Upstairs in Juxian, the wine is good wine, the food is good food, the songs are good, and the people are naturally noble.

In addition to Zhu Gaoxu and the host's consort Mei Yin, the invited guests also included Li Jinglong and his brother Li Zengzhi, Nankang's consort Hu Guan, and Shunchang Bo Wang Zuo.

Zhu Gaoxu was very happy. His Zhu Gaoxu was tall and sturdy, no less than an adult man. Four years of military career, the training of blood and fire made him a bit more majestic and majestic in addition to his toughness.

All the people present were his elders, but after giving way, he was allowed to take the main seat, which made Zhu Gaoxu even more happy.However, he soon realized keenly that today these people invited him to a banquet, probably because drunkards didn't want to drink.

In two days, the queen mother, the emperor's brother, and the emperor's younger brother will arrive in Jinling. The preparations for the queen's ceremony are in full swing. In the four years of Jingnan, Zhu Gaoxu has been fighting with his father, and he has been away from his mother and brothers for a long time. , seeing that the family was about to be reunited, he was also very happy, but this joyful mood was quickly dispelled by the hideous faces of the royal relatives in front of him.

They were insinuating, they were all asking his imperial brother Zhu Gaochi's temperament and what he liked, obviously they were preparing for the handover of the imperial brother and presenting gifts.

"It turns out that they didn't invite me to drink, they just wanted to please my brother Huang, and asked me, an insider, about his situation!"

Once he understood everyone's intentions, Zhu Gaoxu became unhappy.He who was eloquent at first quickly fell silent and just drank in silence.

"In the four years of Jingnan, I was the one who was born and died with the emperor! I was the one who led the army to save the emperor from danger several times! But this day, sooner or later it will be the emperor's brother..."

The more Zhu Gaoxu thought about it, the more depressed he became. He remembered that once, when his father's soldiers were in a desperate situation, he led his troops to fight bravely and rescued his father. At that time, his father patted him on the back and said to him: "Gao Chi is obese and sickly. , although you are the second son, you have to bear a lot for your father!"

The words are still in my ears, but Brother Huang is still alive and well, and has a son.Originally, even if the elder brother became the crown prince, he wouldn't be afraid, the father is in his prime, seeing the appearance of the elder brother who is puffy and sickly, he might still walk ahead of the father.But... the emperor's brother already has a son, and now that the empress is established, the crown prince's position will not last long. Once the emperor's brother becomes a prince, even if he dies early, the throne will still belong to his nephew. I, Zhu Gaoxu... "

"Second Highness!"

Mei Yin watched with cold eyes, and seeing Zhu Gaoxu's distressed expression, she raised her cup and said with a smile: "During the four years of the emperor's Jingnan, the little prince followed the emperor, went through life and death, and made great achievements in battle. He is quite brave today. Hearing Jing Nan's heroic officials mention His Highness's heroic deeds of rescuing him several times, among the heroes in the emperor's residence, no matter whether they are civil or military, they all admire and respect His Highness. I, Mei Yin, have also led soldiers, and the most admired is His Highness who has thousands of people. The hero of the enemy, Your Highness, I offer you a toast."

"Your son-in-law is polite. Xiao Wang is just a warrior. He is nothing. The emperor's brother guards Beiping. Wu has the merit of resisting hundreds of thousands of imperial court troops. What is little credit for Xiao Wang's contribution to the charge of the army, what is it, to ensure the supplies and supplies of the emperor's more than [-] troops all the time?"

Li Jinglong felt a little unnatural when he heard it. You must know that he was the one who was trapped in Beiping. Mei Yin and Zhu Gaoxu sang together. Although he was not talking about him, he was always a little ashamed, and quickly raised his glass: "Hey! Your Highness's words It's bad, Beiping is the former capital of the Yuan Dynasty. The city wall is thick and indestructible. As long as you want to defend it, you will naturally be able to defend it. Thinking that Jinan is far less dangerous than Beiping City, with the emperor's dragon prestige, it is not a city that has been trapped for three months. And back?

The real difficulty lies in staying together on the battlefield. Besides, His Highness just has no chance to manage political affairs. If possible, would His Highness Anzhi be better than His Highness?Hehe, of course, these things are nothing more than to say, in short, at the beginning of the emperor's calamity, His Highness was only 14 years old. Gan Luo, I, Li Jinglong, can't think of anyone who can compare to him throughout the ages.Your Highness and Gan Luo have one article and one martial arts, which is enough to shine through the ages. "

Uncle Shunchang Wang Zuoyuan was a governor in the army. When he heard this, he nodded frequently and said, "Duke Cao is right. There are many robes in the old army, and no one knows the name of His Highness. Seeing the empress, His Royal Highness, and Third Highness I'm about to arrive in Beijing, look, I'm waiting to ask the Second Highness for some gifts, isn't it because I'm not familiar with you. But when it comes to the Second Highness, no one knows, who doesn't know. "

Mei Yin said: "That makes sense. His Royal Highness takes over Wenzhi, and His Second Highness is proficient in martial arts. He is the emperor's right-hand man. Now, the Empress Empress will be formally registered soon, and the crown prince's position is still vacant Now, in my opinion, I am afraid that the emperor is also in a dilemma. If the top of His Royal Highness and the martial arts of His Second Highness can be combined into one, then the emperor's wishes will be fulfilled, haha..."

Zhu Gaoxu's heart moved when he heard it, and suddenly, as if seeing the sun through the clouds, there was a gleam of light in his heart.

"That's right! Brother Huang is going to Beijing soon. Why don't you register the crown prince at the same time? Could it be...? I have been with my father for four years. My father must like me more. Generals, it must be Even more convinced of me, these royal relatives, and honorable officials are no exception, except that I was born later than the emperor's brother, which one I am not better than him, can it be..., I have no strength to compete?"

Thinking of this, Zhu Gaoxu's heart suddenly beat fast...

It was still the dimly lit room, as if the sun was not seen here all year round, and the person sitting behind the table always maintained the same posture, as if he had been sitting there all the time, like an ascetic monk.

He quietly listened to the people on the opposite side reporting to him that Zhou Zewen and Zhang Antai committed suicide in the prison of the Ministry of Punishment, the concubine concubine of the Juxian Tower hosted a banquet for His Highness the Second Highness, and the assistant Duke Yang Xu went to the Ministry of Industry to study the construction of the Dabaoen Temple... .

When the man finished speaking, he smiled lightly and said, "Yang Xu, you know the current affairs."

The man said: "Yes, if the second prince is tied to the body, then Yang Xu will be cautious. If he is smart enough, he has to stop in time, otherwise he will definitely burn himself. The old master said, the master's plan is really clever, and our danger will finally come to an end." If it is resolved, in the future, even if he finds something against Prince Consort Mei, he will have to think carefully about what he wants to do."

The person sitting behind the table shook his head slightly, raised his head slightly, a ray of light slanted over, and shone on his wide and slightly wrinkled forehead: "It's not enough, it's not enough, if we just If you want to protect yourself, then why did you use the best hand] to provoke Yang Xu? He dare not move, we still have to move."

The person on the opposite side was surprised and said: "Yang Xu just passed Zhang Antai and Zhou Zewen, and then suspected Mei Consort. This person is very shrewd. We have already alerted him, should we take action now?"

"Why not? You don't have to directly attack a person.

Didn't Yang Xu cleverly take advantage of the corrupt official in the prefect of Guide who has nothing to do with us, pull out our Zhou Zewen and Zhang Antai, and expose the concubine Mei? "The man on the opposite side hesitated for a moment, and said: "Old Hou Ye means that it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years, and now is the time when Jing Nan's heroes are full of arrogance.He said, please take care of the overall situation...

"Fart! I'm doing it for the overall situation, otherwise why?"

The person behind the table patted the table lightly, and the person on the opposite side immediately shut up. The person lowered his head, and the sun shone on the bun of the scarf on his head. He said in a deep voice: "It seems that it is not good for us now Actually, it is not. Yang Xu has already offended the Governor’s Mansion of the Five Armies. Zhu Neng and Qiu Fu are veterans with outstanding achievements and high prestige. How can they tolerate Yang Xu’s bullying? When they return to Beijing, this is Yang Xu. opponent!

Zhu Gaoxu is brave, rascal, ambitious, and definitely not someone who would be willing to be inferior to others. What's more, in the past four years, he has made great military exploits, and now he is willing to hand over the throne to his elder brother?As long as he refuses, the fight for the heir apparent is inevitable, and our power can be sheltered in his name, and gradually grow stronger. At this time, the flags and drums have died down, and Xu Tu's second plan, isn't it a missed opportunity? "

"The master said so!"

The person sitting behind the table sighed softly, and said: "I'm not here to punish Yang Xu. If we want to make a comeback, we must curb the arrogance of Jing Nan's heroes. If we want to deal with them, the only way to deal with them is through the emperor." Heng!The cunning rabbit walks away, the running dog cooks things, haven't the talented and generous emperors since ancient times done too little?I don't believe that Zhu Di can make an exception.

As long as we... create a momentum that makes him feel that the heroes of the past have become threats in the future, he will definitely do it without hesitation!This trend originally intended to take advantage of the arrogance of Jingnan's heroes, but unfortunately, his words of earnestly admonishing Jingnan's heroes in the Golden Palace made these arrogant and domineering heroes restrained a lot, hum!It's all the fault of those emissaries and officials!

However, as long as Zhu Gaoxu's greed for the throne is provoked, it will not be dispelled by his words.We have to find a way to drag Jing Nan hero in!Hu Weiyong's case, Li Shanchang's case, Lanyu's case, and Kongyin's case, each of these major cases has a lot of ramifications. These major cases were when the emperor felt that a certain symptom must be dispelled, he caught a bird in his early days and used it to This is the breakthrough point to start a big cleansing.clear? "


"The momentum we created this time is to fight for heir! The top bird we choose is Yang Xu! After all, we have invested too much effort in him. Of course, if he is good enough and someone jumps out ahead of him , we don't mind changing to an early bird to catch, but right now, he is still the easiest one to catch!"

"Yes! So... where does the master plan to start?"

The man was silent for a moment, and said in a low voice: "The way of being humble is to give back to him! Let's start from the East China Sea!"

The person standing opposite lost his voice: "Shuangyu Island?"

The man smiled heavily and said, "That's right! Shuangyu Island!"


The glazed screen, dressing table and mirror, and two red candles on the table sprinkled a faint yellow halo all over the room, like a dream.

A thin gauze curtain hangs on the brocade couch, and in the tent, a man and a woman are lingering in love on a large bed carved in yellow rosewood.

Su Ying leaned over on the couch, her smooth back, plump waist, and plump and round buttocks formed a graceful undulating curve. The faint candlelight reflected on her skin, forming an arc on her round buttocks Alluring light marks.

Her slender and healthy legs were tightly together, but she couldn't help Xia Xun's caress. After stroking her round buttocks for a while, she forcibly penetrated along the deep and tight buttocks, unknowingly touching her. What's the point, she exclaimed, and the last armament collapsed.Xia Xun smiled lowly and leaned forward, walking with both hands, slid against her plump waist and then slid to her chest, holding a pair of plump jade peaks that were crushed and deformed, at the same time, a fiery magic pestle Then he pressed against the soft buttocks that were about to melt, like a red-hot knife piercing a lump of solidified butter...

Compared with Ziqi and Xie Xie, Su Ying's body is much more mature and plump, probably because of her relatively plump figure, so even though she has given birth to two daughters, her body is still full of infinite magic power, especially this kind of entry from behind, Aside from the rich and soft touch, there is also a feeling of mountains and mountains inside. Every time you probe in, it seems to break through several barriers. It is difficult to enter, and it is not easy to get out. Holding him, especially when Su Ying's waist and legs, which had become extremely powerful for a long time, swung, it was as if he was thrown into heaven!

Tonight, Xia Xun belonged exclusively to her, because she was going back to Shuangyu Island tomorrow.

Originally, Xia Xun was reluctant for her to leave so early, but it was the first time she came here, obviously she couldn't stay for too long, because it was Xie, Ziqi and her who helped Mrs. Xizhu maintain Yangjiao Island's potential dragon base and Xia Xun's exclusive The operation of the smuggling route, several people left at once, she was worried, and Xia Xun was also worried, she needed to go back first.

Because Xia Xun was going to be separated for a few months, she was reluctant to part with her, and she was also reluctant to part with it. Both of them tried their best and tried their best to please each other. I don't know how many tricks they used. When that moment came, the two of them had changed Became face to face.Bend on the back, that is a conquering posture, at this time, is the closest moment to each other's hearts.


Amidst Su Ying's special coquettish voice, the two hugged each other tightly, Xia Xun felt like a big tree deeply rooted in the fertile soil, firmly fixed there, but..., but the root system But it belonged to the earth, tightly bound to his body, with powerful arms and legs tightly wrapped around him, and after a long time, the two could still feel each other's violent heartbeat.

Su Ying, who seemed to have come back to her soul, opened her wet eyes, looked at Xia Xun's handsome face dripping with sweat, and suddenly became shy again, so she pressed her still hot face to his chest, and with her plump lips Pecking and kissing his patina...

Xia Xun stroked the smooth long hair on her head, and said softly: "At the latest...when spring begins, bring our precious daughter and come back again."

At that time, Su Ying was obedient and obedient.

"After more than three years of development, the Qianlong base has formed its own structure, and Mrs. Xizhu is taking care of it. You don't have to worry too much. You need to pay more attention to operating the route."


Xia Xun's hand paused for a moment, and his eyes became darker. In Su Ying's ear, he whispered again: "Everything we have there is attached to the existence of Shuangyu Island. If there is no skin, the hair will be destroyed." Anfu, pay more attention to the situation on Xu Hu's side. Although I took it out on his behalf. I'm angry, but the Governor's Mansion of the Five Armies may not be behind, the county magistrate might as well take care of it now..."

ps: I find that the more I write, the better, have you noticed?Those who have no vision are not allowed to speak!If you think what I said makes sense, please vote for it. You can vote for whatever vote you have. See how democratic I am.

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