"Account book, this account book..."

Ren Jian's eyes were straightened, no matter how hard to imagine, a ledger can really speak, and can speak so many words.

Xia Xun was still talking, and said: "The handwriting is a little more rigid. Although it is intentionally enlarged to imitate Xu Hu's rough handwriting style, the traces of artificiality are still very heavy! Since Xu Hu himself also denied the existence of this account book, Then the presiding judge should ask Xu Hu to write a line, and find an expert to compare and identify it! Of course, some people may say, what if Xu Hu changed the style of writing on purpose.

It's not difficult, Mr. Ben Guo remembers that when Xu Hu was first recruited, he came to the Governor's Mansion of the Five Armies to report, signed and received a seal, and he left his handwriting here.I don’t know today’s events back then, but he didn’t know how to foretell and change his style of writing, no matter when he was signing and receiving seals in the Fifth Army Commander’s Mansion, or when he was writing the Laoshizi ledger on Shuangyu Island? "

In fact, the font of the account book was completely copied from Xu Hu's archived handwriting in the Five Armies Dudu's Mansion. The things recorded are all fictitious, indeed forged, and he can't tell the truth from the fake.But what does that matter, who will compare this truth with him?Is it the second prince Zhu Gaoxu, the imperial envoy Chen Ying, or the presiding judge Long Fei who has always been a display?

When the power is in the opponent's hands, the wronged person can't turn the sky if he has evidence.When the power is in your hands, even if it is true, you can call it false.Bing characters have two hands, official characters have two mouths, black and white are spoken by people.

"And this paper!"

Xia Xun picked up the account book again and held it high in his hand: "We know that there are only a few places in Daming that produce good paper. And the paper used for this account book is not good. The paper used for the account book is not good It's normal, because it's true that there is no need to use any good paper for this kind of ledger, but ordinary paper has regional characteristics.

Because most of the general paper comes from small local workshops, there is no need to buy it from other places.The local paper is made according to local conditions and local materials. Where there are many trees, trees are used to make paper, and where there are many bamboos, bamboo is used to make paper. In some places, mulberry is used, in some places, hemp is used, and in some places, straw is used. , The paper made is also different.Most of the ordinary paper used in the coastal areas of eastern Zhejiang is produced by the Li family in Ningbo, which is straw paper.And this kind of paper is green sandalwood rice paper, made of green sandalwood bark, green sandalwood paper has never been sold back in eastern Zhejiang..."

Holding the account book, Xia Xun walked slowly around the courtroom, and said slowly, "In my Jinling City, most of the papers used by officials, masters, and school offices are of this kind!"

Ren Jian seemed to have seen a ghost, his voice was trembling, and he said: "Ghost... what does this prove? Then Xu Hu also came to Jinling, maybe... maybe he bought a few knives of paper and brought them back to Shuangyu Island. Unknown!"

He really didn't know what the Fuguo Gong was doing, how could he even know this?How could he see so many things from one ledger?

Ren Jian is just a small lieutenant. Although he is Ji Wenhe's confidant, his knowledge is limited. He doesn't know all kinds of battles in the upper echelons, and he doesn't know who is instigating these things and what they are doing. He is only ordered to testify , but he knew that he did not get this account book until he arrived in the capital, and Fu Guogong's analysis was actually true nine out of eight times.

Xia Xun said: "There is also this ink. The ink is ink, not pine smoke ink. As far as I know, because the ink is smooth and shiny when writing, it is more beautiful, so most people in the capital use ink. There is only one place in the capital. , because there are many things to write, and the written things have no preservation value at all, and will be useless later, so the cheaper pine smoke ink must be used, that is... the copyists who specialize in copying the imperial palace newspapers at all levels of government !"

Xia Xun's words immediately caused another commotion in the courtroom. Xia Xun glanced slightly, looked at the faces of everyone with different expressions, and smiled calmly: "Of course, according to what the Taicang Wei Xiaoxiao said, I'm afraid Xu Hu bought it back when he came to the capital, so although it is suspicious, it still cannot be used as conclusive evidence. But..."

Xia Xun went to look through the account book again, Ren Jian was startled: "What did he see again?"

In fact, of course Xia Xun does not understand these professional knowledge, but he is an expert in the analysis of the authenticity of evidence, the angle and direction of identification, so as long as he points out the direction, someone will naturally investigate the specific information for him, Jiang Yi told him about all aspects of fonts, paper, ink, brush and inkstone.And these are just to disintegrate the will of the other party.

Disintegrate his will, disturb his mind, and truly strong evidence that can completely overthrow the vital evidence of the ledger will be produced.Xia Xun walked up to the presiding officer's case, put the account book on the table, and said, "Please take a look, my lord presiding officer. How long has this account book been recorded? When was the gift given to my country's father? There was an interval in between." How long will it take to look at the paper and ink on the front and back of the account book, inside and outside, will there be any changes?"

Long Fei looked left and right according to his prompt, but couldn't figure it out, so he couldn't help looking at Xia Xun as if asking for help.

Xia Xun said: "They falsified, but they also knew to make this account book old and rotten. It's a pity that they didn't notice some things. Even if they noticed, they didn't have that much ability to change them. That's the air. Humidity and the erosion of time! Shuangyu Island is an island suspended in the sea, the air is humid, especially, it will have a great impact on paper and ink.

Do you see the difference between the paper on the bottom two sides of this account book and the paper in the middle?What is the difference in color between the edges and the middle of the same sheet?What is the difference between the ink on the accounts of a few years ago and the accounts of today? "

Long Fei's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly: "I found out, there is no difference!"

Xia Xun snapped his fingers and said with a smile: "That's right! The paper will change to varying degrees due to the age and the infiltration of water vapor, and the ink marks on the accounts will also be infiltrated by water vapor. However, my lords, take a look at this account, inside and out, is there any difference in this aspect? No! Nothing is perjury! Perjury is filth!"

Xia Xun turned around slowly, and said indifferently: "Framed the first-class duke, the court ordered the official! Who would do this?"

Ren Jian was already powerless to refute. Xia Xun first challenged him one by one in terms of the origin of the paper, the use of ink, and the font, mobilizing his emotions to the most tense and high-spirited stage, and then suddenly delivered a fatal blow. It was too tight, and it was broken. At this moment, the consciousness was in a mess, and I couldn't think of how to quibble.

Ren Ren's face was pale, his eyes were full of despair, and there was only a roaring voice in his mind: "It's over, it's over, this time it's over!"

Zhu Gaoxu's eyes were slightly cold, he lowered his eyelids slightly, and pursed his eyes.The strong tea that has cooled down, the eyelids did not half lift for a long time.

Long Fei was dumbfounded: "So the case can still be tried like this? It turns out that some dead things that don't say anything can really tell so many secrets!" It was the first time he saw a case like this.Today, although he is only a small supporting role that looks like the main character, what he witnessed with his own eyes has greatly touched the officials of the judicial system. case, important case.


This case has been tried for more than an hour, Ji Xiaxun's one-man show alone, but which one of those seemingly leisurely princes and officials is not full of energy to deal with this lawsuit?I'm a little tired now.In addition, the lunch time is coming soon, and we must not allow everyone to go to trial on an empty stomach, so, logically, Xu Hu's case will be postponed until the afternoon.

As soon as this side retreated, the eldest prince Zhu Gaochi went into the palace excitedly, he was anxious to report the whole case trial to his father.Because of Xia Xun's special status, although Long Duanshi declared him innocent and released on the spot in accordance with the law, Zheng Ci and Xue Pin invited him to the second hall, where he drank tea and waited.With such a high title, his arrest was ordered by the emperor himself, but now even though he is declared innocent, it has to be ordered by the emperor himself.

As soon as Zhu Gaoxu left the court, he immediately rushed to the signing room where Qi State Duke Qiu Fu was acting as an agent for official duties.It is inappropriate for the emperor to protect Yang Xu's news, and it is inappropriate to send a message through a servant. Zhu Gaoxu has already taken the opportunity to meet Qiu Fu and told him about it.Although Qiu Fu knew that Yang Xu would never be punished by this, he still sent his eyes and ears to listen in. Zhu Gaoxu hadn't arrived yet, and he already knew the whole story.

In this way, when Zhu Gaoxu arrives, there is no need to talk back. The two discussed it, but they were at a loss. At this moment, they finally remembered the benefits of reading people. Make people find Chen Ying.Chen Ying and Ji Gang were waiting outside, and they did not participate in the "blame the blame" action. It was not until the incident that Zhu Gaoxu knew that Zhu Gaoxu wanted to use this case to attack the faction of the Highness and the vacillating Yang Xu.

Because this kind of matter is really important, if one less person knows about it, it will be more safe, so if they have to, even if they are their own confidants, they don't want more people to know. Right now, they really have nothing to do, so Chen Ying When they came in, Ji Gang had to wait outside without being summoned.When Chen Ying entered the room, Zhu Gaoxu told him the whole matter and asked for a solution.

When Chen Ying heard that the Flying Dragon Secret Spy had not been disbanded and incorporated into the Jinyiwei, but still existed independently, she couldn't help being secretly surprised, and also heard that it was the Second Highness and Qiu Fu who pushed the merits and found a substitute for the dead ghost, so she couldn't help but stamped her feet and said in pain: " Your Highness, Your Highness, you should discuss this matter with your minister first, why...how did you get into such a situation!"

Zhu Gaoxu said: "What can I do if I tell you in advance?"

Chen Yingdao: "If it is designed by the minister, it will not be so full of loopholes, not to mention watertight! Luo Yu's battle report only needs to be renamed, and there will be news from the ears and eyes in advance, then Xu Hu's entry into Guan Haiwei can be called a plan to lure him into the trap, Taicang Ji Wenhe of the guard knew the news in advance, and sent troops to Shuangyu Island, so he was invulnerable!"

Zhu Gaoxu was tongue-tied for a long while, and then regretted: "Wow, just change this one, and there will be no flaws. This guy Luo Yu has no intentions, only knows how to use force, and ruins the king's important affairs, such as entering"... Now What can I do? "

Although Chen Ying was annoyed, since he took refuge in Zhu Gaoxu, he has been full of bad things in order to help Zhu Gaoxu recruit courtiers, and he has done a lot of harm to him. Today, if Zhu Gaoxu falls, he will also be unlucky. The two are a pair The grasshopper on the rope, in desperation, had to cheer up and wipe his ass back.

What Chen Ying did was to punish people, and he didn't even need to think about this kind of thing because he was full of bad intentions. After thinking for a while, he said decisively: "Your Highness, this time is a huge flaw. Your Highness, if you want to cover up your identity, no one will dare to pursue it. But now that the emperor and His Highness are watching, even if His Highness is in charge, there is no way to evade it. As long as someone investigates, it will involve tens of millions of people There is absolutely no way to hide it."

A ruthless look flashed across Zhu Gaoxu's face, and he said: "Since this is the case, Ji Wenhe has no choice but to stay, otherwise this king will definitely set himself on fire, get rid of him, and push everything away from him."

Chen Ying smiled bitterly and said, "His Royal Highness, it is no longer Ji Wenhe's business. Even if Ji Wenhe can dispatch troops to capture Shuangyu without authorization, what about Guan Haiwei? That was arranged by Luo Yu."

Zhu Gaoxu looked at Chen Ying in surprise and said, "You...don't you want me to kill even Luo Yu? He is the commander of the Zhejiang Province, a senior officer, this..."..."

Qiu Fu looked at Chen Ying in surprise, and thought, "Damn it, he even killed a high official from the province? He really dares to say that this man is more ruthless than me, who has been in the army all his life!"

Chen Ying said calmly: "If there is no such thing as Ji Wenhe's dirty Yang Xu, then Ji Wenhe can be saved. Now, the two of them must die, unless His Highness is sure, they are willing to take full responsibility, ransack the family and exterminate the family, And don't give Duke Qi to come."

Zhu Gaoxu didn't even think about it, Ma shook his head, the nature of this case is too serious, if they just kill one of them, or maybe they can be persuaded, they are all dead anyway, it is better to earn a piece of property for the family, the crime of copying the family and exterminating the family, they How can the two be willing to bear it.

Zhu Gaoxu is also a master who dares to act and kill decisively, so he nodded fiercely and said: "Okay, then kill them both!"

Qiu Fu said worriedly: "Luo Yu and Ji Wenhe are the generals of the army. Their official positions are not low. Especially at this juncture, they are already key figures. Wouldn't it be suspicious if they died suddenly?"

Chen Ying said indifferently: "Duke Qi, so what if people are suspicious? The imperial court has its own laws, and the emperor can't be punished without teaching! Without evidence, who can do anything to me?"

"Besides..." He turned to Zhu Gaoxu again and said, "Your Highness, after Xu Hu and others were caught in the trick, the bandits on Shuangyu Island must hate Luo Yu, Ji Wenhe and others to the bone, so we just need to be clever and get Luo Yu out of the way." Transferred to Shuangyu Island, the right to inspect, and secretly asked the confidants to kill the two of them at night, so that the matter could be pushed to the people of Shuangyu Island, saying that they were revenge and assassinated at night. There is no proof of this death Who can find out what happened?"

After hearing this, Qiu Fu turned his worries into joy, and said repeatedly: "So, so, if you do this, it will work.

The Imperial Envoy is really His Highness's think tank, and Jia Xu, who is worse than that ghostly man, is no exception. My confidant Xiao Meng is in the east of Zhejiang Province, so I will send someone to inform him, and do it secretly! "

Zhu Gaoxu instructed worriedly: "It's not too late to go on a business trip this time, and we must send trusted people to the east of Zhejiang as soon as possible."

Qiu Fu said: "Don't worry, Your Highness, the old minister will save it."

"Wait a minute!"

Chen Ying's gaze suddenly turned gloomy, and he turned his head to the side like a vulture thinking for a moment, then slowly said: "It's not right, Yang Xu deliberately brought up this matter in the courtroom, is he to remind us? I'm afraid...he just wanted to let Let's confuse ourselves and show our flaws! Once these secrets fall into his hands, no matter whether they are oral or not,

Zhu Gaoxu suddenly realized, and said in surprise and anger: "What a Yang Xu! He was laughing and cursing in the courtroom, and he beat him with such an insidious idea!"

Chen Ying said with a sinister smile: "It's okay! No matter how good Yang Xu is, he has only spent a few years in the official court? Humph! He has Zhang Liang's plan, and I have a wall ladder! How can he fulfill his wish!"

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