Jinyi Night Walk

Chapter 391 Fighting

"My people have been carefully observing for four days. Among the nine cities, only the inspection when sending Xiangfang out of the city is the most lax. Hehe, this belt is different from the belt you usually use. It can only Tie an acacia knot, I'm dizzy..."

"I..., I only know how to fasten this kind of button." Xu Ming'er blushed.

"Come on, I'll tie it for you. Is this a shawl or a tattered shawl? This color and style are only used by eunuchs, and they are the poorest eunuchs. A rope tied around the waist will do. As long as it is Just a loose knot. Acacia knots are for girls, men can't use them, you know?"

Xia Xun pulled Xu Ming'er to her side, gently untied the knot at her waist, and tied it again, slowly, to let her see clearly.

After all, she is a big girl. Ming'er was very uncomfortable when she let her play with her like this. As soon as the knot was undone, she felt a slight shudder all over her body. At that moment, Ming'er held her breath, her heart beating violently as her fingers vaguely touched her body.

Xia Xun didn't pay attention at all, and was still asking in a low voice: "A group of eunuchs, escorted by donkey carts splashed with dung and soup, they have to go in and out of the city gate every day, 48 carts, and eunuchs numbered one hundred, there are no eunuchs. People pay attention. In the first two days, they will pay attention to it a few times, but in the past two days, they are even more relaxed.

The most important thing is that they know that the little Princess of the Zhongshan Prince's Mansion is with me, and the dignified Princess, who is rich in clothes and rich in food, is delicate and expensive, so it is impossible for her to be mixed among the eunuchs. That's what we think, and this is our only chance of escape. "

"Ming'er is very obedient and can accept my arrangement. For someone else, let alone a princess, even a young lady from an ordinary rich family would not be willing to wear such dirty clothes and accept my arrangement... …”

Ming'er said in a low voice: "Didn't you say that, under the pursuit of a strong enemy, the first rule of survival is to keep a low profile, the lower the profile the better, if it is as low as a speck of dust, no one will pay attention to your existence, keep a low profile If you turn into a pile of shit, then people will go around you, and only in this way can you live for a long time."

"Well, Ming'er has a good memory. Okay, fasten it, turn around and let me have a look, um! Come on, put on the big hat too, and I'll smear ginger juice on you again. Don't worry, it won't ruin your life." If it touches your skin, we'll wash it off after leaving the city."

"I'm not afraid, you come here. Don't always feel that you have wronged me and put you in such danger. It's actually because of me..."

When Xu Ming'er said this, she suddenly thought of the third brother. During the holidays, he would wear new clothes and hats. Only the third brother is always worried about her busy work, even if the maids have already dressed her up, the third brother will call her to his side, check her dress, and chatter like this, Ming'er's Tears couldn't help but flow down.

Xia Xun stopped her hands and said in surprise, "Why are you crying?"


Xu Ming'er wanted to rub her eyes, because ginger juice had already been applied around her eyes, but she held back her eyes, blinked, and suppressed her tears, saying, "Ginger smells like smoke."

Xia Xun didn't ask any more. Of course he knew it wasn't because of this reason, but that Ming'er remembered her third brother.

Now the whole city is searching for them, in the name of King Yan's secret agent sneaking into the palace of Zhongshan, wanting to save Xu Zengshou and leave.They went so far as to kill Governor Xu in a frenzied manner. The emperor was furious when he heard the news and ordered to destroy the nine cities.

When the news spread, Xu Ming'er naturally knew that her third brother was dead.She is very strong, and she doesn't want to cry in front of others. Several times, Xia Xun saw that she would secretly wipe her tears when no one was around. Maybe it was because she was about to leave Jinling today, and she couldn't even go to death. Brother Ling went to worship, so he couldn't help but shed tears in front of himself.

In fact, when he asked Hu Tianluo, the steward of the dining room of the Xu Mansion, he already suspected that the so-called house arrest in the Zhongshan Palace was a trap, because he felt that an elder brother who could tie his own brother to the golden palace and leave his brother's life to the emperor to decide, It is definitely not possible to kneel in the ancestral hall because of my brother's rebellion and house arrest, and not come out until my wife cried and begged at the entrance of the ancestral hall, nor would I be in the autistic study, anorexia and depression for several days, without seeing outsiders.

Unless..." His brother was dead at his hands.

However, Xu Ming'er obviously didn't think so, if she didn't save her, she wouldn't be able to pass this test, not to mention that she owed Governor Xu a favor, a huge favor, but if there was a chance, he had to save her.At the same time, saving people can better protect the existence of Li Jinglong and Mu En. When it comes to this level, it has nothing to do with personal grievances, but the overall situation.

In addition, he has another reason that is not humane. He wants to solve a doubt in his heart. If he can rescue Xu Zengshou, or if he can prove that Xu Zengshou is dead, then he can solve the problem that has been in his heart for a long time. this doubt.

Now he already knew the answer.

He knew that history was really starting to change.Although it is only a small change now, it is enough.He no longer has to worry about why there is no record about himself in history, and he no longer has to worry about the original historical trend every time he does something. direction to go.

As long as he knows that history can be changed by him, even if history changes, he who has already appeared here will not disappear out of thin air, that is enough.As for whether he is now in a parallel space that coexists with his original world, or once he travels through time and space and returns to the past, as the Buddhists say, he will jump out of the three realms, no matter what changes he makes in this world, it will not affect him. He, a future person who has come to the present, is not important anymore. The important thing is that he lives in the present, and he can live for the present.

Everyone must choose his own path and solve his own demons.

He knows a little about Ming'er's worries, but he also knows that words cannot solve them.It's hard for an upright official to break up housework, and Ming'er always has to figure it out on her own. Maybe when she figures it out, this little girl can really be reborn and become a big girl.

The maturity of the body requires only growth, and the maturity of the heart requires tempering.

The toilets are moved onto the car one by one, stacked neatly one by one, and then piled up one by one, stacked high, and finally tied up carefully with ropes, tied firmly, and then loaded into the next car.

Like everyone else, Xia Xun worked hard without showing any disgust or disgust.Xu Ming'er was supposed to move the toilet, but he rushed to move it too.The others noticed and just looked at them indifferently, without expression.

They are the people living at the bottom of the society, without dignity, human rights, or even the right to survive.They knew that the two people surnamed Xia and Xu came together, maybe they were still friends or relatives, so they took care of each other.It doesn't matter, after being in this place for a long time, it will become less human, and soon, the two of them will become like other people here, a walking corpse who only cares about living.

Xu Ming'er stood there, looking a little at a loss.Then, she suddenly mustered up the courage...

Xia Xun picked up a toilet and put it on the car. Just as he lifted the next one, suddenly a pair of small hands held the armrest on the other side at the same time. Those small hands looked rough—and dirty!But Xia Xun recognized that it was Ming'er's hand.

This is the disguise technique he learned from Xie Xie, there are not so many ready-made disguise materials in the modern world, just rice milk, soil, grass juice..." Using these easily available materials, after a pair of skilled hands , can make a big change in a person's appearance and crispy skin, Jian Yier Xia Xun looked up, Xu Ming'er didn't speak, nor looked at him, she pursed her lips and worked hard to lift the toilet .

The one in front of me is a sensible girl, a stubborn girl, and a... poor child!

The corner of Xia Xun's mouth hooked up slightly, and he increased his strength and speed in his hands.

More than 30 flatbed carts full of red-painted toilets "squeaked" and walked towards Chaoyangmen, and there was a stale stench permeating from afar.

The imperial capital of Jinling has a population of several million. There are garbage and excrement problems that need to be solved every day. There is a large group of people who live at the bottom of the society. They are responsible for cleaning up these domestic garbage and excrement. The source of their life is this The work, which belongs to the Yamen of Yingtianfu, cleans up the domestic garbage of ordinary people. The government will pay a part of the fee, and the excrement will be transported out of the city, and will be sold to the big landlords in the suburbs of the city and towns, and a part of the income will be obtained.

At that time, in the countryside, people already had a good understanding of manure. Landlords and gentry in the countryside would even build a public latrine on their own land passing by the road. They can enrich their own land, of course they are willing.

The Fragrance Delivery Room is specially designed to deal with the garbage in the palace. There are regulations on it that the dung carts can only go out of Chaoyang Gate and sent to the Weitian of Xiaolingwei.

Most of the military guards stationed in Kyoto do not have their own acropolis and guard fields, but Xiaoling Guard is different.The only mission of this army is to defend the Xiaoling Mausoleum. They are permanently stationed here, no matter in terms of organization or personnel, so they have their own garrison and camp area, and a place to settle their subordinates.

As soon as you leave Chaoyang Gate, go forward until you reach Xiaoling. The large area of ​​land in the middle is occupied by officers and soldiers of Xiaoling Guards. The total area of ​​Xiaoling Guards’ Acropolis and Weitian is [-]/[-] of the entire city of Nanjing. One size, really majestic.It is a pity that the officers and soldiers of Xiaoling Guard have no chance of making a fortune, and they have no possibility of being promoted. They have no power or power.

To go to Xiaolingwei, you have to go to Chaoyang Gate.

The area inside Chaoyang Gate is an important part of the imperial city, and there are not many ordinary residents at all. At the same time, going out of Chaoyang Gate is the imperial road that goes directly to Xiaoling. Because of the strict inspection and overcrowding, the people leaving the city would rather wait in other places. Few people came to this gate of the city, so this place seemed quite deserted.

Xia Xun chose his current identity, in addition to the natural concealment inherent in this identity, he also took into account the fact that they had to go out of the city every day and go to Chaoyangmen. This was a psychological warfare.

How could the majestic princess sneak into the toilet transport team and put on ragged clothes that smell of urine?It's an impossibility.

The wind is so tight, the interrogation is so strict, and people with ghosts in their hearts will instinctively choose the city gate where there are many people and chaos, so that they can feel safe. Who would take such a deserted road, as obvious as standing out from the crowd?This is another impossibility.

What's more, such a group of eunuchs who swagger through the market every day, but their existence is ignored by everyone, is the best protective color in itself.

Once Luo Qian is in power, he is indeed capable of driving the security forces of Jinling City and turning the entire Jinling City upside down, but he is not Guanyin with thousands of hands and eyes after all, as long as he is not in charge here, those who are driven by him Will the tolerance inspections of other yamen in the city work tirelessly to check every passerby day after day, and will they be wary of some eunuchs carrying toilets who pass under their noses every day?

After several days of observation, Xia Xun's people have basically confirmed the safety of this road.Despite this, Xia Xun still arranged some people nearby just in case. Once his identity is leaked, these people are dead men who are responsible for risking their lives to cover him, the leader, from leaving. Still quite lively.

Seeing that the gang of embarrassing dead eunuchs coming to the incense room came again, the officers and soldiers guarding the gate pinched their noses and waved their hands to let them pass, for example, a school lieutenant in brocade yelled: "Wait a minute! . "He came up and looked at them one by one.

There is no way to hide people on the toilet cart, and if you want to investigate, you only need to investigate the people who escorted the toilet cart out of the city. When you stop among them, there is a strong smell of urine, and the captain in Jinyi holds his breath. Looking at them one by one.

A little girl who wants to play the role of a little eunuch has an inherent advantage.What's more, Xu Ming'er was wearing a tattered and dirty eunuch uniform, her complexion was sallow and slightly disheveled, she looked completely malnourished. The cute, witty and clever little girl in the portrait hidden in the captain's arms can't be equated at all.

The captain in Jinyi who pressed the knife only gave her a slight sweep on the face, and then looked at the next person.Xia Xun used the sharpest knife to shave his chin, which had been shaved clean early in the morning, and lightly applied a layer of powder to make his chin round and tender.His skin color and hairstyle also changed, and his hair was even thinner, so that the bun he rolled up looked shabby.

The corners of his eyes were finely wrinkled with rice milk, so that he suddenly aged ten years.The corners of his eyes were tightened to the temples, and some of his eyebrows were plucked, making the originally handsome pair of sword eyebrows thinner, and something was placed on both sides of his mouth, so the shape of his eyebrows, eyes, and face Everything has changed, the only thing that has not changed is his height.

When Captain Jinyi walked up to him, he took a closer look. Xia Xun was the same as the other eunuchs, with demeanor, eyes, and demeanor without any manly masculinity. The heroic leader of Yan Ni on the arrest document was imprisoned by the imperial court, which is a world of difference.

This disguised form can't last for too long, whether it's deliberate movements and demeanor, or simple makeup on the corners of the eyebrows and eyes, or even the shape of the face, it can't last long, but as long as he can persist until he walks out of this city gate, that's enough.Captain Jinyi interrogated him a few words. Xia Xun looked like a half-dead old lady, suffocating her voice, and leaned forward in a feminine voice. Jin Yiwei somersaulted, smiled, and bared his yellow teeth.

This detail was noticed by the captain in Jinyi. For those who have a good family background, daily washing and teeth cleaning are essential. He would never have thought that someone would make the disguise so detailed. Die teeth, and the gums in the corners of the eyes..." Captain Jinyi waved his hands in disgust, and replied to Xia Xun's hospitality with only one word: "Get lost! "

Xia Xun nodded and smiled, and the convoy sending Xiangfang away to the city.Whether it was Xia Xun and Xu Ming'er in the open, or the dozen or so dead men who were secretly preparing to meet them, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Not far from the city gate, there are patches of guard fields of Xiaoling guards and soldiers. The crops have already risen, and the green fields are swaying in the wind.

Out of town!Finally out of town!

As long as the method is found correctly, there is no unbreakable imprisonment in the world.

The wind from the field rushed towards Xia Xun's chest! ~!

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