... The treadmill was installed, and I ran for [-] minutes in the morning.Dry tongue, I drank a pot of tea to get over it. This body is really time for exercise. I will cook and eat, then rest and exercise, and then continue to work hard. Dear book friends, please give me a lot of monthly tickets for your support. Thank you all ! "...

In one room, there is only one window covered with white paper. The window is pasted with blessing characters and window grilles. The atmosphere of the New Year has not completely disappeared.

The sun was shining on the window, and reflected into the room through the window paper, the light was much softer.A simple wooden bed with quilts on the bed, a square table not far from the bed, a chessboard on the square table, and a few side dishes such as pork head meat, stewed bean house, fried soybeans, etc. A thin porcelain cup filled with clear liquor.

There were two people sitting on each side of the table, and the one on the right was Ji Gang. He lay on the chessboard and looked at it for a long time, then excitedly picked up a pawn, pushed it across the boundary river, and shouted: "Gongzu! Duke, my move is a secret move!" Killing machine!"

On the opposite side of the table was Xia Xun. Xia Xun smiled slightly, picked up the horse and took a step back, saying, "Vaulting horse!"

"Ah! The Duke won't eat my pawns?"

Xia Xun said: "If you can bear it and endure it, you will become a master. Why care about a pawn!"


Ji Gang became suspicious when he heard this, looked left and right, and after watching for a long time, he suddenly burst into laughter: "Yo ho! I understand, the Duke wants to knock on the door with two ghosts, and then give me an iron door latch, haha, Don't be fooled, don't be fooled, I won't be fooled!" After saying that, he abandoned the pawn and set up a soldier.

This is the place where the prison boss lives. No matter how you clean it up, there will always be a smell of blood. Therefore, Ji Gang arranged Xia Xun here. If someone comes for interrogation or questioning, he will invite Xia Xun back to the cell. He usually lives here, and when Ji Gang has nothing to do, he comes to play chess, drink and kill time with him.

Ji Gang drank it proudly.Jiu raised his eyelids, glanced at Xia Xun, pointed to the chessboard and said, "Duke, the situation on the chessboard is not good for you! If you have any killer copper, you should take it out!"

Xia Xun shook his head: "It's not time yet!"

Ji Gang's eyes flashed, and he blurted out, "Oh, when does the Duke think it's the right time?"

Xia Xun tapped the chessboard and said, "Today's game of chess is the number of moves, you are opening and closing, abandoning the momentum of all-out attack!"

"Not bad!"

"As for me, I'm attacking from the defensive and attacking later. In this case, I have to deploy calmly, first keep the wind and rain on my side, and wait until all your chariots, horses and artillery have crossed the river, and then strangle them one by one!"

Ji Gang smiled and said: "Hehe, since I already know about the humble position, isn't the Duke afraid that the humble position will give up the attack and take the defense, and return to the defense in an all-round way?"

Xia Xun said: "Chess has reached this point, do you still have a way out?"

Ji Gang looked at the situation on the chessboard, smiled wryly and said: "Yes, I'm too deep. In this game of chess, I can only be like a pawn crossing the river. I can only advance and never retreat. I will kill all the fish and break the net."

Xia Xun sat up straight, stared at Ji Gang closely, and suddenly said, "Old Ji, are you on one side?"

A sly smile appeared on Ji Gang's face, and he asked back, "Why did the Duke make such a statement?"

Xia Xun shook his head and said, "If you don't tell me, I can guess it! There are only two mountains in total. If you are not on this mountain, you are naturally on another mountain. It's just that I didn't see it before. You will Choose this big tree!"

Ji Gang laughed twice, and said: "Everyone takes it for granted, but it may not be suitable for you. There are ligers and tigers on that mountain, and there is no shortage of me. This mountain is full of golden pheasants and cranes, so I am a rare commodity. What do you think?"

Xia Xun thought for a while, shook his head and smiled wryly, "I used to underestimate you!"

Ji Gang laughed, and said: "I learned this from you, the Duke of the country, for a lowly job. It's a cold stove! Wealth and wealth are in danger!"

Speaking of this, he looked serious, and said solemnly: "Duke, the tree attracts the wind. If you want to be quiet, the wind will not stop! It is absolutely impossible for you to stay out of the matter. At this moment, you can't decide which side to rely on?" ?”

Xia Xun glanced at him but said nothing.

Ji Gang said again: "The princess's marriage has been ruined time and time again. This is a great gift from the master to the Duke. A beauty deserves a hero, and only someone like you, the Duke, is worthy of such an honor." Girl, does the Duke not appreciate the master's painstaking efforts?"

"Oh? So, those things were written by you?"

Xia Xun's eyes narrowed slightly: "How...how did he know about this?"

Ji Gangzheng said with a smile: "The wall has ears, Duke Ding, the Duke of Dingguo's mansion, and the meeting in the garden. He just saw your conversation. Hehe, he didn't mean to eavesdrop. I just heard it."

Xia Xun breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Now that I'm in prison, is there any point in recruiting? Or, you knew that I had a backup?"

"No!" Ji Gang resolutely said: "Originally, we also thought that the duke was doomed this time! That master has already planned to use his own power to push the matter to Xu Hu and others, to give up the soldiers to protect the handsome, and to pick up the duke. , to save you from danger. Duke, don’t look at them now that they seem to have a one-sided advantage, the power at his hands is not small, and there is me, the traitor..." Ha ha, it will definitely succeed! "

Xia Xun grunted.

Ji Gang said again: "The master must protect you, not because he is interested in your ability, but because he knows how to repay you, and he does not want to meet you in battle one day. Of course, it is also because he does not want to underestimate you A person with talent, even if he is frustrated for a while, will always have a chance to make use of it. He sees the long-term, not the immediate gains and losses."

"Then..." How do you know that I have someone behind me? "Ji Gang turned bitter, and complained: "Duke, have you underestimated Ji Gang?"After following you for so long, no matter how stupid Ji Gang is, should he learn something?Everything from before and after you were imprisoned, plus..." Hehe, I also paid special attention to the situation in your home. Don't blame the Duke, Ji Gang doesn't have the habit of spying on people's privacy, but only pays attention to some clues. If you can’t make a judgment, it’s really a failure of the Duke’s cultivation.”

He asked again: "Then, when did the Duke find out that Ji Gang is not from that way?"

Xia Xun smiled slightly, and said: "I didn't read the book for too long, and I came here before and after being imprisoned, hehe, the internal reasons are not enough for outsiders."

Seeing that he didn't say anything, Ji Gang didn't ask any more questions, but said solemnly: "Then, has the Duke made a decision on what Ji Gang said?"

Xia Xun raised her eyes slightly, looked directly at him, and asked softly, "What if..." Am I still not willing? "

Ji Gang said solemnly: "Ji Gang received the order that if the Duke refuses to take refuge, he will still try his best to help the Duke out of trouble. As for whether he has other plans, Ji Gang really does not know. But Ji Gang has a reason to do so even if it is not for the Duke. Do."

This is fair, Xia Xun couldn't help but nodded.

Ji Gang looked at Xia Xun, and said earnestly: "Then, can the Duke give a clear answer to the humble official?"

Xia Xun said: "Small wise men borrow things, middle wise men borrow money, and great wise men borrow people. Do you think I look like a fool?"

Ji Gang laughed loudly, threw up his arms and gave Xia Xun a long bow

At this time, a jailer hastily pushed the door open and came in, anxiously said: "Your Excellency, Mr. Nanzhen Liu, insists on entering the Imperial Prison, and the villain can't stop him..."

Ji Gang was startled, and said: "Yu Jue, didn't he go to the southern suburbs to work as a craftsman, and he has already returned to Beijing?"

Before he could finish speaking, the jailer had already been pushed away, and Liu Yu and Jue hurried in and said, "Brother Ji, how is Duke Fu..."

Before saying a word, seeing Xia Xun sitting upright, Liu Yujue immediately felt relieved: "The Duke is safe, so I can rest assured!"

Huang xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Huang silt xxxxxx

On the stage of the Empress Garden, a play was being performed normally.

Zhu Di is a fan of dramas, and he especially likes dramas with ghosts and ghosts.Although today's play is not about gods and monsters, it is also very interesting. This play is called "Chenzhou Rice Making", and it is a miscellaneous play from the Yuan Dynasty.It is about that during the Song Dynasty, there was a three-year drought in Chenzhou, the grains were not harvested, and the people were so hungry that they ate each other.The imperial court sent Liu Dezhong and Yang Jinwu to rescue the disaster.Not only did they raise the price of rice privately, they collected money on large scales, sold rice on small buckets, and plundered the common people wantonly.Moreover, Zhang Gu, a farmer who was arguing with them, was beaten to death with a purple gold hammer given by imperial edict.Zhang Zixiaogu went to Kaifeng mansion.Bao Zheng made an unannounced visit in disguise to find out the truth and avenge the victim.

At that time, Bao Gong on the opera stage was not as stereotyped as his descendants. He was upright, unselfish, with a black face and a crescent moon on his forehead. Even a three-year-old child could recognize him.At that time, Bao Gong on the stage was still an ordinary white-faced scholar, and his character was not the kind of person who was impatient and calm as a mountain. He was very humorous in the play.

When Bao Zheng went to Chenzhou, he did not put on the posture of an imperial envoy, but made a private visit in disguise, and even did the job of cage a donkey for the prostitute Wang Fenlian, and helped him up and down. Evidence of bullying the people.The story is light and funny. Although it is not Zhu Di's favorite song, he still enjoys watching it.

Sitting next to him, Xu Niangniang took advantage of the pause in the middle and said to Zhu Di: "Your Majesty, this person who was ordered to relieve the disaster originally saved the people from danger, but it turned out to be the opposite. The emperor is high above, his eyes and ears are not good, and the officials are protecting each other, so it is inevitable that they will be deceived. Fortunately, Bao Zheng conquered and went away. If he puts on a grand ceremony, he may not be able to see the truth."

Zhu Di nodded and said: "Yes, now he has obtained this evidence, but although he has the Shangfang sword bestowed by the emperor in his hand, the corrupt official also has the purple gold hammer bestowed by the emperor. Back in Beijing, with the protection of these two forces, I'm afraid we won't be able to kill them. Let's take a good look at the next move and see what kind of clever trick Bao Zheng uses to kill first and then play, except for this traitor."

Xu Niangniang was angry and funny, and said: "Your Majesty, since ancient times, officials and officials have been protecting each other. There are some grievances. You can't see it with your own eyes. It's really hard to find it. You don't realize it. Sometimes, you should go out and see what happened with your own eyes. Shouldn't you just listen to what the ministers say?"

"Huh?" Zhu Di became alert, turned his head to look at Mistress Xu, his eyes flashed, and he understood: "Queen, are you pleading for Yang Xu?"

Xu Niangniang said obediently: "Guilty or innocence is a matter of national law. In the end, the emperor has the final say. How can I dare to say too much. I dare not say that Yang Xu is guilty or innocent, or beg the emperor. To judge him guilty or not, it's just that... the concubine feels that Yang Xu has his own reasons for what he said, but he can only explain it to His Majesty, and His Majesty will take some time to listen to it, and it will not hinder anything. It's damp and cold, if the emperor doesn't want to go out of the palace, can't it be enough to call him to ask a few words? If he has nothing to say and just begs the emperor to break the country's law with personal favors, wouldn't the emperor feel at ease if he punishes him? "

Zhu Di was silent for a while, then glared at her and said, "Just this one time, don't make another example!"

p: The treadmill is installed, and I ran for 10 minutes in the morning.Dry tongue, I drank a pot of tea to get over it. This body is really time for exercise. I will cook and eat, then rest and exercise, and then continue to work hard. Dear book friends, please give me a lot of monthly tickets for your support. Thank you all !

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