Everyone came out of Xia Xun's mansion to say goodbye and leave.Liu Yujue got on the horse and just sat down when a voice suddenly sounded from behind: "Yujue!"

Liu Yujue turned her head to look, then cupped her hands and said, "Brother Ji!"

Ji Gang urged to come immediately, and said with a smile: "It's an eventful autumn for the court, and the Northern and Southern Governors have just been established, and all kinds of troubles are involved. It's rare for you and my brother to meet and talk. Come, come to my mansion to chat."

Liu Yujue hesitated and said: "Brother Ji, the firearms craftsman battalion has just been reorganized, and the emperor is eager to establish the magic machine battalion. Here I am..."

Ji Gang smiled lightly, and said: "Let's go, no matter how busy you are, at this moment, there is an old friend waiting for you at my place..." As he spoke, Liu Yujue hesitated a bit, and he also raised his horse and followed him. up.

As soon as Zheng Dun, Minister of the Household Department got into the sedan chair, he urged repeatedly: "Hurry up, hurry up, go back to the Household Department immediately."

The bearers didn't know why the master was in such a panic, so they had to stride away, and when they arrived at the household department, they were already covered in sweat.Before the sedan chair came to a complete stop, Zheng Dun leaped out of the sedan chair with one stride, and rushed into the yamen with swift strides.

"Hurry up, hurry up, check quickly, has our household department received any official letters about Henan Kaocheng or the memorials approved by the emperor? In the past two months, we have found all official documents related to Kaocheng."

Wang Dun called out all the officials of the whole family, and ordered them nervously. The left and right servants, the ministers, and the principals were puzzled, but they did not dare to neglect. For a while, the entire household department was busy, and all the official documents in the past two months Turned them all out, and mobilized all the staff to check them one by one.

Zheng Dun was walking up and down in the lobby holding his wrist. He knew that Yang Xu, the Fuguo Duke, was unlikely to target him, but he was not afraid of [-], just in case, he was really afraid of being late in his household.If it was during the Jianwen Dynasty, it was not a big deal to neglect an official document, and it was not a big crime if there was an omission in the selection, or a small official accidentally lost it, but Emperor Yongle was different. He had a tough style of doing things. But it is comparable to Emperor Hongwu.

During Taizu’s time, floods occurred in Jing, Qi and other places. The imperial court ordered Zhao Gan, head of the household department, to go to the disaster relief area. Zhao Gan didn’t want to go to the disaster area, but he didn’t leave for half a year. Taizu was furious when he heard the news, and immediately beheaded him. To show the public, all the high and low officials who knew the truth but did not reveal it were all accused and exiled.

Later, drought and locust plagues occurred in some places in Qingzhou area. The butcher's knife was held high, and the few local officials who sat on the corpses and watched the people die of hunger all peeled their skins and pulled grass to retaliate against the anger of the people.

Emperor Yongle ascended the throne and announced three major edicts. One of the edicts specifically stated that whenever a natural disaster occurs in a local area, people will return to disaster. The local officials do not need to ask for an order to open official warehouses to relieve the victims. Those who delay the disaster relief will be killed. On the top edge, this matter was recommended by Chen Ying. If another official investigates and handles this matter, maybe he will defend it and give the offending official a chance to make amends. Chen Ying is afraid that the world will not be chaotic. Lord.

"It must not be that there is a mistake in my household department, please don't...Liu Zheng blunt mouth is dry, but he doesn't even have the heart to drink a sip of water. After waiting for a long time, the chief officials of the department and hall reported one after another: "My lord, where are we?" No official documents about Kaocheng were found. "

Zheng Dun loosened up.Angrily, he sat back on the chair and said happily: "It's fine if you don't have it, it's fine if you don't have it, Amitabha, thank God!"

All the hall officials looked at each other, and someone couldn't help asking: "My lord, what happened to Kaocheng?"


Zheng Dun suddenly woke up, stood up and shouted: "What are you doing here? Don't panic when things happen, why are you so impatient! Do things, do everything!"

Ru Chang sat in the official sedan chair, and when the sedan chair was walking leisurely, his eyes narrowed: "Mr. Fu is not aimless. If he wants to investigate such a matter, he will find it from the Department of Information and Post Office, the Department of General Administration, and the Department of Internal Affairs." The study can be done, at least there is no need to ask people to investigate in public when he is hosting a banquet for the officials of the court. Although Fu Guogong is young, he should not make such a childish mistake. Did he tell someone on purpose? . . . "... want to use the mouth of the people to publicize this matter? "

Ru Chang twirled his beard and meditated for a long time, before laughing deeply.He hasn't grasped the key to the matter yet, but as a seasoned politician with many years of ups and downs in his career, he has already felt that the recent series of abnormal behaviors of Fu Guogong seem to have occurred out of nowhere.For him, this is by no means a bad thing. He often does not have the ability to be unique in the court, but as a veteran of the three dynasties and the Minister of the Ministry of War, he is a force that cannot be ignored no matter which side it is. Strange goods to live in,...

Outside the sedan window, a green official sedan hurriedly passed by, seeing that the bearer almost rushed past at a trot, Ru Chang was a little surprised, opened the curtains to look, and then smiled happily: "So it's Chen Ying, This Chen Ying is really more eager to bite people than that Ji Gang. Who knows that the tree attracts the wind and is easy to break, such a person will not be arrogant for long in the court, hum!"

Ru Chang sneered, let go of the car curtain, closed his eyes slightly to keep calm...

※※※Update※New※Fastest※Fast※Of course※Of course※Yes※Bai※degree※Brocade※Yi※Night※Line※※※※

"Brother Ji, who is your old friend?"

As soon as he entered the gate of Jinyiwei's yamen, Liu Yujue couldn't wait to ask.

Ji Gang let him into the living room, and said solemnly: "Xianning was arrested and returned to Beijing."


Liu Yujue was taken aback, stood up suddenly, and said angrily: "Ji Gang, you, me, and brother Gao, we used to go to school at the same class as brothers. Although people have their own ambitions and protect their masters, they should not forget the old ones. Japanese friendship. What are you doing with Xianning? As a member of the staff of the Chief Secretary of Jinan, how much glory can he add to your career?"

Ji Gang wasn't worried, but smiled wryly: "Yu Jue, do you think I want to catch him back? This is the emperor's order, what can I do!"

"The emperor's order?"

Liu Yujue said in amazement, "Don't lie to me, brother Gao is a lowly position, and he is not ranked among the officials of Jinan's third department. How can the emperor miss him?"

Ji Gang sighed and said, "Yujue, can I still lie to you? Yes, Xianning is indeed not well-known in Jinan, but when the emperor was trapped in Jinan, he once wrote an article for Tie Lei, "The Duke of Zhou Fu Cheng Wang "On" scolded the emperor for hypocrisy and hypocrisy, called Jing Nan, but actually treason. I didn't expect this article to be remembered by the emperor because of its generosity."

Only then did Liu Yujue believe it, and she couldn't help turning pale, and said in a trembling voice, "Is the emperor going to kill Brother Gao?"

Ji Gang shook his head lightly, and Liu Yujue said in amazement, "So?"

Ji Gang said: "The emperor appreciates Xianning's writing style and wants to call him into the court as an official."

Liu Yujue was stunned for a moment, and then said happily: "That's a good thing, you and I were good friends, and now we can be officials in the same dynasty, it's great!"

Ji Gang snorted coldly: "Don't be wishful thinking, the problem is that Xianning refuses to surrender! He refuses to serve the current emperor. I've already tried to persuade him, but he is so stubborn that he refuses to bow his head. The emperor is still waiting for a reply. I am afraid that once I tell the emperor that the emperor is annoyed at his ignorance, then he is really hopeless, so I came to you. It would be best if you can persuade him, if not, Let's discuss how to save his life!"

Only then did Liu Yujue understand what was going on, and quickly apologized to Ji Gang: "Brother Ji, my younger brother just said something offensive, so please don't blame me, my younger brother is really cool." "Hey..."

Ji Gang helped him up impatiently: "The three of you and I used to study at school and were the most friendly. If you are not moved by Xianning's situation at all, I will really feel chilled. It's no big deal to have a few words. The most urgent thing is to persuade Xianning to change his mind!"

Liu Yujue clenched his fist and said, "Brother Ji, where is he, I'll go and persuade him!"

Ji Gang brought Liu Yujue to the Imperial Prison, the place was full of ghosts, and there seemed to be a lingering bloody smell, but the cell where Gao Xianning was imprisoned was very clean, it could be seen that someone had cleaned it.

The two arrived at the door of the cell and looked through the fence. They saw a man wearing a white prison uniform lying on the bed, sleeping with his back to the cell door. His hair was neat and his body was spotless. It was obvious that he had not suffered any torture. back to wait.

Liu Yujue rushed to the prison in a few steps, grabbed the fence and called out: "Brother Gao, Brother Gao, I am Yujue!"

The person on the bed vibrated, turned around slowly, and sat up slowly. When he saw Liu Yujue, a faint smile appeared on his face: "Yujue, you are here too."

"Yes, yes, I'm here to see you. Quick, open the cell door!"

The cell boss quickly opened the cell door, Ji Gang and Liu Yujue walked in, Ji Gang said: "Xianning, I brought Yujue here too, we two old friends are sincere, you still refuse to change your mind?" Liu Yujue hurriedly said: "That's right, brother Gao, I've heard Brother Ji say it, think about it, you wrote a dialect to insult the emperor, the emperor doesn't think about your crimes, but appreciates your literary talent, and wants you to be a high official and generous salary, Isn't such an emperor worthy of our protection?

Brother Gao, the present emperor is Taizu's own son, and replacing him with Emperor Jianwen is just a family matter of the royal family. It is not a loss of integrity to be a minister to the present emperor.How many important court officials and great Confucian scholars have already served the emperor of the new dynasty. When you built the Wen Dynasty, you were just a commoner, and your official career was repeatedly frustrated. What are you insisting on now? "

Gao Xianning smiled and said: "Yu Jue, since the first year of Jianwen, you and I have gone our separate ways. This is the first time we have gathered together. I am very happy to see you and Brother Ji. Our brothers only talk about personal friendship. Don't talk about big things."

Ji Gang paused and said: "Xianning, if you don't mention important national affairs, then our three brothers will soon have no personal friendship to talk about. When you wrote and scolded the emperor, the emperor loved your talent and didn't want to pursue it. But if you refuse the emperor The kindness of being an official, can the emperor tolerate you?"

Gao Xianning chuckled and said calmly: "The emperor can't tolerate me, it's just beheading, what's the big deal?"

Ji Gang was very angry: "What's the big deal? Yujue, listen, listen, he has such a stinky character of immortality, I can't wait to wake him up with a big mouth, this stubborn donkey!"

Gao Xianning saw that he was genuinely worried about him, so he couldn't help being moved, so he said to them: "Brother Ji, don't think that I insist on not bowing my head because of some moral principles, in fact, I have already seen through this point, in my heart, Emperor Jianwen is Zhengshuo, so I want to serve Emperor Jianwen. Now that Emperor Jianwen has passed away, it is meaningless to insist on it. Is it possible to disregard the people of the world and just persist for the sake of persistence?"

Liu Yujue happily said: "That's right, since brother Gao thought so clearly, why..." Gao Xianning waved his hand and said solemnly: "Brother Ji, you were expelled from the school because you often uttered wild words, you have to be loyal to the new dynasty, You have your reasons, I don't blame you, and I won't treat you as a hatred. Yujue, you have become Jinyiwei as early as the end of Hongwu, and the whole Jinyiwei surrendered to Emperor Yongle. If you want to be loyal to Emperor Yongle, you also have reason."

"then you…"

Gao Xianning straightened his chest and said, "I'm a gifted student. When I was studying in the government, the expenses for food and clothing came from the imperial court. I failed many times, and I had no official career. It was Mr. Tie who knew me and entrusted me with important responsibilities. As the saying goes, The scholar died for his confidant! Now, Tie Gong has already died, Gao Xianning can’t follow the underground, he has already been ashamed of Tie Gong, if he is loyal to the new emperor, how can he go to see Tian Gong after a hundred years?"


"Brother Ji, Yu Jue, you guys go back, don't persuade me anymore.

Gao Xian would rather die than his ears, but he can't be ungrateful and do something wrong to Tiegong!Don't mention this matter again! "

Ji Gang and Liu Yujue looked at each other, facing Gao Xianning's decisive attitude, they couldn't speak anymore.

The two left the prison in dismay, stood in the sunlight and looked at each other, Liu Yujue said helplessly: "Brother Gao has always been stubborn, and he has accepted the truth. Brother, what do you say?"

Ji Gang looked up at the sky, was silent for a while, and then sighed softly.Angry, he said slowly: "Now, I have no idea. I have to reply to the emperor truthfully."

Liu Yujue said anxiously, "Brother Ji!"

Ji Gang glanced at him, smiled wryly and said, "Don't worry, it's good or bad." "I led the horse and fell into the stirrups for the emperor, accompanied the driver in the charge, and I had a little hard work. I can only tell the truth, it is worse than "I will ask the emperor to spare his life." "

Liu Yujue said resolutely, "Okay, then I'll go with you!"

Ji Gang stared at him, suddenly smiled, patted his shoulder, and said in a deep voice: "Good brother, let's go together!"

In the biography of Ning Zhuo in "History of Ming Dynasty", Ji Gang ranks first.Chinese people are used to boasting that when a person is praised, he is flawless; when he belittles a person, he is said to be worthless.But human nature is complicated, how can it be as simple as black and white.At least, when Ji Gang was keen to stain his crown with other people's blood, he still had a lot of loyalty and warmth towards his old friends and acquaintances.

Ji Gang and Liu Yujue didn't know whether pleading with the emperor would offend the emperor, so they bit the bullet and went into the palace.

At this time, Xia Xun, who sent the guests out of the house, was supported by Xiao Di, and Gang Bing returned to the study.Xia Xun is the master. If he wants to make the guests happy, he must drink too much. When he returned to the study and sat down, he still felt top-heavy and dizzy.

Xiaodi helped him to sit down, Xia Xun burped, and immediately the room smelled of alcohol, Xiaodi wrinkled his nose and fanned himself, turned around and opened the window, it was late autumn, and winter was about to enter, when the window opened, When the cold wind came in, Xia Xun immediately lifted his spirits.

Xiaodi came over with a cup of tea, and said angrily, "Young master, why are you drinking that yellow soup? It's so uncomfortable to see how well you drink it. Drink some tea, it's already warmed up."


Xia Xun was feeling thirsty, took the cup and gulped it down, gave her a drunken look, and suddenly remembered that thought, and asked abruptly, "Xiao Di, Don’t you like...do you like that kid from Xu Hu’s family?” Everyone loves Shisan Niang and everyone drinks mumu milk—Jin Xinxin Group dedicated to you——! ~!

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