he was in Beiping at the moment and told the King of Yan that the imperial court was about to attack Yan Fan and had reported Ge Cheng, then early the next morning, the commander Lu Zhen would suddenly attack, and he would be arrested together with the King of Yan and Zhu Di. Defeating the enemy's words: "Pull your entire family, slay your entire clan, on the day of your execution, tell me that you are wrong!"

In the dark, there is God's will.

Zhang Xin's land. O is second only to Zhang Bing and Xie Gui, and he is the direct commander of the Beiping army, so he knows that Lu Zhen has fallen to the court. Zhang Xin reported the news of Ge Cheng, Li Rui, and Lu Zhen to Zhu Di. After telling the whole story, Zhu Di broke out in a cold sweat, and immediately ordered the three people to be arrested.

When Zhang Bing and Xie Gui led troops to encircle Yanwang Mansion, Zhu Di issued a signal in the mansion according to the agreement between Lu Zhen and Xie Gui. Zhang Bing and Xie Gui saw that Lu Zhen had already succeeded, and entered the mansion full of confidence to announce the decree. It was suddenly closed, and Zhu Di's eight hundred tigers suddenly launched an attack. Although Zhang Bing and Xie Gui had guards around them, they were outnumbered and were hacked to death by a luan knife.

Then Zhang Xin galloped away to recruit Beiping soldiers. Most of these soldiers were commanded by the king of Yan, Zhu Di. Now that the number one and two officials in the court are dead, and the number three has surrendered to the king of Yan, many soldiers have surrendered. Arrived under the command of King Yan.

At this time, there were still many troops loyal to the court in Beiping City. Zhu Di used his [-] dead soldiers as the main force to fight to the death with these troops loyal to the court. One night later, all the nine cities of Beiping fell into Zhu Di's hands, and Zhu Di's territory changed from a Yanwang Mansion to the entire Beiping City.

Early the next morning, Zhu Di assembled his troops at the school grounds in Beiping, vowed to the Tianmeng, and officially launched the Jingnan Incident. This day was July [-]th of the first year of Jianwen.

Just one year after Zhu Yunwen ascended the throne, he imprisoned the seventh, thirteenth, and eighteenth uncles, exiled the fifth uncle, forced the twelfth uncle to death, and finally turned against his fourth uncle.

"I am the direct son of Emperor Taizu Gao and Empress Xiaoci Gao. I am a close relative of the country. Since I was entrusted with the title, I have only known to follow the law and keep the law. Now the young master is the heir, and the trust is restored. He caused a catastrophe and slaughtered my family. My father and queen mother had difficulties in starting a business. The feudal philosophers, the vassals and the world, have endless stories. Once they are destroyed, the emperor and the land will be learned from each other.

The people of the world, brothers and clans can still show compassion for each other, but I, as a relative of the Son of Heaven, can't keep my life alive. What can't be done in the world today!

"Ancestral Precepts" says: "There are no ministers in the court, and there are evils in the court, so soldiers must be trained to punish them, and the evils on the side of the Qing emperor will be punished."Now that the calamity is pressing on me, I really want to die.For those who are not able to succeed, righteousness and evil do not go hand in hand with each other. Only by obeying the precepts of the ancestors, it is difficult to find rebellion, so as to stabilize the country.The gods of heaven and earth, take lessons from my heart! "

This is Zhu Di's proclamation for raising troops to calm the disaster, and it has spread all over the world under the dissemination of people with good intentions.

After breakfast, the craftsmen squatted around the tent with large bowls of porridge and vegetables, listening to Lin Qilin, the leader of the craftsmen, making a dragon formation there.Lin Tou'er is a fat man, and the military master in charge of the poor calls him Fatty Lin. Fatty Lin is already very talkative, but when a mature and charming girl like Su Ying glances at him with a pair of autumn eyes, he chatters even more vigorously.

He spitting wildly and said: "If you want to talk about King Yan, oh, you should say Yan Ni. Yan Ni started with eight hundred guards, but he is really powerful. Yan Ni sent troops to attack him the next day. In Jizhou, the defender Ma Yi died in battle, and the commanding envoy Mao surrendered. Immediately afterwards, the defenders of Zunhua and Miyun surrendered to the city..."

Hearing this, Xia Xun thought to himself, of the three cities, only one was taken down, only one city fought hard to the end, and one of the two commanders surrendered voluntarily. I am afraid that all the dislikes of generals since Jianwen ascended the throne are also an important reason.Otherwise, King Yan at this time still doesn't see any possibility of success. If he only considers his personal future, how could those generals surrender without a fight?Don't dare to fight hard, why not run away, I'm afraid they also have a sense of depression and injustice in their hearts. "

Fatty Lin said: "Then, Yan Ni sent troops to attack Juyong Pass, the guard Wang Zhen was defeated, and he defected to the Governor of Song Zhong and Song Dynasty in Huailai. There were [-] soldiers in total, and Yan Ni had only [-] cavalry soldiers, so he went straight to Huailai without fear.

If you want to say that forty thousand is against eight thousand, why is he afraid of him, but the governor of Song Dynasty did it extravagantly. In order to boost morale, he told the soldiers that their family members living in Beiping were killed by Yanni's Luan army, and all their wives were humiliated. The wives and concubines of the rebel army were lost, and the news was caught by Yan Ni's spies, so Yan Ni called their family members to lead the battle.

Hey!This is great, on the battlefield, parents, brothers, uncles, nephews and uncles meet each other, one by one surprises meet, hug each other and cry, how can anyone still fight?Everyone said that the governor of the Song Dynasty deceived us, disarmed and defected to Yanni, but the defenders Peng Ju and Sun Tai were killed by the rebellious Luan army. In the latrine, he was finally captured alive, otherwise why would the emperor hastily dispatch troops to the north..."

"Fatty Lin, what nonsense are you talking about here again! Make other people's ambitions worse, destroy your own prestige, nainai, do you want to eat army sticks!"

A small flag patrolling the battalion led a few soldiers over, gave everyone a look, and said loudly: "Don't look at Yan Ni's arrogance for a while, the emperor has appointed General Changxing Marquis Geng as the general who conquered the captives, commanding 30 troops, In a few days, I will go to Beiping to conquer Yanni. Once the army arrives, Yanni's [-] to [-] mobs will surely fall apart! Go to work when you are full, don't talk nonsense here!"

As soon as the craftsmen heard this, they scattered like birds and beasts, Xia Xun gave Su Ying a wink, and walked away obediently.

Zhu Yunxuan was really going to send troops. The emperor insisted on overthrowing the previous emperor's policy and determined to rule by culture. After sending people to Beiping to preach the decree, he discussed with Fang Xiaoru every day the "Zhouguan" law and the feasibility of restoring the well field system. King Yan has made great efforts. Now that all the kings can be captured in one fell swoop, King Yan is naturally no problem.

Unexpectedly, he was studying the rituals of Zhou tirelessly in the hall, and the urgent military situation of Huailai's defeat was sent to the capital, and then the king of Gu, Zhu Sui, fled in a panic.King Gu's vassal state is in the Xuan Mansion, and before his fourth brother's soldiers and horses arrived, he took his three guards, Ma Wan, and fled the people. Dispatch troops and generals to prepare for rebellion.

Geng Bingwen, Marquis of Changxing, was the general who conquered the captives, Li Jian, the captain-in-law, and Ning Zhong, the captain-in-law, were the deputy generals.And fly to recruit Wu Jie, Marquis of Anlu, Wu Gao, Marquis of Jiangyin, Geng Yu, the governor, and command Sheng Yong, Pan Zhong, Yang Song, Gu Cheng, Xu Kai, Li You, Li Hui, Pingan and other troops and horses together Going north, among them, Wu Gao, the Marquis of Jiangyin, was the old man of Hunan King Zhu Bo. His daughters followed her husband and threw themselves into the fire. Zhu Yunqi was still willing to use him.

In response to King Yan's call for peace and difficulty, Fang Xiaoru drafted an edict to attack Yan for Emperor Jianwen: "... I regard Di as the closest relative, and I can't bear to deal with it poorly. Today it is called Bingju Luan, and it is a plan to endanger the sect. Sin against the ancestors of heaven and earth, justice cannot be pardoned. It is to use simple methods to send out large soldiers, and to punish them. Please, the soldiers of the Chinese and foreign subjects, each with loyalty and righteousness, unite with the country, sweep away the adverse atmosphere, and rule forever."

On July 24th of the first year of Jianwen, Zhu Yunwen made a sacrifice to the Heaven and Earth Ancestral Temple and Sheji, and officially sent troops to the Northern Expedition.When the army was marching out, Zhu Yunxuan enjoined the veteran Geng Bingwen: "Raise an army for a thousand days and use it for one dynasty. I hope that all of you will work together to save our Ming Dynasty with a million soldiers from the court. But, the old general must remember, don't let me the name of killing my uncle."

Geng Bingwen understood, and clasped his fists in response: "As a minister, share the worries of the king. Rest assured, the old minister will take it to heart!"

ps: Well, this chapter is a transition. In order to leave the positive image of the protagonist to the audience and prevent the supporting characters from stealing the show, the specific details about King Yan's rebellion are concentrated in one chapter. Next, let's It's time for Xia Xun to show off his skills, please ask for a monthly ticket and a recommendation ticket!

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