It’s the first day of junior high school, solemnly, solemnly, and solemnly begging for recommendation tickets, and begging for monthly tickets sadly, high-spiritedly, and eagerly. On the stage, Lao Dan sang: "Flowers have a re-blossom day, and people are never young again. Hugh, gold is precious." , Anle is the most valuable..."

When Ming'er heard this, she couldn't help feeling sorry for her.For her now, it can be said that she has never had such a deep understanding of this drama.She had seen this play in Beiping, and her elder brother-in-law Zhu Di was a huge theater fan, and would babble and hum a few words when he was free. It's just that Zhu Di loves to watch martial arts dramas and monster dramas. At that time, he watched this drama because her sister Concubine Xu ordered it.

At that time, Ming'er was still young, and she didn't like to watch the play ordered by the elder sister. Like her elder brother-in-law, she was also interested in those scenes of fighting, killing, and monsters. Children, of course, like lively, so this The impression in her mind of the play was already extremely weak, she never thought that she would see it again in the prince's son-in-law's mansion today, and when she saw it again, she would have such a feeling.It seems that every line of the play can remind her of something, cause some emotions, uh...

Ming'er was suddenly a little surprised, because she found that in her various experiences from childhood to husband, from a naive little girl who didn't know much about the world until today when she was a sentimental girl, every time in her life process major shift.Every deep-rooted experience is unexpectedly inseparable from the figure of one person: Yang Xu!

Yes, it's Yang Xu!

The fiery red fox fur in the city of Beiping, the vast snowy night at the top of Yanshan Mountain, the life-and-death struggle in the secret passage of the underground palace, the unexpected encounter outside Zhending City, the flying sky in Zhongshan Palace, the hardships and trials outside Maoshan Town, the first in a thatched cottage. Once, as a woman, she confides her love to a man..." In all of this, that person can't escape the responsibility, but...isn't it fate?

As a result, the gaze she looked at Xia Xun became more resentful and hotter. The gaze carried a long and long thread of love, winding and winding around Xia Xun's body, and Xia Xun sat upright. , pretending not to squint, but there was a feeling of sitting on pins and needles in his heart.Fortunately, both Wang Ning and his wife were theater fans, so they watched the stage intently and did not notice any flirting between them.

I don't love so much, I only love a little bit. When others flirt, I just take a peek at you.This kind of feeling seems to be more heart-pounding than flirtatious and lingering love.However, the beauty is very kind, but the identity is a world of difference. Xia Xun, who has two wives, is a little bit overwhelmed.

There is still a play on the stage, talking about a young girl and a scholar who fell in love at first sight. The scholar went to Beijing to rush for the exam, and the girl became sick with miss, but the scholar was in the world of flowers in the capital, and fell in love with the daughter of Xiangguo. The young girl is lingering on the sick bed for him: "I hold my hand and face the difference, leaving this haggard in vain. I want to part with the most bitter parting in life. I have less energy in talking, and there is no upside down in sleeping and lying. I don't know the taste of eating and drinking. Like this, I forget to eat and sleep. Frustration makes me thinner day by day..."

Princess Huaiqing held a small handkerchief, wiped away her tears, and sighed, "If this poor scholar hadn't been given money by Miss Qianxi, he wouldn't have been able to go to Beijing to rush for the exam, but he fell in love with another woman just after he entered Beijing, so poor The girl is still thinking about him at home, and she is suffering from lovesickness." "No!"

Ming'er answered her words, and cast her gaze on Xia Xun vaguely: "This heartless person, who teased back his affection, now forgets him and forgets about him, infatuated woman..., heartbroken!" Lang!"

The two men present couldn't bear it any longer. Wang Ning coughed and said, "Princess, not all men in the world are like this. If you take husband as an example, the love for the princess is stronger than gold. Don't worry about it!"

Princess Huaiqing rolled his eyes at him and said angrily, "You have to dare too, hum!"

As he spoke, he remembered that his husband and wife were separated by a palace wall, and it was rare to see each other in a year. I couldn't help but feel something in my heart. I stretched out my hand and held it with Wang Ning. They looked at each other and smiled affectionately. .

Xia Xun said with a righteous face: "Look, the two of you just met in the suburbs. After hearing him recite two poems, you fell in love with him, and even missed him. She didn't know anything about the other party's character. How sloppy, reaping the consequences? Therefore, this story tells us that we must be cautious when entrusting our daughter's family for life, and we must not be sloppy."

What a spoiler!Princess Huaiqing and the princess gave him a supercilious look, and the Lord Fu rubbed his nose back and accepted it with a smile.

The opera words were like gurgling water, each sentence flowed through Ming'er's heart, although she couldn't get angry, her heart was still on that heart.

Maybe this little girl lost her father since she was a child and lacks paternal love, so she has a little patriarchal complex. She likes to be with Xia Xun, who is older and mature than her. As reckless as a green head, he has a delicate mind. Compared with the frizzy boys of her age, his careful greetings and caring actions can always touch her heartstrings inadvertently.

She has a noble status and a high seniority. She has been doted on since she was a child, and no one disobeys her. But only Xia Xun, who is caring and considerate, can criticize and correct her unceremoniously when facing her mistakes. The proud little princess has fallen even deeper. Not only does she enjoy Xia Xun's care and love, but she also warmly likes it when she is reprimanded and disciplined by him.

This kind of feeling of rigidity and softness is not possessed by the third brother who only pampers and cares for her, the eldest brother who only has a serious face, and the young boys who only flatter and flatter her and show off their knowledge in front of her like a peacock. With her identity and her environment, this feeling is impossible for anyone to give her except Xia Xun, a man from the future who has experienced too much with her. Not fastened firmly to his body.

But that friend...

Ming'er's eyes flickered, and a ray of resentment floated over again, which was enough to meet Xia Xun's sneaky gaze.

Ming'er was wearing a smoky-yellow blouse with silver trim, and a lake-green eight-piece Hunan skirt around her waist. Her figure was slim, like a new lotus in clear water, graceful and fresh.The curved eyebrows are like two crescent moons, and under the brave nose, there is a small mouth like a soft petal, which makes people unable to help but imagine how ecstasy it would be if they kissed Fangze. The taste, only the resentful look in the eyes... Xia Xun quickly averted his gaze.

He really wanted to leave right away, but he couldn't think of a decent excuse.Just at this time, the steward of the Consort's Mansion hurried over, whispered a few words in Wang Ning's ear, then Wang Ning turned his head and smiled at Xia Xun: "Hehe, my lord, I have finished watching the play, but I still want to invite you You drink, I'm afraid you won't be able to do it today, the emperor is looking for you."

Xia Xun was relieved when he heard it, and hurriedly got up, clasped his fists to Wang Ning and said, "Since Long Live is summoned, it is inconvenient to delay, I will go to host my brother another day, and invite my son-in-law to the banquet." Then he turned to Princess Huaiqing Say hello to Ming'er: "Princess, princess, Yang is leaving."

Princess Huaiqing got up and smiled, "The mansion of Duke Fu has not been completed yet. If you want to treat yourself to a drink, you will inevitably go to a place like a restaurant, which is not as comfortable as at home. When you have time, just come to the mansion and wait for the state. After the palace is built, the palace and the son-in-law will come to disturb me."

Xia Xun smiled and said: "Okay, okay, I will definitely invite the princess and the consort to come." As he said that, he glanced at Ming'er quickly, Ming'er bit his lip, and said softly, "Duke, go slowly."

Xia Xun nodded, but didn't answer the words, so he was accompanied by the king's son-in-law and walked out to see him walking. His steps became much lighter, as if he had finally escaped a catastrophe. Ming'er looked up I just felt my toes itch, I really wanted to catch up and give him a hard kick on his ass, didn't I want to run away?This girl will send you thousands of miles away!

At this time, Tsing Yi was singing on the stage: "Just throw him away, and don't remember him again. I am afraid that there are gods, and I will be angry. Stay away, there is a god! What's the harm in throwing it away? Just watch them throw me into the dust Mustard, after all, the gods don't understand..."

Ming'er thought to himself: "If you can get rid of it, why should I worry about him? He is really a man who has accomplished many important things. In the face-to-face ambush, I went in and out seven times, but I just saw me, and I was afraid that I would look like that, is this girl a tigress, telling you to avoid it?"

Princess Huaiqing laughed and said, "Princess, sit down, let's continue watching the play!"

Ming'er felt unhappy, so she said to Princess Huaiqing: "Princess, Miao Jin feels a little unwell, and wants to go back to her room to rest."

When Princess Huaiqing heard this, she hurriedly called the stage to stop the show, and went back with Ming'er, and asked a few words. Ming'er said that she didn't need to call Langzhong, so she told Ming'er to rest well, and went back to her room to wait for her son-in-law. up.As soon as Princess Huaiqing left, Ming'er, who went back to the bed and pretended to be lying down, jumped up, went to the dressing table and sat down angrily, resting her cheeks on her hands and sulking.

Now it is no better than on the way to escape. At that time, she was a helpless little girl, precarious, and she could boldly confess to him on impulse.But now, she is back as princess, and that cowardly stinky man has also become Duke, and the two of them don't even have the chance to meet and talk in private. She can't express her feelings to him other than eye contact, and she can't I didn't have the courage to confess my feelings to him again.

But he... can he be expected to accept himself?

Ming'er sighed annoyedly, pulled a piece of Xue Tao's red paper with peach blossoms on it, picked up the eyebrow pencil and smeared on the paper, line by line of beautiful small characters, and unexpectedly wrote a small poem impromptu: Brother Da Da Juanjuan, like the charm of the wind, looking forward to it all the time, with the original heart....

Both pairs of pelicans and quails!

Big brother Juanjuan, Tingting is weak and weak, everything is pretty good, hiding and hiding, and being a mother-in-law for generations.

Throwing away the eyebrow pencil, Ming'er put her hands on her cheeks again.

Inside the bronze mirror of the octagonal water chestnut, there is a girl's appearance reflected, her eyes frowning with autumn water, her cheeks congealed with fresh lilies, her beautiful hands holding her cheeks, and her little mouth is so cute, that unbelievable little girl , is it yourself?

Ming'er made a face at the girl in the mirror, wrinkled her nose again, she was very playful, but she couldn't hide the loneliness in her eyes: "Brother is big and beautiful, like a charm, looking forward to it all the time, The original heart..."

Everyone Loves Shisan Niang and Everyone Drinks Mumu Milk——Jinxinxin Group dedicated to you——

か The lyrics used are only for the scene, so there are Ming lyrics in Yuan songs, which are used in doctrine, and must be studied in a hurry. ! ~!

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