That night, Ulan Bari did not show up at his residence. It was only during the meal that Aldusha noticed that Ulan Bari was not there. Sha was a little upset, and asked someone to ask the soldiers of the Ming army in front of the Yamen. The reply was that in the afternoon, Ulan Bari came back smelling of alcohol, and he went back to get some tools, and then left drunk. .

After Aldusha got the news, he didn't dare to ask again. Ulan was already young and strong, and he couldn't be older than him. Maybe he became sexual after drinking and went to a brothel to have a good time. If he really asked I understand, Xu and himself, the Prime Minister of the Timur Empire, have an ugly face.At that moment, he kept his mouth shut, and only felt ruthless in his heart, hoping to wait for that Ulan Bari to come back, so that he could teach him a lesson.

Although Ulan Bari was not there the next morning, but at noon, he still did not come back. Aldusha began to feel that something was wrong, so he rushed to meet Xia Qi immediately, explained the situation, and asked Xia Qi to help find him.Although Xia Qi fully promised, she immediately summoned the Dezhou Commander in front of him and ordered him to send someone to Dasuo Huicheng.

All of a sudden, brothels, restaurants and tile shops launched a massive search across the city. Aldusah was sitting angrily in the hall, and Xia Qi smiled and comforted him. Suddenly, an attendant of Aldusah came in and told him , The bookstore owner came to the door with a cart full of books.

Because Dezhou is a military camp, the only bookstore is also in a downturn, and there are few books. When they went to the bookstore to hang out, they didn't see any more satisfactory books here, which explained the general direction of choice. A batch of books were urgently dispatched from elsewhere, regardless of good or bad, they would definitely want them, and they also paid a deposit, as if they were delivered to their door.

Aldusha and Gaisuyeddin were not actually responsible for financial matters. When they rushed from Samarkand to Daming, they brought a lot of gold coins in addition to the gifts they brought to the Ming emperor. These gold coins were all in Jinling City They were exchanged into Daming treasure banknotes, all of which were the largest denomination banknotes, about seven or eight books thick when stacked, and they were all in charge of Ulan Bari.

Aldusha asked someone to go to Ulan Bari's residence to collect money and pay, and after a while the attendant came again in a hurry and whispered to him. Aldusha was startled, then got up and said to Xia Shi: "Ulan Bari's The whereabouts, I have to trouble the Duke to look for it on my behalf, I still have something to do with me, so I will take my leave."

After the interpreter finished speaking, Xia Shi stood up with a smile on her face and said, "Your Majesty Aldusha, just go and get busy. The man was lost on our ground. Don't worry, I will find it even if I dig three feet into the ground." !"

Aldusha gave Gesuyeddin a wink, and the two took their leave and hurried back to the courtyard where they lived.

"Master Aldusha, look!"

Immediately, a follower presented a letter with both hands, and said respectfully: "This villain found this under Ulan Bari's pillow when he was taking money!"

Aldusha snatched it "and took out the letter. The letter was in Ulan Bari's handwriting, fluent in Mongolian characters. Ulan Bari said in the letter that he went to the west at the beginning because he wanted to live in Timur University. Khan has made a lot of achievements under his command. Unexpectedly, when he came to the east this time, the prime ministers and generals around Khan were afraid of the military power of the Ming Dynasty and had no intention of going east. This made him very disappointed.

He left his homeland, his clan and relatives, but unexpectedly, he got such an ending. He refused to go back to the west. He wanted to go back to the northern grasslands and his clan.Finally, he also expressed his gratitude to Timur Khan for his care and favor, and asked Aldusha and Gaisuyeddin to extend his noble respect and cordial greetings to Timur Khan on his behalf.

Aldusha cursed: "This damn beast, I knew that these traitors who betrayed the Mongolian Khan and fled to our Khan are simply unreliable!"

The attendant said again: "Master Prime Minister, we didn't find a single coin in his room, all the money was taken away by him!"

Hearing this, Gaisuyeddin raised his voice and said, "This despicable beast! How shameless!"

The attendant said dryly: "Master Prime Minister, Lord General, that bookseller is still waiting at the gate of the yamen..."

Aldussar's cheek twitched, and he stroked his finger lightly. There was a ring on his finger. The ring was made of pure gold, wide and thick, shaped like a wrench, and on it was set a huge piece of gold. Large gemstones, green jade, crystal clear, priceless.

Trembling, Aldusah took off the ring from his finger, and said to the servant, "Go, give this ring to the merchant, and tell him to get out!"

Gaisuyeddin said furiously: "I'll go find Yang Xu and ask him to look north. We must catch that bastard back. I'll drag his bones behind the horse's ass and drag them all the way back to Samarkand!"


Aldusha let out a low snort, and said with uncertainty on his face: "Do you want Ming people to see our jokes? The envoys sent by the Tiemu'er Empire actually absconded with money. Once this news spreads, it is bound to become a joke." The laughing stock of the world, let our brave and invincible Khan be ashamed!"

After drinking Gesuyezi, Aldusha pondered for a while and said, "I'm going to see the Duke.

In the front hall, Xia Shizheng sternly reprimanded the commander of the Dezhou capital: "You are a military city here, but you can't find anyone if you want to find it? Come back, that would be a very disrespectful thing, I will impeach you to His Majesty the Emperor!"

"The Duke forgives the crime, the Duke forgives the crime, and we will be together at the end..."

As soon as the commander of Nadu said this, Chen Erdusha walked in from the outside and said to Xia Qi with a smile: "Ah! My dear Duke, the matter of Ulan Bari is really troublesome to you. Please don't continue to pursue the matter."

After Xia Qing listened to the interpreter's translation, he asked in astonishment, "What? Has the envoy of Ulan Bari returned?"

Aldusha's old face twitched again, forced a smile, and said, "We... have seen a letter left by Ulan Bari, and already know his whereabouts.


"It's like this, um... Ulan Bari was not originally from our Zemur Empire. His hometown is in the north of your Ming Dynasty. Because of some special reasons, he was exiled to the west and received by our Da Ming. This time, the reason why he was allowed to join the envoy was actually) because...he was familiar with the route to the East, but he was actually not the real envoy of our Tiemuer Empire, yes, that’s it, he was just A guide."


"Now, the road has been brought here, and it is very close to his hometown. He felt homesick and wanted to go back to visit his father, mother and brothers, but he was worried that we would not allow it, so he left a letter and quietly Left. Hahaha... In fact, if he wanted to leave, how could we not promise to leave without saying goodbye? Really, it made His Majesty the Duke busy with him. It's really rude, too rude... .”


Al Dushahin said happily: "It is admirable to have filial piety. If possible, who would not like to live in his hometown? I think... we should all realize his wishes. He just A guide, now that the mission has been completed, let him go back to his hometown."

In the barracks, a cell.

Ulan Bari lay straight on the bed, his body was covered with Songjiang cotton bandages, like a mummy, with only two eyes and one mouth exposed on his face, the nostrils were opened in two places with chopsticks. black hole.

The door opened, and a doctor in the army walked out slowly with a medicine box on his shoulders.

Afterwards, the door was closed again, and outside the door, two guards with knives walked slowly to the corridor, stretched their bodies, and bathed themselves in the dull sunlight.

One of the guards said: "This man dared to assassinate the Duke. He should have copied his nine clans. Those few are iron; all the envoys of Er Kingdom should not be let go. Why did the Duke only He locked it up secretly by himself, and asked someone to heal his wounds?"

Another guard lazily said: "What do you want, just do what you want and leave. It's the adults' business to use your brains. Can you guess it? Otherwise, why is he a prince? "

Hung, and, and, and, and bath, and, and, and, and, and, and, and,

Alduza and Gaisuyeddin have returned to Jinling. There was originally a stop in Beijing in the original itinerary, but the detailed itinerary was not fully disclosed to them in advance, so after the Texas military parade, this trip to Daming It's over.Aldusha and Gaisuyeddin also had no intention of visiting the city of Beijing again. Their purpose in coming to the East was to investigate the strength of Ming Dynasty. Now, they had obtained the result.

Fu Guogong Yang Xu did not accompany them back to Jinling. It is said that his hometown is in Qingzhou, and it is rare to come back. Ye Shi fully understands Xia Qi's "homesickness".

After returning to Jinling, Aldusha and Gaisuyeddin had made up their minds that they would never meet the Ming Dynasty again. In their view, maintaining a good relationship with this powerful empire in the east is the only way to achieve success. It is the most sensible choice for Timur Khan.

At the Golden Luan Hall, when Prime Minister Aldusha and General Gaisuyeddin saw Emperor Yongle again, they solemnly bowed and kowtowed, completely ignoring the previous reason that "there is no such custom in our country".In fact, although the country also kneels and salutes, but with their official positions, even if they meet Timur, they don't need to kneel and salute.

Aldusha not only bowed down, but also gave a detailed explanation of the gifts they presented to Ming, such as a steed they presented. The imperial mount used in wartime was presented to the Emperor of Ming Dynasty in order to express the noblest respect of their monarch to the Emperor of Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Di is actually not a poor and silent monarch. When he can use force to deter others, he doesn't want to start a war. Although sometimes it's just a good wish, at least he has worked hard for it.

After Zhu Di accepted the gift from the Timur Empire and replied to Timur Khan with a letter wishing the two countries to be friends forever, the two envoys were invited back to Honglu Temple, and Zhu Di happily returned to the temple. Behind Jinshen's palace, Shandong's chief envoy had already been waiting there, and as soon as he saw the emperor arrived, he immediately delivered a secret note that Xia Qi asked him to bring with him.

Zhu Di unfolded Xia Qi's secret performance and saw the content, and couldn't help laughing: As long as this Yang Xu is asked to do something, he always asks for people and power at the first time, and this time it's just like that.The courtier who dared to bargain with him, Zhu Di, looked at the entire Ming Dynasty, and there was only Yang Xu!

Mouth: It's Monday, book friends, hurry up, recommend tickets!There is also a monthly pass, is there any guaranteed monthly pass yet?Don't keep it until the end of the month, there are often book friends, let you talk about it, you have to keep it until the end of the month, or you forget to vote that day, and it rots in your hands.Either vote, at the very moment, the effect is far inferior to that at the beginning of last month, people hate the votes that have been generated at the beginning of the month and have to be voted at the end of the month.three

About a third of the time when Bu Bu Sheng Lian wrote "Jin Yi Ye Xing", he began to have hazy ideas, which were continuously perfected and formed in his mind.Now, I also have a hazy idea about the next book. The previous books, such as Hui Ming, Da Zheng, Step by Step, and Jin Yi were all displayed on the magnificent stage of emperors and generals. The next book, At present, it is planned to put the background of the era in the Tang Dynasty, and change the angle of character development, completely drop!If you have any ideas and suggestions, you can mention them more. You have a spark of wisdom, which is very helpful to me.I can create this book while perfecting the next one.

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