Chapter 291

On August 23, the fifth day of Xiong County's loss, Yan Wang Zhu Di's army launched the first attack on Geng Bingwen's camp.The offensive was not violent. Taking advantage of the heavy fog in the morning, Zhu Di launched a sneak attack. The two sides only fought for a short time. After less than an hour of fighting, due to the sudden heavy rain, the two sides retreated.

Geng Bingwen, a veteran in the battlefield, has rich combat experience, and knows that this battle is just a foreplay. This time, Yan Wang Zhu Di is a test attack, and he will not be so careless next time. Yan Wang does not have much food and grass, let alone enough servants The guards transported grain and grass here from Beiping, and his supplies mainly depended on all the way south to rob the government stores of food, so he would not confront the imperial army here for a long time.

Therefore, General Geng braved the heavy rain to inspect the entire battalion, mobilized all troops, and was ready to fight at any time.The torrential rain continued until the evening, and the river swelled, roaring like a bull, roaring eastward.

In Geng Bingwen's barracks, all the soldiers slept on their pillows that night, and they didn't sleep at all. Even ordinary soldiers knew that the heavy rain washed away many fortifications and the roads were muddy, even though the road conditions were not good for both parties. , but the king of Yan has fewer soldiers and more soldiers in the imperial court. This unfavorable factor obviously has a greater impact on the imperial court.

However, the whole night of waiting did not wait for the king of Yan to die. It was not until dawn in the east that Geng Bingwen lifted his guard against Yang Dangkong. Smoke rose from the camp of King Yan before Geng Bingwen's camp. Geng Bingwen went up to the watchtower to observe carefully. After a long time, the steps slowly descended. Since the King of Yan was not in a hurry to attack, he would not be in a hurry. The longer the time dragged on, the more unfavorable it would be to the King of Yan. very.

However, at noon, three cannons rang out in King Yan's camp, and the army broke into the camp, shouting and roaring, like the raging Hutuo River, and launched a full-scale attack on Geng Bingwen's barracks.

Geng Bingwen climbed up to the watchtower and looked out from a high place, his command was determined.Under his orders one after another, the flags were changed, and the general orders were accurately and timely passed on to the armies. The army rushed in like a flood, but remained motionless.

Suddenly, an arrow-like team attracted Geng Bingwen's attention. There were two big flags in that team, one said "Yan" and the other said "Di". Staying in the board room of the watchtower, he muttered to himself: "It's the King of Yan, and Zhu Di, the King of Yan, has come out in person!"

I have heard for a long time that Zhu Di, the king of Yan, will take the lead in every battle. At first, he thought it was the generals of the frontier army who invited credit to the king of Yan, and deliberately flattered him in the victory report. At this time, he saw the banner with the word "Di" representing the king of Yan himself. Geng Bingwencai Believe that the rumors are true.

Geng Bingwen's heart jumped up involuntarily. He stared intently at the team led by Yan Wang Zhu Di himself. According to visual inspection, the strength of this team should be around 4000, all of which are cavalry. Pounced on Fengziying in the southeast corner, Geng Bingwen immediately raised his hand and gave an order: "Fengziying, arrows to meet the enemy, swords and shields behind the hall, then deploy guns, three lines to block, don't let Yanni take half a step, those who disobey the order, cut!"


The banner fluttered on the watchtower, and the Fengzi Battalion hurriedly mobilized troops and horses in accordance with the command of the commander in chief. However, King Yan came aggressively, but it was like a dragonfly on the water. The arrow rain in the southeast military camp just flew into the air like a dark cloud, and King Yan rushed forward. The cavalry in front seemed to have bumped into an invisible wall suddenly. They turned the horse's head in unison, almost without a moment's hesitation, and then drew a scimitar-like arc, cutting sharply towards the southwestern corner. Glyphs.

"Such superb riding skills, so neat and uniform, really well-trained, this must be an elite of the Northern Army, maybe it is the iron cavalry of the famous Yanshan Three Guards!"

Standing on the watchtower, Geng Bingwen could see clearly, and couldn't help giving a secret compliment, but he didn't take it seriously when King Yan pretended to attack the Fengzi camp, and then used the swiftness of the cavalry to raid the camp. Such a simple trick can break through.Especially... the King of Yan actually chose the Dizi Camp. The Dizi Camp is located in the southwest direction, and the southwest wind is blowing today. Isn't this good for the defenders' arrows to exert their power?

Old General Geng tossed his long beard, and a slight smile appeared on his stern face: "The word camp of the order..."

In the Dizi camp, the prefect of Wei and the county magistrate Xu clasped their hands, stood at the height of the back camp, cocked their feet and looked into the distance. They saw King Yan's iron horse galloping fast. There were many soldiers with knives and guns, and the sun was shining coldly. Wei Zhifu still had lingering fears.

Xu Zhixian looked at his immediate superior and comforted him: "Your Excellency, you have to worry. This is neither Zhuozhou nor Xiongxian County. Old General Geng has fought all his life. How can he be friendly with you? Besides, there are [-] troops here. One hundred thousand troops, how could the King of Yan fight it?"

Wei Zhifu coughed and said: "Hey, my officer... I am naturally not afraid, but the enemy is fierce, this officer... I am just worried about the soldiers in front."

The prefect of Wei put on a pitiful face, and sighed: "Who has no parents, who has no wife and children? The ones in front of you are not foreign captives, they are all my citizens of Ming Dynasty, but they fought each other and killed each other. This officer... feels sad for it!"

As soon as I said this, I saw a bearded man leading a dozen soldiers walking towards this side. When Wei Zhifu saw him, he waved and smiled: "Xiao Xia, where are you going?"

The person who came was none other than Xia Xu who had fled to Geng Bingwen's camp with him on the same horse. Xia Xu stood still, cupped his hands and smiled at him, "Aha, so it's Mr. Wei and Mr. Xu. I see the Yan army rushing in a turbulent manner. Come on, I want to step forward to help the battle, but Commander Hong is afraid that our brothers will take over his main formation, so he didn't agree, and just asked us to watch the battle..."

While Xia Xu was talking, the dozen or so people he brought had already walked towards several nearby tents. This is the back camp of the Dizi camp, where grain and grass are stored, and the surrounding tents are not for military storage. Grain oil is the kitchen for the whole battalion to make meals and cook vegetables.

County magistrate Xu said with a smile: "Lieutenant Xia intends to kill the enemy and serve the country. Loyalty is commendable."

Xia Xun looked up at the two officials standing on the stage, smiled with her hips akimbo: "Yes, since Commander Hong refuses to allow it, I have to find my own way to help him."

Wei Zhifu wondered: "How does Xia Xiaowei plan to help General Hong?"

Xia Xu laughed and said, "That's it!"

Wei Zhifu looked in the direction he pointed and couldn't help jumping up: "Oops, it's on fire!"

I saw flames bursting out of a nearby tent, and a soldier brought by Xia Xu ran out of the tent carrying two barrels of oil, walked aside, and poured it on the pile of horse straw go.At the same time, several tents ignited and smoked, Wei Zhifu looked at Xia Xu with straight eyes, and said in horror: " are crazy, why set fire to the tents? "

At the side, Xu Zhixian had already reacted. He pulled the sleeve of Wei Zhifu, stepped back in fear, and said in a trembling voice as he retreated: " are the people of King Yan!"

At this time, the southwest wind was blowing. In fact, it has been the southwest wind for the past few days. The wind is particularly strong today. Although the firewood was covered with a rain cloth, the heavy rain yesterday made the firewood very wet. Burning, the thick smoke billowed and drifted forward quickly, instantly filling the whole camp like a thick fog pulling the sky, and it was almost difficult to see people five steps away.

Commander Dizi Yinghong was concentrating on commanding the whole army to fight against the iron cavalry of the Yan army, when he suddenly saw billowing thick smoke rushing towards him, he couldn't help being surprised, he looked back and wondered: "What happened?"

Zhang Bao Leng, who had been following Commander Hong, pretending to be watching the enemy, pulled out his saber, raised the saber in his hand, and then flashed into the smoke, shouting loudly: "Hong Yu is rebellious, Hong Yu is rebellious, Hong Yu is rebellious, Hong Yu is rebellious, Hong Yu is rebellious! Yu has defected to King Yan!"

The Ming army of Diziying was shocked when they heard the news, but they couldn't see things, and they couldn't hear General Hong's rebuttal. At that time, Zhang Bao's soldiers who had already been scattered like ghosts were like ghosts. Specially selected generals at all levels to attack, and for a while there was no leader among the dragons, and no one knew how many troops King Yan had entered in the thick smoke, and the defense of the Dizi Battalion collapsed without attack.

Geng Bingwen, who was standing on the watchtower, saw the changes here. He immediately realized that Zhang Bao had already taken refuge in King Yan.Geng Bingwen hastily ordered the battalions to go to aid and guard, but the battalions were originally on the same page, so how could there be time to adjust in a hurry?Besides, generals Zhang Zhuneng, Tan Yuan, Ma Yun, Gu Cheng and others of the Yan Army outside led a fierce attack, how can you allow your troops to return to help?And no matter how strict Geng Bingwen's deployment is, it is also external. How can there be many obstacles between the battalions?

Therefore, Geng Bingwen could only watch helplessly as King Yan's iron cavalry broke through the defense line of the Dizi camp and entered the thick fog. After a while, they kicked past the camp and rushed into the Muzi camp from the flanks like a gust of wind. Like dominoes, the sudden break and fear quickly caused a chain reaction in Geng Bingwen's originally indestructible camp, and the offensive and defensive battles have developed towards an inevitable battle.

Gritting his teeth, Geng Bingwen turned around and walked downstairs...

Zhu Di still took the lead this time, breaking through the Dizi camp, and after breaking through the Muzi camp, he didn't stop for a moment, leading the iron cavalry across the entire enemy line, causing Geng Bingwen's camp to fall into disarray. Geng Bingwen, who was over sixty years old, was furious and personally Get on the horse and raise your gun to meet the enemy. At this moment, because of the rotten interior, Zhang Yu, Zhu Neng and others have rushed into Geng Bingwen's camp one after another.

Even if Geng Bingwen is a hero, how can he fight against manpower at this moment?What's more, Zhang Yu is one of the most brave generals under King Yan's command.Since ancient times, there have been famous generals in their seventies and eighties who are still in command, but if you want him to charge into battle and kill the enemy, you can only play around in storytelling. Ying, frightened, flicked his horse's head, and fell on the saddle.

"Defeated! The old man's famous name will be ruined!"

Marquis Changxing was heartbroken, and retreated and refused. Seeing the handsome flag heading south, the entire Ming army was shaken. However, behind them was the Hutuo River. The Hutuo River was flooded, and many wooden bridges and pontoons were washed away by the flood. They could retreat again where to go

: Recommendation ticket, monthly ticket, brothers, I want it!Sisters, I... ra! ~!

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