Jinyi Night Walk

Chapter 646 Xia Xun Training Girls

Xia Xun let Dr. Su into the living room to take a seat, and offered him some tea as a token of appreciation.After a while, Su Ying took Xia Xun's lake silk shirt and went to the living room with a stick. Xia Xun took it and handed it to Dr. Su, asking him to change clothes behind the screen. Wash it when you come out, and if you can't wash it, you will pay him another word.

Seeing the courteous treatment of Mr. and Mrs. Su, Dr. Su calmed down for a while, and was bowed and bowed by Xia Xun to apologize. He couldn't keep his face cold, so he smiled wryly and said, "Forget it, I guess it's because the old man's knowledge is too boring. Qianqin is young, so she is playful. Well, since the Duke said so, the old man is reluctant, so I will teach you."

Xia Xun was overjoyed, and hurriedly gave Su Ying a wink. After a while, he personally sent Dr. Su out of the house. Dr. Su got into his donkey cart, and as soon as he got into the cart, he found a box next to him. When he reached out to touch it, it was heavy Yes, looking up and looking out of the car, Xia Xun already smiled and said: "Sir, go slowly, Yang must teach the little girl a lesson, and don't teach the gentleman to be teased by the little girl."

After seeing off Su Hanchen and sitting down in the revolving hall, Xia Xun lowered her face and asked, "Where are those two naughty girls?"

In fact, when he came back, he had already seen Siyang and Sixun standing at the entrance of the hall. He asked knowingly. When he heard his father ask this question, the two girls became even more frightened. Kneeling, Chuchu called out pitifully: "Daddy!"

Xia Xun said with a stern face: "Father, what the hell, I'm almost not mad at you!"

The two girls were afraid, and turned to look at their mother. Su Ying turned her head, and the two girls were even more frightened. Si Xun was younger, and her eyes were filled with tears because she was afraid, but she didn't dare to shed them.

Because Xia Xun came back from Liaodong, the two girls pretended to be married for a few days, but the nature of the children and the fact that the two of them lived on the island with their mother when they were young, came and went, and their temperament was even more wild, which made them pretend How difficult it seemed, Xia Xun went out today, and the stubbornness of the two of them broke out again. In the afternoon, the husband taught them a serious lesson, explained an article to them, and asked them to recite the whole text.

The old man was older and two students were reciting essays silently there. He sat bored, leaning on the desk with his elbows and resting his chin, so he dozed off unavoidably.When the two girls saw it, they immediately became interested, put down their books, picked up their pens, and quietly went around behind his back to draw pictures on him.When Mr. Su woke up, the two girls had already returned to their seats, reading "seriously" with their books.

Seeing how well-behaved these two students are now, the old gentleman felt very happy and worried, so he wanted to test how well they memorized.As a result, the servant girl in the mansion came in to refill the tea for the husband and saw the dazzling array of eyes on the husband's back, but the husband was still at a loss. Although the two young ladies kept winking at her and told her not to speak, she couldn't help it. Laugh, this time Su Hanchen discovered the strange place.

Dr. Su has taught all his life, and he has taught all kinds of students. Which of the students is not respectful to his husband?That's true, many of today's Jinshi Juren and local officials, when they were his students, did not take his ruler lessons less. Because Siyang and the two are little girls and the daughters of the Duke, he never After such a lesson, the old man would naturally be furious to be teased by them again and again.

Xia Xun asked what happened, pretending not to see Si Xun's tearful face, and said with a straight face: "Father, I heard that you have a bad temper, but it turned out to be true when I saw it today. I invited you to teach you to read. I hope You learn the principles of gentleness and be a gentle and virtuous daughter, what is the result? What article did the master teach today?"

Si Xun said timidly: "University."

Xia Xun said: "Recite the Anzhang that the master taught you to memorize for my father!"

Si Xun blinked his eyes, and said: "The way of great learning lies in Ming Mingde, being close to the people, and stopping at the ultimate good. After knowing the end, there is steadiness, and after steadiness, you can be calm, and then you can be peaceful, and then you can worry about it, and then you can worry about it." Get. Things have their origins and ends, and things have their beginnings and ends. Knowing the sequence of events is the shortest way. The ancients wanted to rule the country first, whoever wanted to rule the country, and whoever wanted to rule the country first, and whoever wanted to bring order to the family... ..."

Si Xun couldn't continue with her small mouth, Xia Xun snorted, and turned to Si Yang again: "You continue to recite!"

Si Yang's character is more stubborn, her temper is like her mother's, but the girl follows her father, and the eyebrows and outlines of the two girls follow her father's, they are very similar.After listening to his father's instructions, Si Yang pursed his lips, and continued to recite: "Those who want to reunify their families, first cultivate their bodies; those who want to cultivate their bodies, first rectify their hearts; those who want to rectify their hearts, first be sincere." Meaning: If you want to be sincere, you should first study things... No, you should first get your knowledge, and then study things, no, you should extend your knowledge to study things, and then..."

After that, Si Yang couldn't recite it anymore.

Xia Xun said: "I can't go on memorizing anymore? The master taught you knowledge, you are not good at learning, that's all, but you still have to tease the master, the master of heaven and earth, the master, the master also teased casually? Just reason with you two, It seems that you will not understand. Jeanna, take the family law!"

Si Yang kept silent with a sullen face, while Si Xun timidly begged for mercy: "Father, please forgive me, the child will not dare anymore..."

Xia Xun said in a deep voice, "Take the family law!"

Rangna had no choice but to leave in a hurry, and after a while she fetched a rattan that was as thick as a pinky finger, Xia Xun frowned and said: "How can such a thin rattan teach them to be enlightened, go, get a bigger one!

Rang Na glanced at Su Ying, but Su Ying didn't say a word, Rang Na bit her head and left. After a while, she took a stick, which looked like a cane and was as thick as an adult's thumb. She held it to Xia Xun with both hands. This time even Siyang couldn't help but feel timid when he saw her.Xia Xun didn't seem to be satisfied, he sat there like a golden horse, pretending to be authentic: "Too small, too small, take the biggest family law!"

At the side, Miss Qiaoyun saw that nothing was wrong, she had already rushed to the back house to rescue the soldiers, when she asked Na to go out, Xiaodi rolled her eyes, followed her out and whispered something to her, so Na understood, and dawdled outside After a long time, I guess it was too much to grind, so I brought back a long stick, as thick as a chicken's egg and seven feet long, made of hard birch, even a grown man would have to whip this stick. The bones are broken, let alone such two juicy little girls.

Although Su Ying was ruthless and wanted her husband to teach these two unsatisfactory girls a lesson, she couldn't help being shocked when she saw such a family law. She had a rough temperament, but she didn't see that Xia Xun intended to scare the children, but she thanked her He had noticed it a long time ago, so he whispered a few words with Ziqi, and then stood with his arms folded to watch the fun, not in a hurry at all.

Su Ying is the mother of the two daughters, so she couldn't help but rubbed against Xia Xun, gently tugged at his sleeve, and begged in a low voice: "Sir, calm down. How can a girl bear such a stick?" rise?"

Xia Xun knew that although her two daughters were young, they were clever. Since she wanted to pretend, she didn't dare to pretend that she wasn't at all. She still bluffed her face and said in a deep voice: "I don't want to teach you a lesson today. When you grow up, you are still so stubborn. Don't you harm our family style? No, I must teach them a lesson today. Give me the family law!"

Su Ying was in a hurry, she gritted her silver teeth secretly, and was about to kneel down in front of Xia Xun to intercede for the two daughters. At this moment, Qiao Yun hurried to invite the rescuers back.Ming'er was sitting on a swing in the back garden, watching the two little girls Siyu and Siqi playing in front of her, when she got a letter from Qiaoyun, she hurried over with her.Ming'er was already a little pregnant, Qiaoyun was afraid that she would trip, so she supported her with another maid from left to right, while the nurses behind were holding Siyu and Siqi, and the whole family gathered in the living room. We're here, let's see how busy it is.

"If the old gang wants to apply family law to them, then use family law on the concubine first!"

Before Ming'er entered the door, she sent it in with a word. Xia Xun glanced at Qiao Yun who was running beside Ming'er with a blushing face, and asked knowingly, "Ma'am, what are you doing?"

Ming'er entered the room and said to Xia Xun: "My daughter is naughty, teases the rabbit, and doesn't pay attention to learning. This is the fault of my concubine's lax discipline. If the master wants to punish them, then he should punish the concubine as well!"

Xia Xun quickly got up, helped her to sit down, and said, "Madam is pregnant, don't get angry. Am I willing to beat my own flesh and blood? But these two children are really naughty, how can we continue to indulge like this?" Thank you for covering your mouth and snickering. Seeing that the time is almost up, he stepped forward and said: "The lesson is right, but they are small people, how can they bear such a stick. For the sake of Madam, the master will forgive me this time." If they don't know how to repent in the future, they will be punished by the family law!"

Ziqi and Xiaodi hurriedly stepped forward to persuade them. After a group of people chattered for a long while, Xia Xun agreed "reluctantly". He stared at the two girls and shouted: "Forgive me today." Don’t be naughty, you must be determined! Hurry up and copy this article ten times, I’ll check it later!”

The education of the children is the responsibility of the head of the family in the mansion. The rules of the Yang family are not as strict as those of other families. Ming'er can't be too serious about these two little girls. The whole Yang family is theirs. My mother, I spanked their buttocks with my hands, so naturally it is impossible to use too much force, so the two girls are usually quite lawless, but now it seems that the mother is no longer effective, and even the aunt who is in charge of the family can't make the decision. All the aunts together She came forward and interceded for them again, so as to avoid the beating, I was really scared in my heart.

At that moment, the two girls kept saying in a bluff: "Thank you father, thank you aunt, thank you mother, thank you all aunts, we will definitely not dare in the future!"

After finishing speaking, she took a sneak peek at Xia Xun's face, saw him nodding with a sullen face, and then dared to get up and escape. Siyu and Siqi called in the nurse's arms, "Sister, take me to catch toads... ..."

How could the two young ladies dare to talk to each other, and they ran away without knowing where to go. Su Ying saw that even the wife in the house was alarmed, and the husband was willing to spare his daughter. His heart was sour, and he wanted to shed tears. The pouty Xia Xun smiled, stood up, shook off the moon shirt, and said triumphantly to Ming'er: "Ma'am, take a look at this shirt, look, it's all drawn by our daughter, why not?" Like? I think it's better than their Uncle Pi Chan's painting!".Today is my book friend Shaofan Yuexue, that is, two days ago, he refuted the North Korean envoy and specialized in helping people identify their ancestors. The adobe family of Beiping Prefecture, the new Liaodong Prime Minister’s House Yan Shen’s birthday, I wish Yan Shen counselor happy and happy day Also happy, every year has today, every year has today, and the sprinkling of flowers is not finished to be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation... @.

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