The survey was submitted, and Long Fei looked over and over for a long time, but couldn't tell if it was fake, so he passed it on to Zheng Ci. Zheng Ci, Chen Ying and Xue Pin carefully identified it, but they couldn't come up with any opinions, so they sent it to Zheng Ci again. To the two princes Zhu Gaochi and Zhu Gaoxu.The two princes sat there, Kanhe was placed on the table, and neither of them looked at it.


How could it be fake!

The reconciliations issued by the Ming court to various countries were all made by the Ministry of Rites. The reconciliations in front of us were made overnight by the Ministry of Rites according to the imperial edict, and they were made by the most experienced old craftsmen. It looks sweat-stained and water-stained. Yes, it really looks like something that was issued more than 20 years ago. The thing can no longer be true, and there is no flaw in the age.

Chen Ying was a little strange, and didn't understand why Zhu Gaoxu seemed to have lost interest in Yang Xu's matter, but it was inconvenient to ask at the moment.Chen Ying thought about it, but refused to let it go, so she asked Long Fei to call the Zhaomo officer of the Five Army Commander's Mansion to identify the truth from the fake.

Zhaomo Division exists in any yamen. In fact, its functions are equivalent to the current office, managing official documents and seals. Naturally, there are also special people who inspect seals. Now I have found experienced subordinates in Zhaomo Division to inspect again. some.

The old official inspected it carefully, and made a round bow to the two princes, the three side judges, and the chief judge of our office, and said affirmatively: "Your Highness, my lords, according to the villain's many years of inspection According to the seal experience, this verification is true. If the two Highnesses and the adults are not at ease, you can invite people from the Ministry of Rites to come. This is the verification issued by them, or you can see some clues.

Zhu Gaochi sat calmly, without saying a word, Zhu Gaoxu couldn't help but said: "No more, so many adults have seen it, and you have also inspected it. There is no problem, it should be true!"

Chen Ying refused to give up, and said suspiciously: "Even if this investigation is true, why didn't you come out?"

Lu Mingzhi pointed to the little school and said confidently: "They rushed onto our boat like wolves and tigers. There is no excuse at all. They accused us of smuggling. How could the grassroots dare to take out the Kanhe when they saw the strangeness? If they were thrown into the sea , and there is no need to wash away the grievances."

Chen Ying rolled her eyes, and said sinisterly: "Then, haven't they searched your body before? Even if they did, they will still have to search again once they enter the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice. Prisoners who are imprisoned in the prison will never be able to bring anything into their bodies How could this reconnaissance be hidden in your body?"

As soon as these words were said, Shang Zhengci of the Ministry of Punishment suddenly changed his expression and said displeasedly: "What are you talking about, Mr. Imperial Envoy? Could it be that you suspect that the Ministry of Punishment is acting privately?"

Yesterday, some people came in and out of the prison of the Ministry of Justice several times, but they were all sent by the palace, the emperor, Zheng Ci was full of confidence, and he was not afraid of this hornet's nest being poked by Chen Ying, the inspector.

Chen Ying wanted to say more, but Zhu Gaoxu said indifferently: "Okay, since this investigation and cooperation has been proved to be true, it's fine to continue the interrogation, so why bother your lords?"

Chen Ying felt even more strange, so she could only obey orders.The small school sent by Ji Wenhe was mainly as a witness, because he found the so-called account books. Of course, he was also present when the Luzon merchant ship was seized, so he can be regarded as a witness.But now there are only witnesses and no evidence, and all Luzon businessmen have changed.Confession, and produced the most powerful evidence: genuine research and cooperation.

As for why they appeared in Shuangyu, there is also a powerful explanation, and incidentally, they even slapped the governor's office of the Fifth Army with a big mouth: because you are not good at suppressing bandits, the Japanese pirates have gone to Fuzhou, and the Nanyang thief Chen Zuyi also followed suit. Nothing to do, just turn to Shuangyu.Shuangyu is already the land of your Ming Dynasty, and there are troops stationed there. We came from afar, how do we know what happens there?

Although Ji Wenhe's personal soldier is just a humble little person, but who can be the master general's personal soldier, who isn't quick-witted and good at observing faces?Seeing that the situation was not good, it would only be boring for him to continue picketing this matter, so he immediately changed it. It is said that the Shuangyu Guards were originally pirates, and they had turned against the imperial court at that time. After they took control of Shuangyu, they suddenly saw Luzon merchant ships appearing, so they naturally thought that they were ordinary smuggling merchant ships. After all, Shuangyu Guards did not set up a shipping department. It is not normal for foreign merchant ships to appear.

Of course, what they claimed to be sheltering from Fuguogong Yang Xu and the like was also pushed by this small school to some merchant ship. The guy must have heard of Fuguogong's name, and deliberately brought it up to intimidate them so that they misunderstood.But of course he didn't remember who the guy on the boat was.Such an ambiguous explanation would not have passed the interrogation at all, even if Zheng Ci, Xue Pin and even Long Fei wanted to release the water, Chen Ying, who did not rub the sand in his eyes, would not give up.

However, what was surprising was that the two princes who were just listening in agreed to the little school's explanation.Chen Ying was like a saw-mouth gourd, confused and unable to faint, and found an excuse in the middle, Chen Ying left the court, Zhu Gaoxu also took the opportunity to follow out, Chen Ying knew that Yang Xu was already escorted by the emperor, Can't move.

The specific reason, Zhu Gaoxu did not say, even if Chen Ying is his confidant, but the matter involves Emperor Jianwen, the less people who know about it, the better, and he doesn't need to explain so much to Chen Ying.So Zhu Gaoxu didn't tell him the reason, but just told him: The emperor is trying to protect Yang Xu, this person can't move anymore, we don't need to continue to pester him, just end this case as soon as possible, and settle the Tongwa case.

After receiving this letter, Chen Ying's attitude changed 180 degrees when she returned to the temporary hall.Don't worry, he is still worried. What he was worried about just now was how to bring down Yang Xu, but now he is worried about how to keep Yang Xu safe.Because of Tongfan's charges, although it can be canceled because of the appearance of Kanhe and the retraction of the confession of the businessman surnamed Lu, but the account book...

That was a tool that the people below concocted to criticize Yang Xu with the instruction from above, but now it has become a shackle on themselves. How can they prove that this account book is also fake under the eyes of everyone?

In fact, even Zhu Di wasn't sure whether the account book was true or not. He couldn't just let Yang Xu say yes because of Yang Xu's one-sided remarks?

Yang Xu said that the foreign businessman was helping him to find out the whereabouts of Emperor Jianwen, so he had a certain convenience with the foreign businessman.Suddenly realizing that one of his most trusted people...Yang Xu or Qiu Fu will be deceiving him, Zhu Di is worried, and wants to send Zheng He to the prison to confirm in person to prove that Yang Xu's words are true.Whether this account book is true or false, how can he listen to Yang Xu's one-sided words?

However, Zhu Di didn't care much about whether Yang Xu accepted the gift.What he cares about is whether Yang Xu is an acquaintance with Fan, whether he uses the power of the Duke of the state to secretly contact many Fan countries, associate with those big businessmen who have great influence in the country, and cover up smuggling. If he dares to do this step, he will dare to do it in the future More infidelity.But if it's just a gift...

The Shuangyu Guard was recruited by Yang Xu. When Zhu Di was not in power, Yang Xu had friendship with these pirates. It was at that time that his three sons used these talents to save the day and escape back to Peiping.Afterwards, Yang Xu once had a quarrel with the Governor's Mansion of the Five Armies because of the leader of Shuangyu. For these reasons, it was fine for the people of Shuangyu Guard to give Yang Xu a few expensive gifts.

Zhu Di never believed that if Yang Xu knew that the Shuangyu Guards were having an affair with Japanese pirates, he would accept a few gifts from them to cover up such a crime that cannot be redeemed by death.Therefore, according to Zhu Di's wishes, it doesn't matter whether the gift receiving is true or not, as long as it proves that Xia Xun has no clue, it's not a big deal, and he still has to be saved!

So Chen Ying didn't have to use this matter to make a big fuss, and even had to protect Yang Xu.

At this time, the problem came.

Just as Yang Xu and Ji Gang said when they played chess in prison, the enemy opened wide and closed, only focused on attacking, and now they are trapped too deep, some pawns crossing the river have nowhere to go, and Qiang survived.

Only by saying that the ledger is fake can Yang Xu be cleaned up.If the account book is false, it proves that someone deliberately framed and used Shuangyu Weitongwo to frame Fu Guogong, so someone has to come out to bear this responsibility.

Could this person be from a small school?

They were trapped too deep, and when they wanted to stand up to defend, it was too late to get out of the whole body. At this time, they could only relieve their wrists and take care of the overall situation!

Everything is being deduced step by step according to Xia Xun's chess game plan...

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Xia Xun's first charge, and the most serious one, has now been cleared.Lu Mingzhi and his group were announced to be released in court, and the goods were returned. As soon as these people moved out with their miscellaneous goods, the courtroom became much quieter. At this time, Xia Xun and Ji Wenhe's relatives who were sitting there finally took turns. The soldiers are in the ring.

Just now Xia Xun didn't even bother to refute the charges imposed on him. From the trial to the conclusion of the "general crime", as the defendant, he didn't have a word of defense, and just sat there so boldly until the charges were charged. Cleaned up, this defendant can be regarded as No. 1.

And Long Duanshi, as the chief interrogator, was actually sitting there like a clay and wood plastic... until the trial of this crime was concluded, it was not his turn to speak at all, and he was just sitting there as a decoration from the beginning to the end. Throughout the past and present, there is no one before and no one to come after.

The trial of this case has set two records in the history of Chinese court hearings: the presiding judge did not say a word, and the defendant did not say a word.

Now, Xia Xun, who had been sitting there quietly all this time, finally had to face the chief interrogator's questioning directly.Because Chen Ying, Xue Pin, and Zheng Ci were unwilling to talk to him directly.Zheng Ci leaned towards him and was unwilling to interrogate him: Xue Pin was a fencer, and he planned to continue to sit on the fence; Chen Ying already knew that it was impossible to bring down Yang Xu in this matter. If you don't let go of the account book, it may hurt your own side, so now Chen Ying just wants to stir up trouble, and just like the criminal trial just now, sloppyly end the case.

Long Fei cleared his throat and said, "Yang Xu, I have ordered you to interrogate the fact that you received a gift from Xu Hu, the commander of the Shuangyu Guard who was scheming with Japanese pirates..."

Xia Xun put down Erlang's legs, with piercing eyes, and said loudly, "My lord, I object!"

After saying this, Xia Xun stood up abruptly.

Next, he will create a third record for the court trial: the defendant himself, try his own case! .It’s the sixth day of the double monthly pass. Book friends, cast your monthly pass early, and you can only cast two votes within an hour. Before the double monthly pass ends, you only have two last chances left. Hurry up sooner rather than later. Now let’s There are tens of thousands of monthly tickets, but there is still a gap of more than 300 votes from the first, please support and catch up!

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