Jinyi Night Walk

Chapter 562 Kaiyuan

Liaodong Dongdu Division is subordinate to Shandong Capital Command and Envoy Division, which is equivalent to a large military region... The territory under its jurisdiction starts from Lushunkou in the south, Kaiyuan in the north, Yalu River in the east, and Shanhaiguan in the west. It is equivalent to most of the later Liaoning Province. Wangqing Xu, leading Songmo, controlling Haixi Jurchen, separating Menggu from North Korea, looking north at Nu'ergan, like a giant hand, protecting the Ming Dynasty's Dong'an.

This area was included in the territory of Ming Dynasty only when Pingzhang Liu Yi of Yuan Liaoyang Province surrendered to Ming Dynasty in the fourth year of Hongwu. Kaiyuan did not have 600 guards and Liaohai Guards. The organizational system is also unique in the entire Ming Dynasty.Moreover, the strength of these two guards is much larger than that of the ordinary guards. The ordinary guards have about [-] soldiers and horses, divided into five thousand households.

Thirty thousand guards led eight thousand households, and Liaohai guards nine thousand households.Each has a palm print commander, a management officer, a bureau commander, an experience officer, a town governor, a warehouse officer, a storehouse officer, a post officer, and a delivery office officer. Eight members of one thousand households are printed on the palm.It can be seen that the imperial court attached great importance to this place.

In fact, the garrison here is not only two guards, but also a guard of soldiers and horses, called Kaiyuan Zhongwei.Since Zhu Song was awarded the title of King Han, the imperial court has dispatched elites from the imperial guards to form the King Han Guard Army, and set up the Kaiyuan Central Guard in Kaiyuan, and built the King Han Mansion in Kaiyuan to welcome the King Han. Thinking it's poor here, and unable to come because of illness, the central guards had no choice but to wait here helplessly.

In addition, Kaiyuan has not yet opened the original military preparation road, and rectified the military preparations, mainly responsible for the military preparations of Kaiyuan City, Zhonggu City, Fanhe City, Yilu City, Puhe City, Qingyun Fort, Zhenxi Fort and other places.It can be said that there are many yamen, and they do not belong to each other. The situation in the army is very complicated.

In Kaiyuan City, Kaiyuan Central Guards and Kaiyuan soldiers were stationed. The yamen of [-] guards was set up in the southwest corner of Kaiyuan City, and an earthen city was built by itself. As the acropolis of Kaiyuan, the city is shaped like a special horn, guarding this small city that is actually not big, but has a very important military position.

When Xia Xun arrived in Kaiyuan, the military and government officials in Kaiyuan must come to greet him. There are more than 3000 households in Kaiyuan City and more than 1 people. Most of the Han people are military family members, and a small number are prisoners exiled on the border. , In addition, they belonged to the Jurchen and Meng ancients of the Ming Dynasty. Most of them did not live in the city, but they built villages nearby, which was convenient for nomads. However, they also went to the city for daily transactions, so this small town is still quite lively.

The military and political officials of Kaiyuan greeted them ten miles away. When they received Xia Xun, they greeted them in the city with drums and gongs. Outside the west gate of Kaiyuan City was Luocheng. The city is an earthen city about [-] feet long from north to south, and less than [-] feet long from east to west. It was the place where troops were stationed and prisoners were placed when the Liao Kingdom attacked the Bohai Kingdom. .

The whole city is built of adobe, the height of the city is three feet and five feet, and there are not four gates in the whole city: "Yanghe Gate" in the east, "Qingyun Gate" in the west, "Ying'en Gate" in the south, and "Anyuan Gate" in the north.There are no four turrets on the city wall, and the city wall is wide enough for carriages.There is no moat around the city, and a bell and drum tower is built in the center of the city.

The south gate of Luocheng, Ying'en Gate, is adjacent to the avenue. Above the gate of Tucheng, a dirt nest was formed by the wind and rain. A disheveled veteran of the city guard, wearing a torn sheepskin jacket, was lazily half-lying in the dirt nest. While basking in the sun, he rummaged through the lice in his clothes, found one, pinched it with his nails, threw it into his mouth, and chewed it.

"Grandpa is here! Hey! Look at the grandeur of that team! Tsk tsk tsk!"

"I heard that our Duke and the emperor married the daughter of General Xu Da. They are a pair of sisters. She and the emperor are brother-in-law."

"That's the royal family. The royal family members have also come to Kaiyuan City. In my whole life, I have never seen such a big official!"

"You haven't seen it yet, why don't you just take a look at the guard of honor from a distance?"

"Nonsense, isn't this considered to be seen? Do you have to get close to your eyes? We deserve it too! He is a noble person!"

The unkempt veteran raised his head, squeezed his eyes, and asked blankly, "Duke? Which duke is here?"

A garrison guarding the city said: "The Duke of the current court! Wantou, have you heard of it?"

The old soldier's cheeks twitched violently, and he murmured: "Mr. Fu..." Yang Xu? "

"Hush..." Wan Touer, keep your voice down, the name of the Duke is also something we can call directly?I heard that you used to be a scholar, why don't you know the rules? "

The veteran smiled miserably, buried his head, and continued to catch lice seriously. The soldier next to him was standing on the wall, pointing at the imperial army passing by in the distance, so excited that he didn't even lift his eyelids. .

This veteran's surname is Wan, and his name is Wan Shiyu. He is indeed a scholar, not only a scholar, but also the top Jinshi of Jiazi Division in Hongwu 23 years.Just because when Yang Xu was the governor of the five coastal provinces to suppress the Japanese, Yang Xu was impeached for abusing the cruel law and eliminating the good and the bad, resulting in a depression along the coast and poverty for the people.

Today, Wanzhifu is the guard of Luocheng and the gate official of the south gate, that is, the secretary of the Lianzhi and the boss of the south gate of Luocheng, Mou.

In today's situation, it is all thanks to the gift of the Fu Guogong. He has been in the ups and downs of his life, but in today's situation, he doesn't even bother to feel hatred.The status of each other was already extremely disparate, but now the difference is even greater. No matter how miserably a poor servant under the Lord of the Land, how could he hate the Emperor Yuhui and the Emperor Huida?


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When Xia Xun arrived in Kaiyuan City, he was warmly received by the generals of the Kaiyuan guards and Bing Beidao. Although the food and wine were not as detailed as those in the pass, the old hen stewed ginseng, flying dragon soup, Hericium erinaceus, and many wild game outside the pass. The pot has a nap, but it has a special flavor.

This time, Xia Xun did not forbid the generals to drink alcohol. Both the host and the guest feasted and drank, and parted away. The next day Xia Xun also took a late sleep. After dinner, I met with the local guards and military generals at the place temporarily designated as the Governor's Xingyuan, and inquired about the situation of Kaiyuan.

At noon, when the generals dispersed, Xia Xun had lunch with Shao Yunfeng, the imperial envoy of Liaodong Road who came with him. Shao Yunfeng reminded him a little nervously: "Your official understands that the minister came to the governor after receiving the imperial edict. The affairs of Liaodong are busy, so don't go shopping... Regarding the case of Shen Yong, it is the matter that the Liaodong guards are most concerned about, and it is also the matter that Kaiyuan soldiers and civilians are most concerned about. This matter should be concluded as soon as possible, so that the military law can be strictly enforced , to appease the local people, otherwise the Hui people will complain and complain, and it will be a serious disaster. You must know that the people outside the pass are not pious enough for naturalization.

It was Shaoyunfeng who impeached Shen Yong. Shaoyunfeng was different from Temur. Temur was the head of the clan, and he became a military officer with the power of the clan. Even if he had a quarrel with the chief of the capital, no one could touch him easily. But Shao Yunfeng is different. He is weak in Liaodong. Once Shen Yong makes a comeback, he will be under Shen Yong's hands. It is easy for Shen Yong to kill a person like him, and there are many methods. Seeing Xia Xun leisurely Leisurely, Shao Yunfeng is of course the most worried about Shen Yong's case.

Xia Xun understood his anxiety, so she smiled and gave him a reassurance: "Young envoy, don't worry. The governor told you the truth..."

Xia Xun said, his voice lowered a little, and he leaned towards Shaoyunfeng, because the two of them each occupied a small square table and ate separately, and the distance was relatively far.

Since the Shang and Zhou dynasties, Han people eat at separate tables, and husbands and wives are no exception.At the beginning of the Song Dynasty, the painting on "Han Xizai Banqueting Guests" was a table for one person. In the Ming Dynasty, there was a table for two people, and the food and wine were separated. If three or five friends have a light meal, there are four people at a square table. One table, and most of them are folk and pubs, but that is the limit. If there are more people at the same table, it is very rude.

It's just that many good habits of [Chinese] people are carried forward outside in the end, and they are discarded by themselves.In Europe, where food sharing is popular now, there was no food sharing in the past. French people used to drink soup. There used to be a table of people surrounded by a big basin. One person took a sip, put it back after drinking, and the next person picked it up and drank it. Big guy Children take turns to drink, not even a spoon.

At the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, the habit of sharing food gradually spread to Europe, so Europeans followed suit. After the Han people entered the Qing Dynasty, the composition of the upper class was mainly banner people, and the habit of releasing people along the grasslands was mainly practiced. Gradually, the food sharing system was forgotten by the Chinese.It was still the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, and Xia Xun was the Duke of the state, so the rules of eating were still strict, so it was natural to share the food.

Xia Xun approached Shaoyun Peak sideways, and said in a low voice: "Young Imperial Envoy An needs to worry, Shen Yong is already a doomed person!"

Shao Yunfeng was taken aback, and hurriedly asked: "What does the department mean?"

Xia Xun smiled and said: "It's not what I mean, but what the emperor meant! Shen Yong was unable to fight, and let the Tartars captive my border people and plunder my wealth. The emperor Long Yan was furious, and he had already issued a secret decree. Behead him and tell the Nine Sides that from now on, anyone who is afraid of the enemy and hides the enemy's feelings during the war will be punished according to the crime of Shen Yong, and beheaded! The governor is saving his life now, just to see if there are still people hiding under the muddy water. What are you wearing, understand?"

"Ah! Ah..." The lower official understood! "Shao Yunfeng was both surprised and delighted.

Xia Xun said with a smile: "In that case, let's eat with peace of mind. After a short rest, you and I will change into casual clothes and go for a walk around the city. Since the emperor sent me here, we can't just kill Shen Yong and go back to Jinling." .Liaodong is very important to my Ming Dynasty. The unrest here is enough to shake the foundation of my Ming Dynasty. Since the governor is here, I have to do something.

"Yes, yes, the officer understands!"

The young imperial envoy didn't know how to eat, but after hearing Xia Xun's words, he immediately felt relieved.

He is the imperial envoy of Liaodong Dao for observation. He inspects all officials, criminal names, money and valleys, public security, archives, schools, farming and mulberry, water conservancy, customs and hidden places.Now that he has let go of his worries, he has calmed down. Xia Xun asked any questions, and answered them carefully, without any signs of restlessness.

The two asked and answered, and the lunch was solid. @.

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