"Ouch! Grandpa, why are you here? If you have anything to do, you will let me know and come to your house to wait for instructions. How dare you work hard for the Duke. Hurry up, please sit down, please My lord, come here, serve tea to the Duke!"

Xie Jin gave instructions to the little eunuch who was waiting in the hall, and then warmly invited Xia Xun to take a seat. He sat down under him and asked with a smile: "The Duke has already taken care of the things the emperor entrusted to you." Eyebrows?"

Xia Xun said solemnly: ... Yes, after I went back, I thought about it all night, and I have sorted out some clues, so I will discuss it with the Grand Scholar.cough!This is how I think about collecting, organizing, editing, transcribing, printing..."

Xia Xunbalabala talked for a long time, and he didn't stop talking when the little eunuch brought the tea. Finally, he finished speaking, and then said: ... I have to make up a little more: the emperor did not recognize it during the four years of the Jianwen Dynasty. The four years of the dynasty have been changed from the 32nd to the 35th year of Hongwu. During this period, many things cannot be recorded in the history. This point must be paid special attention. The time of the source must be changed to say to Prince Yiwen, so as not to violate the emperor's taboo. "

Xie Jin was dumbfounded when he heard it, blinked his eyes after listening to Xian, and said blankly: "Duke finished talking?"

"It's over!" Jin Xiaopin sorted out

Xie Jin ate and said: "Is this what the Duke thought about it all night and took care of it?"

When Xia Xun said these words, he originally wanted to test whether Xie Jin's understanding of the holy will was as he thought. Seeing his appearance, he already had a score in his heart, so he smiled and said: ... Naturally, since the emperor I have made an order that this r Wenhua Baojian must be compiled, and I have to talk about some matters first. Of course, the leaders of the literary world, Mr. Fushen, have already compiled many classics. These aspects should be expected, but Yang Since the General Consul has this matter, I have to mention it. "

Xie Jin breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "I'll just say it, the Holy One, Hong'en, this is the East Palace. What a child, how could the Duke not understand? Then, what is the Duke planning to do about this matter?"

Xia Xun has fully understood at this time, what he thinks is indeed correct, it turned out that Zhu Di wanted to take the lead in inviting the crown prince to be appointed. Thinking about Zhu Cao's earnest glance in the palace yesterday, everyone in the room woke up. One person didn't understand, and couldn't help sweating secretly.

Xia Xun settled down, then followed Xie Jin's tone, and said along the way: ...There is no need to worry about this matter, and you can't hide it from others, and you don't need to hide it from others.It is already the trend of the husband to establish Prince Huo as the heir of the country. What we do is in line with the heart of heaven and the will of the people in the bottom.

I'm just curious. The previous emperor went on a tour to the north and supervised the country with his husband and prince. Isn't this an obvious signal to make Prince Huo the crown prince? Could it be that no one in the court proposed to establish a crown prince?Why do you still need the emperor to personally arrange it? "

Xie Jin sighed and said: ...Why not, but the second prince has indeed recruited a lot of civil and military ministers.Especially after you took over Liaodong, Duke Qi Qiu Fu left, but you also left, right? The advantage lost by the second prince has regained a lot, and he has recruited many talents , Chen Ying is amazing!How can some officials act without looking at the second prince's face when they are being pulled by their pigtails?

However, the Duke's business in Liaodong is not going to go wrong, and if something goes wrong with the Duke, it will definitely be unfavorable to Prince Huo's situation.Furthermore, the Duke's management of Liaodong is a matter of heaven for my Ming Dynasty. Even if you are willing to come back at this time, the Duke of the Kingdom, the Emperor is not willing. How can he be willing to waste his career because of him? "

Xia Xun nodded and understood a little bit: "So, the emperor gave the idea of ​​establishing a crown prince, and some officials followed the above intention to ask for a crown prince, but because of the strong opposition from the second prince, they put it down again. ?”

Xie Jin smiled bitterly and said: "They are not opposed to the establishment of the crown prince, but only against the prince Lifu. The emperor just made a northern tour, and there were rumors among the people that the emperor's northern tour would naturally be supervised by the husband and prince. The young sequence, called Prince Huo to supervise the country, blurred the emperor's intention to make Prince Huo the heir apparent, and counteracted the emperor's desire to make Prince Huo the heir apparent.

After the emperor came back, the second prince actually took the lead and ordered some officials to speak to the emperor, asking the emperor to discuss the establishment of a crown prince. The crown prince is naturally the second prince. We lost one first, and then fell into a passive position. The two sides argued hard and stalemate No matter what, the second prince took advantage of the fact that Jing was hard to come by, Duo Jue rescued His Majesty in distress, and the Emperor was moved, and also revealed that he was inferior..." Duo Jue went into the palace and cried out his grievances to the Emperor, crying until the Emperor softened his heart. And put it down again."

Xia Xun nodded, his face became serious.

Seeing him, Xie Jin quickly comforted him and said, "You don't have to be too enthusiastic, the Duke of the state. Now the emperor has asked the Duke of the State, the teacher of the state, and me, the chief assistant of the cabinet, to jointly propose a joint proposal. It depends on how we sing this play, if we propose it once and get confused by them again, the emperor's face will be really ugly." Xia Xun frowned and said: They all Which officials..." [... Slack

Xie Jin thought for a while, and then named some officials. Xia Xun heard that the positions of those officials were not low, and there were six books of the Shangshu, which were the first rank in the dynasty. Has the second prince's power developed so far?"

Xie Jin sighed: "No way, the husband and the prince are too cautious in doing things, and many methods are disdainful and can't be used. Even if we persuade His Highness to be a husband, he will not stick to the trivial matters. The second prince can recruit so many people. Incentives, others intimidation, who has been an official in the court for many years, who can do nothing, then Chen Ying is like a dog with a nose, he can smell any smell, and he has caught your handle. Afraid that you will not be used by the Second Prince?

These people are of great power and have their own party members. They are owned by the second prince, and their party members will naturally serve the second prince, so the second prince will naturally become more powerful.Originally, the second prince snatched Ji Gang back then, that was also the meaning. Fortunately, Ji Gang was inclined towards the emperor, otherwise, if he was a minion, the power of the second prince might be even more out of control now, and the emperor was already a little inclined If you care about him, I'm afraid that when the Duke comes back, you will be powerless.

Later, we did not do anything, we used the country, the country, and the future of Taiming, and we repeatedly told the prince about our interests, and the prince acquiesced in Ji Gang's way of dealing with him, but because of the hesitation of the eldest prince, it was too late for us to act , After all, the decline cannot be reversed all at once.And if you want to do these things, you can't hide it from the people on the side of the second prince. As a result... the second prince finally knows that Ji Gang is from the side of the prince husband. Both Ji Gang and Chen Ying are responsible for arresting all officials. Very powerful. "

It was only then that Xia Xun suddenly realized Fu Tian. In this way, the scene outside Zhuozhou city was probably the extension of the struggle between Chen Ying and Ji Gang, and behind Chen Ying and Ji Gang were the husband prince and the second prince. It's really a fight between gods and gods, and it's no wonder that local officials dare to intervene.

From this point of view, the situation was worse than he expected. Xia Xun couldn't help standing up and pacing back and forth in Wenyuan Pavilion. Seeing this, Xie Jin also stood up, his eyes following him. For a long while, Xia Xun Xun still refused to stop, Xie Jin couldn't help but said: [... Duke, Ji Gang has achieved some results now.You see, do you want him to step up the investigation by 20 degrees to win more official support for the emperor?

The Duke is back, and our reputation will be boosted. Taking this good opportunity, the Duke may as well entertain his colleagues in the court and China. Among the officials who were won over by the second prince, many of them originally had some friendship with the Duke. The face is hard to get rid of, as long as they come, with your prestige, the Duke of the country, you may be able to fight for some more, one will go up and the other will go up, and when we are very sure, then..."

Xia Xun stopped, thought over and over again, first shook his head, then nodded, pouted for a while, and said in a deep voice: "No, I still have to remonstrate immediately!"

Xie Jin was stunned, and lost his voice: [... right away?I am afraid that it will be too late for those who just inform and instruct us!In case the spider is lost..."

Xia Xun said: ... There is no chance, only success, no failure!If she loses again, I'm afraid that Heng's holy will will really be transferred to the second prince! "

He walked back to Xie Jinshenda, and said: [...Brother Fushen, think about it, what kind of momentum is more powerful than winning the brand of the Holy One?Right now, it is the meaning of the Holy Majesty to weave the arms of Wenhua Baojian. This is the most irresistible trend. If we delay for a long time, they will be mentally prepared and even run to the Emperor to cry. If you make a fuss, if you decide to move the emperor's heart, wouldn't you fall short?

Act now, maybe we don’t have time to ask the local officials sent by the emperor’s son to write a letter to agree, but similarly, they are also too late, I just returned to Beijing, and I haven’t seen any officials, so I wrote a letter immediately, it’s inevitable that it will be called People suspect that this is the emperor's order.Hehe, this was originally ordered by the emperor, but the emperor was a bit reserved, so we can't just say that it is the emperor's will, but as long as we do this, who wouldn't guess that it is the emperor's intention? "

Xie Jin nodded again and again, and said, "That's right, that's right. After hearing what the Duke said, Xie Jin's heart suddenly became clear."

Xia Xun said: "If you follow the steps and compete with them to win over, then the brand of holy will will be wasted. Since those officials have been picked up by others, how can they change sides because of my face? So, Instead of dispatching silk soldiers to fight against each other, it is better to stand out and kill him by surprise!"

Xie Jin cheered up and said: [...Okay, what shall we do? "

Xia Xun said: "I'm going to see Mr. Dao Yanfu right now, and brother Huo Shen, I will immediately release the news that the emperor ordered me and the three of us to compile warm texts and treasures for Prince Taiming. The news will spread quickly. , in the evening, everyone in Nanjing knows it.

If they want to discuss countermeasures, the soonest they have to do is tomorrow morning, hum!Tomorrow morning, the three of us will join hands to make a speech, please make a crown prince! "The eastern part of Liaodong is over, and the new volume begins. Guan Guan's main salary for the past few days lies in the connection, transition, and wiring. I ask for support, praise, evaluation, and everything I can ask for! The past few days are not in good health, but Lao Guan is dragging his sick body, whether it is in the update or in the conception, he has done his best. Now we are in the wind chime..." I have been chasing after him for several days, but it is still a hundred steps away.If you can catch up and overwhelm, that would be great.Guan Guan is not an explosive player, and he can't guarantee how many words he can burst out, so there is no such thing as asking for monthly tickets for five chapters and six chapters, or how many monthly tickets are exchanged for several chapters.

What Guanguan can guarantee is that it will be stable, long-term, and of the same quality. I will do my best, with a grateful heart, work hard, calmly, and cautiously, and express my dream of Tianjia through dreamy words. accomplish.I have been doing this all the time. Students who read the book will have the experience of whether Guan Guan has achieved it.Come, use your monthly pass to rate Guanguan.It's nearly the middle of the month, so let's catch up!Sincerely, ask for a monthly ticket!Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for a book review!Please be enthusiastic!Please... whatever you can give me, I want it all! .

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