Jinyi Night Walk

Chapter 641 Fighting with Immortals

Your Excellency, you are here! "

As soon as he saw Zhao Zijin, Boss Wang Shangqing of Baiweilou rushed to greet him.This Baiweilou is a time-honored restaurant in Zhuozhou. It is said that it can be traced back to the Northern Song Dynasty. At that time, Qianjin Yixiaolou in Kaifeng opened a Baiweifang by the Bian River. Later, a branch was opened here, which is now Baiweilou. The predecessor of the building.

Zhao Tongpan said in a deep voice: "Well, I have a distinguished guest for a banquet today, go, and serve your best dishes in the same way."

It was the first time for Zhao Tongpan to receive such a big official, so he was a little nervous, but the shopkeeper Wang mistook his nervousness for his solemnity, so he didn't dare to say more at the moment, so he quickly agreed and backed away.Zhao Tongpan chased after him and warned: "Don't come in until you have been summoned!"

Zhao Tong sent Xia Xun into the private room and asked him to sit up. After listening to Xia Xun's order, he dared to sit down next to him. The decree, the other officers and so on, have nothing to do with our country. However, today outside the city of Zhuozhou, we saw a group of patrolmen fighting with Jin Yiwei. Come on, just to understand, don't be nervous."

Zhao Tongpan hurriedly leaned forward and said, "Yes, the Duke asked me, but the lower officials are naturally speechless. I don't know what the Duke wants to know?"

Xia Xun said: "Who are Yin Shenghui and Xiao Zujie, and why did they fight?"

Xia Xun pointed out the names of these two people directly, so that Zhao Tong could not figure out how much he knew, and did not dare to hide anything in words.He didn't think that just because of his status as the Duke of a country, he could make people know everything.It is not uncommon for the governor of a province, the commander of an army, or even the king of a country to be fooled by a servant who serves tea and water.

Zhao Tongpan's expression turned out to be more cautious, he leaned forward, and said after deliberation: "Duke Hui, this Xiao Zujie is from Nanhai, Guangdong. The procuratorate, serving as the imperial envoy. Yin Shenghui was originally an officer of the 22nd Guards, but now he is a member of the Jinyi Guards, and a member of the cadres under Lord Ji Gangji's command. He is highly appreciated by Lord Ji and often travels to various places on business!"

From Xia Xun's expression and tone, Zhao Tongjuan couldn't tell which side he cared more about, so he became more careful, and praised both sides, so don't rush to offend anyone.In this way, he seemed to be impartial, but in fact, his words were inevitably discounted.

This Xiao Zujie is indeed an official, especially good at judging suspicious cases.Many legendary stories about this man's handling of cases have been circulated all over the world. For example, one day, when he was inspecting the Xijiang Criminal Division, he passed by a place, and suddenly saw many flying gnats there. Because of his professional mouse training, Xiao Zujie immediately noticed the difference, and asked people to follow him. The flying cricket tracked and found a rotten corpse in the grass, with knife wounds on the corpse.

Xiao Zujie found a key and a wooden seal on the body of the deceased.And this seal was the common seal of the company at that time, Xiao Zujie speculated that the deceased was killed by robbers looking for money.After arriving at the office, he immediately sent someone to look for the same seal as this seal, and soon found the same mark on the cloth sold by a cloth merchant. After interrogation, it was indeed he who saw the money and killed the deceased.

Another time, in order to find evidence of a corrupt official, he pretended to be a foreigner and deliberately committed a crime.Although this Xiao Zujie is an official in Dali Temple, he lives a simple and honest life, so his official reputation is very good.But if it is judged fairly, then this Xiao Zujie is actually a cruel official just like Chen Ying.

Cruel officials and traitors cannot be equated. Many cruel officials are not afraid of the powerful, and they are dedicated to fighting against the powerful. Most of them have outstanding political achievements. Is he a traitor?They are called cruel officials because of three characteristics:

First: They like to use torture, and they like to use severe punishment; second, they like to "get rid of evil and do everything". Once the crime is in his hands, they will definitely punish you to death, and they like to implicate anyone. Anyone who is involved will run away No, once a case is committed in his hands, it must be done vigorously and known all over the world, just like a "movement"; the third is to be the first, to clean up the evil, to eliminate the good and the bad, and to sacrifice other aspects of development and benefits.

There is no shortage of cruel officials like this in any dynasty, especially during the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and Wu Zetian. To put it bluntly, they are a kind of political speculation. The mind, get career development and fame.But such a person can usually jump out of the sky at the beginning, and become a famous political star, but the final ending is often very tragic.

Xiao Zujie is a cruel official. He has outstanding political achievements, and he will be prosecuted for all crimes. He will not give anyone face when he is investigated, so he got the nickname of "cold face and cold iron".It is said that there is a child in the capital who can't stop crying, as long as you say to him, "Leng Mian Han Tie Gong is coming!", he will not dare to cry anymore, which has the miraculous effect of "stopping children from crying at night".

Because Zhu Di felt that he could handle cases, even big ones, and Chen Ying, who was in charge of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, could not leave the capital often, so he appointed Xiao Zujie as an inspector, to inspect Fujian, Xijiang, Beijing and other places, and picket the local departments. This official is also the patrol officer of the eight prefectures in folk jokes.

So how did he and Yin Shenghui get married?It turned out that Ji Gang sent Yin Shenghui to Xijiang to do business. He was domineering, did not follow the rules, and was suspected of accepting bribes. The local officials in Xijiang knew that Xiao Zujie was not afraid of the strong, and he liked to fight hard. It happened that he was in Zhejiang, so he sued him in front of him. Yin Shenghui looked like this.

Xiao Zujie is a person who doesn't rub the sand in his eyes. Hearing this, he immediately decided to arrest Yin Shenghui. However, based on the report of Zhejiang officials, he was afraid that Yin Shenghui would not be convicted. Xiao Zujie attended the banquet.This kind of case handling method is what is called "fishing" now. However, his secret bureau is really not confidential enough in the eyes of Jin Yiwei, who is good at spying on secrets. Yin Shenghui immediately knew the truth of the matter.

This Yin Shenghui had also heard of his reputation, and it would be nonsense to say that there was nothing wrong with his own behavior, so he couldn't help but feel a little guilty, so he avoided it.Xiao Zujie wasted no time and didn't catch him. Originally, this matter was over. Who would have thought: Enemy's road is narrow.The next stop of Xiao Zujie's patrol was Beizhili. As a result, Yin Shenghui was ordered by Ji Gang to handle the case and also went to Beizhili.

The two met in Zhuozhou City. Although the bureau set up last time was not used, Xiao Zujie thought that there was a good reason to arrest him first, so he wanted to arrest Yin Shenghui and bring him to justice.Yin Shenghui hid from him once, and felt that he was being benevolent and righteous. Seeing that he was relentless, he naturally refused to tie him up. In this way, the scene outside Zhuozhou City took place.

Zhao Tongpan didn't know such details, and he didn't dare to be biased when he said it, because the identity of Fuguo Gong Yang Xu was rather ambiguous, and he was very close to literati. There are also many acquaintances in Taiwan.But at the same time, he was born in Jinyiwei, and the two town governors of Jinyiwei Nanzhen and Beizhen were both his former ministries.

Zhao Tongpan didn't know which side Xia Xun was leaning towards, so he didn't dare to say anything unsightly about either side. The reason for this matter came from his mouth, as if Xiao Zujie and Yin Shenghui were both loyal to the emperor and diligent in state affairs. It's just that both of them are executives, one in the open and the other in the dark, and there are conflicts in some aspects, and this is the scene outside the city of Zhuozhou.

Xia Xun listened quietly, and gradually had a score in his heart. After he finished speaking, he asked, "Then, why did Yin Shenghui get out of prison again?"

Zhao Tongjuan was secretly taken aback. He didn't expect that the scene of Yin Shenghui leaving the prison was actually seen by Duke Fu. He immediately left his seat and confessed to Xia Xun: "Forgive me, Duke. It's very embarrassing! Xiao Xun pressed Yin Qianhu into prison and went to Beijing. When he came back, he went to Nanjing and impeached him to the emperor.

But Yin Qianhu's charges have not yet been determined, and he has been trapped in the Zhuozhou Prison for a long time. When Shangfeng asked to be held accountable, how would the lower officials explain it?Yin Qianhu kept saying that he had come to Zhuozhou to investigate a secret case under the secret order of Master Ji, if he was delayed because of this, how could the subordinate officials be punished?The lower official asked the Lord Zhizhou for instructions, and the Lord Zhizhou also meant to release Yin Qianhu. This case... still needs to be negotiated by Jin Yiwei and the Metropolitan Procuratorate. The temple in Zhuozhou is too small to withstand such a big storm! "

When gods fight, mortals suffer.Zhao Tongpan's face was aggrieved, Xia Xun said with a vain smile: "It's okay, it's okay, I told you before, I just came across this incident by chance, so I asked you to ask about it, and the matter of indulgent Yin Shenghui, my country's father will not pay attention to it. "

Xia Xun smiled, and his expression gradually became serious.

This matter should be considered in a fair way, Yin Shenghui's domineering, even corrupt, may be true.However, for military offenders, the Fifth Army Commander's Office has its own jurisdiction: Jinyiwei has more than 22 subordinates, and the internal department of the Jinyi Division is responsible for criminals, and even the Fifth Army Commander's Office has no control.Even if this privilege is put aside, in terms of position, Yin Shenghui is an official of the fifth rank with thousands of households. He shouldn't have arrested someone, but not only did he arrest him, but when the other party refused to be arrested, he also brazenly ordered the arrest and slaughtered a few of Jin Yiwei's followers. Think deeply, but not at all.The Metropolitan Procuratorate is Chen Ying's territory, and Jinyiwei is Ji Gang's territory. The people from the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the people from Jinyiwei fought so fiercely, could it be that the nail that the first prince buried next to the second prince, Ji Gang, had been leaked, and two times Already torn face, started fighting openly and secretly?At this point, he can't pay attention.

On the other hand, Ji Gang also aroused his vigilance. Once upon a time, Jin Yiwei would hide his head and show his tail when he came out of the capital, but now?Yin Shenghui has a thousand households, and he is so powerful in Xijiang, the officials of the Xijiang Third Division dared not sue him until Xiao Zujie, the patrol envoy, came.Zhuozhou Tongpan is Tongpan and Sikou's official, and the third division is considered a family, but Xiao Zujie was sent to the prison, Zhao Tongpan didn't even dare to keep him for a moment, and immediately sent him out again.

Has Ji Gang's hand reached out of Beijing...Cold, headache and rhinitis, I struggled with myself, and I still offered it at midnight, I blocked my nose and shouted: Friends, monthly pass!

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