Empress Xu became a little annoyed, and found two county horses for her younger sister. They were all handsome, talented and knowledgeable, and the family situation was introduced by those people. Aren't they also from a family of officials and scholars, clean and innocent? ?How to say…

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Empress Xu was really annoyed, she let out a word, whoever dares to talk tricky, and then use some people with bad morals to fool the palace, will be severely punished, and the number of people who propose marriage is really much less, but once you climb up to this Family relatives can leap into the dragon's gate, and there is still no shortage of death squads.

No, someone introduced a young handsome man to Empress Xu. This man's surname is Gan, his name is Gan Yu, the eldest son of Gan Qingqian, the principal of Chongzheng Academy in Jinling.Gan Fuzi's moral articles are impeccable. Since the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, the first number one scholar came from his Chongzheng Academy.Mrs. Gan is strict in running the family. The eldest son, Gan Yu, studied hard under the guidance of his father since he was a child, and did not touch foreign things.

Now Mr. Gan has reached the weak crown, female sex?never touched!liquor?Don't drink alcohol.He has nothing to do with wine, sex, wealth, and everything, so the officials entrusted to recommend Mr. Gan are very confident. Such a man is simply impeccable and perfect. His father is even more innocent. Unexpectedly, there is something wrong.


Jin Yiwei, Beizhen Fu.

Zhu Tu, Ji Younan, Wang Qian, Yuan Jiang, Zhuang Jing, Li Kunchun, Zhong Canghai, Gao Xiang, the eight kings stood on both sides, and Ji Gang sat on the top, like a mountain eagle, scanning him with sharp eyes like a falcon Eight confidantes asked, "What's the matter? Talk!"

Zhu Tu said with a bitter face: "My lord, I have checked the humble position. The eight generations of ancestors surnamed Gan have checked the low position. I really can't find any faults. This kid is both good in character and learning, and has no shortcomings. If you choose Shengfeng ...Maybe not close, but he can definitely be called a clean gentleman. To be honest, this kid has nothing else to do all day long. He just reads, reads, and reads every day. The whole bunch of bookworms can't catch him ah!"







Ji Gang gave him a displeased look, then turned to his family member Ji Younan: "Xiao Ji, is there a way?"

Ji Younan smiled slightly, and replied: "It's best to deal with a person like an adult. There is nothing wrong with him, not because he has cultivated a whole body of righteousness and is immune to all evil, but because he has no chance to mess with these things at all. So , such a person is best dealt with!"

Ji Gang was worried, looked at the other seven younger brothers, and said: "Listen, listen, listen, you are usually told to study more, and each of you only knows how to beat and kill, but now you know how good scholars are? We can help those who are fine. Long-term illness, you need to use your brain more when doing things!"

Among Ji Gang's eight King Kongs, only Ji Younan was born as a scholar. After Ji Gang finished speaking, he said to Ji Younan: "I've become a tree, so I'll leave this matter to you. Can you handle it properly?"

Ji Younan smiled and cupped his hands and said, "Don't worry, my lord, just watch!"

Gan Yu is also studying in Chongzheng Academy. Under the instruction of his father, Mr. Gan, the only thing he does every day is to study. Whether he can make use of what he has learned is still unknown. It will only be known when he becomes an official in the imperial examination high school, but The breadth of knowledge is well known.Wenwang>

Because he is the principal of the courtyard, and the principal of the courtyard is extremely strict, the students dare not get in touch with Gan Yu. Everyone in Gan Yu lives a very boring life, like an ascetic monk. He is also happy.

However, one day, Gan Yu was beaten by some hooligans. The reason was that he bumped into each other as he passed by. The wound was bandaged, so the two got to know each other like this.

The person who rescued him was surnamed Long, named Long Fei.Mr. Long runs a miscellaneous medicine shop in Jinling City, and his family is still well off.He also has a wife, Xiaojiabiyu, who is gentle and courteous. Gan Yu, who has always only dealt with books, received the warm hospitality of this young couple. Mr. Long's conversation is elegant, and Mrs. Long's family is knowledgeable and courteous. Gan Yu feels like old friends at first sight. , and the two of them got in touch with each other.

Old Master Gan was invited to give lectures in Suzhou Mansion. He was very relieved of this eldest son who had been carefully cultivated since childhood. Gan Yu's biological mother died early, and his father's continuation and sympathy were not explained by Old Master Gan, and he didn't care much about Gan Yu's affairs. Yu is relatively free.

"Brother, I'm not saying you for my brother's sake. It's impossible to study hard like you. It's better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books! You should learn more about human relationships and worldly conditions, otherwise no matter how deep your knowledge is, it's just a pile of old papers It's just an idiot!"

The words are not very pleasant to listen to, but they are not offensive when they are said from the mouths of close friends.

Gan Yu said: "Brother Long is full of knowledge and eloquence, why doesn't he want to continue his studies and become an official and serve the court in the future?"

Gan Yu's face was flushed from drinking, he didn't drink alcohol at first, but his friends persuaded him, and the sister-in-law of Long's family personally fried a few side dishes with excellent color, fragrance, and spoke softly to persuade him, this beauty Yu Feng's begging, but the hardest to refuse, is Yu Feng... Now that Gan Yu has fallen in love with what's in the cup.

"Haha, what's the use of reading?"

Mr. Long laughed loudly and said: "The only thing to suffer from is to read books, the wise don't do it!"

"Brother Long's statement is absurd. Everything is inferior. Only reading is good. How can you say that reading is not good?"

Mr. Long said with a smile: "Since ancient times, other names for scholars have not been very good, such as "Suan Ding", "Xiao Suan", "Cuo Da", "Ru Ru", "Bookworm. "It refers specifically to scholars. In the pre-Qin period, some philosophers and sages said: "Confucianism confuses law with writing. "After the first emperor unified China, he was afraid that scholars would take over his country and come to "burn books and bury Confucianism".

The results of it?Not long after he died, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang rebelled, and the ones who died under the Qin Dynasty were also Liu Bang and Xiang Yu who did not study.

"Shandong is chaotic before the ashes are cold, and Liu Xiang didn't study." You said that this person who is really useful to the world is a scholar?Lu Jia persuaded Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty to rule the world with poems and books. What did Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty say?He said! "Naigong wins the world on horseback, how can he use poetry and books?"

Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty said that Zhou Bo was rich in literature, but those who lived in the Liu family must be Bo. Later, as expected, Zhou Bo was also a man who did not study. Lixiang novels can be picked up by hand.” Fu Jiezi of the Han Dynasty read since he was a child, and then he finally understood it, throwing the book at him and saying: “When a man makes great achievements, how can he sit down as a loose Confucianism! . "So he voted to join the army, and he was awarded the title of Marquis.

So Ban Chao also threw the book away, and said: "The man should follow the example of Fu Jiezi and Zhang Qian, and make meritorious service in a foreign land, so as to win the title of Marquis. Can An Neng Jiu do pen and inkstone?" As a result, he was also granted the title of Marquis!Yang Xiong once said: "Articles are small tricks, but a strong man can't do it." "Brother, I think so. Song Taizong said that "only reading is good" is just a big lie for the stability of the world!

Yuan Haowen once said bitterly: "It is the crown of Confucianism that is worthless!"He said: "Literacy is a worry in life, and you can stop memorizing names roughly." , And said to his son: Everyone adopts a son who hopes to be smart, and I have been fooled by being smart all my life.I only hope that the child is stupid and ruthless, and will come to Gongqing without disaster or difficulty. , You can see the troubles of reading. "

"Brother Long is lying, Brother Long is lying, haha..."

If he had heard people talking about scholars in this way, Gan Yu would have turned his face and walked away, but now he just laughed it off, and the corner of Mr. Long's mouth seemed to be smiling, which seemed a little strange.

It is easy to learn bad and difficult to learn good.Just like a loving mother, it takes several years to teach her son to dress, wear a hat and tie his shoes, while a beautiful woman can make him undress in just one minute.Gan Yu, who had never been exposed to temptation, slipped into the abyss step by step under the temptation of Mr. Long.

He learned to drink, to gamble, and to stay in brothels at night.

Once the desire that has been suppressed for 20 years has an outlet...

Mr. Long just needs to guide him in. Gan Yu is a good student, and soon with full enthusiasm, actively and passionately, he practiced Qihe in the midst of wine, sex and wealth...

In Zhu Gaoxu's residence, the Second Highness said with a gloomy face: "King Zhou, Zheng Ci, Xia Yuanji..." What the hell are these people doing, this must be my elder brother's idea, only he would do it! "

Ji Gang said cautiously: "Your Highness, I heard... that the Empress had originally intended to betroth the princess to Yang Xu, the Duke of Fuguo, and Yang Xu had an affair with the princess, but because he didn't want to stop his wife Marry, the empress was so angry that she chose another son-in-law for the princess, you see, could it be Yang Xu..."

"Is there such a thing?"

Zhu Gaoxu thought for a while, then hesitantly said: "Since he voluntarily refuses the marriage, why bother with getting married?"

Ji Gang said with a half-smile: "Your Highness, who can say clearly about feelings? Maybe if you can't get it yourself, you don't want others to get it."

Zhu Gaoxu frowned: "This Yang Xu, my king loves to accept him, but he has always been indifferent to this king, his attitude is ambiguous, and I don't know what he is planning!" Zhu Gaoxu walked around the room impatiently twice. , Said: "Ignore it in advance, bear with it! Right now it is not appropriate to make troubles, the most urgent thing is to solve the serious problem of this king's confidant first!"

Ji Gang's eyes flashed, and he hurriedly asked: "What is your highness' serious trouble? You can tell me, and I am willing to share your worries for your highness!"

Zhu Gaodian felt that he had made a slip of the tongue, and quickly waved his hands and said: "You don't need to worry about it, you can't get involved in this matter!"

He thought for a moment, and then said: "Then you and Yang Xu will watch for me to see who is behind this matter, and wait for this king to free up his hand, hmph!"

In the Mansion of the Commander-in-Chief of the Five Armies, Qiu Fu held the battle report he had just received, wanting to cry without tears.

The tactic of shooting mosquitoes with cannons did not work at all. Under his attack, it did cause some damage to the bandits, but he had something that must be guarded and maintained, and the Japanese bandits had no such worries and took the initiative to always operate In the hands of Japanese pirates.Therefore, under his strict order, all the guards in Xidong rushed out, and the Japanese pirates fled away after hearing the news, as if they had been wiped out.

However, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Fujian, Dengzhou, and Laizhou, Shandong, sent news of the infestation of hunchbacks one after another. The hunchback was like an abscess, and when it was squeezed, the poisonous blood spread and infected more places. Even with his great ability, he couldn't block all the news from all the coastal prefectures. He had no choice but to abandon his soldiers to protect the commander, and find a dead ghost to take responsibility for the increasingly fierce Japanese plague!

In the past, Guanguan was only heard, but because I stayed up late last night, I casually clicked on the voter information of a certain work, and saw a strange phenomenon with my own eyes.

A long list of voters has no fan value of B and C at all. They subscribe to the book of "A", vote for "B", and vote for B's competitor "C" at the same time.

When the two armies are at war, it is of course not necessary for the seller of arms to just sell you the arms. If your opponent pays the money, the arms will be sent over in an endless stream.

Guanguan has been shaken more than once. When injustice becomes justice, I always feel resentful.In particular, so many book friends voted for it, and so many leaders supported it with rewards ten times higher than the cost of buying tickets, but Guan Guan couldn't win the results they wanted to see, so I feel ashamed!

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So far, I haven't joined the ticket-swiping army, let's all clean up together!But I don't know how much I can persist... At the beginning of the new year, I have some struggles, some complaints, and some emotions, and I can only confide to you.

But no matter what, under such circumstances, with such achievements, Guan Guan’s heart is very grateful!Thank you, without you, Guan Guan would either fall or give up, and there would be no persistence and hope today.Thank you book friends for your support, thank you! (To be continued.

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