Xia Xun's subordinates filed in, and a young girl slowly came to the door. She was wearing a silver silk jacket and a silver-white long skirt. The soft silk outlined an elegant figure. The arc, stepping in, is like a tall and elegant swan, with soft gait and soft posture, and the beauty of the face has surpassed the face itself.This is probably the psychological bonus effect caused by seeing Xi Shi in the eye of the beholder.

Xia Xun got up, turned around, and pushed the window.

Turning around, I saw Ming'er standing there gracefully." Tilting her head slightly, she looked at him like a bird: "What are you doing? "

The voice was colder, because the little princess was very angry, and today he came to Xingshi to question the crime.But good upbringing "keeps her from doing bad things even when she is in a rage", not to mention the kind of things that she gives full play to her imagination, and she can't figure out what to do It's over.

"A bunch of stinky men gathered in the room just now, the smell is too heavy!"

The little princess didn't accept his compliment, "twisted her lips" and asked suddenly: "Are you guilty?"

"Am I guilty? Why am I guilty?" No! "

"Aren't you responsible? Your smile is unnatural!"

Xia Xun moaned his nose, and said with a dry smile: "Probably" I was surprised by the princess's arrival..."

"Really? Did you do something good!"

Xia Xun was taken aback." He quickly waved his hands and said, "It's not me, it's not me, it's definitely not me!"

Xu Ming'er didn't believe it, she narrowed her eyes slightly and said, "It's not you? I haven't said anything yet, you already know what I'm going to say?"

Xia Xun smiled bitterly and said, "Princess, can I not know? Now the entire Jinling City" who doesn't know? "

Xu Ming'er became sad when she heard it, and said dazedly: "You know people will know." If you still do this, do you have to make people a big joke in Jinling City to be happy?What on earth do you want, why do you bully me "..."

Xia Xun was very helpless: "Princess, I also know that it seems that only I can do this." But...it's really not me! "

"You liar! You are a big liar" You lied to me since I was a kid!I don't believe your nonsense, "Who else would do that except you?"

Xia Xun became nervous." Looking left and right, he rushed over and closed the window again.

Ming'er was wiping her tears with her sleeve at the back." Sobbing, she said, "You don't have to hurt anyone, I won't marry anymore" I won't marry in my life, I'm going to become a monk and become an aunt, you just bully me to death!"

"Ming'er...", "Why?"

Ming'er didn't realize that there was something wrong with Xia Xun not calling her princess anymore." It seemed that it was a perfectly normal thing, so she wasn't surprised at all, but when she looked up with tears in her eyes, she saw Xia Xun When he saw his expression, his voice froze suddenly: "What expression does he have?Why do you look more painful than me? "

Xia Xun walked up to her and said softly: "Ming'er, my heart aches!" In order to strengthen his tone," Xia Xun clenched his fist" and lightly thumped his left chest.

"Huh?" Ming'er has never seen Xia Xun like this before." She was a little dazed.

Xia Xun frowned," said deeply: "Do you know why my heart hurts so much?Because...", ", in your heart, "you actually look down on me so much!"

Ming'er felt a little guilty for no reason.

Xia Xun's voice was even more painful: "Think about it, since you and I met" has Yang done any despicable and shameless things? "


Xia Xun immediately stopped and said: "Look..." In the Beiping Leather Warehouse, I was not seduced by profiteering, nor was I forced by power; When chasing us down, "we supported each other and never left..." But now you look at me like this, you say, "would someone as upright and frank as me" do such a dirty and shameless thing?"

Probably too much cold air was let in by opening the window just now, and Ming'er suddenly felt goosebumps all over her body.

At any rate, Xia Xun also watched "You are ruthless, you are cruel, you are unreasonable!" Romance films, and imitated at will, but a little girl like Ming'er who has never had a relationship can bear it.

"However, because it's you, I don't care!"

Xia Xun's voice suddenly became brighter, like an announcer in a liberated area, and said cheerfully: "I once misunderstood that you made an illegal request to the empress, which made you sad, but now you misunderstood me and made my heart ache Yu Jue "Tit for tat, we're even!"


Ming'er was dumbfounded, a liar is very powerful, a liar who has evolved to the level of shamelessness..." She didn't know how to react.

Xia Xun smiled, gently took her soft little hand, and said softly: "Don't think I'm heartless, yes! I misunderstood you. But do you know that when the emperor proposed the marriage contract just now, , How happy is my heart? I'm sorry, I was wrong. I dared to miss the morning shift because of "Ziqi" when I was just a little captain in Jinyi, so I dared to ask Emperor Hongwu for leave. Township.

But for you, I just want to shrink back and escape when I encounter a little problem, even though I am now an extremely powerful minister.

It’s not that I don’t love you, it’s just that I’m not afraid of external resistance no matter how great it is, but the pressure comes from you, so I’m a little timid and guilty, I don’t dare to think about it, I can’t muster up the courage, when I encounter resistance, it’s not that I think I can No solution, but blindly escape..."

Ming'er was confused by Xia Xun's words." She stammered, "I... I didn't do anything, and I didn't make things difficult for you. "

Of course not, the reason why Xia Xun "like a coward" when facing her feelings is because although he has lived in this world for eight years and has basically integrated into this era, some concepts formed since childhood are still not so easy to change Yes. He used some marriage concepts of later generations to face the feelings of this era. Whenever he encountered problems, he would inevitably contradict and hesitate.

When Ziqi was taken away by her brother, she also had resistance from her family, and had to face an emperor who held the power of life and death, but he was full of pride and fearless, not because he was young and vigorous at that time. Fang Gang was because he fought with confidence.When it came time to thank him, he inevitably felt a little guilty and lacked confidence.

It's just that Xie Xie had a marriage contract with him since he was a child." You can comfort yourself and overcome your psychological shadows, which can be regarded as finding a reason for yourself to deceive yourself. At the same time, although he didn't look down on her because of Xie Xie being a female thief" or even respect her. The sacrifice she made for the family, but this experience and identity, after all, relieved the psychological pressure of his pursuit.

But when facing Ming'er, these reasons for self-comfort could not be found. Ming'er is a proud daughter of heaven, noble and graceful, and his current conditions... Xia Xun has no confidence, this kind of unworthy Inferiority is the main reason why he runs away with peace of mind whenever he encounters a problem.

Ever since Ming'er knew that the proposal of divorcing his wife hadn't come out, he felt guilty. But at that time, he still couldn't muster up the courage to pursue it. Otherwise, with Ming'er's deep love for him, Xia Xun would be afraid that he would continue to stalk him. Ming'er won't forgive him?

Next, Empress Xu chose a county horse for her younger sister.For the first time, he was not a concubine in his heart. He was greatly relieved when Wu Ziming's father Yinzuan went to prison and his marriage fell through.Unexpectedly, Empress Xu persevered and found another candidate for his younger sister, and he became worried again.Then there was another accident in the marriage, and Xia Xun let out a long sigh of relief.

So again and again, Xia Xun's nerves can't bear it anymore, he has already started to pay attention to this matter" and even secretly sent someone to investigate who was sabotaging Ming'er's marriage, and no results have been reported yet. However "He is really grateful to Ji in his heart." No matter what purpose that person came out for, he is really grateful to Ji from the bottom of his heart.

Moreover, his courage was stimulated by repeated stimulations. Ming'er could not care about his external conditions. Why didn't he gather with Ming'er to face "overcoming difficulties together"? In such a situation Pure like a crystal "just in front of a girl who purely pursues feelings", isn't he shameless to avoid it again and again?

His heart has finally been untied, and he is now intensively dealing with Xidong's matter. The opponent is too strong, so he can't be distracted at this time, and he doesn't want people to think that he took the initiative to get the support of Ming'er. Pursuing her, that's why he wanted to express his heart to Ming'er after he had been busy for a few days." Now that she's here, it's better to hit the sun than choose a day, Xia Xun finally vomited his heart.

"Of course I didn't embarrass me. I was embarrassing myself. My demons are hard to break! However, I have finally defeated my demons now. If you don't come today, I will go to you after this busy day! The conscience of heaven and earth, I'm telling the truth!"

Ming'er stared into Xia Xun's eyes, and stared closely. This time, Xia Xun didn't smile or put on airs. He only had sincerity in his eyes.The corners of Ming'er's mouth couldn't help trembling." Her bright eyes were covered with a thin layer of mist, and her thin white and slender fingers were twitching slightly in Xia Xun's palm. She has been wronged since then, and now she just wants to cry.

"I love you, I love you when I'm awake" and I love you when I'm asleep, for the rest of my life! ", Ming'er, who had never heard such love words, felt as if she had eaten mi, but blushed, and said softly, "Why do you miss others when you are asleep?fraud!big liar! "

"I want to stay with you forever and grow old together!" Ming'er began to withdraw: "But I don't want to grow old!"



Ming'er raised her eyes, her eyes were full of sweet smiles, she was really happy to be able to bully him after being bullied by this stinky guy for so long.

"Then... let's practice together" Be a fairy! "

Ming'er smiled sweetly, the future is long, let him go for now, the gentleman wants to keep bullying him slowly: "Okay, I will accompany you to be a goblin together!"

Keeping the clouds open to see the moon, the love is finally settled, joy is like rippling petals, falling in the lake of Ming'er's heart, as long as she lives like this, she is really satisfied.

It was Xia Xun who was dissatisfied, holding her catkin lightly, as if yesterday she was a yellow-haired girl dressed as a little white rabbit, and today she is a graceful girl with a fragrant mouth. He has witnessed her growth with his own eyes, and will take her with his own hands. Picked from the branches.Xia Xun fantasizes, "Fantasy: "Immortal goblin... little goblin... goblin fight...", Ming'er blinked her big innocent eyes, and asked curiously: "What are you thinking?"

Xia Xun coughed, and replied solemnly: "I was thinking, how can I pass your sister's test!" @.

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