Chapter 364 Mitsuo Choshima is very nervous on his shoulders. The reason for the tension is not that he can't compose poems. Even if he can't write excellent seven-character five-character sentences, can't he still write jingle-like poems?The problem is that he dare not write poems, because his predecessor offended Emperor Hongwu because of a poem.

Ashikaga Yoshimitsu once sent someone to come during the Hongwu Dynasty. When the envoys paid tribute to the court, Zhu Yuanzhang accompanied him.I asked: What are the customs and habits of "your country's Nai family"? "

The envoy wrote a poem in reply to the emperor of China: "The country is better than the Central Plains, and the people are the same as the ancients. The clothes are Tang-style, and the rituals and music are Han. In February and March, peaches and plums come from Yangchun." Our country is the same as your Middle-earth country. We all learn from you in terms of clothing, rituals and music. Our two countries are separated by a strip of water and have a long history.

It's a pity that the horse's ass was patted on the horse's leg. Shi Zai "after hearing this poem, "the emperor hated his disrespect, rejected his contribution, and expressed his desire to conquer. "

Why is Zhu Yuanzhang so angry?The emissary said this to gain ties and show affection, but Zhu Yuanzhang regarded it as a great shame, because he looked down on Japanese people at all. He compared the Japanese people to clowns, but now this envoy says that we are the same as your subjects, how can Zhu Yuanzhang not be annoyed.

The envoy didn't know why he offended Zhu Yuanzhang. In addition to the endless looting by the bandits along the coast, Zhu Yuanzhang issued an edict several times to order Japan to wipe out the bandits. So Zhu Yuanzhang was very upset. Now that there is this poem about patting a horse's hooves again, Zhu Yuanzhang didn't even confiscate the tribute, so he sent him away.

Mitsuo Shimadzu came to China again after more than ten years to pay tribute. Of course, he must understand the failure of his predecessor’s diplomacy. Poems of flattery and intimacy can make Long Yan furious. How could he know how to make this poem? Can we not offend the emperor of China?So when he heard the poem, the envoy instinctively felt nervous.

He Tianyang said with a sneer: "Your envoys can't even compose a poem?" One side can't lose people. Seeing that the Japanese envoys are in a dilemma, they can't wait to fall into the well and drop into the rock.At this time, the guests at the other seats also fell silent, looking at this place curiously.

Seeing the embarrassment of the tribute envoy, Shinyoumon suddenly got an idea, stood up and bowed: "All of you here are talented scholars from the imperial examination high school in the middle of the country. We compose poems, and we can make people laugh. Why don't you tell me a poignant and moving story?" A love story, to cheer everyone up."

Most of the people who stayed on the ship were new scholars, and the stories of gifted scholars and beautiful women were what they talked about. When they heard what Xinyouemon said, everyone applauded. relieved.

Xia Xun was also very curious. She didn't know what story Shinemon was going to say. Everyone listened quietly, only the noise of laughter from other ships came with the wind.

Shinemon tells the story of a girl who was suffering from a serious illness, beyond cure, and her lover, a samurai, prayed to Buddha day and night.The Buddha was moved, and promised to cure his lover, and the generation order was that he would turn into a butterfly for three years.The samurai agreed.The girl recovered from her illness, but her lover "disappeared", only a butterfly often rested on her shoulder.

She looked for her husband everywhere, but she never knew his whereabouts, and she was sad for a long time. It was not until two years later that she accepted the pursuit of another samurai and became his lover.The warrior who turned into a butterfly was very sad. He looked at the two of them every day until the three-year deadline was up. The Buddha wanted him to turn into a human again, but he refused. She didn't know what he had done for her.

The story is very touching. If it is not the shape of Shinemon's Tsukiyoto, but the appearance of Huang Zhenyu who stepped onto the stage very coolly just now, it can add a little more appeal to the story. It's a pity, just like the poem on the horse's leg that was flattered, this story... the big guys don't like to hear it.

Because in Zhongtu, what is emphasized at this time is that a good horse does not deserve two saddles, and a strong woman does not marry a second husband.After the lover made such a big sacrifice, that woman actually moved on, is it tolerable or unbearable?This woman should be dipped in a pig cage!Sky lanterns should be lit!It should be..., sin, sin, several Daoists hurriedly controlled their anger.

If Shinyoumon reversed the male and female protagonists in this story, and let the woman pay for the man without complaint or regret, I am sure these gentlemen and students here will be very, very moved, maybe they will. She shed tears of sympathy for this beautiful woman.

However, Ming'er was very moved when she heard it, her eyes were moist.

Xu Zengshou was summoned away by the enraged Xu Naihuizu, Xiao Minger was relieved, she stayed on the boat, just happened to hear the story told by Shinemon.When she heard the samurai say to the Buddha, she was willing to be a butterfly forever, waiting by his lover's side, even if she never knew what she had done for her, she would have no regrets.

Ming'er's heart trembled, she almost shed tears, she was really sad...

Why did I hear some sad love stories before and didn't feel much, but now I feel so sad? Is it because... I grew up?

At this time, Xia Xun said: ", this story, what do you want to explain?"

"This story..." Xia Xun interrupted him: "When the girl was dying, the warrior exchanged her life with a butterfly. Since you can pray for the help of the gods, then the girl can't find him." At that time, why didn't the girl make some sacrifices and ask the gods for help? Does it mean that the girl loves the samurai less than the samurai loves her?"

Xinhuimon's eyes widened. He was being moved by his own story. He had never heard anyone ask a question from this angle.

Xia Xun asked again: "Excuse me, does the Buddha know the true feelings of the samurai for the girl?" Shinyouemon puffed up his chest and said, "Of course, the Buddha has great powers and knows the past and the future, so how could he not know the samurai's love for the girl?" Sincerely." Xia Xun said: "Then, why didn't the Buddha directly agree to his request to save the girl and let them be together happily, but let him transform into a butterfly for three years and forcefully separate them? What did the Buddha want to prove? Want to prove that the samurai's sacrifice is not worth it? Want to prove that love does not last forever? Want to prove that what is good is not rewarded? What a fucking Buddha!"

The masters and Jinshi who had been brooding on the side for a long time nodded together. The girl is from the story, and it is impossible to impregnate her in a pig. Now they just want to light the sky lantern for this little man.

Shinyoumon ate and said: "This... this, sowing good causes and reaping good fruits, maybe the Buddha wanted to test his sincerity, so they can live happily together in the next life."

Xia Xun stretched out her hand, and a girl next to her yelled, and said in embarrassment: "You... what are you doing?" This girl was just secretly pinched by He Tianyang and made her dirty. Xia Xun suddenly pulled Mitsuo Shimadzu's pretty maid to her side. Looking at this man who was seven feet tall, the girl blushed, but she couldn't help but have the courage to turn her face away. at a disadvantage.

"Here, please take a look. I have never met this girl before. Tonight, I saw her, and she saw me. If after a while" we fell in love.So who was her previous life?Who was my previous life?If we were in the past, what does it have to do with us now?Can we feel the love and hatred between us in the previous life?Can we in previous lives share the joy and happiness between us now? "

"This... this..." The current emperor is influenced by Fang Xiaoru and rejects Buddhism. These scholars are Confucian apprentices, and what they talk about is "the son does not talk about strange powers and chaos gods", and he nods frequently to Xia Shi's questioning." Some people even cheered loudly. Mitsuo Shimadzu was in a hurry and looked at Shinemon eagerly, hoping that he could refute Xia Xun's words.

"Sow the cause of the past life" to get the fruit of the present life, and sow the cause of the present life to get the fruit of the future life.What do you and me in the past life have to do with you and me in this life? What do you and me in this life have to do with you and me in the next life? Spiritual consciousness does not exist, memory is lost, what is the so-called soul? My Buddha's wisdom eye clearly knows that they love each other, so why destroy This life is for the next life? Is this the compassion of my Buddha? You are saying that if my Buddha really exists, you are insulting the Buddha!"

All the Jinshi applauded, Shinyouemon was about to cry, and wrote a poem "That old man Zhu Yuanzhang is unhappy, tell a story, and you are unhappy, what should we do?

Xia Xun said earnestly and earnestly: "To learn Buddhism, one cultivates one's heart and mind, not relying on vain theory. I heard that in ancient times, in order to save their relatives, some people relied on the gods, and in order to show their piety, they mutilated themselves, jumped Ya's...if your loved ones are in trouble, you should try your best to help them, and put your hope in the gods and Buddhas. If you can't save yourself, you will destroy yourself. If you tell such a story, where is it tempting? Where are you going? Don't fight Under the guise of gods and Buddhas, people are tempted to go on the wrong path." Shinemon wanted to cry, but he blushed and said: "This story is not like this.

What I mean is that not all relationships can have results, so cherish what you get. "


Xia Xun said in amazement: "Are you using a ridiculous and unreasonable story to prove your truth?"


"I think this is a very touching story at first glance, but in fact it is nonsense. It not only insults the Buddha, but also misleads people. In the words of the Middle-earth Kingdom, it is..."...Young people don't know how to feel sad. Fu Xinshi strongly expresses sorrow!Gentlemen, I wonder if what I said is right? "

Everyone laughed loudly, and someone raised their glasses and said: "The envoy of the Shanhou Kingdom said it well, come here, for this reason, let's make it clear!"

Mitsuo Shimadzu's face turned red for a while, then turned white for a while, and he said in a very angry manner: "The samurai of the country has made a fool of himself, so how about asking the envoy of your country to sing a poem for everyone to appreciate?"

The little princess Ming'er stared at Xia Qing angrily: "This bearded man is so hateful. I was so moved and sad when I heard it, but now I only hate the Tathagata Buddha..., huh?"

The little girl blinked her eyes, and looked at Xia Qing carefully again, suddenly the alarm bells rang in her heart, as if a butterfly really landed on her shoulder, flapping its wings lightly, making a "buzzing" sound: "This big Beard, so familiar..."! ~!

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