The three of Xu Hu went to the Ministry of War first in the morning, and the trip to the Ministry of War went smoothly.

Minister of the Ministry of War is Ru Chang, and Ru Chang is meticulous in his work. He knows that the Shuangyu pirates were recruited by Yang Xu, the Duke of the State, and he vaguely knows that they have other connections with Yang Xu, so he takes good care of them. The hall supervisors and principals made some explanations, so the people from the Ministry of War were very polite to Xu Hu and the three of them, and the formalities went smoothly under Ru Chang's care.

The three of them left anxiously. They were also very happy that things went so smoothly. When they came out of the Ministry of War, they saw noon and went to a restaurant to eat some food.

Xu Hu and the others heard from Xia Qing that most of the officials of the Ministry of War were of literati background, so when they visited the Ministry of War, they specially brought a few pieces of Japanese lacquerware and fans. To put it bluntly, it was the spoils of the beating bandits, not even the side of bribery.

And the officials of the Five Armed Forces Governor's Mansion are all real warriors, so the meeting gift he prepared was a few Japanese knives.The knives that Xu Hu prepared were of good quality, not much worse than the three-armed knives captured by Xia Xun in Xiangshan.The quality of Japanese knives is generally better than that of Daming's swords, and the quality of the few knives he specially selected is even better.

Armed with knives, the three of them entered the Fifth Army Commander's Mansion excitedly. The guards at the gate asked the three of them why they were here, checked their official certificates and waist cards, and brought the three of them in.The guards brought the three of them into a signing room, and said to an official who was drinking tea inside: "Jiang Zheng, these adults are here to report and receive the seal."

Zheng Jijin sipped his tea and lazily replied without even raising his eyelids: "Oh! Where are you from?"

This Zheng Zheng was 35 and six years old, with an ordinary face and a thin body. He was sitting in a huge chair, like a monkey squatting there.Zheng Chin's name is Zheng Xiaobu, don't look at him as a small official, when you come to the Governor's Mansion of the Five Armies, let you command thousands of troops in the local area, no matter what you say, you have to be kind and behave when you get here, he I really don't need to take you seriously.

The guard replied: "It's Master Xu Hu Xu, the commander of the Donghai Shuangyu Guard who was just established by the imperial court, and the deputy commanders, Ren Juying and Zhang Yuxia."

"Oh?" Zheng Xiaobu raised his head, squinted his eyes and looked at Xu Hu and the three of them. Xu Hongqian smiled modestly: "Zheng Jin, the three of us are here to meet the superior and receive the seal and ribbon at the Dudu Mansion. We I just became an official, and many of the rules are still not clear, so I ask Zheng to teach me a lot."


Zheng Xiaobu laughed out of the drake's throat, and said in a strange way: "My lord is too polite, I don't dare to give advice. Speaking of which, the subordinate officials have also worked hard for more than ten years in the army, and with the rest of the ancestors Yin, it’s been through this experience, how can it compare to you, my lord, to be a pirate, to bully men and women, and to rob houses. I’m so happy, I’m happy enough, bowing my head to the court, hey! A fourth-rank guard The command is now in hand, which is extremely enviable."

Ren Juying was the leader of the pirates, dominating one side, enjoying grievances and enmity, when he was entertained by others like this, his face suddenly changed, on the other side Zhang Yuxia was an actionist, his shoulders shook slightly, and he was about to rush over, Xu Hu blocked it with both hands, and immediately stopped it them.

Zheng Xiaobu clicked his tongue twice, and said with a smile: "Why, do you still want to do something? What kind of place is this that allows you to behave wildly?"

Xu Hu said in a deep voice: "Jiang Zheng, what I'm waiting for is the official position of the imperial court, and what I receive is the imperial salary. Although the yamen of the Governor's Mansion of the Five Armies is large, it should not deceive people too much. I have just been to the Ministry of War, the hall official of the Ministry of War Your Excellency Dian is a great official, but you have never humiliated me like this, you! How dare you insult Shangguan like this with a mere eight-rank experience?"

Zheng Xiaobu sneered and said, "Where do you come from, I have never seen anyone show off in front of me, official? I have seen many officials, but it is the official who burns incense and worships Buddha and enters the wrong temple gate." See you for the first time!"

As Zheng Xiaobu said, he turned sideways, waved his hands and said, "Master Qishi is busy, you go back first."

Xu Hu reluctantly said: "Zheng experience, when will we meet again..."

Zheng Xiaobu's jaw dropped, and he spit out a mouthful of tea foam, without even looking at them, he said indifferently: "You just wait, come to order a dick every day, when luck meets adults who are free, I will see you naturally It's gone." He flicked his sleeves, and said bluntly, "Would you be an official if you put on an official robe? Hmph, it's a dog, and I can't change it from eating shit!"

This sentence was said in a very low voice, but it was enough for the three of them to hear clearly. Although he didn't say it to Xu Hu and the other three, he was clearly insulting them.Zhang Yuxia and Ren Juying flew into a rage, split left and right, and rushed over like a whirlwind, this time Xu Hu didn't stop him, he stood there, towering like a mountain.

Xu Hu remembered the promise to Xia Qing, but he was not a rebel, but a flat person!

If being an official means being treated like this, then he would rather not be an official!

As soon as Zhang Yuxia raised his leg, he kicked the heavy pear wood desk into the air. The paper, ink, pens and inkstones on the table, as well as piles of official documents were flying everywhere. Zheng Jingzheng was sitting on the chair in a stable manner. Frightened by this power, he couldn't help but groan, almost falling to the ground.

But he didn't fall to the ground, because Ren Juying, who was tall and burly, had already arrived, and Ren Juying grabbed him by the collar. Zheng Xiaobu was short and thin, and Ren Juying lifted him up at once. A big slap slapped him on the face: "Damn, I grew up so big, when did I suffer such humiliation? You have a small eighth-rank experience, is it amazing? I started from a fourth-rank general, standing I am humiliated by you here.

A few big mouths were slapped down, Zheng Xiaobu's monkey face was more moist than a monkey's butt.His mouth was full of blood, and he yelled loudly. The guard at the door saw something serious. The local military officers were so angry when they arrived at the Five Army Commander's Mansion, but they had never seen anyone who dared to fight. This guard Hurry up and call for someone, and in a short while, a group of guards rushed in, each with their guns and knives, in a threatening manner.

Ren Juying looked at it, threw Zheng Xiaobu aside, and took out the Japanese sword that was going to be given as a gift. The three brothers stood in a "pin" shape, each of them with a mouthful. Of course they didn't dare to make a real move, but the guards never did this kind of situation. I have seen it, but I don't know how to deal with it, so the two sides are in a stalemate.

Dudu Qishi Xie Guangsheng fell asleep and Jueyan just got up and took two sips of a cup of strong tea when Zheng Xiaobu ran in with his mouth full of blood and cried as soon as he entered the door: "Master Qishi, someone came to make trouble! .”

Seeing his appearance, Xie Guangsheng couldn't help laughing loudly: "Haha, Xiao Bu, who did you offend and make people beat him like this?"

This Xie Qishi is tall and slender, with thick eyebrows, a pair of phoenix eyes, a nose like a gall, and three long beards.But don't look at him as a Confucian general, but he can read very few characters.

When the imperial court selects officials, it attaches great importance to appearance. At the beginning of the selection of officials by the Ministry of War, he had accumulated military exploits and was already a thousand households. The military selection doctor saw his majestic appearance and was very satisfied. However, he still needs to study his literature. For a general, the so-called literature is just literacy. The doctor wrote the word "acupuncture" on a piece of paper and asked him to recognize it. Xie Guangsheng saw it, and opened his mouth and said, "Tie Duo!"Wu Xuan Lang laughed, he didn't want to use it, but after all, he felt that this man was very handsome, so he finally agreed to appoint him as the commander of the guard.

From a thousand households to the Commander of the Guards, it was a hurdle. Since then, Xie Guangsheng has been promoted step by step, until now he has accumulated qualifications and become the governor of the enterprise and a third-rank official.

Zheng Xiaobu cried: "My lord, someone has rebelled.

Today, the original Shuangyu pirates who were recruited by the imperial court came to my Dudu Mansion to receive their seals and ribbons. Seeing their rude appearance and ignorance of etiquette, I don't like them very much.I also heard that they went to the Ministry of War first, and then the Fifth Army Commander's Mansion. This obviously didn't take us seriously, so I taunted them a few words.It's also a low-level mouth, who knows that these pirates have no eyes and are used to being arrogant. They stepped forward, kicked over the low-level official case, and slapped the low-level mouth a few times, and that's it.My lord, compared with their lowly positions, officials who are as big as sesame seeds and mung beans are beaten as soon as they are beaten, but if this news gets out, what face does our Five Armies Commander's Mansion have? "

When Xie Guangsheng heard this, his face immediately sank.

To say that the five armies' governor's mansions are closely related to the guards in various places, they are actually far above the Ministry of War.All hereditary officials, temporary officials, and native officials' succession, preferential support, and preferential payment for military posts must be reported to the Fifth Army Governor's Office, and then transferred to the Ministry of War by the Fifth Army Governor's Office.After the approval of the Ministry of War, the specific distribution and appointment must be passed through the Governor's Office of the Five Armies.Other matters such as military officers' edicts, drills on water and land infantry, the clearing and replacement of the army, rations, garrison fees and equipment, boats and vehicles, military information, maps and books of the border, and firewood and reeds are also handled by the five armies. The Governor's Mansion came forward and colluded with other relevant yamen to solve the problem.

That is to say, in the early Ming Dynasty, the Ministry of War only had the right to deploy troops, and the Governor's Mansion of the Five Armies was the central institution for overseeing internal and external military affairs.It was in the middle and late Ming Dynasty that the Dudufu of the Five Armies became the answering insect of the Ministry of War and was subject to the Ministry of War in every way.Therefore, when Xu Hu waited for h to pay homage to the pier, he should first pay homage to the Governor's Mansion of the Five Armies, and then go to the Ministry of War.It's a pity that these few people don't know at all, and Xia Xun himself didn't get promoted step by step, and he didn't know much about these common senses. When he instructed them, he only mentioned these two yamen, and didn't mention the order order.

Zheng Xiaobu was beaten, Xie Guangsheng didn't care, but Zheng Xiaobu's beating hurt the reputation of the Fifth Army Commander's Mansion, Xie Guangsheng couldn't bear it, especially when he heard that they went to the Ministry of War first, and then the Fifth Army Commander's Mansion. The Military Commander's Mansion looked down on him, and Xie Guangsheng became even more vengeful.

The rough man jumped up, patted Zheng Xiaoben on the shoulder, and said: "Xiao Bu, you did the right thing, I'll go and see, no matter how violent they are, they will surpass me!"

The officials in the Dudu's Mansion of the Five Armies are more bureaucratic than those in the Six Departments.Because the officials of the Dudu Mansion of the Five Armies have always been served by honored relatives, the highest level is the Grand Governor, and the officials who can take on this level are Dukes like Xu Zengshou and Li Jinglong, and most of the lower-level officials are also honored relatives , a small part of them came up step by step according to their qualifications.

These middle-level military officers are even more difficult to deal with than the great governors, because not only are most of them also descended from relatives, but their mobility is far less than that of courtiers. Much more serious.Therefore, the atmosphere of ranking seniority and xenophobia here is far more serious than other yamen.Since Xu Hu and others offended the Five Armies Governor's Mansion, Xie Guangsheng refused to take it lightly.

After Zhu Yu became emperor, Xu Zengshou, the original governor, died, and Li Jinglong went to revise the "Records of Taizu". The current governors are Zhu Neng, Qiu Fu and other princes.These dukes are very familiar with Xia Xun. If they were here, they would know that the bandits on Shuangyu Island had rescued the prince, and the matter might not be a big deal.

But they are not in the Dudu Mansion now.After this Dan was registered in the Dudu Mansion of the Five Armies, he was sent by Zhu Yu to various places to rectify the troops and horses, and to incorporate the troops of the old dynasty of Jianwen. We are responsible.They strictly guarded the interests of the three-acre land of the commanders of the five armies, and there was no room for offense.

Xie Guangsheng rushed out angrily, Zheng Xiaobu, who had red and swollen cheeks, flashed a seductive smile, and hurriedly followed.

Xie Guangsheng is the governor of the Fifth Army Commander's Mansion, not only the person in charge, but also has a higher position than Xu Hu and the others. Once he moves, Xu Hu and others will not dare to act rashly.Fighting and making trouble with others can be done whatever you say, and using force against the governor's plan is no different from rebellion. Although Xu Hu doesn't know much about official affairs, he still understands this simple truth.

As soon as the three of them put down their weapons, they were tied up by Xie Guangsheng's order, dragged to the gate of the yamen and tied to the horse stakes. They were punished with thirty lashes each for the crime of colliding with the ministry. It is rare to see, so there are many people around here to watch the excitement.When Xia Xun arrived, what he saw was just after Xu Hu's torture.

Xia Xun asked what had happened, and his face immediately became serious.He didn't expect that the three of Xu Hu could cause such a big trouble just for such a small matter as reporting to the Governor's Mansion of the Fifth Army and getting a seal.From a certain point of view, Shuangyu Island is stamped with the label of his Fu Guogong. The whip was whipped on Xu Hu and the others, but his mouth was slapped on Xia Xun's face. , then there is no need to reason.

But if he wants to take care of it, since the head of the Dudu Mansion is not here, who can he negotiate with when he comes to the door?After Qiu Fu and Zhu Neng came back, wouldn't they have the feeling of being bullied and slapped in the face?No matter how friendly Qiu Fu and Zhu Neng were with him, could they still be closer than the people in his own yamen?They have just taken charge of the Dudufu of the Five Armies, and they also need to establish their prestige.

In this game, there is no choice between the best of both worlds.And it is impossible to give him time, wait for Qiu Fu and Zhu Neng to come back, and then mediate with them.Either, choose the friendship with the two princes and give up the three pirates, but in this way, his official reputation will inevitably be greatly damaged, and I don’t know how long it will take to recover; Key's pirates regained their face and won their allegiance while offending two heavyweights at once.

He had no choice but had to choose! ! ~!

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