Jinyi Night Walk

Chapter 343 5 Moon 6 Circles

Its daybreak.

Xia Xun and Xie Yufei sat hugging each other in front of the tent, awakened by the sound of clappers on the top of the wall.

The sound of the clapper was unhurried, one long and two short. This was not a signal for the enemy to attack the city, but a call to prepare for battle.

Xia Xun opened his eyes, and saw Xie Yufei staring at him obsessively, with a touch of shyness and joy in his eyes. Seeing him wake up, she bowed her head and said in a low voice: "Last night, it was my slave and my husband's." It was a big day, but I failed to serve you on the pillow mat..."

Last night, the two people, as announced to Li Jinglong on the streets of Jinling that day, used the heaven and the earth as a matchmaker and the bright moon as a witness to worship each other and marry each other. Genius fell asleep without knowing it, and this is how the two of them spent their bridal night.Marriage is the most important event in life for a daughter's family, no wonder Xie Yufei is so worried about it.

Xia Xun smiled and said: "It's so difficult here, how can you do Zhougong's ceremony? It's fine if the wedding hasn't been done in a big way. This is the first time that we are in love, so we can't be hasty."

He held the thanking hand, and said softly: "When we escape safely, eat well, and wash clean, we will have a loving relationship. For the first time, we must never forget it, maybe a few Ten years later...we will be full of children and grandchildren, and when we think of this first time, we can still smile knowingly and have endless aftertaste."


Xie Yufei's eyes were full of little stars, she couldn't help stretching out her hand, touched Xia Xun's big beard that had grown vigorously after three months, and said sweetly: "I am also looking forward to..."

"Still call yourself me, like Ziqi, our family doesn't have such big rules, just be careful in front of outsiders, thank you, heaven and earth, unique thanks, no need to be slaves..."

To say that "slave" is just what the daughter's family calls themselves, and it doesn't mean a slave, but Xie Yufei felt his respect and love, and was full of joy, without arguing, and still nodded meekly.


Suddenly there was a light cough from the side, and the two hurriedly separated. Nan Feifei appeared bouncingly: "My sister is still wearing men's clothes, everyone is up, pay attention, and be careful not to be seen."

Xia Xun got up and smiled, "I'm going to wash up, brother Ximen." He walked away without waiting for an answer.

Jinan is a city of springs. Although it has been a hell on earth for a few months, there is no shortage of water. In the past, many people were too hungry to crawl and lay in the mud waiting to die. Of course, they would not care to wash.Now the rest of these people at least have food to eat. In order to prevent the plague, even those who don't like cleanliness, the defenders are forced to wash every day, so although everyone is unkempt and shabby, they will not make their bodies smelly.

Seeing Xia Xun walk away, Nan Feifei tilted his head and looked at Xie Yufei, suddenly, as if he had made a big discovery, he opened his eyes wide in surprise: "Sister, I think... your expression seems to be a little bit different from yesterday It's different, what good food did you eat, your little face is flushed, and your eyes are so bright?"

Xie Yufei also stood up, patted the dust on her face, and said proudly: "My sister is married."

Nan Feifei's eyes widened: "Here?"

Xie Yufei nodded gracefully and proudly.

"Just last night?"

Xie Yufei continued to nod gracefully and proudly.

Nan Feifei let out a sigh of relief, nodded in admiration and said: "There are other people living not far from the left and right, just here..., just at this moment..., you can actually pay homage to the bridal chamber, tsk tsk tsk, admiration, my sister is so admirable, you As expected of my sister..."

Xie Yufei blushed and gave her a white look, and said angrily: "This tent is so broken, there are holes all over the head, what's the bridal chamber? They just got married, okay? Not...not yet..."

Nan Feifei suddenly said: "So that's the case, I still think about it, you are too hungry..."

Xie Yufei smiled angrily, "I'm a woman! Even if someone is hungry, it shouldn't be me?"

Nan Feifei smiled and said: "It's hard to say. Thirty is like a wolf, forty is like a tiger, and 20 years old is a little squirrel who steals food. My sister is an old girl. Who knows if you steal food or not..."

As soon as I said this, the sound of the bangs in the city suddenly became rhythmless, "Bang bang bang bang..."

The faces of the two changed, and they immediately suppressed their smiles: "No, the Yan army is attacking the city again!"

"It's strange. Seeing that they are fighting in full swing, why did the arrow either shoot into the alleys of the city or softly shoot out of the city? The offensive is also..."

Chen Xiaoqi stood at the top of the city with a knife in his hand, feeling somewhat inexplicable.

"Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Trash! Idiot! Fuck your grandma!"

Yang Mei, the chief banner official who was secretly delighted at seeing the fierce attack on his city wall, but actually weak, heard that Chen Xiaoqi asked him a question, and couldn't help being furious. With a kick: "The enemy's offensive is fierce, and we will suffer heavy casualties, understand? Go and defend the city, and put some shit on!"

Chen Xiaoqi suddenly realized, and quickly slapped himself a big mouth: "Yes, yes, I understand, my little one... this is to supervise the battle and defend the city!"

Gritting his teeth, Chen Xiaoqi charged forward, ran back and forth with his knife in hand, and commanded the soldiers Ding Minzhuang to follow suit. Looking from a distance, he didn't know how fierce the attack was here.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Without the destruction of the city by the trebuchet and the suppression of the defenders by the copper artillery, it was significantly more difficult for the Yan army to attack the city, and there were more casualties.

Zhu Di, the King of Yan, had been attacking for two days without success. He was so upset that he received some bad news.

Fortune seems to be like the wind. When it goes well, everything goes smoothly. When things go wrong, all kinds of problems come one after another.

The first news that Zhu Di, King of Yan, received was that the imperial court was about to mobilize troops and horses to rectify the defeated troops and go northward. Who is the main general has not yet been determined, but the Ministry of War has already begun to mobilize troops.In the Battle of Baigouhe, Zhu Di would have been almost defeated if the commander-in-chief’s flag hadn’t been broken suddenly. The tactic of attacking the rear battalion and then attacking its flanks was done by Wei Guogong Xu Huizu. Zhu Di was actually quite afraid of this brother-in-law , Xu Huizu has returned to Beijing, so far the main general has not been decided, obviously Zhu Yunqi is really worried about handing over the control of the army to Xu Huizu, Zhu Di felt relieved after hearing the news.

However, he was trapped in the Jinan city for three months, and he was also tired of his veterans. If the imperial court had new troops coming, as long as Li Jinglong was not in charge, he might not be too weak no matter how weak he was, but he had to pay attention to this point.

Zhu Di summoned the generals, and was estimating how long it would take for the imperial army to go north to join the battle, and how much time he had left to spend in the city of Jinan. Fang Kuan, the commander of the rear army, suddenly ran back covered in blood, knelt down and pleaded guilty, saying that the governor of the southern army is safe. He and Chen Hui joined forces and intercepted his food and grass. He circled his cart and formed a formation to protect himself, but the Ming army burned the food and grass with rockets.

At the same time, Ping An also reported that when he led his troops in pursuit, he captured several Ming soldiers. He asked from them that Ping An had gathered many ships, and selected [-] soldiers from the army to make the ships swim. When the Canal soldiers entered Dezhou, they cooperated with each other by land and water and all armies to take back the army rations in Dezhou.

When Zhu Di heard the news, he couldn't help being surprised. Food was so important to him. Without food, there would be no army. The military rations stored in Dezhou could not only stabilize the morale of the army, but also continue to recruit troops. There was absolutely no room for loss.At the same time, it is not easy to transport such a huge amount of grain back to Beiping. If troops from Jinling are dispatched, and soldiers such as Chen Hui and Pingan attack along the way, the grain will become his weakness. If it cannot be transported back to Peiping, even the army may be dragged to death here.

The walls of Jinan City are high and thick, making it difficult to attack, and the defenders were forced to have no way out by Tie Xuan's trick, and defended the dangerous city. Even if he withdraws the God of the First Emperor now, he might not be able to attack it in a few days. The most important thing is to protect the army's rations. If you retreat at this time, you can also give the world the impression that you are retreating because of awe of the emperor's test, which will undoubtedly be of great benefit to yourself in winning the hearts of the army and the people.

Thinking of this, Zhu Di decisively decided to abandon Jinan, return to Dezhou, and escort the army rations back to Peiping.

Zhu Di acted resolutely. Once he made a decision, he immediately ordered Ming Jin to withdraw his troops without hesitation.According to his calculations, even if he set off immediately, the grain team might be overtaken by the Ming army because they were walking slowly. At that time, his main force would have to meet the enemy and could not undertake the heavy task of transporting grain, so he sent fast horses to rush back to Peiping. , Ask Shizi Gaosui to organize a grain transportation team to meet him.

August [-],


Xia Xun and the others held big bowls and lined up to get the porridge.

Today, the Yan army's offensive became more sloppy, and they retreated after only a short time. The defenders in the city were able to rest for more than half an hour than usual, so everyone has a little more energy than usual at this time.

Suddenly, the person in charge of monitoring and watching on the top of the city let out a scream that did not sound like a human voice. look away.I saw a defender who seemed to be crazy, hooting repeatedly, dancing and shouting at the people below: "Retreat! The Yan army is retreating! Ah~~~ Haha..., the Yan army is retreating! Hahahaha ..."

With a "boom", the porridge queue exploded, and everyone rushed to the top of the city frantically. Several large bowls were knocked over in panic, and even a pot of gruel was knocked over. , the people who were burned seemed to be unconscious, just ran to the top of the city, even the master in the apron ran up to the top of the city with excitement, still holding a spoon in his hand .

"Boom, boom, boom, boom..."

They rushed to the top of the city, and saw that the Yan army had pulled out the camp and was advancing one after another. The soldiers and civilians in the city were going crazy. They danced and jumped up and down. , and some beat everything desperately, venting the joy in their hearts.

The one who hit the shield with a knife, the one who hit the ground with a gun, and the master cook tried his best to beat the top of the city with a spoon, and he didn't notice that the handle of the spoon was bent.

Nan Feifei and Ximen Qing looked at each other, the medicine box on Ximen Qing's shoulder clattered to the ground, and the two survivors hugged each other tightly, tears blurred, Nan Feifei looked over Ximen Qing's shoulder , saw two men kissing fiercely.


She blinked before realizing that it was Xia Xun and Xie Yufei.Both of them were wearing men's clothes, such a behavior seemed weird, but looking around, they were not the only ones making all kinds of weird behaviors.With tears on her cheeks, she smiled, smiled, and bit Ximen Qing's shoulder hard, jumping and jumping desperately amidst his howling...

p: The battle in the Central Plains of this volume is over.Next volume, Getaway.Haven't you figured out what identity the protagonist will go to Nanjing?Well, I have to think about it.Early in the morning, smash all your tickets, bite Ximen Qing's shoulder, let's dance, laugh, and scream together...

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